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As a leading university in engineering education in China, Tsinghua University implemented industrial ecology (IE) education in the 1990s. This article describes the evolution of IE education at Tsinghua. Tsinghua mainstreams IE education into green education and engineering education not only by establishing independent courses of IE for both undergraduate and graduate students, but also by incorporating IE principles and knowledge modules into an increasing number of courses. During 2002–2015, a total of 1,023 undergraduates from 33 schools and departments participated in an IE course. To cope with the diversity of participants, four knowledge modules were customized for an undergraduate course: concepts and history; methods and tools; topics and applications; and policy and perspectives. Meanwhile, an interdisciplinary teaching method was adopted by inviting experts from diverse disciplines and organizing group discussions. Though the course has received strong positive feedback, four challenges still remain in IE education: defining the knowledge boundary, presenting an integrated view, utilizing an interdisciplinary methodology, and cultivating a class culture.  相似文献   
Genetic divergence between populations is shaped by a combination of drift, migration, and selection, yielding patterns of isolation‐by‐distance (IBD) and isolation‐by‐environment (IBE). Unfortunately, IBD and IBE may be confounded when comparing divergence across habitat boundaries. For instance, parapatric lake and stream threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) may have diverged due to selection against migrants (IBE), or mere spatial separation (IBD). To quantitatively partition the strength of IBE and IBD, we used recently developed population genetic software (BEDASSLE) to analyze partial genomic data from three lake‐stream clines on Vancouver Island. We find support for IBD within each of three outlet streams (unlike prior studies of lake‐stream stickleback). In addition, we find evidence for IBE (controlling for geographic distance): the genetic effect of habitat is equivalent to geographic separation of ~1.9 km of IBD. Remarkably, of our three lake‐stream pairs, IBE is strongest where migration between habitats is easiest. Such microgeographic genetic divergence would require exceptionally strong divergent selection, which multiple experiments have failed to detect. Instead, we propose that nonrandom dispersal (e.g., habitat choice) contributes to IBE. Supporting this conclusion, we show that the few migrants between habitats are a nonrandom subset of the phenotype distribution of the source population.  相似文献   
If animals are independently detected during surveys, many methods exist for estimating animal abundance despite detection probabilities <1. Common estimators include double‐observer models, distance sampling models and combined double‐observer and distance sampling models (known as mark‐recapture‐distance‐sampling models; MRDS). When animals reside in groups, however, the assumption of independent detection is violated. In this case, the standard approach is to account for imperfect detection of groups, while assuming that individuals within groups are detected perfectly. However, this assumption is often unsupported. We introduce an abundance estimator for grouped animals when detection of groups is imperfect and group size may be under‐counted, but not over‐counted. The estimator combines an MRDS model with an N‐mixture model to account for imperfect detection of individuals. The new MRDS‐Nmix model requires the same data as an MRDS model (independent detection histories, an estimate of distance to transect, and an estimate of group size), plus a second estimate of group size provided by the second observer. We extend the model to situations in which detection of individuals within groups declines with distance. We simulated 12 data sets and used Bayesian methods to compare the performance of the new MRDS‐Nmix model to an MRDS model. Abundance estimates generated by the MRDS‐Nmix model exhibited minimal bias and nominal coverage levels. In contrast, MRDS abundance estimates were biased low and exhibited poor coverage. Many species of conservation interest reside in groups and could benefit from an estimator that better accounts for imperfect detection. Furthermore, the ability to relax the assumption of perfect detection of individuals within detected groups may allow surveyors to re‐allocate resources toward detection of new groups instead of extensive surveys of known groups. We believe the proposed estimator is feasible because the only additional field data required are a second estimate of group size.  相似文献   
