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The origin and subsequent spread of plastids by endosymbiosis had a major environmental impact and altered the course of a great proportion of eukaryotic biodiversity. The ancestor of dinoflagellates contained a secondary plastid that was acquired in an ancient endosymbiotic event, where a eukaryotic cell engulfed a red alga. This is known as secondary endosymbiosis and has happened several times in eukaryotic evolution. Certain dinoflagellates, however, are unique in having replaced this secondary plastid in an additional (tertiary) round of endosymbiosis. Most plastid proteins are encoded in the nucleus of the host and are targeted to the organelle. When secondary or tertiary endosymbiosis takes place, it is thought that these genes move from nucleus to nucleus, so the plastid retains the same proteome. We have conducted large-scale expressed sequence tag (EST) surveys from Karlodinium micrum, a dinoflagellate with a tertiary haptophyte-derived plastid, and two haptophytes, Isochrysis galbana and Pavlova lutheri. We have identified all plastid-targeted proteins, analysed the phylogenetic origin of each protein, and compared their plastid-targeting transit peptides. Many plastid-targeted genes in the Karlodinium nucleus are indeed of haptophyte origin, but some genes were also retained from the original plastid (showing the two plastids likely co-existed in the same cell), in other cases multiple isoforms of different origins exist. We analysed plastid-targeting sequences and found the transit peptides in K.micrum are different from those found in either dinoflagellates or haptophytes, pointing to a plastid with an evolutionarily chimeric proteome, and a massive remodelling of protein trafficking during plastid replacement.  相似文献   
In Japan, the bloom seasons of two toxic species, namely, Alexandrium catenella (Whedon et Kof.) Balech and Alexandrium tamiyavanichii Balech, sometimes overlap with those of three nontoxic Alexandrium species, namely, Alexandrium affine (H. Inouye et Fukuyo) Balech, Alexandrium fraterculus (Balech) Balech, and Alexandrium pseudogoniaulax (Biecheler) T. Horig. ex Y. Kita et Fukuyo. In this study, a multiplex PCR assay has been developed that enables simultaneous detection of six Alexandrium species on the basis of differences in the lengths of the PCR products. The accuracy of the multiplex PCR system was assessed using 101 DNA templates of the six target Alexandrium species and 27 DNA templates of 11 nontarget species (128 DNA templates in total). All amplicons obtained from the 101 DNA templates of the target species were appropriately identified, whereas all 27 DNA templates of the nontarget species were not amplified. Species‐specific identification by the multiplex PCR assay was certainly possible from single cells of the target species.  相似文献   
The symbiotic interaction between cnidarians, such as corals and sea anemones, and the unicellular algae Symbiodinium is regulated by yet poorly understood cellular mechanisms, despite the ecological importance of coral reefs. These mechanisms, including host–symbiont recognition and metabolic exchange, control symbiosis stability under normal conditions, but also lead to symbiosis breakdown (bleaching) during stress. This study describes the repertoire of the sterol‐trafficking proteins Niemann‐Pick type C (NPC1 and NPC2) in the symbiotic sea anemone Anemonia viridis. We found one NPC1 gene in contrast to the two genes (NPC1 and NPC1L1) present in vertebrate genomes. While only one NPC2 gene is present in many metazoans, this gene has been duplicated in cnidarians, and we detected four NPC2 genes in A. viridis. However, only one gene (AvNPC2‐d) was upregulated in symbiotic relative to aposymbiotic sea anemones and displayed higher expression in the gastrodermis (symbiont‐containing tissue) than in the epidermis. We performed immunolabelling experiments on tentacle cross sections and demonstrated that the AvNPC2‐d protein was closely associated with symbiosomes. In addition, AvNPC1 and AvNPC2‐d gene expression was strongly downregulated during stress. These data suggest that AvNPC2‐d is involved in both the stability and dysfunction of cnidarian–dinoflagellate symbioses.  相似文献   
Diatoms, but not flagellates, have been shown to increase rates of nitrogen release after a shift from a low growth irradiance to a much higher experimental irradiance. We compared NO3 ? uptake kinetics, internal inorganic nitrogen storage, and the temperature dependence of the NO3 ? reduction enzymes, nitrate (NR) and nitrite reductase (NiR), in nitrogen‐replete cultures of 3 diatoms (Chaetoceros sp., Skeletonema costatum, Thalassiosira weissflogii) and 3 flagellates (Dunaliella tertiolecta, Pavlova lutheri, Prorocentrum minimum) to provide insight into the differences in nitrogen release patterns observed between these species. At NO3 ? concentrations <40 μmol‐N·L ? 1, all the diatom species and the dinoflagellate P. minimum exhibited saturating kinetics, whereas the other flagellates, D. tertiolecta and P. lutheri, did not saturate, leading to very high estimated K s values. Above ~60 μmol‐N·L ? 1, NO3 ? uptake rates of all species tested continued to increase in a linear fashion. Rates of NO3 ? uptake at 40 μmol‐N·L ? 1, normalized to cellular nitrogen, carbon, cell number, and surface area, were generally greater for diatoms than flagellates. Diatoms stored significant amounts of NO3 ? internally, whereas the flagellate species stored significant amounts of NH4 + . Half‐saturation concentrations for NR and NiR were similar between all species, but diatoms had significantly lower temperature optima for NR and NiR than did the flagellates tested in most cases. Relative to calculated biosynthetic demands, diatoms were found to have greater NO3 ? uptake and NO3 ? reduction rates than flagellates. This enhanced capacity for NO3 ? uptake and reduction along with the lower optimum temperature for enzyme activity could explain differences in nitrogen release patterns between diatoms and flagellates after an increase in irradiance.  相似文献   
