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冯瑞华 《蛇志》1995,7(1):19-21
通过观察脉络宁合用蝮蛇抗栓酶分型治疗中风后遗症101的临床疗效,并与单用脉络宁对照组69例比较。从而初步探讨2药联用对各型病例效应的机理,为优选本病的药疗方案提供参考资料。结果治疗组总有效率及中药病例有效率均显著高于对照组;各型病例治愈率及轻、重型病例有效率、重型患者显效率也都比对照组高;但各型病例好转率及轻、中型病例显效率2组结果无显著差异。  相似文献   

1. 1.|Alterations in the fatty acid composition of microsomes were most marked in the exponential phase of both 39.5- or 15°C- grown Tetrahymena pyriformis NT-1.

2. 2.|Activities of palmitoyl-CoA and stearoyl-CoA desaturases were lower in 15°C cells than in 39.5°C cells, while the activity of oleoyl-CoA desaturase was higher in 15°C cells.

3. 3.|Activities of the terminal component of the desaturation system as well as all three desaturases (palmitoyl-CoA, stearoyl-CoA, oleoyl-CoA) were higher in the exponential phase than in the stationary phase for cells grown at both temperatures.

4. 4.|NAD(P)H-cytochrome c reductase activity and cytochrome b5 content were reduced whereas NADH-ferricyanide reductase activity was increased in the stationary phase at both 39.5 and 15°C.

Author Keywords: Cyanide sensitive factor (CSF); cell growth in different temperatures; Δ9- and Δ12-desaturases; microsomal electron transport; temperature adaptation; Tetrahymena; protozoa  相似文献   

通过离体实验方法观察58例22—40岁中国育龄正常妇女周期的不同阶段、妊娠期(1—2个月)及哺乳期(2—10个月)输卵管峡部平滑肌收缩频率、波型及对外源性去甲肾上腺素(NE)的反应。实验观察到增生期、行经期及哺乳期峡部收缩活动比分泌期、妊娠期强,前者收缩频率高,多数呈现阵发性收缩,而后者收缩频率低,呈现单个收缩。增生期、行经期、分泌期及哺乳期峡部对NE呈兴奋性反应,只有妊娠期峡部对NE呈抑制反应。峡部环层肌比纵层肌收缩力强,但收缩波型相似。结果表明人输卵管自发收缩活动及对NE反应与卵巢激素状态有密切关系。  相似文献   
The effect of certain inorganic and coordinated nickel compounds on the resistance to different destructive substances, rheological properties, and functional activity of healthy human red blood cells (RBC), was investigated. It is shown that nickel compounds affect the erythrocyte membrane lipid bilayer, as well as membrane proteins to various extents, depending on the type of compounds used. In general, the acceleration of erythrocyte aging was observed to be more pronounced in young erythrocytes. The observed results suggest that nickel compounds decrease water permeability across erythrocyte membranes. Almost all the investigated nickel compounds decrease erythrocyte thermostability, deformability, and the rate of O2 release by erythrocytes.  相似文献   
不同类型棉田棉蚜种群动态研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
戈峰  谢宝瑜 《昆虫知识》1995,32(6):330-332
根据华北棉区8种不同时空类型棉蚜种群密度调查结果,分析和比较了不同播种时间、间套作及免耕措施对棉蚜种群密度的影响。  相似文献   
韩宝瑜  陈宗懋  张钟宁 《生态学报》2001,21(12):2131-2135
触角电位(EAG)研究和选择性行为反应表明茶梢受茶蚜(Toxoptera aurantti Boyer)为害后能释放引诱异色瓢虫LLeis axyridis(Pallas)]的互利素,茶蚜、萝卜蚜Lipaphis erystmi(Kaltenbach)体表和茶蚜蜜露中含有吸引异色瓢虫的利它素,其中的少数特异性组分引诱活性较强.源于茶园、桑园和菜园的互利素或利它素对各自生境中的异色瓢虫更具刺激性,显示了生境特定性.EAG剂量反应表明茶园中的显明变种比显现变种稍敏感,这可能是由于前者触角上的化感器数量较多所致.  相似文献   
绢丝丽蚌(Lamprotula fibrosa)隶属于软体动物门、瓣鳃纲、古异齿亚纲、真瓣鳃目、蚌科、丽蚌属,是中国特有的淡水经济蚌类;主要生活在长江流域中下游湖泊中。绢丝丽蚌壳厚质优、坚硬、皎白闪亮,具有较高的经济价值。  相似文献   
采用盐酸水解法分析不同来源仙草的氨基酸组成及含量差异,结果表明供试仙草均含有17种氨基酸和7种必需氨基酸,氨基酸总量为4.75%~13.65%,17种氨基酸总量和7种必需氨基酸总量的高低顺序都是9>10>5>8>1 >6>4>3>2>7,均以9号仙草含量最高,7号仙草最低.各种氨基酸含量高低顺序相似,以谷氨酸、天门冬氨...  相似文献   
Multiple sequence alignments are successfully applied in many studies for under- standing the structural and functional relations among single nucleic acids and pro- tein sequences as well as whole families. Because of the rapid growth of sequence databases, multiple sequence alignments can often be very large and difficult to visualize and analyze. We offer a new service aimed to visualize and analyze the multiple alignments obtained with different external algorithms, with new features useful for the comparison of the aligned sequences as well as for the creation of a final image of the alignment. The service is named FASMA and is available at http: //bioinformatica.isa.cnr.it /FASMA /.  相似文献   
不同生长时期基因调控对南阳牛生长发育的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
高雪  徐秀容  任红艳  张英汉  许尚忠 《遗传》2006,28(8):927-932
以南阳牛为试验动物,利用PCR-SSCP和PCR-RFLP技术研究了南阳牛生长激素(GH)基因,IGF-I基因以及IGF-IBP3基因的遗传多态,并分析了遗传多态位点对南阳牛0月龄、6月龄、12月龄、18月龄、24月龄以及36月龄不同生长时期生长发育性状的影响。结果表明: 在6月龄~18月龄,GH基因的GH-P5位点的BB基因型对南阳牛的体长、体高显著的正效应;在生长的后期(24月龄~36月龄),IGF-IBP3-P5基因位点对南阳牛的后躯发育起主要调控作用,BB基因型个体的尻宽显著高于AA型。这表明基因的正效应不是在所有的生长周期表现,而是在特定的时期表现对南阳牛生长发育的显著影响。  相似文献   
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