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Abstract 1. Most ants are more like plants and marine invertebrates than other insects because the adults are sessile and the immature stages are motile. 2. This paper reported the results from a field experiment that increased food levels on the fungus gardening ant, Trachymyrmex septentrionalis, which has served as a model system for understanding the complexities of these obligate mutualisms. 3. Food supplementation increased the growth of the symbiotic fungus and this led to an increase in the amount of fungal biomass. The amount of fungal biomass was generally more important in determining the amount of ant offspring than colony size. 4. The results indicate that the population is food limited and colonies may compete for relatively rare fungal substrate. However, competition in this species is not obvious.  相似文献   
Despite the ban by the European Union, anabolic steroids might still be illicitly employed in bovine meat production. The surveillance of misuse of such potentially harmful molecules is necessary to guarantee consumers’ health. Analytical methods for drug residue control are based on LC‐MS/MS, but their efficacy can be hindered due to undetectable residual concentrations as a result of low‐dosage treatments. Screening methods based on the recognition of indirect biological effects of growth promoters’ administration, such as the alteration of protein expression, can improve the efficacy of surveillance. The present study was aimed at identifying modifications in the muscle protein expression pattern between bulls treated with an ear implant (Revalor‐XS®) containing trenbolone acetate (200 mg) and estradiol (40 mg), and untreated animals. The analysis of skeletal muscle was carried out using a tandem mass tags shotgun proteomics approach. We defined 28 candidate protein markers with a significantly altered expression induced by steroids administration. A subset of 18 candidate markers was validated by SRM and allowed to build a predictive model based on partial least square discriminant analysis. Our findings confirm the effectiveness of the proteomics approach as potential tool to overcome analytical limitations of drug residue monitoring.  相似文献   
以十和田/昆明小白谷225个F14家系为作图群体,在云南省弥勒县(正常生长环境)、嵩明县(自然低温胁迫环境)、丽江市(自然低温胁迫环境)等3个试点不同年份共5种不同生长环境下进行了水稻主穗和分蘖穗穗伸出度的异地鉴定,并利用SSR标记对水稻穗伸出度进行了QTL分析。检测结果表明,在5种不同的生长环境下共检测到12个与水稻穗伸出度相关的QTL,分别分布于第1(2个QTLs)、2、4、6(3个QTLs)、7(3个QTLs)、9(2个QTLs)号染色体,对表型的贡献率为3.72%~22.17%。其中与主穗穗伸出度相关的QTL共11个,与分蘖穗穗伸出度相关的QTL共7个,其中6个在主穗和分蘖穗上均检测到。在与主穗穗伸出度相关的11个QTL中,q PE-7-1在4种环境下均被检测到,解释的表型变异为9.49%~22.17%;q PE-1-1、q PE-1-2、q PE-6-1和q PE-9-2 4个QTL在2种环境下均被检测到。在与分蘖穗穗伸出度相关的7个QTL中,q PE-1-2、q PE-7-1和q PE-6-1 3个QTL在2种环境中均被检测到,解释的表型变异率分别为4.35%~12.64%、13.22%~20.89%和11.49%~15.73%。  相似文献   
Chlorantraniliprole seed treatments in rice provide effective suppression of rice water weevil populations in the United States; however, heavy reliance on prophylactic insecticide treatments as a sole strategy could destabilize management programs for this insect. The present research evaluated the compatibility of seed treatments with two other potential management tactics—plant resistance and shallow flooding–by conducting two split‐plot experiments in 2009 and 2011. In both experiments, no substantial antagonism was found among the 3 different tactics. Statistical interactions in these experiments arose from the strong and persistent effects of chlorantraniliprole on larval densities rather than incompatibility of tactics. In 2009, weevil densities differed among varieties and were significantly lower on the cultivar “Jefferson.” In 2011, weevil densities were reduced significantly in shallow‐flooded plots compared to deep‐flooded plots. Significant reductions in weevil numbers by chlorantraniliprole seed treatments, even at application rates 5 fold lower than commercially recommended rates, demonstrated the potential to reduce application rates of this highly potent larvicide. These latter results suggest that future studies on the relationship between chlorantraniliprole seed treatment rate and weevil fitness are warranted.  相似文献   
:痔(Haemorrhoids)是直肠末端黏膜、肛管皮肤下痔静脉丛屈曲或扩张而形成的柔软静脉团,是外科常见的疾病。尽管保守治 疗适用于大部分患者人群,但是手术治疗却适用于大部分严重病人,比如外剥内扎术就被视为治疗IV 度痔的金标准。痔的手术 治疗有传统手术和微创手术,为了减轻患者的痛苦、加速恢复、减少并发症的发生,PPH 和TST 等新型手术方式也逐渐被应用于 III痔的治疗中,这些手术方法的目的是纠正痔疮的病因及病理生理基础,具有微创、痛苦小的特点,但往往复发率较高。随着手术 方式的改进以及操作技术的成熟,痔的外科治疗效果也取得了长足的进步。本文对混合痔的外科手术技术作一综述,为临床治疗 提供理论依据。  相似文献   
Influenza A virus strains adopt different host specificities mainly depending on their hemagglutinin (HA) protein. Via HA, the virus binds sialic acid receptors of the host cell and, upon endocytic uptake, HA triggers fusion between the viral envelope bilayer and the endosomal membrane by a low pH-induced conformational change leading to the release of the viral genome into the host cell cytoplasm. Both functions are crucial for viral infection enabling the genesis of new progeny virus.  相似文献   
