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Background and AimsLeaf functional traits are strongly tied to growth strategies and ecological processes across species, but few efforts have linked intraspecific trait variation to performance across ontogenetic and environmental gradients. Plants are believed to shift towards more resource-conservative traits in stressful environments and as they age. However, uncertainty as to how intraspecific trait variation aligns with plant age and performance in the context of environmental variation may limit our ability to use traits to infer ecological processes at larger scales.MethodsWe measured leaf physiological and morphological traits, canopy volume and flowering effort for Artemisia californica (California sagebrush), a dominant shrub species in the coastal sage scrub community, under conditions of 50, 100 and 150 % ambient precipitation for 3 years.Key ResultsPlant age was a stronger driver of variation in traits and performance than water availability. Older plants demonstrated trait values consistent with a more conservative resource-use strategy, and trait values were less sensitive to drought. Several trait correlations were consistent across years and treatments; for example, plants with high photosynthetic rates tended to have high stomatal conductance, leaf nitrogen concentration and light-use efficiency. However, the trade-off between leaf construction and leaf nitrogen evident in older plants was absent for first-year plants. While few traits correlated with plant growth and flowering effort, we observed a positive correlation between leaf mass per area and performance in some groups of older plants.ConclusionsOverall, our results suggest that trait sensitivity to the environment is most visible during earlier stages of development, after which intraspecific trait variation and relationships may stabilize. While plant age plays a major role in intraspecific trait variation and sensitivity (and thus trait-based inferences), the direct influence of environment on growth and fecundity is just as critical to predicting plant performance in a changing environment.  相似文献   
马尾松是我国南方地区广泛分布的先锋造林树种。在全球变暖、气候干旱化和虫灾频发的趋势下,研究马尾松对环境干扰的生态弹性对森林管理有重要意义。本文对福建省仙游县百松村的马尾松古树进行树木年轮样品采集,建立区域首个马尾松树轮宽度标准年表(1865—2014年)。结果表明: 当年7—9月低相对湿度和5—9月极端高温是树木生长的主要限制因素。根据树轮极端窄年确定1869、1889、1986、1991和1993是极端事件年。时序叠加分析发现,极端事件发生前两年的持续低值加剧了极端事件的影响。干旱年份更容易引发虫灾。1889年是受虫灾影响最严重的年份,1986和1991年受到虫灾和干旱气候的双重影响,其余极端年主要受干旱气候的影响。树木对虫灾的抵抗力弱于对干旱事件的抵抗力;除1991年外,树木对虫灾的相对弹性力高于对干旱事件的相对弹性力。1889年的相对弹性力最高,1991年受到连续极端事件的影响,相对弹性力最低。2000年以来研究区干旱化趋势加强,马尾松古树遭受干旱和虫灾的干扰加强,部分树木死亡。  相似文献   
以辣椒品种“超辣九号”为试材,采用15%的PEG6000模拟干旱,研究了0.1μmol·L^-1外源24-表油菜素内酯(EBR)处理对干旱胁迫下辣椒叶片快速叶绿素荧光诱导动力学曲线(OJIP)的影响。结果表明:干旱胁迫降低了辣椒叶片的光化学效率和光合性能,导致干旱光抑制的发生。干旱胁迫既损伤了辣椒叶片PSⅡ供体侧放氧复合体(OEC),同时也对PSⅡ反应中心和受体侧造成伤害,阻碍了光合电子传递;干旱胁迫还导致单位叶面积有活性反应中心数目(RC/CS)的下降,并降低了单位叶面积吸收的光能(ABS/CS)、捕获的光能(TRo/CS)和进行电子传递的能量(ETo/CS),同时诱导了单位叶面积热耗散(DIo/CS)的增加。这说明辣椒遭受干旱胁迫后启动了相应的防御机制,一方面通过PSⅡ的可逆失活减少光能吸收与传递,另一方面通过促进热耗散减少过剩激发能的积累。EBR处理改善了干旱胁迫下辣椒叶片PSⅡ受体侧的电子传递,缓解了单位叶面积有活性反应中心数目的减少,优化了光合电子传递的进行,并维持相对较高的热耗散能力,从而减轻了干旱光抑制程度,对干旱胁迫下辣椒叶片光合机构和光合性能起到保护作用。  相似文献   
宋成军  孙锋 《生物多样性》2021,29(10):1348-16
随着全球气候变暖, 我国岷江上游干旱区面积呈现增加的趋势。花椒(Zanthoxylum bungeanum)是岷江上游重要的经济树种之一, 对当地经济和社会发展起着重要作用, 提高花椒生态系统应对干旱干扰已成为迫切的问题。本研究设置了花椒单作、花椒-苜蓿(Medicago sativa)间作和花椒-大豆(Glycine max)间作3种种植模式, 在2015年8月对每种种植模式模拟干旱30 d, 每种种植模式包括干旱和对照处理, 在模拟干旱结束后、恢复15 d、30 d和45 d后分别采集土壤样品, 分析土壤化学性质、土壤微生物和线虫群落, 以探究花椒林下豆科植物能否缓和干旱的遗留效应对土壤化学性质和土壤生物的影响。重复测量方差分析表明: 在花椒单作模式下, 干旱恢复45 d后土壤硝态氮含量显著高于对照, 微生物量和真菌/细菌比与对照无显著差异, 线虫密度与对照无显著差异, 但线虫功能团没有恢复到对照水平; 在花椒-苜蓿间作模式下, 干旱恢复45 d后土壤含水量、铵态氮、硝态氮、溶解性有机碳、溶解性有机氮、微生物量、真菌/细菌比、线虫密度和线虫功能团组成与对照无显著差异, 但植食性线虫属Boleodorus相对多度显著高于对照; 在花椒-大豆间作模式下, 干旱恢复45 d后土壤含水量、铵态氮、硝态氮、溶解性有机碳、溶解性有机氮、微生物量和真菌/细菌比与对照无显著差异, 但线虫密度和功能团组成与对照有显著差异。在3种花椒种植模式中, 花椒-苜蓿间作模式下干旱的遗留效应对土壤养分和生物的影响最小。因此, 在干旱背景下, 花椒林下间作豆科植物可以加快土壤养分、土壤微生物和线虫群落的恢复, 进而有利于目标作物生长。  相似文献   

