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Mann K  Macek B  Olsen JV 《Proteomics》2006,6(13):3801-3810
The major difference between inorganic minerals and biominerals is the presence of an organic matrix consisting of proteins, glycoproteins, proteoglycans, and polysaccharides, which is synthesized by specialized cells under genetic control before or during mineralization. The organic matrix is thought to play a major role in the assembly of the biomineral and determination of its mechanical properties. The recent elucidation of the chicken genome provided an opportunity to explore the matrix proteome of a biomineral using up-to-date MS-based technology. We identified 520 proteins in this matrix including the ten matrix proteins already known before. The identified proteins were divided into three abundance groups using the exponentially modified protein abundance index described recently which was roughly calibrated with the few known data on protein yield derived from Edman sequence analysis. A small group of 32 highly abundant proteins contained the presently known eggshell-specific proteins and all of the other known eggshell matrix constituents identified before with much less sensitive conventional methods. The present study, which is the first comprehensive proteomic study of a vertebrate biomineral, is intended as a starting point for the detailed molecular characterization of eggshell matrix proteins, their interactions in the matrix network and functional studies.  相似文献   
The Drosophila eggshell is a specialised extracellular matrix (ECM) that surrounds and protects the oocyte and the embryo until its eclosion. In addition, the vitelline membrane, the innermost layer of the eggshell, holds the local determinant required to activate the Torso RTK pathway, which establishes the embryonic terminal regions. Here we report the identification and characterisation of closca, a gene encoding a new member of a group of proteins that act non-redundantly in vitelline membrane biogenesis and in Torso signalling. We also show that the Nasrat protein, another member of this group, is incorporated into the vitelline membrane, thereby indicating that the eggshell is a shared ECM that receives contributions from both follicle cells and the germline. This observation also provides a new scenario that accounts for the long known contribution of germline products to vitelline membrane biogenesis and to the follicle cell-dependent activation of the Torso receptor.  相似文献   
Abstract Avian blue‐green eggshell coloration has been proposed as a female signal of genetic or phenotypic quality to males. However, little is known about the relative importance of additive genetic and environmental effects as sources of eggshell colour variation in natural populations. Using 5 years of data and animal models, we explored these effects in a free‐living population of pied flycatchers. Permanent environmental and year effects were negligible, although year environmental variance (VYear) was significant for all but one of the traits. However, we found high–moderate narrow‐sense heritabilities for some colour parameters. Within‐clutch colour variability showed the highest coefficient of additive genetic variation (i.e. evolvability). Previous evidence suggests that eggshell colour is sexually selected in this species, males enhancing parental effort in clutches with higher colour variability and peak values. Eggshell colour could be driven by good‐genes selection in pied flycatchers although further genetic studies should confirm this possibility.  相似文献   
中国河南晚白垩世中段地层马家村组发现了一枚大型兽脚龙类牙齿。该牙牙体长,呈圆锥状,横断面卵圆形,沿长轴微向后缘弯曲,前后缘均有大量锯齿状突起,这些特征显示其很可能是重爪龙类牙齿。这可能代表了重爪龙类在亚洲地区的首次发现,也是该类恐龙在晚白垩世地层中的首现,由此表明重爪龙类在时间和地域分布上较之前研究观点更为广泛。综合棘龙科的化石形态学以及推知的生态学证据看,较之其他兽脚类,棘龙类化石记录很少,很可能意味该类动物数量确实稀少,造成这种现象的原因可能是其过分特化的身体形态。  相似文献   
ENRIC VICENS 《Palaeontology》2012,55(2):325-339
Abstract: A new type of small, ovoid dinosaur egg, Sankofa pyrenaica oogen. nov. oosp. nov., with a prismatic type eggshell is described from upper Cretaceous (upper Campanian–Maastrichtian) deposits of the Montsec area, South Pyrenean Central Unit, Lleida, Catalonia, Spain. This egg type was sub‐vertically laid in only two rich monospecific sites of a single stratigraphic layer from coastal deposits of the Aren Formation, interpreted as an emerged beach ridge of a barrier island – lagoon depositional system. The size and shape of these eggs with their asymmetric poles are roughly similar to modern hen eggs, which is unusual in the Cretaceous fossil egg record. Its phylogenetic position clusters with bird and Troodontid eggs. A morphospace analysis of egg shapes shows the similarity of the new egg to a Campanian fossil bird egg from Argentina, both being intermediate between modern‐bird eggs and extinct nonavian theropod eggs. However, the eggshell microstructure of Sankofa pyrenaica differs from that of bird eggs in its incipient squamatic texture. It has a peculiar pattern of interlocking small crystals in the middle of the palisade layer, instead of the thick squamatic structure commonly present in modern avian eggshells. This new egg type is attributed to a small theropod, probably with a single oviduct like birds and whose mosaic distribution of features is a combination between that of birds and nonavian theropods. This enhances the arguments supporting the close phylogenetic relationships between both groups.  相似文献   
依据采自江西省萍乡地区上白垩统周田组的恐龙蛋化石,记述了蜂窝蛋科(Faveoloolithidae)副蜂窝蛋属(Parafaveoloolithus)一新蛋种。材料包括一枚较完整的蛋和若干破碎蛋壳。根据蛋壳弦切面呈蜂窝状结构,径切面蛋壳中、上部蛋壳局部呈现由6~10个以上壳单元成群聚集一起等特征,将其订为一新蛋种——萍乡副蜂窝蛋(Parafaveoloolithus pingxiangensis oosp.nov.)。  相似文献   
