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Current perspectives on plasmodesmata: structure and function   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Recent studies on plasmodesmata have shown that these important intercellular passages for communication and transport are much more sophisticated in both structure and regulatory abilities than previously imagined. A complex, but not well understood, substructure has been revealed by a variety of increasingly reliable ultrastructural techniques. Proteinaceous particles are seen within the cytoplasmic sleeve surrounding the desmotubule. Dye-coupling studies have provided experimental evidence for the physical pathway of solute movement, supporting conclusions about substructural dimensions within plasmodesmata drawn from the ultrastructural studies. Calcium has been identified as a major factor in the regulation of intercellular communication via plasmodesmata. Evidence from studies on virus movement through plasmodesmata suggests a direct interaction between virallycoded movement proteins and plasmodesmata in the systemic spread of many viruses. There is increasing evidence, albeit indirect, that in some plant species phloem loading may involve transport of photoassimilate entirely within the symplast from mesophyll cells to the sieve element-companion cell complexes of minor veins.  相似文献   
Summary Prealbumin plasma level is considered a good index of liver function in liver cirrhosis. However, plasma protein levels depend not only on liver function, but also on amino acid supply which is consequent to nutritional status.In 12 cirrhotics we measured prealbumin plasma levels and the lower limb venous-artero difference of amino acid plasma levels in blood samples taken from femoral vein and femoral artery in post-absorptive conditions considered as a direct index of protein release from peripheral tissues and an indirect index of protein nutritional status.In arterial and in venous plasma amino acid sum was 1.86±0.40 (mean + sd) and 2.00 ± 0.04 mMol/l respectively.Prealbumin plasma levels were found directly correlated with the venousartero difference of amino acid plasma levels (r = 0.57p < 0.05) and of glutamate + glutamine levels (r = 0.73p < 0.007).In conclusions, these data suggest that prealbumin plasma levels are linked to amino acid supply from peripheral tissues in cirrhotics.  相似文献   
Concluding remarks from the joint IUBS/IUMS workshop on Biodiversity amongst microorganisms and its relevance held in Amsterdam on 7–8 September 1991. An international microbial ecology programme can be justified in its own right now that appropriate investigative tools have been developed. Microorganisms influence global change, and indicate global health and environmental quality. At the same time, an inventory of the world's microbial species and their properties is required, together with associated culture collections and genomes. Sampling methods need to be standardized, both for species and functions. Extreme environments are a particularly rich source of microbial genomes, and endangered habitats should be sampled as a matter of priority. Cataloguing and conserving the world's microbial biodiversity is justifiable and scientifically important.  相似文献   
对蜚蠊单个机械感受器诱发反应峰电位的历程及幅度,使用系列分析、栅分析、时序分布、累加密度函数、栅—频分析、特征参数的伪三维隐线显示、峰电位幅度概率密度函数、峰电位间隔概率密度函数等分析方法,获得较多的神经信号间隔编码信息,以揭示刺激和反应之间的复杂关系。峰电位间隔和栅—频分析图由函数经曲线拟合后,分别求得描述其动态过程的时间常数τ_1,τ_2和τ_3,应用上述多种分析显示方法,使研究者更为直观地观察和定量描述刺激—反应间的动态关系。  相似文献   
Lars-Owe D. Koskinen 《Peptides》1991,12(6):1273-1277
