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Summary The development of the sensory neurons of the legs of the blowfly,Phormia regina has been described from the third instar larva to the late pupa using immunohistochemical staining. The leg discs of the third instar larva contain 8 neurons of which 5 come to lie in the fifth tarsomere of the developing leg. Whereas 2 neurons persist at least to the late pupa, the other cells degenerate. The first neurons of gustatory sensilla arise in the fifth tarsomere at about 1.5 h after formation of the puparium. Most of these sensilla, however, appear within a short time period beginning at about 18 h. The femoral chordotonal sensory neurons first appear at the time of formation of the puparium, as a mass of cells situated in the distal femur. During later pupal development 2 groups of these cells come to lie at the femur-trochanter border, where they become the proximal femoral chordotonal organ of the adult; the remaining cells become the distal femoral chordotonal organ. Other scolopidial neurons appear later in development. The nerve pathways of the late pupal leg are established either by the axons of the cells that are present in the larval leg disc or by new outgrowing processes of sensory neurons. In the tibia, the initial direction of new outgrowth differs in different regions of the segment: proximal tibial neurons grow distally, while distal tibial neurons grow initially proximally.  相似文献   
Summary The nervus corporis cardiaci III (NCC III) of the locust Locust migratoria was investigated with intracellular and extracellular cobalt staining techniques in order to elucidate the morphology of neurons within the suboesophageal ganglion, which send axons into this nerve. Six neurons have many features in common with the dorsal, unpaired, median (DUM) neurons of thoracic and abdominal ganglia. Three other cells have cell bodies contralateral to their axons (contralateral neuron 1–3; CN 1–3). Two of these neurons (CN2 and CN3) appear to degenerate after imaginal ecdysis. CN3 innervates pharyngeal dilator muscles via its anterior axon in the NCC III, and a neck muscle via an additional posterior axon within the intersegmental nerve between the suboesophageal and prothoracic ganglia. A large cell with a ventral posterior cell body is located close to the sagittal plane of the ganglion (ventral, posterior, median neuron; VPMN). Staining of the NCC III towards the periphery reveals that the branching pattern of this nerve is extremely variable. It innervates the retrocerebral glandular complex, the antennal heart and pharyngeal dilator muscles, and has a connection to the frontal ganglion.Abbreviations AH antennal heart - AN antennal nerves - AO aorta - AV antennal vessel - CA corpus allatum - CC corpus cardiacum - CN1, CN2, CN3 contralateral neuron 1–3 - DIT dorsal intermediate tract - DMT dorsal median tract - DUM dorsal, unpaired, median - FC frontal connective - FG frontal ganglion - HG hypocerebral ganglion - LDT lateral dorsal tract - LMN, LSN labral motor and sensory nerves - LN+FC common root of labral nerves and frontal connective - LO lateral ocellus - MDT median dorsal tract - MDVR ventral root of mandibular nerve - MVT median ventral tract - NCA I, II nervus corporis allati I, II - NCC I, II, III nervus corporis cardiaci I, III - NR nervus recurrens - NTD nervus tegumentarius dorsalis - N8 nerve 8 of SOG - OE oesophagus - OEN oesophageal nerve - PH pharynx - SOG suboesophageal ganglion - T tentorium - TVN tritocerebral ventral nerve - VLT ventral lateral tract - VIT ventral intermediate tract - VMT ventral median tract - VPMN ventral, posterior, median neuron - 1–7 peripheral nerves of the SOG - 36, 37, 40–45 pharyngeal dilator muscles  相似文献   
Summary Immunohistochemical properties of the terminal nerve network in the rat heart were assessed by use of the elution-restaining method. The colocalization of the enzymes involved in catecholamine synthesis (tyrosine hydroxylase — TH, dopamine--hydroxylase — DBH) as well as the respective distributions of the neuropeptides associated with the adrenergic nervous system (neuropeptide tyrosine — NPY, C-terminal flanking peptide of neuropeptide Y — C-PON) were studied in series of serial sections throughout the interatrial septum and the atrioventricular junction. Our data suggest that ganglion cells of sulcus terminalis as well as the epicardial ganglia enclosed between the superior vena cava and ascending aorta are VIP- and TH-negative, but neuropeptide Y- and DBH-immunoreactive. They give rise to three intraseptal nerves directed towards the specialised structures of the atrioventricular junction. These nerve fascicles contain abundant, thick TH-immunoreactive nerve fibres and scarce, thin NPY- and DBH-immunoreactive fibres. The cell bodies of the intramural ganglion cells localized between the right and left branches of the bundle of His (Moravec and Moravec 1984) are strongly TH- and DBH-immunoreactive. They are innervated by thick nerve fibres having the same immunohistochemical properties (NPY- and DBH-immunoreactivities) as those of a subpopulation of the epicardial ganglion cells and seem to supply some of the TH-immunoreactive nerve fibres directed via the intraseptal nerves to the epicardial ganglia. The existence of a multicomponent nerve network, characterized by a reciprocal innervation of the sinus node and atrioventricular node areas, is suggested by our immunohistochemical data.  相似文献   
The enzymatic mechanism and the kinetic parameters of GABA-transaminase extracted from cultured mouse cerebral cortex neurons and astrocytes were studied. Neuronal as well as astrocytic GABA-transaminase obeyed a bi bi ping-pong reaction mechanism. The estimated Km-values for -ketoglutarate and GABA were significantly lower for astroglial GABA-transaminase compared to the neuronal enzyme suggesting a possible existence of cell specific isozymes of GABA-transaminase. The observed enzymatic mechanism and the magnitude of the estimated kinetic parameters imply that GABA-transaminase synthesized in the two types of cultured neural cells is mechanistically and kinetically equivalent to the enzyme synthesized in the brainin vivo.  相似文献   
