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固沙树种梭梭在不同水分梯度下的光合生理特征   总被引:24,自引:3,他引:24  
对不同水分梯度下梭梭光合作用的研究发现,地下水位、土壤含水量、灌水量对梭梭的光合具有明显的影响。在1.4m、2.4m、3.4m地下水位下,梭梭的光合速率、呼吸作用、量子效率随水位的降低而降低,光补偿点随水位的降低而增大;在滴灌供水时,梭梭的光合速率较对照明显提高,且灌水量越大,梭梭的光合速率越高;半流动沙丘、丘间低地、粘土沙障固定沙丘退化梭梭的光合作用的强弱同其林地土壤水分的高低基本一致。7月,不同水分梯度下的梭梭光合作用均表现出午休现象,9月只有立地条件较差的梭梭发生光合午休,而且9月光合作用要强于7月,说明9月环境条件更有利于梭梭生长。  相似文献   
南方红豆杉种子产量低,休眠期长,自然存有量和栽植数量少,人工造林种苗需求量大。为促进南方红豆杉的可持续利用,对南方红豆杉不同扦插时间繁殖作进一步探索。通过试验,插床的蔽光度为60%,用清水沙做基质、一年生枝条做插条,经过药剂处理,湿度保持在70%~80%,得出南方红豆杉以11月下旬扦插繁殖效果较好,成活率达78%。能批量生产,满足人工造林的种苗需求。  相似文献   
以十和田/昆明小白谷225个F14家系为作图群体,在云南省弥勒县(正常生长环境)、嵩明县(自然低温胁迫环境)、丽江市(自然低温胁迫环境)等3个试点不同年份共5种不同生长环境下进行了水稻主穗和分蘖穗穗伸出度的异地鉴定,并利用SSR标记对水稻穗伸出度进行了QTL分析。检测结果表明,在5种不同的生长环境下共检测到12个与水稻穗伸出度相关的QTL,分别分布于第1(2个QTLs)、2、4、6(3个QTLs)、7(3个QTLs)、9(2个QTLs)号染色体,对表型的贡献率为3.72%~22.17%。其中与主穗穗伸出度相关的QTL共11个,与分蘖穗穗伸出度相关的QTL共7个,其中6个在主穗和分蘖穗上均检测到。在与主穗穗伸出度相关的11个QTL中,q PE-7-1在4种环境下均被检测到,解释的表型变异为9.49%~22.17%;q PE-1-1、q PE-1-2、q PE-6-1和q PE-9-2 4个QTL在2种环境下均被检测到。在与分蘖穗穗伸出度相关的7个QTL中,q PE-1-2、q PE-7-1和q PE-6-1 3个QTL在2种环境中均被检测到,解释的表型变异率分别为4.35%~12.64%、13.22%~20.89%和11.49%~15.73%。  相似文献   
不同生境中猴腿蹄盖蕨种群调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
猴腿蹄盖蕨〔Athyrium multidentatum(Dol.)Ch ing〕是一种食药兼用型植物,为了合理的开发利用,在吉林省东南部山区临江市境内,调查分析了其分布的5个典型群落,并测量株高、冠幅、密度和含水率。结果表明:猴腿蹄盖蕨的生态适宜性较广,不同群落条件下株高、冠幅、密度差异较大,水分和光照强度是影响其生长发育和繁殖的主要生态因子,适当的强光照和高湿度条件有利于猴腿蹄盖蕨的有性繁殖和生长发育,针阔混交林林缘和白桦次生林林窗群落条件最适宜猴腿蹄盖蕨种群的发展。环境条件的差异对含水率的影响较小。通过探讨适合种群生长发育的环境条件,为引种驯化提供科学依据。  相似文献   
Yajie Zhang  Cheng Liu  Shuang Liu  Tingyun Kuang 《BBA》2008,1777(6):479-487
Three isoforms of the major light-harvesting chlorophyll (Chl) a/b complexs of photosystem II (LHCIIb) in the pea, namely, Lhcb1, Lhcb2, and Lhcb3, were obtained by overexpression of apoprotein in Escherichia coli and by successfully refolding these isoforms with thylakoid pigments in vitro. The sequences of the protein, pigment stoichiometries, spectroscopic characteristics, thermo- and photostabilities of different isoforms were analysed. Comparison of their spectroscopic properties and structural stabilities revealed that Lhcb3 differed strongly from Lhcb1 and Lhcb2 in both respects. It showed the lowest Qy transition energy, with its reddest absorption about 2 nm red-shifted, and the highest photostability under strong illuminations. Among the three isoforms, Lhcb 2 showed lowest thermal stability regarding energy transfer from Chl b to Chl a in the complexes, which implies that the main function of Lhcb 2 under high temperature stress is not the energy transfer.  相似文献   
高渐飞  周玮  刘妮  杨艳 《广西植物》2022,42(7):1193-1203
黑老虎的根是常用中药,黄酮类化合物是药用植物的主要活性成分之一。为探究黑老虎植株叶和茎中可能含有与根类似或具有高度富集的类黄酮化合物,挖掘其利用价值。该文利用广泛靶向代谢组学技术,鉴定了黑老虎的叶、茎和根的代谢物,并根据结构配置分类,解析其中类黄酮的多样性和丰度。结果表明:(1)黑老虎叶中类黄酮数量(80个)>茎(73个)>根(67个),3个部位均有61个相同的黄酮类化合物,叶和茎中含有更多的黄酮醇类化合物,从而使类黄酮多样性高于根。(2)在3个部位积累量比较高的是黄酮醇类、黄酮类、黄烷醇类和查尔酮类,其中黄酮醇和黄酮在茎和根积累量下降,导致类黄酮丰度从叶(24.00×107)-茎(13.45×107)-根(9.05×107)连续大幅度下调。(3)叶和茎中含有大量与根相同和多种根中没有的类黄酮,可以考虑替代或互补利用,3个部位儿茶素类化合物表达量都较高,叶中还富含槲皮素及其衍生物,具有较高的利用价值。  相似文献   
周旭  曾涛  王洪伟  梁明  张玉  王晨  索化夷 《微生物学报》2023,63(6):2385-2400
【目的】传统永川豆豉和速成永川豆豉生产工艺不同,在风味品质上有着显著的差异。【方法】为明确制曲工艺对豆豉品质的影响,本研究比较了传统自然制曲和米曲霉(Aspergillus oryzae)制曲永川豆豉在速成工艺下的理化特性及微生物群落差异。【结果】自然制曲速成永川豆豉氨基酸态氮含量和色泽显著高于米曲霉制曲速成永川豆豉(P<0.05),但还原糖含量显著低于米曲霉制曲速成永川豆豉(P<0.05),2种制曲速成永川豆豉可滴定酸度含量无显著性差异(P>0.05)。微生物分析表明,自然制曲速成永川豆豉微生物丰富度及多样性显著高于米曲霉制曲速成永川豆豉(P<0.05)。自然制曲速成永川豆豉的优势菌属为毛霉菌属(Mucor)、芽孢杆菌属(Bacillus)、肠杆菌属(Enterobacter)、肠球菌属(Enterococcus)、假单胞菌属(Pseudomonas)、葡萄球菌属(Staphylococcus)、维克霉属(Wickerhamomyces)和青霉属(Penicillium)等。米曲霉制曲速成永川豆豉的优势菌属为芽孢杆菌属、棒状杆菌属(Corynebacteriu...  相似文献   
B. Viertel 《Hydrobiologia》1992,234(3):151-173
