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A new mark-capture technique involving field applications of Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner (Bt) to study the dispersal of potato tuber moth, Phthorimaea operculella (Zeller) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae), was investigated as a tool to improve information on the potential impact of insect pest dispersal on crop infestation and insecticide resistance. The acquisition and persistence of Bt on moths were characterized and potential contamination of moths from naturally occurring Bts was examined. This mark-capture technique was developed to mark larger numbers of moths than had been previously achieved with laboratory marking using fluorescent dyes in mark-release-recapture experiments. Applications of commercial preparations of Bt to 0.3 and 1.0 ha potato fields were estimated to have marked ca. 50 000 moths in each experiment. Pheromone trap catches of potato tuber moths in the Bt-sprayed fields and in potato fields at distances of ca. 80, 200, 350, and 750 m were assayed for the Bt marker using selective microbiological media and identification of characteristic Bt crystal inclusions. Marking rates of moths were 78–100% in the sprayed fields and, compared with our previous mark-release-recapture studies, marking at ca. 200 m was increased by 15–18-fold to >3.0 moths per trap. This capture rate allowed the calculation of a dispersal curve that improved the reliability of estimates of movement at farm-scale distances. These estimates indicated that 10% of the population dispersed to 240 m in 3 days, and suggested that moths can potentially disperse throughout a typical potato-growing area in one growing season. This level of dispersal has implications for the spread and management of potato tuber moth populations, especially if insecticide resistance is present.  相似文献   
1. Patterns of species richness and species assemblage composition of ground‐dwelling arthropods in primary successions along glacier forelands are traditionally described using a taxonomic approach. On the other hand, the functional trait approach could ensure a better characterisation of their colonisation strategies in these types of habitat. 2. The functional trait approach was applied to investigate patterns of functional diversity and life‐history traits of ground beetles and spiders on an alpine debris‐covered glacier and along its forefield in order to describe their colonisation strategies. 3. Ground beetles and spiders were sampled at different successional stages, representing five stages of deglaciation. 4. The results show that the studied glacier hosts ground beetle and spider assemblages that are mainly characterised by the following traits: walking colonisers, ground hunters and small‐sized species. These traits are typical of species living in cold, wet, and gravelly habitats. The diversity of functional traits in spiders increased along the succession, and in both carabids and spiders, life‐history traits follow the ‘addition and persistence model’. Accordingly, there is no turnover but there is an addition of new traits and a variation in their proportion within each species assemblage along the succession. The distribution of ground beetles and spiders along the glacier foreland and on the glacier seems to be driven by dispersal ability and foraging strategy. 5. The proposed functional approach improves knowledge of the adaptive strategies of ground‐dwelling arthropods colonising glacier surfaces and recently deglaciated terrains, which represent landforms quickly changing due to global warming.  相似文献   
Aim We investigate the long‐standing question of whether the small size of microbes allows most microbial species to colonize all suitable sites around the globe or whether their ranges are limited by opportunities for dispersal. In this study we use a modelling approach to investigate the effect of size on the probability of between‐continent dispersal using virtual microorganisms in a global model of the Earth’s atmosphere. Location Global. Methods We use a computer model of global atmospheric circulation to investigate the effect of microbe size (effective diameters of 9, 20, 40 and 60 μm) on the probability of aerial dispersal. Results We found that for smaller microbes, once airborne, dispersal is remarkably successful over a 1‐year period. The most striking results are the extensive within‐hemisphere distribution of virtual microbes of 9 and 20 μm diameter and the lack of dispersal between the Northern and Southern Hemispheres during the year‐long time‐scale of our simulations. Main conclusions Above a diameter of 20 μm wind dispersal of virtual microbes between continents becomes increasingly unlikely, and it does not occur at all (within our simulated 1‐year period) for those of 60 μm diameter. Within our simulation, the success of small microbes in long‐distance dispersal is due both to their greater abundance and to their longer time in the atmosphere – once airborne – compared with larger microbes.  相似文献   
Early field work on naked mole-rats, Heterocephalus glaber, suggestedthat small colonies are rare and that colonies can only formby fissioning of existing colonies. Many researchers expectedthat this would result in extreme inbreeding and high relatednesswithin colonies and would thus explain the evolution of eusocialityin naked mole-rats. Here I report evidence of dispersers andoutbreeding in colonies of wild naked mole-rats that suggeststhat inbreeding is not the system of mating for this speciesand that outbreeding is probably frequent. Wild dispersers havethe same morphology as was reported for dispersers in laboratorycolonies. Low levels of genetic variation in previous moleculargenetic studies of naked mole-rats probably result from theviscous population structure typical of fossorial rodents.  相似文献   


The ectomycorrhizal genus Strobilomyces is widely distributed throughout many parts of the world, but its origin, divergence and distribution patterns remain largely unresolved. In this study, we aim to explore the species diversity, distribution and evolutionary patterns of Strobilomyces on a global scale by establishing a general phylogenetic framework with extensive sampling.


