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Excessive proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) is a critical element in the development of several vascular pathologies, particularly in atherosclerosis and in restenosis due to angioplasty. We have shown that butyrate, a powerful antiproliferative agent, a strong promoter of cell differentiation and an inducer of apoptosis inhibits VSMC proliferation at physiological concentrations with no cytotoxicity. In the present study, we have used cDNA array technology to unravel the molecular basis of the antiproliferative effect of butyrate on VSMCs. To assess the involvement of gene expression in butyrate-inhibited VSMC proliferation, proliferating VSMCs were exposed to 5 mmol/1 butyrate 1 through 5 days after plating. Expression profiles of 1,176 genes representing different functional classes in untreated control and butyrate treated VSMCs were compared. A total of 111 genes exhibiting moderate (2.0–5.0 fold to strong (> 5.0 fold) differential expression were identified. Analysis of these genes indicates that butyrate treatment mainly alters the expression of four different functional classes of genes, which include: 43 genes implicated in cell growth and differentiation, 13 genes related to stress response, 11 genes associated with vascular function and 8 genes normally present in neuronal cells. Examination of differentially expressed cell growth and differentiation related genes indicate that butyrate-inhibited VSMC proliferation appears to involve down-regulation of genes that encode several positive regulators of cell growth and up-regulation of some negative regulators of growth or differentiation inducers. Some of the down-regulated genes include proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), retinoblastoma susceptibility related protein p130 (pRb), cell division control protein 2 homolog (cdc2), cyclin B1, cell division control protein 20 homolog (p55cdc), high mobility group (HMG) 1 and 2 and several others. Whereas the up-regulated genes include cyclin D1, p21WAF1, p14INK4B/p15INK5B, Clusterin, inhibitor of DNA binding 1 (ID1) and others. On the other hand, butyrate-responsive stress-related genes include some of the members of heat shock protein (HSP), glutathione-s-transferase (GST), and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-PXs) and cytochrome P450 (CYP) families. Additionally, several genes related to vascular and neuronal function are also responsive to butyrate treatment. Although involvement of genes that encode stress response, vascular and neuronal functional proteins in cell proliferation is not clear, cDNA expression array data appear to suggest that they may play a role in the regulation of cell proliferation. However, cDNA expression profiles indicate that butyrate-inhibited VSMC proliferation involves combined action of a proportionally large number of both positive and negative regulators of growth, which ultimately causes growth arrest of VSMCs. Furthermore, these butyrate-induced differential gene expression changes are not only consistent with the antiproliferative effect of butyrate but are also in agreement with the roles that these gene products play in cell proliferation.  相似文献   
Proteins are the building blocks, effectors and signal mediators of cellular processes. A protein’s function, regulation and localization often depend on its interactions with other proteins. Here, we describe a protocol for the yeast protein-fragment complementation assay (PCA), a powerful method to detect direct and proximal associations between proteins in living cells. The interaction between two proteins, each fused to a dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) protein fragment, translates into growth of yeast strains in presence of the drug methotrexate (MTX). Differential fitness, resulting from different amounts of reconstituted DHFR enzyme, can be quantified on high-density colony arrays, allowing to differentiate interacting from non-interacting bait-prey pairs. The high-throughput protocol presented here is performed using a robotic platform that parallelizes mating of bait and prey strains carrying complementary DHFR-fragment fusion proteins and the survival assay on MTX. This protocol allows to systematically test for thousands of protein-protein interactions (PPIs) involving bait proteins of interest and offers several advantages over other PPI detection assays, including the study of proteins expressed from their endogenous promoters without the need for modifying protein localization and for the assembly of complex reporter constructs.  相似文献   
Several human worldwide diseases like obesity, type 2 diabetes, hepatic steatosis, atherosclerosis and other metabolic pathologies are related to the excessive accumulation of lipids in cells. Lipids accumulate in spherical cellular inclusions called lipid droplets (LDs) whose sizes range from fraction to one hundred of micrometers in adipocytes. It has been suggested that LDs can grow in size due to a fusion process by which a larger LD is obtained with spherical shape and volume equal to the sum of the progenitors’ ones. In this study, the size distribution of two populations of LDs was analyzed in immature and mature (5-days differentiated) 3T3-L1 adipocytes (first and second populations, respectively) after Oil Red O staining. A Monte Carlo simulation of interaction between LDs has been developed in order to quantify the size distribution and the number of fusion events needed to obtain the distribution of the second population size starting from the first one. Four models are presented here based on different kinds of interaction: a surface weighted interaction (R2 Model), a volume weighted interaction (R3 Model), a random interaction (Random model) and an interaction related to the place where the LDs are born (Nearest Model). The last two models mimic quite well the behavior found in the experimental data. This work represents a first step in developing numerical simulations of the LDs growth process. Due to the complex phenomena involving LDs (absorption, growth through additional neutral lipid deposition in existing droplets, de novo formation and catabolism) the study focuses on the fusion process. The results suggest that, to obtain the observed size distribution, a number of fusion events comparable with the number of LDs themselves is needed. Moreover the MC approach results a powerful tool for investigating the LDs growth process.  相似文献   