The influence of particle size, initial particle concentration and larval stage on the ingestion rate, ‘retention efficiency’, and filtering rate of anuran larvae with varying filter apparatus anatomy and different life histories was investigated for four species. Larvae of premetamorphic Stages 28 and 32 and prometamorphic Stage 40 were selected for filtering experiments on the basis of their different growth rates. Three different sizes of silica gel particles were offered as mock food. Particle concentration was measured photometrically. The Michaelis-Menten model was used to describe the dependency of ingestion rate, filtering rate, and ‘retention efficiency’ upon initial particle concentration, and to calculate maximum ingestion rate, threshold concentration, and the half-saturation constant. (1) The highest ingestion rates, filtering rates and ‘retention efficiencies’ were achieved by Xenopus laevis larvae, followed by Bufo calamita larvae. Bufo bufo larvae lay at the opposite end of the scale. Rana temporaria larvae were placed between B. calamita and B. bufo larvae. This order is attributed to differences in life histories, especially the different breeding environments in which these larvae occur. (2) The larger the particle size and the older the stage, the greater the tendency toward saturation of the ingestion rate, filtering rate and ‘retention efficiency’. These filtration parameters are graded according to particle size. The ingestion rate (number of particles), filtration rate and ‘retention efficiency’ are greatest for PS3. Ingestion volume is greatest for PS 1. The difference between PS3 and PS2 on the one hand, and PS1 on the other, is often great; for Stage 28 X. laevis it is very great. This shows that larvae ingest large particles more effectively, and that the most effective ingestion takes place at Stages 28 and 32, owing to the growth function of these stages. The ability of larvae to ingest large particles effectively is possibly a very basic phylogenetic characteristic. (3) The threshold concentration is lowest when the particles are at their largest. In accordance with conclusions drawn by other authors, threshold feeding is attributed to regulation by buccal pumping and mucus production. Considerable importance is attributed to threshold feeding with respect to larval adaptation to oligotrophic environments.  相似文献   
A very powerful method for detecting functional constraints operative in biological macromolecules is presented. This method entails performing a base permanence analysis of protein coding genes at each codon position simultaneously in different species. It calculates the degree of permanence of subregions of the gene by dividing it into segments,c codons long, counting how many sites remain unchanged in each segment among all species compared. By comparing the base permanence among several sequences with the expectations based on a stochastic evolutionary process, gene regions showing different degrees of conservation can be selected. This means that wherever the permanence deviates significantly from the expected value generated by the simulation, the corresponding regions are considered “constrained” or “hypervariable”. The constrained regions are of two types: α and β. The α regions result from constraints at the amino acid level, whereas the β regions are those probably involved in “control” processing. The method has been applied to mitochondrial genes coding for subunit 6 of the ATPase and subunit 1 of the cytochrome oxidase in four mammalian species: human, rat, mouse, and cow. In the two mitochondrial genes a few regions that are highly conserved in all codon positions have been identified. Among these regions a sequence, common to both genes, that is complementary to a strongly conserved region of 12S rRNA has been found. This method can also be of great help in studying molecular evolution mechanisms.  相似文献   
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