Photosynthesis and photoprotective mechanisms were investigated in the field on Laurus nobilis L. and Quercus ilex L. leaves exposed to summer drought (July) and winter cold (February) conditions compared with no-stress conditions (May). In July, net photosynthetic rate (A) and stomatal conductance (g s) decreased significantly compared with May in both species; conversely the highest ETR/A ratio and no difference in non-photochemical quenching (NPQ) was observed. In February A, g s and ETR/A declined compared with May but the highest NPQ were found in both species. Our data suggest that during summer, an increase of photochemical alternative pathways to carbon reduction, were able to effectively protect the photosynthetic apparatus under drought. In winter, the thermal dissipation of excess absorbed light constitutes the main safety valve for the photosynthetic apparatus.  相似文献   

The Iberian Peninsula hosts six native pine species, which are distributed according to an altitudinal gradient from coastal to mountain areas, close to 1000 m a.s.l. Root hydraulic responses are the key factors of spatial segregation of trees in response to environmental factors such as temperature and water availability, and they will be a determinant of future population and species spatial dynamics in a changing climate scenario. Root hydraulic responses to soil water temperatures ranging from 30°C to 0°C were compared for young plants of these six aforementioned species. Hydraulic resistance (Rh) increased for all species in response to temperature decrease. Mountain pines showed higher Rh values than coastal pines at all temperatures, and showed a more prompt and marked hydraulic response when temperatures dropped down. Data point out that mountain pines display a clear mechanism to avoid cold embolism and secondary water stress, while coastal species have a limited responsiveness to temperature changes due to scarce hydraulic regulation. These differences in hydraulic behaviour support the spatial segregation between mountain and coastal pines in the Iberian Peninsula, and will be one of the factors at the basis of the future shifts of species and populations that will be associated to climate change.  相似文献   
The association between plant and plant growth promoting bacteria (PGPB) contributes to the successful thriving of plants in extreme environments featured by water shortage. We have recently shown that, with respect to the non-cultivated desert soil, the rhizosphere of pepper plants cultivated under desert farming hosts PGPB communities that are endowed with a large portfolio of PGP traits. Pepper plants exposed to bacterial isolates from plants cultivated under desert farming exhibited a higher tolerance to water shortage, compared with untreated control. This promotion was mediated by a larger root system (up to 40%), stimulated by the bacteria, that enhanced plant ability to uptake water from dry soil. We provide initial evidence that the nature of the interaction can have a limited level of specificity and that PGPB isolates may determine resistance to water stress in plants others than the one of the original isolation. It is apparent that, in relation to plant resistance to water stress, a feature of primary evolutionary importance for all plants, a cross-compatibility between PGPB and different plant models exists at least on a short-term.  相似文献   

Background and Aims

Several widespread tree species of temperate forests, such as species of the genus Quercus, produce recalcitrant (desiccation-sensitive) seeds. However, the ecological significance of seed desiccation sensitivity in temperate regions is largely unknown. Do seeds of such species suffer from drying during the period when they remain on the soil, between shedding in autumn and the return of conditions required for germination in spring?


To test this hypothesis, the Mediterranean holm oak (Quercus ilex) forest was used as a model system. The relationships between the climate in winter, the characteristics of microhabitats, acorn morphological traits, and the water status and viability of seeds after winter were then investigated in 42 woodlands sampled over the entire French distribution of the species.

Key Results

The percentages of germination and normal seedling development were tightly linked to the water content of seeds after the winter period, revealing that in situ desiccation is a major cause of mortality. The homogeneity of seed response to drying suggests that neither intraspecific genetic variation nor environmental conditions had a significant impact on the level of desiccation sensitivity of seeds. In contrast, the water and viability status of seeds at the time of collection were dramatically influenced by cumulative rainfall and maximum temperatures during winter. A significant effect of shade and of the type of soil cover was also evidenced.


The findings establish that seed desiccation sensitivity is a key functional trait which may influence the success of recruitment in temperate recalcitrant seed species. Considering that most models of climate change predict changes in rainfall and temperature in the Mediterranean basin, the present work could help foresee changes in the distribution of Q. ilex and other oak species, and hence plant community alterations.  相似文献   
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