Mixed infections of Nicotiana benthamiana plants by Tobacco necrosis virus (TNV) and Turnip crinkle virus (TCV) exhibited an interference interaction. Accumulation of TNV (+)RNA as well as capsid protein in mixed infection were considerably lower than that of singly infected plants. There were also a slight reduction in the levels of TCV (+)RNA and capsid protein in doubly infected plants, which displayed the concentration of both viruses decreased in dually infected plants. Tissue immunoblot analysis of systemic N. benthamiana leaves infected by TNV and TCV singly or doubly showed the interference between the two viruses in situ, which exhibited the decrease of both viruses in doubly infected leaves although the distribution of them did not change remarkably. These results were consistent with the hybridization analysis of viral genomic RNA and coat protein. Both cross‐protection test and mixed infection of the two viruses confirmed TCV had relatively stronger interference to the infection of TNV. Interference infection by TNV and TCV induced higher increase in the levels of cytochrome pathway respiration and alternative pathway respiration in host plants, especially the latter. Interference often occurred in different strains of one kind of virus or two different closely related viruses in one genus. Our results showed that interference could also occur in different viruses belonging to different genera.  相似文献   
Summary We derive regression estimators that can compare longitudinal treatments using only the longitudinal propensity scores as regressors. These estimators, which assume knowledge of the variables used in the treatment assignment, are important for reducing the large dimension of covariates for two reasons. First, if the regression models on the longitudinal propensity scores are correct, then our estimators share advantages of correctly specified model‐based estimators, a benefit not shared by estimators based on weights alone. Second, if the models are incorrect, the misspecification can be more easily limited through model checking than with models based on the full covariates. Thus, our estimators can also be better when used in place of the regression on the full covariates. We use our methods to compare longitudinal treatments for type II diabetes mellitus.  相似文献   
Background The treatment of depressive disorders involves the administration of drugs of proven efficacy at the correct doses and for specific periods of time, in conjunction with psychotherapeutic support.Aim To assess the evolution of the consumption of antidepressants in the Health Region of Lleida (Spain).Method A retrospective cohort study of the antidepressant medication prescribed via the Spanish National Health System in the Health Region of Lleida between 2002 and 2007. The variables recorded in the study were age, sex, number of patients in antidepressant treatment in the Health Region of Lleida, length of treatment and type of drug. The prevalence of the population of the health region who were receiving antidepressant drugs and the incidence for each particular year was calculated.Results The mean prevalence of patients in treatment with antidepressant drugs was 8.5% (5% in men and 12.1% in women). The highest prevalence was observed in the higher age groups. By therapeutic groups, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) were the most frequently prescribed, five times more than the next group, tricyclics/heterocyclics. The follow-up assessment of the medication prescribed showed that one out of every four patients did not continue treatment after the first month, and 38.4% did not continue after three months. Very few were treated for more than six months.Conclusion This study stresses the high rate of antidepressant treatment in the older women's group. One of every four treatments initiated did not last more than one month. Over the six-year period, 16 506 patients dropped out of treatment.  相似文献   
李语晨  程金花  李明峰  王宇 《生态学报》2019,39(6):1908-1916
以三种(杉木+少量栎类、杉木+栎类+光皮桦、杉木+栎类+光皮桦+马尾松)不同树种配置的杉阔混交林为研究对象,计算了角尺度、大小比数、混交度三个林分空间结构指标,全面分析了湖北省九华山林场不同树种配置杉阔混交防护林林分空间结构特征,结果表明:优势树种主要有杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata(Lamb.)Hook.)、栎类(Quercus L.)及光皮桦(Betula luminifera)三种,并有少量马尾松(Pinus massoniana)散生于林内,生长优势也较弱。不同树种配置所呈现的林分空间结构也不相同。树种配置Ⅰ(杉木+少量栎类)的角尺度平均值为0.42,大小比数平均值为0.31,混交度平均值为0.18,林木空间分布格局和生长优势度均较好,但混交程度较弱,近乎杉木纯林,对应的生物多样性也会较小。树种配置Ⅱ(杉木+栎类+光皮桦)的角尺度平均值为0.5,大小比数平均值0.32,混交度平均数0.48,空间分布格局整体呈现随机分布;林木主要处于亚优势生长状态,混交度以中度-强度混交为主;而树种配置Ⅲ(杉木+栎类+光皮桦+马尾松)的角尺度平均值为0.58,大小比数平均值0.51,混交度平均数0.54,林木空间格局呈现聚集分布,生长优势水平中庸,为中度混交。全面分析林分空间结构,可以明确林分空间结构中存在的不合理情况,为合理择伐以及近自然经营提供科学依据,使该地区的杉阔混交林的多种功能得到可持续发挥。  相似文献   
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