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Plant invasions are an increasingly serious global concern, especially as the climate changes. Here, we explored how plant invasions differed between native‐ and novel exotic‐dominated grasslands with experimental addition of summer precipitation in Texas in 2009. Exotic species greened up earlier than natives by an average of 18 days. This was associated with a lower invasion rate early in the growing season compared to native communities. However, invasion rate did not differ significantly between native and exotic communities across all sampling times. The predictors of invasion rate differed between native and exotic communities, with invasion being negatively influenced by species richness in natives and by dominant species in exotics. Interestingly, plant invasions matched the bimodal pattern of precipitation in Temple, Texas, and did not respond to the pulse of precipitation during the summer. Our results suggest that we will need to take different approaches in understanding of invasion between native and exotic grasslands. Moreover, with anticipated increasing variability in precipitation under global climate change, plant invasions may be constrained in their response if the precipitation pulses fall outside the normal growing period of invaders.  相似文献   
1. Barriers to immigration, all else being equal, should in principle depress local abundance and reduce local species richness. These issues are particularly relevant to stream‐dwelling species when improperly designed road crossings act as barriers to migration with potential impacts on the viability of upstream populations. However, because abundance and richness are highly spatially and temporally heterogeneous and the relative importance of immigration on demography is uncertain, population‐ and community‐level effects can be difficult to detect. 2. In this study, we tested the effects of potential barriers to upstream movements on the local abundance and species richness of a diverse assemblage of resident stream fishes in the Monongahela National Forest, West Virginia, U.S.A. Fishes were sampled using simple standard techniques above‐ and below road crossings that were either likely or unlikely to be barriers to upstream fish movements (based on physical dimensions of the crossing). We predicted that abundance of resident fishes would be lower in the upstream sections of streams with predicted impassable barriers, that the strength of the effect would vary among species and that variable effects on abundance would translate into lower species richness. 3. Supporting these predictions, the statistical model that best accounted for variation in abundance and species richness included a significant interaction between location (upstream or downstream of crossing) and type (passable or impassable crossing). Stream sections located above predicated impassable culverts had fewer than half the number of species and less than half the total fish abundance, while stream sections above and below passable culverts had essentially equivalent richness and abundance. 4. Our results are consistent with the importance of immigration and population connectivity to local abundance and species richness of stream fishes. In turn, these results suggest that when measured at appropriate scales (multiple streams within catchments), with simple protocols amenable to use by management agencies, differences in local abundance and species richness may serve as indicators of the extent to which road crossings are barriers to fish movement and help determine whether road‐crossing improvements have restored connectivity to stream fish populations and communities.  相似文献   
龙健  冉海燕 《生态科学》2019,38(2):212-218
