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The effects of solar radiation on motility, photoorientation and pigmentation have been studied in a freshwater Cryptomonas species. The diaphototactic orientation performed by the cells is impaired within about 90 min of solar radiation. Likewise, the percentage of motile cells within the population and the average velocity of the swimming cells decreases within about the same exposure time. This effect is not due to a thermal stress but rather seems to be caused by the solar UV-B component, since decreasing short wavelength UV radiation by means of an artificial ozone filter or UV cut-off filters increased the tolerated exposure time. Solar radiation also bleached the photosynthetic pigments of the cells as shown by absorption difference spectra.  相似文献   
The contribution of drug metabolites to cyproheptadine (CPH)-induced alterations in endocrine pancreatic -cells was investigated by examining the inhibitory activity of CPH and its biotransformation products, desmethylcyproheptadine (DMCPH), CPH-epoxide and DMCPH-epoxide, on hormone biosynthesis and secretion in pancreatic islets isolated from 50-day-old rats. Measurement of (pro)insulin (proinsulin and insulin) synthesis using incorporation of 3H-leucine showed that DMCPH-epoxide, DMCPH and CPH-epoxide were 22, 10 and 4 times, respectively, more potent than CPH in inhibiting hormone synthesis. The biosynthesis of (pro)insulin was also inhibited by CPH and DMCPH-epoxide in islets isolated from 21-day-old rat fetuses. The inhibitory action of CPH and its metabolites was apparently specific for (pro)insulin, and the synthesis of other islet proteins was not affected. Other experiments showed the metabolites of CPH were active in inhibiting glucose-stimulated insulin secretion but were less potent than the parent drug in producing this effect. CPH and its structurally related metabolites, therefore, have differential inhibitory activities on insulin synthesis and release. The observation that CPH metabolites have higher potency than CPH to inhibit (pro)insulin synthesis, when considered with published reports on the disposition of the drug in rats, indicate that CPH metabolites, particularly DMCPH-epoxide, are primarily responsible for the insulin depletion observed when the parent compound is given to fetal and adult animals.Abbreviations CPH cyproheptadine - CPH-epoxide cyproheptadine-10-11-epoxide - DMCPH desmethylcyproheptadine - DMCPH-epoxide desmethylcyproheptadine-10,11-epoxide - HPLC high-performance liquid chromatography - KBB Krebs biocarbonate buffer Recipient of a Society of Toxicology Predoctoral Research Fellowship.Present address: Department of Biochemistry, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.  相似文献   
Summary The release of intact CU(I)8-thionein from copper-resistant copper-loaded yeast cells, strain X 2180-1Aa, has been shown. This copper(I)-thiolate-rich protein was characterized and compared with the chemical and physicochemical properties of intracellular yeast Cu-thionein. The same molecular mass and stoichiometry of 8 mol copper atoms/mol protein was found. No detectable difference between the Cu-thioneins was seen in luminescence emission, electronic absorption in the ultraviolet region, chiroptical data or amino acid composition. The importance of stable Cu(I)-thiolates in Cu-thionein as a safe vehicle for transporting copper in a non-reactive manner is confirmed.  相似文献   
The ability of the gastrointestinal tract of chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha , to absorb polypeptides in vivo was investigated by reference to the appearance of orally administered adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) within the blood of fish previously treated with dexamethasone (3μg g−l body weight) in order to suppress endogenous ACTH secretion. Further, since cortisol presence within plasma is dependent upon the availability of ACTH, dexamethasone blockade of endogenous ACTH secretion, in conjunction with subsequent measurements of plasma cortisol levels, provides a means by which biological patency of absorbed exogenous ACTH may be demonstrated. Levels of ACTH and cortisol in plasma of dexamethasone-treated salmon were therefore measured for a period of 360 min immediately following oral intubation of ACTH (15μg g−1 body weight). Peak plasma presence of ACTH-like immunoreactivity (676.6 ± 33.6 pg ml−1 plasma) and cortisol (227.1 ± 29.0 ng ml−1 plasma) were recorded 120 min after ACTH administration. Results from the experimental groups were compared to those of 15 control treatments. Since administration of ACTH to chinook salmon elicited a consistent and significant elevation in not only plasma ACTH but also cortisol presence, it is contended that the salmonid gut expresses an ability to absorb polypeptides of dietary origin. The significance of these findings with respect to the oral administration of biologically active peptides and proteins to fish of importance to aquaculture is discussed.  相似文献   
