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Ponds containing the parthenogenetic zooplankter Daphnia pulex with and without chaoborid predators were sampled over the course of a season. A significant (P < 0.05) Spearman rank correlation was found between predator density and the expression of an antipredator defense (neckteeth) by the Daphnia. The reaction norms (percent induction of a single genotype versus predator density) of clones isolated from predator-free and predator-rich habitats were determined in a laboratory setting. There was a statistically significant different response among the six clones tested (P < 0.05). Clones isolated from chaoborid ponds showed significantly greater sensitivity to the presence of predator than clones from predator-free ponds (P < 0.05). In the laboratory, food levels under which prey were cultured affected induction of the antipredator response. Highest induction was found at the lowest food level used.  相似文献   
Polysaccharide digestion by bacteria is an important activity in many ecosystems, and a number of bacterial genera can perform this function. Although many papers have been published about the properties of isolated polysaccharide-degrading enzymes, relatively little is known about how intact bacteria degrade polysaccharides. This review summarizes recent findings suggesting that there are at least three different strategies. the most familiar one is the excretion of extracellular polysaccharidases, which diffuse to and degrade nearby polysaccharides. An example of this type of strategy is provided by the plant pathogen,Erwinia spp. A second strategy is to have the enzyme exposed to the extracellular medium but attached to the surface of the cell. Examples of this strategy are provided by the pullulanase system ofKlebsiella oxytoca and the cellulosomes ofClostridium thermocellum. A strategy that could be seen as a combination of the extracellular enzyme strategy and the surface organelle strategy is provided byVibrio harveyi, which attaches to its substrate, chitin, via proteins that appear to be specialized for attachment and produces extracellular enzymes that attack the chitin. A third strategy is to import the polysaccharide, as appears to be done byBacteroides spp. In this instance, the polysaccharide is bound to an outer membrane receptor, then passes into the periplasm where the degradative enzymes are located. The ecological advantages and disadvantages of these systems are discussed, and areas where further research is needed are defined.  相似文献   
Managing the pattern of forest harvest: lessons from wildfire   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Managing forests for sustainable use requires that both the biological diversity of the forests and a viable forest industry be maintained. A current approach towards maintaining biological diversity is to pattern forest management practices after those of natural disturbance events. This paradigm hypothesizes that ecological processes will be maintained best where active management approximates natural disturbance events. The forest management model now used in most sub-boreal and boreal forests calls for regularly dispersed clearcuts no greater than 60–100 ha in size. However, the spatial characteristics of the landscape produced by this model are distinctly different from the historic pattern generated by wildfire, which was heretofore the dominant stand-replacing process in these forests. Wildfire creates a more complex landscape spatial pattern with greater range in patch size and more irregular disturbance boundaries. Individual wildfires are often over 500 ha but leave patches of unburned forest within them. The combination of these attributes is not present in recent clearcuts. Allowing a proportion of larger (i.e.>500ha) harvest units may provide distinct economic advantages that could outweight the opportunity costs of leaving some patches of forest behind. For the forest type examined, further evaluation of modelling forest harvest patterns more closely after the patterns created by wildfire is required as it may achieve a good balance and strike a suitable compromise between certain ecological and economic objectives of sustainable development.  相似文献   
Dispersal by young mammals away from their natal site is generallythought to reduce inbreeding, with its attendant negative fitnessconsequences. Genetic data from the dwarf mongoose, a pack-livingcarnivore common in African savannas, indicate that there areexceptions to this generalization. In dwarf mongoose populationsin the Serengeti National Park, Tanzania, breeding pairs arecommonly related, and close inbreeding has no measurable effecton offspring production or adult survival. Inbreeding occursbecause average relatedness among potential mates within a packis high, because mating patterns within the pack are randomwith respect to the relatedness of mates, and because dispersaldoes little to decrease the relatedness among mates. Young femalesare more likely to leave a pack when the dominant male is aclose relative but are relatively infrequent dispersers. Youngmales emigrate at random with respect to the relatedness ofthe dominant female and tend to disperse to packs that containgenetically similar individuals.[Behav Ecol 7: 480–489(1996)]  相似文献   
Ewald W. Roessler 《Hydrobiologia》1995,298(1-3):125-132
This study gives an overview of our current knowledge of the ecology and distribution patterns of Colombian conchostracans. Colombian euphyllopods are generally restricted to the warm tropical lowlands. OnlyCyclestheria hislopi can be found year-round in larger semipermanent waters and living sympatrically with abundant predators, such as planktivorous fish. The other conchostracans are restricted to the typical habitat of temporary waters.Eulimnadia magadalenensis is especially adapted to very short-term temporary ponds in relatively arid zones andE. colombiensis prefers somewhat cooler ponds of a longer duration. The two species can be found sympatrically in intermediate climatic conditions. A third form,Eulimnadia cf. geayi cohabits with the two other species in the lower Magdalena Valley, its ecological role is not clear.Limnadia orinoquiensis is the selvatic substitute of the open savannah conchostracan fauna (mainlyEulimnadia forms) living in pools in forest clearings in the vicinity of the Upper Orinoco.Four species of Lynceidae were found, twoLynceus and twoParalimnetis. Their distribution patterns are not yet clear, they prefer smaller temporary ponds of moderated temperatures. Two undescribed species ofLeptestheria were found, one restricted to the banks of the Orinoco and the other to one locality in the upper Magdalena Valley, living in ponds with a muddy bottom.Metalimnadia serratura was found in special rock pools of the Guiana Shield in the vicinity of the Orinoco, cohabiting with several other conchostracan species, with differential adaptations to very high water temperatures.  相似文献   