对贵阳花溪区麦坪乡煤矿废弃地进行了野外调查, 对该地优势植物和土壤进行了采样, 测定样品As、Cd、Cu、Hg、Pb和Zn的含量, 发现当地优势植物雀稗(Paspalum thunbergii Kunth ex Steud.)地上部分Cu含量达到1058.12 mg•kg-1, 转移系数2.89, 富集系数16.07。研究了雀稗在铜离子胁迫实验中的根系活力变化和叶绿素浓度变化, 雀稗根系活力随实验进行而逐渐降低, 铜离子浓度为500 µg•mL-1的实验进行到第四周时TTC还原量达到最低值; 叶绿素浓度随着铜离子浓度的增加而缓慢降低, 进一步确认当地土著植物雀稗对铜离子有一定的耐受性。  相似文献   
海州湾鱼类群落平均营养级和大型鱼类指数的变化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探究近年来海州湾鱼类群落的变化特征,本研究根据2011年及2013-2017年春季(5月)和秋季(9-10月)在海州湾及其邻近海域进行的渔业资源底拖网调查,分析了海州湾鱼类群落平均营养级(MTL)和大型鱼类指数(LFI),对海州湾鱼类群落结构特征进行研究.结果表明:海州湾的优势鱼种主要有大泷六线鱼、方氏云鳚、尖海龙、小黄鱼、长蛇鲻等,且优势鱼种季节性变化明显.海州湾鱼类群落的平均营养级存在明显的年际和季节变化,总体上秋季的MTL高于春季,而且秋季MTL变化具有滞后性.LFI计算结果表明,近年来海州湾及其邻近海域大个体鱼类资源量有所减少,鱼类群落结构呈现出明显的小型化趋势.  相似文献   
The compulsory dispute settlement regime included in the 1982 Law of the Sea Convention is recognized as one of the most comprehensive in a modern international convention. Yet, in the recent application of this regime, the question has arisen as to whether the procedural prerequisites associated with the LOS Convention's compulsory dispute settlement mechanism are so arduous as to avoid binding and compulsory jurisdiction in most instances. This article addresses that question by examining, in particular, the reasoning of the Southern Bluefin Tuna arbitration tribunal, which found Article 281 of Section 1 of the LOS Convention to bar jurisdiction to the compulsory dispute settlement mechanism prescribed by the Convention, and offers suggestions as to how states might distinguish or overcome the barriers imposed by the Southern Bluefin Tuna tribunal in future cases.  相似文献   
生物脱氮是由微生物主导的地球氮循环中的重要环节之一,主要包括硝化、反硝化和厌氧氨氧化(anaerobic ammonium oxidation,anammox)等过程。在微生物联合作用下,污水中的有机氮及氨氮经一系列作用转化为氮气,这种经济高效、环境友好的处理工艺在世界范围内得到广泛应用。群体感应(quorum sensing,QS)以信号分子为媒介通过改变菌群密度和周围环境变化来调节微生物的各种行为。大量的研究已证实调控QS信号分子在生物脱氮中具有应用潜力。本文介绍了各种信号分子类型,从基因组学、实际应用等方面综述了各类信号分子以及检测方法,同时针对酰基高丝氨酸内酯(acyl homoserine lactones,AHLs)类信号分子在生物脱氮中的作用进行详细介绍。然而不足之处在于信号分子研究只是停留在实验室阶段,仅仅研究了单一信号分子对生物脱氮的影响。未来可将信号分子应用于实际污水,研究多种信号分子共同作用以及多种微生物之间的QS现象。  相似文献   
阿尔泰山萨彦岭4种优势树种径向生长对气候因子的响应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
康剑  蒋少伟  黄建国 《生态学报》2020,40(17):6135-6146
气候变化深刻地影响森林树木的生长,而树种对气候变化敏感度的差异可能影响了气候变化下的森林生态系统响应。因此,研究优势树种间生长对气候变化的敏感度差异,对正确认识气候变化下林分生长动态及分布格局十分重要。基于树木年代学的方法,研究了阿尔泰山萨彦岭西伯利亚落叶松(Larix sibirica)、西伯利亚红松(Pinus sibirica)、西伯利亚冷杉(Abies sibirica)以及西伯利亚云杉(Picea obovata)4种优势树种的径向生长-气候关系。结果显示:(1)西伯利亚冷杉径向生长与上一年10-11月、当年1-9月的干旱指数、2-4月的降水显著正相关,与1月的平均温和最高温呈显著负相关关系,与当年4、6月份的水汽压正相关;(2)西伯利亚落叶松径向生长与上一年8月和当年8月的平均温、最高温以及当年8月的最低温显著负相关,而与当年6月的最低温则正相关,与8月份的水汽压显著负相关;(3)西伯利亚红松径向生长与3月降水、7月最低温、上一年10月的水汽压显著正相关;(4)西伯利亚云杉径向生长与6月平均温、最高温、水汽压正相关,与上一年10-11月、当年2-4月和9月的干旱指数正相关,同时与3、4月的降水量显著正相关。西伯利亚冷杉和西伯利亚云杉、西伯利亚云杉和西伯利亚落叶松、西伯利亚云杉和西伯利亚红松对于特定气候因子表现出相似的响应结果,与年表间相关性的结果一致。但差异也是明显的,西伯利亚冷杉和西伯利亚云杉对区域水分变化敏感,而西伯利亚落叶松和西伯利亚红松主要对区域温度变化敏感。综上所述,气候变化下,该区域优势树种对气候变化响应的差异可能导致区域林分动态和格局的改变,因此,多树种径向生长-气候关系研究有助于正确反映森林动态。研究结果可以为区域森林管理与生态保护工作提供理论依据。  相似文献   
Both the length of the growing season and the intensity of herbivory often vary along climatic gradients, which may result in divergent selection on plant phenology, and on resistance and tolerance to herbivory. In Sweden, the length of the growing season and the number of insect herbivore species feeding on the perennial herb Lythrum salicaria decrease from south to north. Previous common‐garden experiments have shown that northern L. salicaria populations develop aboveground shoots earlier in the summer and finish growth before southern populations do. We tested the hypotheses that resistance and tolerance to damage vary with latitude in L. salicaria and are positively related to the intensity of herbivory in natural populations. We quantified resistance and tolerance of populations sampled along a latitudinal gradient by scoring damage from natural herbivores and fitness in a common‐garden experiment in the field and by documenting