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Aim  To demonstrate that incorporating the bioclimatic range of possible contributor plants leads to improved accuracy in interpreting the palaeoclimatic record of taxonomically complex pollen types.
Location  North Tropical Africa.
Methods  The geographical ranges of selected African plants were extracted from the literature and geo-referenced. These plant ranges were compared with the pollen percentages obtained from a network of surface sediments. Climate-response surfaces were graphed for each pollen taxon and each corresponding plant species.
Results  Several patterns can be identified, including taxa for which the pollen and plant distributions coincide, and others where the range limits diverge. Some pollen types display a reduced climate range compared with that of the corresponding plant species, due to low pollen production and/or dispersal. For other taxa, corresponding to high pollen producers such as pioneer taxa, pollen types display a larger climatic envelope than that of the corresponding plants. The number of species contained in a pollen taxon is an important factor, as the botanical species included in a taxon may have different geographical and climate distributions.
Main conclusions  The comparison between pollen and plant distributions is an essential step towards more precise vegetation and climate reconstructions in Africa, as it identifies taxa that have a high correspondence between pollen and plant distribution patterns. Our method is a useful tool to reassess biome reconstructions in Africa and to characterize accurately the vegetation and climate conditions at a regional scale, from pollen data.  相似文献   
1. Salix lapponum host plants at an upper altitudinal site differed significantly in size, structural density, phenology, growth performance, and spatial isolation from those growing at a lower site. 2. Plant differences were paralleled by significant differences in psyllid population density and phenology parameters, with psyllid population density, percentage of catkins occupied, and phenological development relatively lower or retarded at the upper site. Population densities at the upper site, nevertheless, remained high. 3. Plant measurements were good predictors of insect density, often explaining up to 73% of the variance in abundance among plants at a given site. 4. Sets of four plant characters identified by best subsets regression were better predictors of psyllid density and development than single factors, although differences were often not great and the combinations of characters selected by multiple regression sometimes differed from the best single predictors. 5. Best single predictors of psyllid density on catkins were measurements of plant size, particularly height, length, and basal stem diameter. Shoot density and catkin phenology were occasionally important but plant isolation and prior growth performance were less important. 6. By contrast with density, age structure of the psyllid population was predicted best from plant phenological measurements, notably catkin phenology.  相似文献   
Aim Central America is a biogeographically interesting area because of its location between the rich and very different biota of North and South America. We aim to assess phytogeographical patterns in the bryophyte floras of oak forests and páramo of the Cordillera de Talamanca, Costa Rica. Location Tropical America, in particular the montane area of Cordillera de Talamanca, Costa Rica. Methods The analysis is based on a new critical inventory of the montane bryophyte flora of Cordillera de Talamanca. All species were assigned to phytogeographical elements on the basis of their currently known distribution. Absolute and percentage similarities were employed to evaluate floristic affinities. Results A total of 401 species [191 hepatics (liverworts), one hornwort, 209 mosses] are recorded; of these, 251 species (128 hepatics, one hornwort, 122 mosses) occur in oak forests. Ninety‐three per cent of all oak forest species are tropical in distribution, the remaining 7% are temperate (4%) and cosmopolitan (3%) species. The neotropical element includes almost 74% of the species, the wide tropical element (pantropical, amphi‐atlantic, amphi‐pacific) only 19%. A significant part of the neotropical species from oak forests are species with tropical Andean‐centred ranges (27%). As compared with bryophyte species, vascular plant genera in the study region are represented by fewer neotropical, more temperate and more amphi‐pacific taxa. Bryophyte floras of different microhabitats within the oak forest and epiphytic bryophyte floras on Quercus copeyensis in primary, early secondary and late secondary oak forest show a similar phytogeographical make‐up to the total oak forest bryophyte flora. Comparison of oak forest and páramo reveals a greater affinity of the páramo bryophyte flora to temperate regions and the great importance of the páramo element in páramo. Surprisingly, oak forests have more Central American endemics than páramo. Main conclusions (1) Providing first insights into the phytogeographical patterns of the bryophyte flora of oak forests and páramo, we are able to confirm general phytogeographical trends recorded from vascular plant genera of the study area although the latter were more rich in temperate taxa. (2) Andean‐centred species are a conspicuous element in the bryophyte flora of Cordillera de Talamanca, reflecting the close historical connection between the montane bryophyte floras of Costa Rica and South America. (3) High percentages of Central American endemics in the bryophyte flora of the oak forests suggest the importance of climatic changes associated with Pleistocene glaciations for allopatric speciation.  相似文献   
This paper presents the Bayes estimators of the Poisson distribution function based on complete and truncated data under a natural conjugate prior. Laplace transform of the incomplete gamma function and the Gauss hypergeometric function have been employed in order to overcome the intractability of the integrals. Numerical examples from biosciences are given to illustrate the results. A Monte Carlo study has been carried out to compare Bayes estimators under complete data with the corresponding maximum liklihood estimators.  相似文献   
