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A total of 270 soil samples from 30 different habitats in 10 geographic regions of California were evaluated for the presence of rhabditid entomopathogenic nematodes. Nematodes were isolated from 26.3% of the samples. The recovered isolates were identified as Steinernema carpocapsae, S. feltiae, S. kraussei, S. longicaudum, S. oregonense, Heterorhabditis marelatus and H.bacteriophora. Among the steinernematids, S. kraussei and S. feltiae were the most commonly encountered species, generally occurring in acidic soils high in organic matter. Among the heterorhabditids, H. bacteriophora was isolated along the southern coast, whereas H. marelatus was recovered along the northern coast of California. Steinernematids were recovered from coniferous forests, oak woodlands and grasslands whereas heterorhabditids were isolated from coastal marshes.  相似文献   
Behavioral flexibility, including an ability to modify feeding behavior, is a key trait enabling primates to survive in forest fragments. In human-dominated landscapes, unprotected forest fragments can become progressively degraded, and may be cleared entirely, challenging the capacity of primates to adjust to the changes. We examined responses of wild chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) to major habitat change: that is, clearance of forest fragments for agriculture. Over 7 years, fragments in Bulindi, Uganda, were reduced in size by 80%. We compared the chimpanzees’ diet at the start and end of this period of rapid deforestation, using data derived mainly from fecal analysis. Similar to other long-term study populations, chimpanzees in Bulindi have a diverse diet comprising over 169 plant foods. However, extensive deforestation seemed to impact their feeding ecology. Dietary changes after fragment clearance included reduced overall frugivory, reduced intake of figs (Ficus spp.; formerly a dietary “staple” for these chimpanzees), and reduced variety of fruits in fecal samples. Nevertheless, the magnitude of most changes was remarkably minor given the extent of forest loss. Agricultural fruits increased in dietary importance, with crops accounting for a greater proportion of fruits in fecal samples after deforestation. In particular, cultivated jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) became a “staple” food for the chimpanzees but was scarcely eaten before fragment clearance. Crops offer some nutritional benefits for primates, being high in carbohydrate energy and low in hard-to-digest fiber. Thus, crop feeding may have offset foraging costs associated with loss of wild foods and reduced overall frugivory for the chimpanzees. The adaptability of many primates offers hope for their conservation in fragmented, rural landscapes. However, long-term data are needed to establish whether potential benefits (i.e. energetic, reproductive) of foraging in agricultural matrix habitats outweigh fitness costs from anthropogenic mortality risk for chimpanzees and other adaptable primates.  相似文献   
Geosynphytosociology deals with the study of combinations of vegetation series – or geosigmeta – within landscape. Its main advantage is to assess conservation status based on vegetation dynamics. However, this field-based approach has not been widely applied, because local surveys are not representative of spatio-temporal landscape complexity, which leads to uncertainties and errors for geosigmeta structural and functional mapping. In this context, satellite time series appear as relevant data for monitoring vegetation dynamics. This article aims to assess the contribution of an annual satellite time series for geosigmeta structural and functional mapping. The study area, which focuses on the French Atlantic coast (4630 km²), includes salt, brackish, sub-brackish and fresh marshes. A structural vegetation map was derived from the classification of an annual time series of 38 MODIS images validated with field surveys. The functional vegetation map was derived from the annual Integral of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI-I), as an indicator of above-ground net primary production. Results show that geosigmeta were successfully mapped at a scale of 1:250,000 with an overall accuracy of 82.9%. The geosigmeta functional map highlights a strong gradient from the lowest NDVI-I values in salt marshes to the highest values in fresh marshes.  相似文献   