Carotenoid pigments accumulate in the retinas of many animals, including humans, where they play an important role in visual health and performance. Recently, birds have emerged as a model system for studying the mechanisms and functions of carotenoid accumulation in the retina. However, these studies have been limited to a small number of domesticated species, and the effects of dietary carotenoid access on retinal carotenoid accumulation have not been investigated in any wild animal species. The purpose of our studies was to examine how variation in dietary carotenoid types and levels affect retinal accumulation in house finches (Carpodacus mexicanus), a common and colorful North American songbird. We carried out three 8-week studies with wild-caught captive birds: (1) we tracked the rate of retinal carotenoid depletion, compared to other body tissues, on a very low-carotenoid diet, (2) we supplemented birds with two common dietary carotenoids (lutein + zeaxanthin) and measured the effect on retinal accumulation, and (3) we separately supplemented birds with high levels of zeaxanthin - an important dietary precursor for retinal carotenoids - or astaxanthin - a dominant retinal carotenoid not commonly found in the diet (i.e. a metabolic derivative). We found that carotenoids depleted slowly from the retina compared to other tissues, with a significant (∼50%) decline observed only after 8 weeks on a very low-carotenoid diet. Supplementation with lutein + zeaxanthin or zeaxanthin alone significantly increased only retinal galloxanthin and ε-carotene levels, while other carotenoid types in the retina remained unaffected. Concentrations of retinal astaxanthin were unaffected by direct dietary supplementation with astaxanthin. These results suggest highly specific mechanisms of retinal carotenoid metabolism and accumulation, as well as differential rates of turnover among retinal carotenoid types, all of which have important implications for visual health maintenance and interventions.  相似文献   
脂滴——细胞脂类代谢的细胞器   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
脂滴是细胞内中性脂贮存的主要场所,由极性单磷脂层包裹疏水核心组成。近年来的蛋白质组学研究表明,脂滴表面还存在着许多功能蛋白,进一步揭示了脂滴可能参与细胞内物质的代谢和转运,以及细胞信号传导等过程,是一个活动旺盛的多功能细胞器。实验结果还证明,脂滴不但是甘油三酯贮存和分解、花生四烯酸代谢和前列腺素合成的主要场所,脂滴还具有合成甘油三酯和磷酯的功能。由此可见,脂滴可能是细胞内参与脂类合成代谢的细胞器。  相似文献   
The elucidation of how individual components of the Sertoli cell junctional complexes form and are dismantled to allow not only individual cells but whole syncytia of germinal cells to migrate from the basal to the lumenal compartment of the seminiferous epithelium without causing a permeability leak in the blood-testis barrier is amongst the most enigmatic yet, challenging and timely questions in testicular physiology. The intriguing key event in this process is how the barrier modulates its permeability during the periods of formation and dismantling of individual Sertoli cell junctions. The purpose of this review is therefore to first provide a reliable account on the normal formation, maintenance and dismantling process of the Sertoli cells junctions, then to assess the influence of the expression of their individual proteins, of the cytoskeleton associated with the junctions, and of the lipid content in the seminiferous tubules on the regulation of the their permeability barrier function. To help focus on the formation and dismantling of the Sertoli cell junctions, several considerations are based on data gleaned not only from rodents but from seasonal breeders as well because these animal models are characterized by exhaustive periods of junction assembly during development and the onset of the seasonal re-initiation of spermatogenesis as well as by an extensive junction dismantling period at the beginning of testicular regression, something unavailable in normal physiological conditions in continual breeders. Thus, the modulation of the permeability barrier function of the Sertoli cell junctions is analyzed in the physiological context of the blood-epidydimis barrier and in particular of the blood-testis barrier rather than in the context of a detailed account of the molecular composition and signalisation pathways of cell junctions. Moreover, the considerations discussed in this review are based on measurements performed on seminiferous tubule-enriched fractions gleaned at regular time intervals during development and the annual reproductive cycle.  相似文献   
To establish accurate detection methods of process-specific Escherichia coli residual host cell protein (HCP) and residual host cell DNA (rcDNA) in recombinant biological preparations. Taking the purification process of GLP expressed by E. coli as a specific-process model, the HCP of empty E. coli was intercepted to immunize mice and rabbits. Using IgG from immunized rabbits as the coating antibody and mouse immune serum as the second sandwich antibody, a process-specific enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for E. coli HCP was established. Targeting the 16S gene of E. coli, ddPCR was used to obtain the absolute copies of rcDNA in samples. Non-process-specific commercial ELISA kit and the process-specific ELISA established in this study were used to detect the HCP in GLP preparation. About 62% of HCPs, which should be process-specific HCPs, could not be detected by the non-process-specific commercial ELISA kit. The sensitivity of established ELISA can reach 338 pg/mL. The rcDNA could be absolutely quantitated by ddPCR, for the copies of rcDNA in three multiple diluted samples showed a reduced gradient. While the copies of rcDNA in three multiple diluted samples could not be distinguished by the qPCR. Process-specific ELISA has high sensitivity in detecting process-specific E. coli HCP. The absolutely quantitative ddPCR has much higher accuracy than the relatively quantitative qPCR, it is a nucleic acid quantitative method that is expected to replace qPCR in the future.  相似文献   
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