The oriental fruit moth (OFM), Grapholita molesta (Busck) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), has been an economic pest of apples (Malus spp.) and peaches (Prunus spp.; both Rosaceae) in the eastern USA since the 1930s. Successful management of G. molesta with insecticides requires careful timing of these products based on sex‐pheromone trap captures of male moths. In Pennsylvania, apple and peach orchards are often planted adjacently. Factors such as trap distance from release points, host crop, and wind were considered in relation to male moth movement within and between hosts. Our practical objective was to understand male G. molesta dispersal within and between these two hosts to achieve better management. Recapture of moths decreased over distance; the majority of moths were recaptured 50–100 m from the release point regardless of crop type. Male G. molesta released into commercial apple and peach orchards were most likely to remain in the crop of release and to not exhibit host shifts over the season, even after peach fruit were harvested. Our analyses of wind direction data with respect to recapture showed that the likelihood of recapture was similar regardless of the orientation of the traps relative to the mean wind direction at peak flight times. The apple and peach host crops appeared to affect male G. molesta dispersal to the extent that wind in orchards affects their perception of pheromone. Crop effects were most likely due to the traps closest to the release points being in the same crop as the release points.  相似文献   
High‐throughput Plasmodium genomic data is increasingly useful in assessing prevalence of clinically important mutations and malaria transmission patterns. Understanding parasite diversity is important for identification of specific human or parasite populations that can be targeted by control programmes, and to monitor the spread of mutations associated with drug resistance. An up‐to‐date understanding of regional parasite population dynamics is also critical to monitor the impact of control efforts. However, this data is largely absent from high‐burden nations in Africa, and to date, no such analysis has been conducted for malaria parasites in Tanzania countrywide. To this end, over 1,000 P. falciparum clinical isolates were collected in 2017 from 13 sites in seven administrative regions across Tanzania, and parasites were genotyped at 1,800 variable positions genome‐wide using molecular inversion probes. Population structure was detectable among Tanzanian P. falciparum parasites, approximately separating parasites from the northern and southern districts and identifying genetically admixed populations in the north. Isolates from nearby districts were more likely to be genetically related compared to parasites sampled from more distant districts. Known drug resistance mutations were seen at increased frequency in northern districts (including two infections carrying pfk13‐R561H), and additional variants with undetermined significance for antimalarial resistance also varied by geography. Malaria Indicator Survey (2017) data corresponded with genetic findings, including average region‐level complexity‐of‐infection and malaria prevalence estimates. The parasite populations identified here provide important information on extant spatial patterns of genetic diversity of Tanzanian parasites, to which future surveys of genetic relatedness can be compared.  相似文献   
California Gulls nesting at Mono Lake (ML) have a modal clutch size of two eggs, while at Great Salt Lake (GSL) the mode is three. We used starch gel electrophoresis to determine whether the populations are genically different. Average individual heterozygosity at ML averages 2.67% and at GSL 2.95%, both slightly below the average for other birds. The average number of alleles per locus is 1.2 for both sites. Variation between sites is insignificant, with a genetic distance of 0.001 and an FST of 0.0044. Therefore, the clutch size differences are without genic correlates. In fact, at the loci studied, the two samples are indistinguishable from two random samples drawn from a panmictic unit. Five morphological characteristics also exhibited little between-site difference, in agreement with the electrophoretic analysis. A marked historical reduction (bottleneck) in the Mono Lake population seems not to have affected levels of genetic variation. We conclude that the clutch size differences are either recently evolved, and determined by loci not surveyed by us, or they are environmentally induced. At the population level, these gulls are similar to passerines in terms of heterozygosity and among population differentiation.  相似文献   