Geoffrey Fryer 《Hydrobiologia》1995,307(1-3):57-68
The distinctness of the Anomopoda and the polyphyletic nature of the so-called Cladocera are emphasized.An attempt is made to reconstruct the ancestral anomopod, which probably lived in Palaeozoic times. This task is facilitated by the availability of detailed information on extant forms, which includes functional as well as purely morphological considerations and enables us to understand the means whereby complex mechanisms were transformed during evolution. Comparative studies on the ecology and habits of extant forms also throw light on the probable way of life of the ancestral anomopod.Adaptive radiation within the Anomopoda is briefly surveyed and an outline of the suggested phylogeny of the order is indicated.Institute of Environmental and Biological Sciences, University of Lancaster  相似文献   
Khan  M. A.  Kamuru  F. 《Hydrobiologia》1997,354(1-3):151-156
Seasonal studies were undertaken (August 1983–July 1984) toevaluate the algal distribution and ecology of the RiverDelimi, Jos Plateau, Nigeria at three stations: upstream, withlittle allochthonous input; midstream, receiving heavy domesticaffluents; downstream. A wide amplitude of variability wasdiscernible in physicochemical factors, and photosyntheticactivity and abundance of suspended algae in relation to thedegree of pollution along the first 7-km stretch of the river.Conductivity (µS cm-1) showed a 9-fold increase fromupstream (x = 35) to downstream. The standing crop(Chl a) fluctuated markedly, with 6-times higher valuesfor a polluted midstream site (x = 18.2 mg m-3). Production rate measurements (mg C m-3 d-1) showed significant variability with relatively lowvalues (x = 610) recorded for the upstream andhighest (x = 1050) at the midstream site. Apositive correlation was obtained between production rates andChl a for the polluted midstream zone.  相似文献   
Tamarins are small New World monkeys that have been described as "squirrellike." Squirrels, along with bats and birds, are the taxa most likely to utilize resources similar to those used by primates in the tropical forest canopy. In this paper we compare differences in ecology, diet, locomotion, and habitat utilization between sympatric populations of tamarins (Saguinus oedipus) and tree squirrels (Sciurus granatensis) in Panama. Data presented indicate that although there is some degree of resource overlap, patterns of habitat utilization differ significantly. Rather than being "squirrellike," the Panamanian tamarin exhibits a pattern of locomotor and feeding behavior consistent with that found in other arboreal primates.  相似文献   
The larvae of Alsophila pometaria (Harr.), feeding on the young foliage of oak, has a higher relative growth rate (RGR) and relative nitrogen accumulation rate (RNAR) than the larvae of Anisota senatoria (J. E. Smith), feeding on the mature foliage of oak. Although the young oak foliage is more efficiently digested by A. pometaria (higher AD's), it is not more efficiently assimilated and used for growth (no difference in ECI's). Thus, the higher growth rate of A. pometaria is due entirely to a higher consumption rate (RCR and RNCR). Young foliage is significantly higher in nitrogen and water than mature foliage, but phenol and tannin levels are comparable in young and old foliage. A. pometaria consumes the foliage of different oak species at the same rate, independent of nitrogen content, while A. senatoria increases its consumption rate in response to decreased nitrogen levels. As a result, the growth rate of A. pometaria is directly related to leaf nitrogen content, while the growth rate of A. senatoria is independent of leaf nitrogen. The two species of insects have digestive systems that are very similar biochemically, and that are well-designed for effective protein digestion. Tannins and phenols do not influence the nutrional indices of either species. We suggest that the major benefit of spring feeding is the availability of succulent, high-nitrogen foliage, and not the avoidance of high-tannin foliage. The spring feeder appears to have a feeding strategy that favors rapid growth at the expense of efficiency, while the late summer feeder has a strategy that favors efficiency over rate.
Résumé Alimentées sur feuillage jeune de chêne, les chenilles d'Alsophila pometaria avaient un taux relatif de croissance (RGR) et un taux relatif d'accumulation d'azote (RNAR) plus élevés que les chenilles d'Anisota senatoria alimentées sur feuillage mûr de chêne. Bien que le jeune feuillage soit plus efficacement digéré par A. pometaria (AD plus élevé), il n'est pas assimilé et utilisé pour la croissance avec de meilleurs rendements (les ECI ne sont pas différents). Ainsi le taux de croissance plus élevé d'A. pometaria est dû entièrement à un taux de consommation plus important (RCR et RNCR). Le feuillage jeune est significativement plus riche en azote et en eau que le feuillage mûr, mais les niveaux de phénol et de tanins sont les mêmes. A pometaria consomme les feuilles de différentes espèces de chênes au même taux, indépendamment de la teneur en azote, tandis que A. senatoria accroît sa consommation en réponse à une diminution de la teneur en azote. Il en résulte que le taux de croissance d'A. pometaria dépend directement de la teneur en azote des feuilles, tandis que celui d'A. senatoria en est indépendant. Les systèmes digestifs des deux insectes sont biochimiquement semblables et sont efficaces pour la digestion des protéines. Les tanins et les phénols n'influent pas sur les indices nutritionnels de ces deux espèces. Nous estimons que le principal intérêt de l'alimentation printanière est la disponibilité en feuillage succulent, riche en azote, et non l'absence de feuilles à haute teneur en tanin. L'alimentation printanière semble correspondre à une strategie alimentaire qui favorise la croissance aux dépens de l'efficacité tandis que l'alimentation en fin d'été est une stratégie qui favorise l'efficacité sur la rapidité.
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