A particle-induced X-ray emission (PIXE) analysis method is presented, which allows measurement of eight elements (i.e., K, Ca, Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn, Se, and Rb) in human brain samples of only a few mg dry weight. The precision and accuracy of the method were investigated by analyzing animal brain matter with both PIXE and instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA). The method was applied to measure the 8 elements in 46 different regions of 3 human brains. The sections analyzed originated from either the left or the right cerebral hemisphere, brain stem, and cerebellum. For one of the brains, sections were also analyzed from 26 corresponding regions of both hemispheres. For all elements, similar concentrations were found in the corresponding areas of the left and right sides of the brain. The concentrations (in μg/g dry weight) of the elements K, Fe, Cu, Zn, Se, and Rb were consistently higher in cortical structures than in white matter. Deep nuclei and brain stem, which have a mixed composition, showed intermediate values for K, Zn, Se, and Rb. A hierarchical cluster analysis indicated that the various brain regions clustered into two large groups, one comprising gray and mixed matter regions and the other, white and mixed matter brain areas.  相似文献   
The fate of15N labeled nitrogen applied to mature citrus trees   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary The efficiency and balance of nitrogen from one year's application was studied in a long-term fertigation experiment. Enriched nitrogen fertilizer, K15NO3, was applied to a 22-year-old Shamouti orange tree with a history of high N applications (N3) and to an N-starved tree (N1). The distribution of N in the different parts of the trees and in the soil was determined after the experimental trees were excavated. Similar total recovery of the labeled fertilizer N was found in the trees and soil in both treatments (N1−61.7% N3−56%). However, the distribution between tree and soil was different. The amount of recovered residual fertilizer in the soil was much larger in the N3 treatment than in N1. The highest percentage of fertilizer N was found in the new organs,i.e. fruits, twigs and leaves. The roots and branches took up only 6–14% from the labeled fertilizer. Only 20.9% of the leaf N and 23.4% of the fruit N in the N3 tree originated in the labeled fertilizer, indicating translocation of N from older parts of the tree to new growth. Evidence was found of storage of N in the wooded branches, while the roots contained a surprisingly small part of labeled fertilizer. Contribution 1599E.  相似文献   
H. Lehn  M. Bopp 《Plant and Soil》1987,101(1):9-14
Five plant species were cultivated on a soil from the Neckar alluvial fan near Heidelberg (FRG) polluted by the emissions of a cement plant. Thallium, cadmium and lead concentrations in seedlings and mature plants were determined by atomic absorption analysis. AdditionallyBrassica napus L.napus was grown on soils containing 5 different concentrations of heavy metals, achieved by mixing two similar soils, from the same area but with different metal concentrations. Thallium and cadmium were shown to be taken up by roots whilst lead which was also absorbed, was deposited mainly on the plant surface. However during cultivation in the winter months, a remarkable deposit of lead via the roots was found. Thallium in the soil from a anthrorogen source was more available to plants than thallium of geological origin. During the lifetime of a plant concentrations of thallium and cadmium were always highest in the seedling. The decrease in metal concentration with maturity depended on the plant species and the element, but was not a function of the metal concentration in the soil.  相似文献   
Initial (Fo), maximum (Fm) and steady-state (Fs) levels of modulated chlorophyll fluorescence were measured in intact avocado leaves (Persea americana Mill.) during state 1-state 2 transitions using a combination of modulated and non-modulated lights with synchronized detection. Under normal temperature conditions (20°C), transition from state 2 to state 1 was associated with a substantial increase (about 20%) in Fm and Fo whereas the Fm/Fo ratio remained constant, reflecting increased absorption cross-section of PS II. On the contrary, at moderately elevated temperature (35°C), these fluorescence changes were very limited, indicating marked inhibition of the state regulation. The fraction of light distributed to PS II () was calculated from the Fo, Fm and Fs levels for both types of leaves. In control leaves, varied from 48% (in state 2) to values as high as 58% (in state 1). In contrast, mild heat treatment resulted in values close to 50% in both states, indicating the inability of heated leaves to reach extreme state 1. The results suggested that avocado leaves under moderately elevated temperature conditions are blocked in a state close to state 2. This effect was shown to occur in a non-injurious temperature range (as shown by the preservation of the (photoacoustically monitored) oxygen evolution activity) and to be rapidly reversed upon lowering of the temperature. Thermally induced development of state 2 (independent on the light spectral quality) could possibly be a protective mechanism to avoid photodamage of the heat-labile PS II by high light intensities which usually accompany heat stress in the field.  相似文献   
To examine how surface Potential controls the reactivity of glycoconjugates at cell surface, the interaction of galactose-sPecific lectinse.g. peanut agglutinin,Ricinus cummunis agglutinin with liPosomes bearing asialo GM1 were studied in the Presence of varying amount of ganglioside mixture, GMn. The Presence of 5% GMn causes comPlete slowing down of PreciPitin reaction and thereby make carbohydrate moiety of asialo GM1 comPletely inaccessiblei.e. ‘cryPtic’. In contrast the Presence of 1–2% GMn enhances the aPParent rate and amPlitude of the PreciPitin reaction as surface Potential becomes more negative. The relevance of the findings has been discussed in relation to the exPression and involvement of the cell-surface sialic acid residues during develoPment and differentiation.  相似文献   
Ten species of Lepadella Bory de St. Vincent, 1826, including one new species and one new form, are documented from North-Eastern India. Two of these species are new records from this country and six are new reports from N.E. region. Comments are also made on the status and distribution of various Indian taxa.  相似文献   
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