Africa, Australasia, East Asia, Europe, North America, Central America and Southeast Asia.


The genealogical concordance phylogenetic species recognition method was used to delimit phylogenetic species. Divergence times were estimated using a Bayesian uncorrelated lognormal relaxed molecular clock. The ancestral area and host of Strobilomyces were inferred via the programs rasp and mesquite . The change of diversification rate over time was estimated using Ape, Laser and Bammtools software packages.


We recognize a novel African clade and 49 phylogenetic species with morphological evidence, including 18 new phylogenetic species and 23 previously described ones. Strobilomyces probably originated in Africa, in association with Detarioideae/Phyllanthaceae/Monotoideae during the early Eocene. The dispersal to Southeast Asia can be explained by Wolfe's “Boreotropical migration” hypothesis. East Asia, Australasia, Europe and North/Central America are primarily the recipients of immigrant taxa during the Oligocene or later. A rapid radiation implied by one diversification shift was inferred within Strobilomyces during the Miocene.

Main conclusions

An unexpected phylogenetic species diversity within Strobilomyces was uncovered. The highest diversity, resulting probably from a rapid radiation, was found in East Asia. Dispersal played an important role in the current distribution pattern of Strobilomyces. The Palaeotropical disjunction is explained by species dispersal from Africa to Southeast Asia through boreotropical forests during the early Eocene. Species from the Northern Hemisphere and Australasia are largely derived from immigrant ancestors from Southeast Asia.  相似文献   
Aim Reconstruction of the historical biogeography of the Limacoidea sensu lato (including the Staffordiidae, Dyakiidae, Gastrodontoidea, Parmacelloidea, Zonitidae, Helicarionoidea and Limacoidea). Evaluation of the relative importance of dispersal and its consequences. Location World‐wide. Methods Weighted ancestral area analysis. Results The ancestral areas of the individual clades have been delimited using weighted ancestral area analysis and a sequence of possible vicariance and dispersal events has been suggested. The results of the ancestral area analysis have tentatively been correlated with Cretaceous and Tertiary palaeogeography. The widely overlapping distribution patterns of several families of the Limacoidea testify to extensive dispersal events. Dispersal capacity of land snails is correlated with body size. The significant negative correlation between body size and distribution area size corroborates the importance of passive dispersal for the evolution of the distribution patterns. Main conclusions The existence of extensive dispersal events of poor active dispersers like land snails diminishes the importance of recent distribution patterns for the reconstruction of palaeogeography. On the other hand, dispersal ensures that biogeographical data reflect the geographical configurations at a given time and renders the use of palaeobiogeographic data for the reconstruction of palaeogeographic configurations of the respective age possible.  相似文献   
The navel orangeworm, Amyelois transitella (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae, Phycitini), is an economically important pest of nut crops in California, USA. Improved management will require better understanding of insect dispersal, particularly relative to when mating occurs. A previous study demonstrated a more robust laboratory flight capacity compared to other orchard moth pests, but it was unclear how mating affects dispersal, and how dispersal affects fecundity. In this study, 1‐ and 2‐day‐old females were allowed to fly overnight on a flight mill either before or after mating, respectively, and were then allowed to oviposit. Data on fecundity were compared between treatments to minimally handled or tethered‐only control females. Females that mated before flight flew longer and covered a greater distance than those flying prior to mating. However, timing of flight relative to mating did not affect fecundity, nor did any measure of flight performance. There was no effect on fecundity when females were forced to fly for designated durations from 3 min to 2 h. Together, our data revealed no obvious trade‐off between flight activity and reproductive output. Distances measured on the flight mills (mean ca. 15 km for mated females) may overestimate net displacement in the field where flight tracks are often meandering. The results suggest that most females mate and oviposit in or near their natal habitat, but that some may disperse potentially long distances to oviposit elsewhere.  相似文献   
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