The cardiovascular effects of IV naloxone and a subsequent administration of TRH IV were studied in the rabbit. Naloxone caused a vasodilation in the myocardium and adrenal glands. Naloxone elicited an increment in cerebral blood flow in several regions which attenuated the cerebrovasodilating effect of TRH in a few regions. The blockade of endogenous opioids with naloxone did not modify the peripheral vasoconstricting effect of TRH or affect the vascular effects of TRH mediated by the peripheral sympathetic nerves. The results indicate that naloxone has a vasodilating effect in the myocardium and CNS in anesthetized rabbits. The major part of the cardiovascular effect of TRH is not dependent on mechanisms sensitive to naloxone.  相似文献   
Summary The plasma levels of four osmoregulatory hormones and their target ion-transport systems in the lower intestines of the domestic fowl were determined in order to elucidate their interrelationship and their setpoints in relation to NaCl intake. White Plymouth Rock hens were adapted to six intake levels of NaCl (0.20±0.02–24.7±1.9 mmoles Na+·kg bw–1·day–1) for 6 weeks. The Na+ absorption and the Cl secretion of colon and coprodeum were characterized in vitro by the effects of hexoses, amino acids, amiloride, and theophylline on the short-circuit current (SCC) and electrical potential difference (PD). The NaCl-conserving system of the adult chicken is set at low intake levels of NaCl as the 80% range (quantitized by non-linear, logistic regression analyses) of the change in the plasma [ALDO], the amiloride-inhibitable Na+ absorption of coprodeum and colon ( SCC), occurred from 0.18 to 2.3, from 0.9 to 4.3, and from 1.2 to 7.3 mmoles Na+·kg bw–1·day–1, respectively. These results demonstrate that the amiloride-inhibitable Na+ absorption of coprodcum is more closely linked to plasma [ALDO] than that of colon. The aminoacid-Na+ coabsorption of colon increased over exactly the same range of Na+ intake as the colonic amiloride-inhibitable Na+ absorption decreased, whereas the hexose-Na+ coabsorption increased at higher levels of Na+ intake, from 2 to 11 mmoles Na+·kg bw–1·day–1. Both these Na+ absorption types had reached their maximums at 24.7 mmoles Na+·kg bw–1·day–1, whereas the plasma [AVT] and plasma [PRL], although significantly increased, apparently had not; their 80% range of change occurred from 9.9 to 99 mmoles Na+·kg bw–1·day–1, and the main changes in plasma osmolity were predicted to occur from 5.4 to 107 mmoles Na+·kg bw–1·day–1. These results suggest that these colonic and hormonal variables conserve osmotically-free water and operate at high NaCl intake. The theophylline-induced colonic Cl secretion did not change with NaCl intake, whereas the stimulation of SCC in coprodeum decreased with increasing NaCl intake: The main change occurred between 0 and 3.2 mmoles Na+·kg bw–1·day–1. Thus, all ion-transport capacity disappears in coprodeum with increased dietary NaCl intake, whereas colon maintains its ion-transport capacity (although the nature of the Na+ transport changes). It is suggested that hormones defending the extracellular volume and composition are regulated close to zero input and output of both NaCl and water, regardless of whether they are NaCl conserving or free-water conserving. Therefore, changes in their stable plasma concentrations occur at the extremes of tolerable range of NaCl intake.Abbreviation AA aminoacids - ALDO aldosterone - AMI amiloride - AVT arginine vasotocin - bw body weight - CS corticosterone - HEX hexoses - INDO indomethacin - PD potential difference - PRL prolactin - R resistance - SCC short-circuit current - SD standard deviation - SEM standard error of mean - THEO theophylline  相似文献   
Residuals for relative risk regression   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
棕色固氮菌在正常培养过程中所产生的含肽物质,有络合特征峰出现。含肽物质与钼(V)络合的EPR信号g值为1.94。与钼酸盐的络合稳定常数K为2.5×10~9。棕色固氮菌变种UW1(Av1~-,Av2~-),UW38(Av1~-,Av2~ )和UW91(Av1~ ,Av2~-)都能产生类似的含肽物质。培养基中钼的存在是含肽物质产生和分泌所必需的,含肽物质排出的量与培养基中钼的水准呈正相关。不能积累钼的变种UW71在高钼培养基中只能限量地分泌含肽物质。氨培养条件下仍能产生和分泌含肽物质。这种含肽物质与该菌粗提液中的某种成分(除固氮酶组分外)具同源性,它既能从菌体中分泌出来,又能进入菌体,在菌体和培养液之间往返运行,可能在该菌钼酸盐运输中起载体作用。  相似文献   
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