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The objective of this study was to investigate microbial species diversity and strain complexity of the cultivable non starter lactic acid bacteria (NSLAB) occurring in 31 ripened Parmigiano Reggiano (PR) cheeses. Dereplication of 127 lactobacilli isolates by (GTG)(5)-PCR fingerprinting yielded a total of 51 genotypes. Phylogenetic relatedness of all the genotypes with known Lactobacillus species was determined by a novel combined amplified 16S rDNA restriction analysis (16S-ARDRA), species-specific PCR assays and 16S rRNA gene sequencing. The species Lactobacillus rhamnosus and Lactobacillus paracasei comprise the largest portions of the cultivable NSLAB community in PR cheese, with an inter-individual diversity ranging from one to four dominant genotypes per sample. Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus harbinensis and Lactobacillus fermentum species were also detected at low frequency. The data showed differences in cultivable NSLAB population, with an overall decrease in diversity and complexity from early to advanced stages of ripening. Finally the de-replicated collection of genotypes resulting from this work is the bases for further functional screening.  相似文献   
doi: 10.1111/j.1741‐2358.2012.00619.x Relationship of serum and saliva calcium, phosphorus and alkaline phosphatase with dry mouth feeling in menopause Objectives: The aim of this study was to compare serum and saliva calcium, phosphorus and alkaline phosphatase of menopausal women with/without dry mouth (DM) feeling. Background: The composition of saliva in menopause women with/without DM feeling is different. Some of these differences are in hormones that are related to bone turnover. Methods: A case–control study was carried out on 60 selected menopausal women aged 45–79 years with or without DM feeling (30 as case, 30 as control), conducted at the Clinic of Oral Medicine, Tehran University of Medical Sciences. The phosphorus concentration was measured by photometrical measurement of the blue colour formed after the addition of ammonium molybdate and stannous chloride; calcium was measured by Arsenazo reaction; and alkaline phosphatase by the pNPP‐AMP method. Statistical analysis of Student’s t‐test was used. Results: The mean serum phosphorus and alkaline phosphatase, stimulated and unstimulated saliva calcium and alkaline phosphatase levels were significantly higher in the menopausal women suffering from DM. There were no significant differences between groups regarding saliva phosphorus and serum calcium concentration. Conclusion: Calcium, phosphorus and alkaline phosphatase appear associated with DM feeling in menopause.  相似文献   
报道并描述了滇川金沙江上游干旱河谷萝藦科一新变种——折叶白前(Cynanchum forrestii Schltr.var.conduplicatumJ.Wang&F.Du)。新变种与原变种的区别在于:叶常对折,卵状披针形,先端渐尖,花冠和副花冠紫红色,每花萼的萼片之间有2个较大的及2(~4)个较小的腺体,花粉块近球形。  相似文献   
The physiological mechanisms leading to Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) decline in the dry inner alpine valleys are still unknown. Testing the carbon starvation hypothesis, we analysed the seasonal course of mobile carbohydrate pools (NSC) of Scots pine growing at a xeric and a dry-mesic site within an inner alpine dry valley (750 m a.s.l., Tyrol, Austria) during 2009, which was characterised by exceptional soil dryness. Although, soil moisture content dropped to ca. 10% at both sites during the growing season, NSC concentrations rose in all tissues (branch, stem, root) until the end of July, except in needles, where maxima were reached around bud break. NSC concentrations were not significantly different in the analysed tissues at the xeric and the dry-mesic site. At the dry-mesic site, NSC concentrations in the aboveground tree biomass were significantly higher during the period of radial growth. An accumulation of NSC in roots at the end of July indicates a change in carbon allocation after an early cessation in aboveground growth, possibly due to elevated belowground carbon demand. In conclusion, our results revealed that extensive soil dryness during the growing season did not lead to carbon depletion. However, even though carbon reserves were not exhausted, sequestration of carbohydrate pools during drought periods might lead to deficits in carbon supply that weaken tree vigour and drive tree mortality.  相似文献   
Biodiversity loss is a global crisis, due primarily to habitat destruction and widespread nonnative invasions. Invasive grasses are particularly problematic in many tropical ecosystems, where they possess traits that promote their persistence and can drastically alter native plant communities. We explored the ecophysiological basis for restoring native Hawaiian dryland ecosystems currently dominated by the nonnative invasive grass Megathyrsus maximus (guinea grass) in a garden experiment. Three native species—Myoporum sandwicense (naio; canopy tree), Dodonaea viscosa (aalii; shrub), and Plumbago zeylanica (iliee; groundcover)—were grown with M. maximus at three levels of native functional diversity (one, two, or three species) while holding overall plant density constant. We tested which individual and functional combinations of native species were more productive and best suppressed M. maximus growth and reproduction. Megathyrsus maximus had 39–94% higher maximum photosynthetic rates (Amax) than native species and increasing native functional diversity did not affect M. maximus Amax. Aboveground, belowground, and total biomass of M. maximus varied with functional diversity, although intraspecific competition reduced growth as much as interspecific competition. Reproductive tiller production by M. maximus decreased significantly when planted with any of the native species and with increasing native functional diversity. These results indicate that high native functional diversity in an ecological restoration setting may aid in the control of a dominant invasive grass and the reintroduction of diverse native species. Recommendations for restoring degraded nonnative grasslands in Hawaii and throughout the tropics include selection of native species that are ecophysiologically competitive and have high functional diversity.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT The federally Endangered Florida Grasshopper Sparrow (FGSP, Ammodramus savannarum floridanus) is endemic to dry prairie habitat in central Florida and is currently only found at three public management areas (Avon Park Air Force Range, APAFR; Kissimmee Prairie Preserve State Park, KPPSP; and Three Lakes Wildlife Management Area, TLWMA). We analyzed long‐term (1991–2008) point‐count data to compare population trends of FGSPs at these management areas to determine if they function as independent populations by using Spearman's rank correlation to test for independence between annual trends. We also examined banding and resighting data to infer metapopulation structure. Populations fluctuated across years at all three sites, declining significantly at APAFR (rs=?0.89, P < 0.001, N= 13) and KPPSP (rs=?0.78, P= 0.004, N= 11) and remaining stable at TLWMA (rs= 0.19, P= 0.46, N= 17). Population trends among the three management areas appeared independent (absolute value of rs≤ 0.50, P≥ 0.12). Previous studies indicated that sparrows in the three areas were not genetically differentiated, and two cases of dispersal between APAFR and KPPSP have been documented. However, dispersal rates among areas appear to be too low to influence demographic dynamics within individual areas. Within APAFR, FGSPs are aggregated into three spatially distinct habitat patches previously considered separate populations, but dispersal among these patches is more frequent than previously reported and population trends among these patches are correlated (rs≥ 0.91, P < 0.001). These patterns suggest that a single metapopulation of FGSPs exists consisting of three distinct populations (APAFR, KPPSP, and TLWMA), and the spatially distinct aggregations at APAFR constitute a single population using several habitat patches. The population at APAFR is at risk of extirpation, and immediate action is needed if that population is to recover. Taking broader metapopulation dynamics into account will be useful for guiding management efforts aimed at conserving the FGSP in the broader central Florida landscape.  相似文献   