oviposition and feeding preference by specialist leaf beetles in a glasshouse experiment. Plant resistance decreased with latitude of origin, whereas plant tolerance increased. Oviposition and feeding preference in the glasshouse and leaf damage in the common‐garden experiment were negatively related to damage in the source populations. The latitudinal variation in resistance was thus consistent with reduced selection from herbivores towards the northern range margin of L. salicaria. Variation in tolerance may be related to differences in the timing of damage in relation to the seasonal pattern of plant growth, as northern genotypes have developed further than southern have when herbivores emerge in early summer.  相似文献   
In September 1987 the shallow, eutrophic, Lake Mosvatn was treated with rotenone to eliminate planktivorous fish (mainly whitefish,Coregonus lavaretus, L.), and the effects were studied. The first summer after treatment the zooplankton community changed markedly from rotifer dominance and few grazers, to a community with few rotifers and many grazers. Accordingly there was a fivefold increase in the biomass ofDaphnia galeata. Adult females ofD. galeata approximately doubled in weight. The decrease in rotifer biomass was probably mainly due to a loss of food by competition with the daphnids. The phytoplankton community was also markedly affected. Prior to treatment Secchi depth was 1.7 m and Chl-a 23μg l−1 in the summer. After treatment there was an increase in the proportion of small and gelatinous algae and the mean chlorophyll concentration fell to 7μg Chl-a l−1. Secchi depth increased to>2.3 m (bottom-sight most of the season). After the treatment there were also fewer cyanobacterial blooms. This seems to be related to oligotrophication caused indirectly by increased grazing by the zooplankton. Total nutrient concentrations were affected. Prior to treatment the mean summer concentration of total phosphate was 44μg P l−1. This decreased to 29μg P l−1 in the first summer and 23μg P l−1 the second summer after the treatment. Total nitrogen decreased from 0.68 mg N l−1 before treatment to 0.32 mg N l−1 the first summer after the treatment. The phosphate loading was not reduced, therefor it can be concluded that the fish removal provided a biomanipulation which caused the more oligotrophic conditions.  相似文献   
To analyze the pathologic processes of amyloid deposition in type I familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy (FAP), mice were made transgenic by introducing the human mutant transthyretin (TTR) gene(MT-hMet 30). An inbred strain of mouse, C57 BL/6, was chosen. Transgenic mice were killed using ether anesthesia at 3-mo intervals up to 24 mo after birth. In these transgenic mice, amyloid deposition started in the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, and kidneys and extended to various other organs and tissues with advancing age. The pattern of amyloid deposition was similar to that observed in human autopsy cases of FAP, except for its absence in the choroid plexus and in the peripheral and autonomic nervous systems. We extracted the amyloid fibrils from kidneys of these mice with a human mutant TTR gene and analyzed them immunochemically and electronmicroscopically. Deposited amyloid was shown to be composed of human mutant TTR and mouse serum amyloid P component. Amyloid fibril from transgenic mice was morphologically and immunohistochemically similar to that of human FAP. The most striking pathologic feature of the transgenic mice was the absence of amyloid deposition in the peripheral and autonomic nervous tissues. Thus, other intrinsic factors may be involved in amyloid deposition in the nervous tissues of human FAP.  相似文献   
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