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In a recent paper, Smallwood et al. (2010) conducted a study to compare their “novel” approach to conducting carcass removal trials with what they term the “conventional” approach and to evaluate the effects of the different methods on estimated avian fatality at a wind power facility in California. A quick glance at Table 3 that succinctly summarizes their results and provides estimated fatality rates and 80% confidence intervals calculated using the 2 methods reveals a surprising result. The confidence intervals of all of their estimates and most of the conventional estimates extend below 0. These results imply that wind turbines may have the capacity to create live birds. But a more likely interpretation is that a serious error occurred in the calculation of either the average fatality rate or its standard error or both. Further evaluation of their methods reveals that the scientific basis for concluding that “many estimates of scavenger removal rates prior to [their] study were likely biased low due to scavenger swamping” and “previously reported estimates of avian fatality rates … should be adjusted upwards” was not evident in their analysis and results. Their comparison to conventional approaches was not applicable, their statistical models were questionable, and the conclusions they drew were unsupported. © 2013 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   
Capillary gas chromatography indicated the presence of (Z)-7-dodecenyl alcohol and (Z)-7-dodecenyl acetate in the abdominal tip extracts of female Cornutiplusia circumflexa (L.) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae: Plusiinae) moths. Gas chromatography combined with mass spectrometry and dimethyl disulfide derivatization confirmed the structure of these two principal pheromone components. In a flight-tunnel bioassay, a 5:1 blend of alcohol and acetate elicited the complete courtship sequence by males. The response was comparable to that evoked by a live virgin female, but males spent significantly longer time at calling females than at the synthetic source. The 5:1 blend was also attractive to male C. circumflexa in the field, as indicated by catches in traps baited with this mixture. (Z)-7-dodecenyl alcohol alone was slightly attractive whereas (Z)-7-dodecenyl acetate alone was completely inactive. C. circumflexa is the first reported Plusiinae species which utilizes (Z)-7-dodecenyl alcohol as the major pheromone component.  相似文献   
The use of automatic acoustic recorders is becoming a principal method to survey birds in their natural habitats, as it is relatively noninvasive while still being informative. As with any other sound, birdsong degrades in amplitude, frequency, and temporal structure as it propagates to the recorder through the environment. Knowing how different birdsongs attenuate under different conditions is useful to, for example, develop protocols for deploying acoustic recorders and improve automated detection methods, an essential part of the research field that is becoming known as ecoacoustics. This article presents playback and recapture (record) experiments carried out under different environmental conditions using twenty bird calls from eleven New Zealand bird species in a native forest and an open area, answering five research questions: (1) How does birdsong attenuation differ between forest and open space? (2) What is the relationship between transmission height and birdsong attenuation? (3) How does frequency of birdsong impact the degradation of sound with distance? (4) Is birdsong attenuation different during the night compared to the day? and (5) what is the impact of wind on attenuation? Bird calls are complex sounds; therefore, we have chosen to use them rather than simple tones to ensure that this complexity is not missed in the analysis. The results demonstrate that birdsong transmission was significantly better in the forest than in the open site. During the night, the attenuation was at a minimum in both experimental sites. Transmission height affected the propagation of the songs of many species, particularly the flightless ones. The effect of wind was severe in the open site and attenuated lower frequencies. The reverberations due to reflective surfaces masked higher frequencies (8 kHz) in the forest even at moderate distances. The findings presented here can be applied to develop protocols for passive acoustic monitoring. Even though the attenuation can be generalized to frequency bands, the structure of the birdsong is also important. Selecting a reasonable sampling frequency avoids unnecessary data accumulation because higher frequencies attenuate more in the forest. Even at moderate distances, recorders capture significantly attenuated birdsong, and hence, automated analysis methods for field recordings need to be able to detect and recognize faint birdsong.  相似文献   
The effect of wind and rain on initiation of dispersal and subsequent distances moved by apterous Sitobion avenae was quantified in five laboratory experiments. Wind duration and type (steady and gusting), rain duration and intensity, and a combination of wind and rain were investigated. With increased duration of wind there was an increase in the average distance aphids moved. There was less movement when aphids were exposed to gentle gusting, than to steady wind or strong gusting. With increased duration of rain there was an increase in the proportion of aphids lost from plants. Under heavy rain, the proportion of aphids off the release plant, the distance moved by them and the proportion of aphids lost, was greater than for drizzle or light rain. When wind and rain were compared, rain had the greater impact on aphid dispersal. It was concluded that leaf disturbances caused by strong gusts of wind or large rain droplets are of considerable importance in the initiation of aphid dispersal, but that wetness alone is not.  相似文献   