A new epiphytic dinoflagellate is described, G ambierdiscus scabrosus sp. nov., from tidal pools and rocky shores along the coastal areas of Japan. Cells are 63.2 ± 5.7 μm in depth, 58.2 ± 5.7 μm in width, and 37.3 ± 3.5 μm in length. The plate formula of G . scabrosus is Po, 4′, 0a, 6′′, 6c, ?s, 5′′′, 0p, and 2′′′′. Morphologically, G . scabrosus resembles G . belizeanus as follows: anterioposteriorly compressed cell shape, narrow 2′′′′ plate, and areolated surface. Despite this similarity, the cells of G . scabrosus can be distinguishable by the presence of the asymmetric shaped 3′′ plate and the rectangular shaped 2′ plate.  相似文献   
Symbiotic dinoflagellates belonging to the genus Symbiodinium (Freudenthal) are found worldwide in association with shallow‐water tropical and subtropical marine invertebrates. Most phylogenetic studies of Symbiodinium have used nuclear rRNA (nrDNA) genes to infer relationships among members of the genus. In this report, we present the first phylogeny of Symbiodinium based on DNA sequences from a mitochondrial protein‐coding gene (cytochrome oxidase subunit I [cox1]). Two principal groups, one comprised of Symbiodinium clade A and the second encompassing Symbiodinium clades B/C/D/E/F, are strongly supported in the cox1 phylogeny. Relationships within Symbiodinium clades B/C/D/E/F, however, are less well resolved compared with phylogenies inferred from nrDNA and chloroplast large subunit (cp23S)‐rDNA genes. Statistical tests between alternative tree topologies verified, with an exception being the position of one controversial member of Symbiodinium clade D, that relationships inferred from cox1 are congruent with those inferred from nrDNA and cp23S‐rDNA. Taken together, the relationships between the major Symbiodinium clades are robust, and there appears to be no evidence of hybridization or differential introgression of nuclear and plastid genomes between clades.  相似文献   
Interactions with the bacterial community are increasingly considered to have a significant influence on marine phytoplankton populations. Here we used a simplified dinoflagellate‐bacterium experimental culture model to conclusively demonstrate that the toxic dinoflagellate Gymnodinium catenatum H. W. Graham requires growth‐stimulatory marine bacteria for postgermination survival and growth, from the point of resting cyst germination through to vegetative growth at bloom concentrations (103 cells · mL?1). Cysts of G. catenatum were germinated and grown in unibacterial coculture with antibiotic‐resistant or antibiotic‐sensitive Marinobacter sp. DG879 or Brachybacterium sp., and with mixtures of these two bacteria. Addition of antibiotics to cultures grown with antibiotic‐sensitive strains of bacteria resulted in death of the dinoflagellate culture, whereas cultures grown with antibiotic‐resistant bacteria survived antibiotic addition and continued to grow beyond the 21 d experiment. Removal of either bacterial type from mixed‐bacterial dinoflagellate cultures (using an antibiotic) resulted in cessation of dinoflagellate growth until bacterial concentration recovered to preaddition concentrations, suggesting that the bacterial growth factors are used for dinoflagellate growth or are labile. Examination of published reports of axenic dinoflagellate culture indicate that a requirement for bacteria is not universal among dinoflagellates, but rather that species may vary in their relative reliance on, and relationship with, the bacterial community. The experimental model approach described here solves a number of inherent and logical problems plaguing studies of algal‐bacterium interactions and provides a flexible and tractable tool that can be extended to examine bacterial interactions with other phytoplankton species.  相似文献   
A new marine benthic, sand‐dwelling Prorocentrum species from the temperate region of the Pacific coast of British Columbia, Canada, is described using LM and EM and molecular phylogenetic analyses. The cells have a broad oval shape, 40.0–55.0 μm long and 30.0–47.5 μm wide, and a wide U‐shaped periflagellar area on the right thecal plate. The left thecal plate consists of a straighter apical outline in the form of a raised ridge. Five to six delicate apical spines in the center of the periflagellar area are present. The nucleus is located in the posterior region of the cell, and a conspicuous pusule is located in the anterior region of the cell. The cells have golden‐brown chloroplasts with a compound, intrachloroplast pyrenoid that lacks a starch sheath. The thecal plates are smooth with round pores of two different sizes. The larger pores are arranged in a specific pattern of radial rows that are evenly spaced around the plate periphery and of irregular rows (or double rows) that form an incomplete “V” at the apical end of the plates. Large pores are absent in the center of the left and right thecal plates. The intercalary band is striated transversely and also has faint horizontal striations. Trichocysts and two types of mucocysts are present. The molecular phylogenetic position of Prorocentrum tsawwassenense sp. nov. was inferred using SSU rDNA sequences. This new species branched with high support in a Prorocentrum clade containing both benthic and planktonic species.  相似文献   
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