Summary In the American cockroach, Periplaneta americana, and the Australian field cricket, Teleogryllus commodus, the two nerves supplying the bases of the cerci are joined by a branch that crosses behind the last abdominal ganglion. This commissural ring nerve is restricted to females, and it contains many axons filled with granular and agranular vesicles. The axons stem from somata located within the ganglion. There are one (Periplaneta) or two (Teleogryllus) groups of median neurons with bilaterally symmetrical bifurcations, and a group of postero-ventral neurons on each side. In T. commodus, these neurons are distinct from others associated with the cerci. In the two species, the ring nerve neurons contribute to a neuropile near the root of each cereal nerve. The bifurcating median neurons arborize on both sides before entering the ring nerve, while the postero-ventral ones branch more extensively ipsilateral to their somata. The possibilities are discussed that the bifurcating neurons may be homologous to dorsal unpaired median neurons, and that the ring nerve may be a neurohemal area.  相似文献   
Oxidative decarboxylation of [1-14C]pyruvate was studied in primary cultures of neurons and of astrocytes. The rate of this process, which is a measure of carbon flow into the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle and which is inhibited by its end product, acetyl CoA, was determined under conditions which would either elevate or reduce the components of the malate-aspartate shuttle (MAS). Addition of aspartate (1 mM) was found to stimulate pyruvate decarboxylation in astrocytes whereas addition of glutamate (or glutamine) had no effect. Since aspartate is a precursor for extramitochondrial malate, and thus intramitochondrial oxaloacetate, whereas glutamate and glutamine are not, this suggests that an increase in oxaloacetate level stimulates TCA cycle activity. Conversely, a reduction of the glutamate content by 3 mM ammonia, which might reduce exchange between glutamate and aspartate across the mitochondrial membrane, suppressed pyruvate decarboxylation. This effect was abolished by addition of glutamate or glutamine or exposure to methionine sulfoximine (MSO). These findings suggest that impairment of MAS activity by removal of MAS constituents decreases TCA cycle activity whereas replenishment of these compounds restores the activity of the TCA cycle. No corresponding effects were observed in neurons.  相似文献   
Several aspects of energy metabolism (glucose utilization, lactate production,14CO2 production from labeled glucose, glutamate or pyruvate, oxygen consumption and contents of ATP and phosphocreatine) were measured in cerebellar granule cells (glutamatergic) in primary cultures and compared with corresponding data for cerebral cortical neurons (mainly GABA-ergic) and astrocytes. Cerebellar granule cells and astrocytes were metabolically more active than cerebral cortical neurons. Glutamate which is utilized as a major metabolic fuel as astrocytes and, to a lesser extent, in cerebral cortical neurons, was virtually not oxidized in cerebellar granule cells.Special Issue dedicated to Prof. Holger Hydén.  相似文献   
Alzheimer's disease (AD) is associated with degenerative changes in nuclei of the basal forebrain which provide most of the cholinergic input to the cortex and hippocampus and with a reduction in presynaptic cholinergic parameters in these areas. Although the etiology and pathogenesis of AD are not known, several reports indicate the involvement of immunological mechanisms. In the present work we examined the existence of antibodies in sera of AD patients that bind specifically to cholinergic neurons. As antigens we employed the purely cholinergic electromotor neurons of the electric fish Torpedo which are chemically homogeneous and cross-react antigenically with human and other mammalian cholinergic neurons. Our findings show that immunoglobulins from sera of AD patients bind to a specific antigen (molecular mass 200 kilodaltons) in the cell bodies and axons of Torpedo electromotor neurons and that the levels of such antibodies are significantly higher in AD patients than in controls. The possible role of these antibodies in the cholinergic dysfunction in AD and their diagnostic potential are discussed.  相似文献   
It has been demonstrated that cultured cholinergic retinal neurons from 8-day-old chicken embryos respond to a polypeptide factor present in retinal cell-conditioned medium (RCM) and in retinal extracts. Compared with control cultures, the activity of acetyl-CoA:choline O-acetyltransferase (EC; ChAT) is enhanced more than twofold in neuronal retinal cultures grown for 7 days in the presence of RCM. The present study demonstrates that both ciliary neuronotrophic factor (CNTF), which is characterized by its trophic activity on parasympathetic ciliary neurons, and RCM exhibit identical stimulatory effects on ChAT activity in retinal monolayer cultures. Similarly, RCM supports the in vitro survival of ciliary neurons to the same extent as CNTF. The active species in RCM has a molecular weight (20,900 +/- 1,000) identical to that of CNTF, as determined by preparative sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis. The results indicate that cholinergic retinal neurons represent a central neuronal target for CNTF or a closely related protein.  相似文献   
The effects of maitotoxin (MTX) on endogenous amino acid release were tested on highly purified striatal neurons differentiated in primary culture. MTX induced a large and concentration-dependent release of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). This effect was abolished when experiments were performed in the absence of external Ca2+, and restored when Ca2+ ions were added after removing the MTX-containing Ca2+-free solution. MTX-induced amino acid release was not affected by 1 microM nifedipine and only slightly inhibited by 1 mM Co2+. MTX also induced a massive accumulation of 45Ca2+ in the neurons which, in contrast to the MTX-evoked GABA release, was totally blocked in the presence of 1 mM Co2+. Whereas 500 nM tetrodotoxin was without significant effect, MTX-evoked GABA release was dependent on the presence of external Na+ and sensitive to nipecotic acid, a GABA uptake inhibitor. It is concluded that, on striatal neurons, MTX induced Na+ influx only in the presence of external Ca2+. The increase in cytoplasmic Na+ ions then triggers the release of GABA.  相似文献   
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