The influence of outcrossing and pollination biology on the maintenance of hermaphroditism was studied for Schiedea lydgatei (Caryophyllaceae: Alsinoideae), a species endemic to Moloka`i in the Hawaiian Islands. Schiedea lydgatei is the only hermaphroditic species in an otherwise dimorphic clade and hermaphroditism is likely the result of a reversal from a gynodioecious ancestor. Both wind and native moths in the family Pyralidae are responsible for pollination in S. lydgatei. Outcrossing rates were generally high (0.80), especially in years when the greatest number of plants were flowering. The combination of high outcrossing rates and substantial inbreeding depression indicates that at present females would not be favored in the population. Pollination by both wind and insects is consistent with the hypothesis that hermaphroditism is the result of a relatively recent reversal, as the ancestor of S. lydgatei was probably wind pollinated and gynodioecious with few females in the populations. A shift from wind to predominately insect pollination on Moloka`i may have resulted in increased outcrossing rates and prevented the expression of high inbreeding depression among progeny of hermaphrodites, a condition that would select against females and favor a reversal to hermaphroditism. Because few females were likely to have been present in ancestral populations that colonized Moloka`i, founder effect is another potential explanation for loss of females. In either case, current high levels of outcrossing prevent re-establishment of females in populations of S. lydgatei.  相似文献   
Flight activity of Phorodon humuli was monitored using suction traps, laboratory studies and mark and recapture experiments. Emigrants were trapped as they flew from a Myrobalan (Prunus cerasifera) hedge and among dwarf hops (Humulus lupulus). Daily flight curves were bimodal with 69% and 38% of emigrants caught in the morning peak near Myrobalan and among hops, respectively. The median period of flight activity was from 2 h after sunrise until 30 min before sunset. The lower temperature for flight was 13.5°C in the field and 14.9°C for take off in the laboratory. Variations in wind speed had little effect on flight activity explaining <2.5% of the total variance among insect counts. The percentage of emigrants on hop declined exponentially with time. The relationship, y= 10.9(±2.0) + 64.3(±2.3) × 0.92(±0.01)t where t = daylight hours (standard error in parentheses), explained 98.3% of the variance. Hence, 62% of new arrivals flew within 1 day of arrival and 79% within 2 days. Similar numbers arrived as departed at 08:30, 10:30 and 12:30 h, but at 14:30 h twice as many arrived than departed and at 16:30 h, the accumulation was threefold. Daily flight curves of return migrants and males leaving hop were bimodal with 70% and 80%, respectively, trapped in the earlier peak. In the field, the median lower temperature for flight was 13.2°C for return migrants and a nonsignificantly different 12.8°C for males. The mean temperature for take off by return migrants was 15.7°C in the laboratory.  相似文献   
We analysed pappus characters in 31 of the c. 34 accepted Leontopodium spp. (edelweiss). Micromorphological pappus character states were useful for discriminating between individual species and intrageneric groups. The pappus differs in number, length, breadth, surface structure, colour and the tips of the bristles. Several features characterize single species, for example a unique fan‐like tip that is only found in L. franchetii. Leontopodium section Nobilia is supported by unusual pappus characters. Experimental evidence shows that the pappus of Leontopodium, previously thought to be caducous, is well suited for wind dispersal of the fruit. One clear trend is that species growing in sparsely vegetated, high‐altitude regions often have more numerous and longer pappus bristles, particularly on the female flowers.  相似文献   
Transitions between animal and wind pollination have occurred in many lineages and have been linked to various floral modifications, but these have seldom been assessed in a phylogenetic framework. In the dioecious genus Leucadendron (Proteaceae), transitions from insect to wind pollination have occurred at least four times. Using analyses that controlled for relatedness among Leucadendron species, we investigated how these transitions shaped the evolution of floral structural and signaling traits, including the degree of sexual dimorphism in these traits. Pollen grains of wind‐pollinated species were found to be smaller, more numerous, and dispersed more efficiently in wind than were those of insect‐pollinated species. Wind‐pollinated species also exhibited a reduction in spectral contrast between showy subtending leaves and background foliage, reduced volatile emissions, and a greater degree of sexual dimorphism in color and scent. Uniovulate flowers and inflorescence condensation are conserved ancestral features in Leucadendron and likely served as exaptations in shifts to wind pollination. These results offer insights into the key modifications of male and female floral traits involved in transitions between insect and wind pollination.  相似文献   
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