Summary Polypeptides, synthesized from a mixture of amino acid amides by microwave heating during repeated hydration-dehydration cycles, showed hydrolase- and oxidoreductase-like catalytic activities. Poly(GAVDH), polypeptides synthesized from an equimolar mixture (each 0.1 M) of glycinamide,l-alaninamide,l-valinamide,l-aspartic acid -amide, andl-histidinamide, catalyzed the hydrolysis of PNPAc. The hydrolytic rate of PNPAc with poly(GAVDH) was the quadruple of that ofl-histidine alone. Though the kcat values of different resulting polypeptides were 103–106 times less than those of native hydrolases, the Km value of the polypeptides further containing phenylalanine residues was nearly equal to that of the esterase. This result indicates the presence of hydrophobic interaction between a substrate and the polypeptides. Resulting polypeptides also showed catalytic activity for the reduction of ferricyanide ion [Fe(CN)3–] with NADH. The polypeptides seemed to have a strong affinity for adenine nucleotides, because the reaction was inhibited by adenine derivatives such as NAD+ and AppA. A hypothesis for the emergence of primitive protein enzymes is discussed.  相似文献   
Nodules of cowpea plants (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp. cv. Vita 3 :Bradyrhizobium CB756) cultured for periods of 23 d with their root systems maintained in atmospheres containing a range of partial pressures of O2 (pO2; 1–80%, v/v, in N2) formed and exported ureides (allantoin and allantoic acid) as the major products of fixation at all pO2 tested. In sub-ambient pO2 (1 and 2.5%) nodules contained specific activities of uricase (urate: O2 oxidoreductase; EC and allantoinase (allantoin hydrolyase; EC as much as sevenfold higher than in those from air. On a cell basis, uninfected cells in nodules from 1% O2 contained around five times the level of uricase. Except for NAD: glutamate synthase (EC, which was reduced in sub-ambient O2, the activities of other enzymes of ureide synthesis were relatively unaffected by pO2. Short-term effects of pO2 on assimilation of fixed nitrogen were measured in nodules of air-grown plants exposed to subambient pO2 (1, 2.5 or 5%, v/v in N2) and15N2. Despite a fall in total15N2 fixation, ureide synthesis and export was maintained at a high level except in 1% O2 where formation was halved. The data indicate that in addition to the structural and diffusional adaptations of cowpea nodules which allow the balance between O2 supply and demand to be maintained over a wide range of pO2, nodules also show evidence of biochemical adaptations which maintain and enhance normal pathways for the assimilation of fixed nitrogen. This work was supported by a grant from the Australian Research Council (to C.A.A.) and an Australian Development Assistance Bureau postgraduate fellowship (to F.D.D.).  相似文献   
Larvae of the mealworm beetle Tenebrio molitor, are able to absorb water vapour from subsaturated air, but adults cannot. This functional difference is paralleled by structural differences in the cryptonephridial rectal complex, the site of vapour absorption in the larva. Very distinctive differences occur in the rectal pad epithelium and these are reported in detail for the first time. The cells of the larval rectal pad are very closely apposed, forming a structural, and presumably functional, unit, whereas the cells of the adult rectal pad are more clearly separate. Intracellular organization also shows clear differences. These differences indicate that the rectal epithelium may play a more important role in vapour absorption than recently ascribed to it. Other, less striking, differences in the cryptonephric Malpighian tubules and perinephric membrane as previously recorded have largely been confirmed. Morphometric analysis suggests that diffusion alone could account for the observed absorption of water vapour across the larval system from rectal lumen to the lumen of the cryptonephric tubules, but this does not rule out the possibility that other transporting mechanisms are also involved. Radial diffusion and antero-posterior gradients may be facilitated by the predominently radial and circumferential arrangement of the rectal pad cells and the surrounding cryptonephric tubules. Reinvestigation of the isolating perinephric membrane and its insertion onto the rectal cuticle supports the conclusions that insertion occurs only posteriorly. The model incorporating anterior as well as posterior insertion does not apply. The membrane posteriorly encloses a single perirectal space between rectum and tubules and in this region no perinephric or peritubular space is found between inner and outer regions of the membrane. This is the region where maximal gradients occur across the system.  相似文献   