Using a combination of population‐ and individual‐based analytical approaches, we provide a comprehensive examination of genetic connectivity of Dungeness crab (Cancer magister) along ~1,200 km of the California Current System (CCS). We sampled individuals at 33 sites in 2012 to establish a baseline of genetic diversity and hierarchal population genetic structure and then assessed interannual variability in our estimates by sampling again in 2014. Genetic diversity showed little variation among sites or across years. In 2012, we observed weak genetic differentiation among sites (FST range = ?0.005–0.014) following a pattern of isolation by distance (IBD) and significantly high relatedness among individuals within nine sampling sites. In 2014, pairwise FST estimates were lower (FST range = ?0.014–0.007), there was no spatial autocorrelation, and fewer sites had significant evidence of relatedness. Based on these findings, we propose that interannual variation in the physical oceanographic conditions of the CCS influences larval recruitment and thus gene flow, contributing to interannual variation in population genetic structure. Estimates of effective population size (Ne) were large in both 2012 and 2014. Together, our results suggest that Dungeness crab in the CCS may constitute a single evolutionary population, although geographically limited dispersal results in an ephemeral signal of IBD. Furthermore, our findings demonstrate that populations of marine organisms may be susceptible to temporal changes in population genetic structure over short time periods; thus, interannual variability in population genetic measures should be considered.  相似文献   
DNA barcoding has become a promising means for the identification of organisms of all life‐history stages. Currently, distance‐based and tree‐based methods are most widely used to define species boundaries and uncover cryptic species. However, there is no universal threshold of genetic distance values that can be used to distinguish taxonomic groups. Alternatively, DNA barcoding can deploy a “character‐based” method, whereby species are identified through the discrete nucleotide substitutions. Our research focuses on the delimitation of moth species using DNA‐barcoding methods. We analyzed 393 Lepidopteran specimens belonging to 80 morphologically recognized species with a standard cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) sequencing approach, and deployed tree‐based, distance‐based, and diagnostic character‐based methods to identify the taxa. The tree‐based method divided the 393 specimens into 79 taxa (species), and the distance‐based method divided them into 84 taxa (species). Although the diagnostic character‐based method found only 39 so‐identifiable species in the 80 species, with a reduction in sample size the accuracy rate substantially improved. For example, in the Arctiidae subset, all 12 species had diagnostics characteristics. Compared with traditional morphological method, molecular taxonomy performed well. All three methods enable the rapid delimitation of species, although they have different characteristics and different strengths. The tree‐based and distance‐based methods can be used for accurate species identification and biodiversity studies in large data sets, while the character‐based method performs well in small data sets and can also be used as the foundation of species‐specific biochips.  相似文献   
Island tameness (reduced escape behaviour on islands where prey have experienced prolonged relaxation of predation pressure) is known in several taxa, although the relationships between recent predation pressure and escape on islands are poorly known. We investigated escape by numerous populations exposed to differing predation pressure of two sister species of Podarcis lizards in the Balearic Islands. Our main findings are that flight initiation distance was greater in Podarcis pityusensis than Podarcis lilfordi and increased as predation pressure increased in P. pityusensis. Island tameness led to extinction of P. lilfordi on Menorca and Mallorca following anthropogenic introduction of predators; this species is extant only on nearby islets. The lack of relationship between recent predation pressure and flight initiation distance in P. lilfordi indicates that the historically acquired deficit in the ability to adjust escape behaviour to predation pressure still exists. Podarcis pityusensis, which was exposed to greater natural predation pressure before human introduction of predators, survives on Ibiza and Formentera, as well as on islets. Retention of the ability to respond to predation pressure is consistent with our finding that flight initiation distance increases as predation pressure increases among current populations. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, ?? , ??–??.  相似文献   
选用50对SSR引物对新疆现有72份甜高粱种质资源进行遗传多样性分析。结果表明:有20对引物在72份甜高粱种质资源中表现为多态性。共检测到91个等位基因,每对引物可检测到的等位基因数目为2~5个,平均为3.45个。多态性信息量(PIC)的变动范围为0.2859~0.6652,平均为0.5057。72份甜高粱种质间的遗传相似系数变化范围为0.2001~1.000,平均值为0.5599。UPGMA聚类分析将72份材料划分为A、B两大类群,A群包括69份材料,而A群又被分成从Ⅰ到Ⅺ共11个亚群,B群包括3份材料,农艺性状近似的大多被聚到同一类群。  相似文献   
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