Background and Aims

Plant competition studies are restricted by the difficulty of quantifying root systems of competitors. Analyses are usually limited to above-ground traits. Here, a new approach to address this issue is reported.


Root system weights of competing plants can be estimated from: shoot weights of competitors; combined root weights of competitors; and slopes (scaling exponents, α) and intercepts (allometric coefficients, β) of ln-regressions of root weight on shoot weight of isolated plants. If competition induces no change in root : shoot growth, α and β values of competing and isolated plants will be equal. Measured combined root weight of competitors will equal that estimated allometrically from measured shoot weights of each competing plant. Combined root weights can be partitioned directly among competitors. If, as will be more usual, competition changes relative root and shoot growth, the competitors'' combined root weight will not equal that estimated allometrically and cannot be partitioned directly. However, if the isolated-plant α and β values are adjusted until the estimated combined root weight of competitors matches the measured combined root weight, the latter can be partitioned among competitors using their new α and β values. The approach is illustrated using two herbaceous species, Dactylis glomerata and Plantago lanceolata.

Key Results

Allometric modelling revealed a large and continuous increase in the root : shoot ratio by Dactylis, but not Plantago, during competition. This was associated with a superior whole-plant dry weight increase in Dactylis, which was ultimately 2·5-fold greater than that of Plantago. Whole-plant growth dominance of Dactylis over Plantago, as deduced from allometric modelling, occurred 14–24 d earlier than suggested by shoot data alone.


Given reasonable assumptions, allometric modelling can analyse competitive interactions in any species mixture, and overcomes a long-standing problem in studies of competition.  相似文献   
Tropical dry forest is the most widely distributed land-cover type in the tropics. As the rate of land-use/land-cover change from forest to pasture or agriculture accelerates worldwide, it is becoming increasingly important to quantify the ecosystem biomass and carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) pools of both intact forests and converted sites. In the central coastal region of México, we sampled total aboveground biomass (TAGB), and the N and C pools of two floodplain forests, three upland dry forests, and four pastures converted from dry forest. We also sampled belowground biomass and soil C and N pools in two sites of each land-cover type. The TAGB of floodplain forests was as high as 416 Mg ha–1, whereas the TAGB of the dry forest ranged from 94 to 126 Mg ha–1. The TAGB of pastures derived from dry forest ranged from 20 to 34 Mg ha–1. Dead wood (standing and downed combined) comprised 27%–29% of the TABG of dry forest but only about 10% in floodplain forest. Root biomass averaged 32.0 Mg ha–1 in floodplain forest, 17.1 Mg ha–1 in dry forest, and 5.8 Mg ha–1 in pasture. Although total root biomass was similar between sites within land-cover types, root distribution varied by depth and by size class. The highest proportion of root biomass occurred in the top 20 cm of soil in all sites. Total aboveground and root C pools, respectively, were 12 and 2.2 Mg ha–1 in pasture and reached 180 and 12.9 Mg ha–1 in floodplain forest. Total aboveground and root pools, respectively, were 149 and 47 kg ha–1 in pasture and reached 2623 and 264 kg ha–1 in floodplain forest. Soil organic C pools were greater in pastures than in dry forest, but soil N pools were similar when calculated for the same soil depths. Total ecosystem C pools were 306. The Mg ha–1 in floodplain forest, 141 Mg ha–1 in dry forest, and 124 Mg ha–1 in pasture. Soil C comprised 37%–90% of the total ecosystem C, whereas soil N comprised 85%–98% of the total. The N pools lack of a consistent decrease in soil pools caused by land-use change suggests that C and N losses result from the burning of aboveground biomass. We estimate that in México, dry forest landscapes store approximately 2.3 Pg C, which is about equal to the C stored by the evergreen forests of that country (approximately 2.4 Pg C). Potential C emissions to the atmosphere from the burning of biomass in the dry tropical landscapes of México may amount to 708 Tg C, as compared with 569 Tg C from evergreen forests.  相似文献   
研究意义浙江金华地处浙江中部,旱地面积有5.09×104ha,占耕地总面积的18%以上,棉花、大豆、甘薯等秋旱作物是该地区重要的经济作物,几年来,由于农村劳动力转移,中耕除草减少,草害问题日趋严重。化学除草是解决旱田草害的有效方法。但是,除草剂的长期...  相似文献   
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