Schoenus ferrugineus andS. nigricans have restricted distributions in Sweden and are almost exclusively confined to calcareous fen habitats. AtS. nigricans sites,S. ferrugineus is usually also present, and hybrids are frequently found. In this report, I used allozymes to estimate the amount of gene flow between the two species, and to compare the partitioning of genetic diversity in each of them. Thirteen loci were analysed at eight different enzyme systems. Seven loci were variable between or within the species. The two species had completely different alleles at two of the seven variable loci, whereas there was overlap at five loci. In all, 22 different alleles were found. Six of these alleles were confined toS. nigricans, and five alleles were confined toS. ferrugineus. Nei's genetic identity was 0.55.—InS. ferrugineus, three loci (23%) were polymorphic, and the average number of alleles per polymorphic locus was 2.0 (each polymorphic locus had two alleles). InS. nigricans, three loci (23%) were polymorphic, and the average number of alleles per polymorphic locus was 2.3.—The proportion of genetic diversity due to variation among sites (G ST) was fairly similar in the two species, mean over loci = 0.12 inS. ferrugineus and 0.15 inS. nigricans. However, the proportion of genetic diversity due to variation among individuals within sites (G IS) differed markedly between the two species, mean over loci = 0.54 inS. ferrugineus and 0.17 inS. nigricans. Accordingly, there was a much higher individual heterozygosity inS. nigricans than inS. ferrugineus. — Most hybrids were interpreted as F1 hybrids. However, a small proportion, 0.5–1.6 %, were Fn hybrids or back-crosses.—On the Swedish mainland, all former occurrences ofS. nigricans are extinct, but viable hybrids are still present at a few sites in southernmost Sweden.  相似文献   
为了探讨不同强度的耐力训练对有氧代谢中枢机制不同的适应性影响以及在耐力训练中是否存在最适宜于发展心脏结构、功能的强度,本文设计了26、30、、36、42m/min的训练强度,对大鼠进行16周的耐力训练,并对心室肌细胞及毛细血管的超微结构进行了显微图象计量分析。结果表明,在42m/min的强度训练后,线粒体内膜和嵴发展最好,毛细血管的数目也增加最多,毛细血管腔的增大最明显,心肌细胞最大氧弥散距离缩短最显著,说明不同强度的耐力训练后大鼠心肌的超微结构产生了不同的适应性变化,并且适宜的大强度训练对心肌的发展最有效  相似文献   
Frugivory patterns of the chimpanzees in the Budongo Forest Reserve, Uganda were studied between June 2000 and August 2001. Chimpanzee feeding habitats, movement, group size and food eaten were assessed using focal and scan sampling. It was found that fruits were scarce during the dry season, when chimpanzees appeared and moved in large groups over long distances and raided farms at the forest edge. Chimpanzee movement out of the forest to forage was influenced by seasonal fluctuations in availability of preferred foods as some cultivated crops are perennial. Presence of chimpanzees in a specific feeding habitat was related to the availability of edible fruits both within and between months, suggesting that the presence of food may influence chimpanzee movement patterns. Therefore, a good understanding of patterns of frugivory is essential for making informed decisions about conservation of chimpanzees and other frugivores like birds and monkeys in Budongo as different forest habitats are under varying human pressure because of logging and other forms of utilization.  相似文献   
The influence of the lunar cycle on prey availability, diet shifts and overlap between larval Anchovia clupeoides and Cetengraulis edentulus was evaluated in mangrove creeks of the Goiana Estuary. Copepod eggs were highly abundant in the first and last quarter, at the full moon and zoea of Ucides cordatus (Ocypodidae) in the new moon. The Engraulidae larvae fed on microcrustaceans, algae and early planktonic stages of benthic organisms. The relative importance of prey varied according to prey availability in all moon phases. Larval diets were more even in the full and new moons, when the relative importance of calanoid copepods and zoeae of U. cordatus as food items increased (index of relative importance, >80% IRI). Mangrove creeks were very important feeding grounds for engraulid larvae during spring tides. Larval diets were more diverse in the first and last‐quarter moon and included protozoeae of Caridean shrimp, larvae of Anomalocardia brasiliana (Veneridae), Isopoda, Gastropoda, ephippium of Daphnia sp. and nauplii of Cirripedia, Harpacticoidia and cyclopoid Copepoda. The last five items were not found in the creeks, suggesting feeding in the main channel. During neap tides, mangrove creeks were probably also used as refugia. These larvae are opportunistic and feed on highly available prey and both species feed on the same items, leading to high dietary overlap in all moon phases. The lunar cycle, which is related to the spring‐neap tidal cycle, was the major driver of quantitative and qualitative changes in feeding of engraulid larvae on a short time scale.  相似文献   
Wood anatomy of Eucalyptus globulus Labill. under different habitats was comparatively studied under light and scanning electron microscope. According to the eleven major quantitative perimeters of wood characteristics of E. globulus viz: vessel frequency, percentage of solitary vessels, vessel diameter, vessel member length; tracheid length and diameter; fibre tracheid length and diameter; libriform fibre length; ray frequency and ray height, the plants under different habitats have been made a comparison. The results showed that growth ring was indistinct, and there was a positive correlation between the quantitative characters of most wood constituent members were positively correlated with the latitude except for some of vessel frequency decreased. The decrease in effects of annual rainfall on the structure of the wood of E. glotrulus were evaluated.  相似文献   
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