In the last few years our knowledge of the structure and function of Photosystem II in oxygen-evolving organisms has increased significantly. The biochemical isolation and characterization of essential protein components and the comparative analysis from purple photosynthetic bacteria (Deisenhofer, Epp, Miki, Huber and Michel (1984) J Mol Biol 180: 385–398) have led to a more concise picture of Photosystem II organization. Thus, it is now generally accepted that the so-called D1 and D2 intrinsic proteins bind the primary reactants and the reducing-side components. Simultaneously, the nature and reaction kinetics of the major electron transfer components have been further clarified. For example, the radicals giving rise to the different forms of EPR Signal II have recently been assigned to oxidized tyrosine residues on the D1 and D2 proteins, while the so-called Q400 component has been assigned to the ferric form of the acceptor-side iron. The primary charge-separation has been meaured to take place in about 3 ps. However, despite all recent major efforts, the location of the manganese ions and the water-oxidation mechanism still remain largely unknown. Other topics which lately have received much attention include the organization of Photosystem II in the thylakoid membrane and the role of lipids and ionic cofactors like bicarbonate, calcium and chloride. This article attempts to give an overall update in this rapidly expanding field.  相似文献   
Summary Transepithelial electrogenic Na transport (INa) was investigated in the colon of the frog Xenopus laevis with electrophysiological methods in vitro. The short circuit current (Isc) of the voltage-clamped tissue was 24.2±1.8 A·cm-2 (n=10). About 60% of this current was generated by electrogenic Na transport. Removal of Ca2+ from the mucosal Ringer solution stimulated INa by about 120%. INa was not blockable by amiloride (0.1 mmol·l-1), a specific Na-channel blocker in epithelia, but a fully and reversible inhibition was achieved by mucosal application of 1 mmol·l-1 lanthanum (La3-). No Na-self-inhibition was found, because INa increased linearly with the mucosal Na concentration. A stimulation of INa by antidiuretic hormones was not possible. The analysis of fluctuations in the short circuit current (noise analysis) indicated that Na ions pass the apical cell membrane via a Ca-sensitive ion channel. The results clearly demonstrate that in the colon of Xenopus laevis Na ions are absorbed through Ca-sensitive apical ion channels. They differ considerably in their properties and regulation from the amiloride-sensitive Na channel which is typically found in the colon of vertebrates.Abbreviations G T transepithelial conductance - I sc short circuit current - I Na transepithelial Na-current - m mucosal - s serosal - PDS power density spectrum - f frequency - f c corner frequency of the Lorentzian component of the PDS - S(f) power density of the Lorentzian component of the PDS - So plateau value of the Lorentzian component of the PDS  相似文献   
The pregnancy-specific 1-glycoproteins (PSG) form a large family of closely related proteins. Using newly developed methods of sequence analysis, in combination with protein modeling, we provide a framework for investigating the evolution and biological function of genes like the PSG. Evolutionary trees, based on C-terminal sequence, group PSG genes in a manner consistent with their genomic organization. Trees constructed using the N-terminal domain sequences are unreliable as an indicator of phylogeny because of non-neutral processes of sequence change. During duplication of the PSG genes, evolutionary pressures have resulted in a gradient of constrained change across each gene. The N-terminal domains show a nonrandom pattern of amino acid substitutions clustered in the immunoglobulin complementarity-determining region (CDR)-like regions, which appear to be important in the function of the protein.  相似文献   
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