Evolutionary transitions between quadrupedal and bipedal postures are pivotal to the diversification of amniotes on land, including in our own lineage (Hominini). Heterochrony is suggested as a macroevolutionary mechanism for postural transitions but understanding postural evolution in deep time is hindered by a lack of methods for inferring posture in extinct species. Dinosaurs are an excellent natural laboratory for understanding postural transitions because they demonstrate at least four instances of quadrupedality evolving from bipedality, and heterochronic processes have been put forward as an explanatory model for these transitions. We extend a quantitative method for reliably inferring posture in tetrapods to the study of ontogenetic postural transitions using measurements of proportional limb robusticity. We apply this to ontogenetic series of living and extinct amniotes, focusing on dinosaurs. Our method correctly predicts the general pattern of ontogenetic conservation of quadrupedal and bipedal postures in many living amniote species and infers the same pattern in some dinosaurs. Furthermore, it correctly predicts the ontogenetic postural shift from quadrupedal crawling to bipedal walking in humans. We also infer a transition from early ontogenetic quadrupedality to late-ontogenetic bipedality in the transitional sauropodomorph dinosaur Mussaurus patagonicus and possibly in the early branching ceratopsian Psittacosaurus lujiatunensis but not in the sauropodomorph Massospondylus carinatus. The phylogenetic positions of these ontogenetic shifts suggest that heterochrony may play a role in the macroevolution of posture, at least in dinosaurs. Our method has substantial potential for testing evolutionary transitions between locomotor modes, especially in elucidating the role of evolutionary mechanisms like heterochrony.  相似文献   
Whilst bones present a static view of extinct animals, fossil footprints are a direct record of the activity and motion of the track maker. Deep footprints are a particularly good record of foot motion. Such footprints rarely look like the feet that made them; the sediment being heavily disturbed by the foot motion. Because of this, such tracks are often overlooked or dismissed in preference for more foot-like impressions. However, the deeper the foot penetrates the substrate, the more motion is captured in the sediment volume. We have used deep, penetrative, Jurassic dinosaur tracks which have been naturally split into layers, to reconstruct foot motions of animals living over 200 million years ago. We consider these reconstructions to be hypotheses of motion. To test these hypotheses, we use the Discrete Element Method, in which individual particles of substrate are simulated in response to a penetrating foot model. Simulations that produce virtual tracks morphologically similar to the fossils lend support to the motion being plausible, while simulations that result in very different final tracks serve to reject the hypothesis of motion and help generate a new hypothesis.  相似文献   
Studies on fossil eggs and eggshells have been traditionally focused on analysis of microstructure and systematic classification, but few attempts have been made to examine the variability of eggshell characters. This work examines the variability of one diagnostic character, shape of the calcitic units, of some dinosaur eggshells by using outline shape analysis (elliptic Fourier analysis). The studied material belongs to five different oospecies of the parafamily Megaloolithidae Zhao, 1979. To test shape variation within and between oospecies, an analysis on 129 outlines was carried out and their variability was summarised by principal component analysis. We then tested if the shape of megaloolithid units changes according to size (i.e. allometry). A regression analysis between eggshell unit shape and two different size measurements (centroid size and eggshell thickness) showed that the thinnest eggshells (thickness ≤ 1 mm) have different shapes than thicker ones ( ≥ 2.5 mm). Our results stress that the variability in the shape of eggshell units in Megaloolithus oospecies is correlated to size (i.e. eggshell thickness), a phenomenon that should be then considered carefully when determining oospecies, since a single oospecies can show both a wide range of eggshell thickness and combined with different eggshell unit shapes.  相似文献   
The eggshell oospecies from India and Argentina are compared and reviewed in detail. These eggshells resemble each other in having a nodular outer surface ornamentation and clearly arched growth lines of the shell units. Microstructurally, the eggshell oospecies belonging to the oofamily Megaloolithidae shows fan-like shell units, which are sharply separated from each other throughout the thickness of the eggshell and can be traced up to the surface of the eggshell. Comparisons between four oospecies from India and Argentina reveal three groupings, which show similarities between megaloolithids of both countries: (1) Megaloolithus jabalpurensis, M. matleyi and M. patagonicus; (2) M. cylindricus, M. rahioliensis and Tipo 1d; and (3) M.megadermus and Tipo 1e. The other two types of eggshell oospecies from India and Argentina show partially fused external nodes and shell units. As a result, growth lines enter into the adjacent shell units with a marked concavity. A new oogenus Fusioolithus have been erected due to fusion between shell units and tubospherulitic morphotype, which include two new oospecies F. baghensis and F. berthei. Till date, morphostructurally, a total of 15 eggshell oospecies belonging to different oofamilies have been recorded from India and seven oospecies from Argentina.  相似文献   
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