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This study assessed the long-term effects of feeding diets containing either a gelling fibre (alginate (ALG)), or a fermentable fibre (resistant starch (RS)), or both, on feeding patterns, behaviour and growth performance of growing pigs fed ad libitum for 12 weeks. The experiment was set up as a 2×2 factorial arrangement: inclusion of ALG (yes or no) and inclusion of RS (yes or no) in the control diet, resulting in four dietary treatments, that is, ALG−RS− (control), ALG+RS−, ALG−RS+, and ALG+RS+. Both ALG and RS were exchanged for pregelatinized potato starch. A total of 240 pigs in 40 pens were used. From all visits to an electronic feeding station, feed intake and detailed feeding patterns were calculated. Apparent total tract digestibility of energy, dry matter (DM), and CP was determined in week 6. Pigs’ postures and behaviours were scored from live observations in weeks 7 and 12. Dietary treatments did not affect final BW and average daily gain (ADG). ALG reduced energy and DM digestibility (P<0.01). Moreover, ALG increased average daily DM intake, and reduced backfat thickness and carcass gain : digestible energy (DE) intake (P<0.05). RS increased feed intake per meal, meal duration (P<0.05) and inter-meal intervals (P=0.05), and reduced the number of meals per day (P<0.01), but did not affect daily DM intake. Moreover, RS reduced energy, DM and CP digestibility (P<0.01). Average daily DE intake was reduced (P<0.05), and gain : DE intake tended to be increased (P=0.07), whereas carcass gain : DE intake was not affected by RS. In week 12, ALG+RS− increased standing and walking, aggressive, feeder-directed, and drinking behaviours compared with ALG+RS+ (ALG×RS interaction, P<0.05), with ALG−RS− and ALG−RS+ in between. No other ALG×RS interactions were found. In conclusion, pigs fed ALG compensated for the reduced dietary DE content by increasing their feed intake, achieving similar DE intake and ADG as control pigs. Backfat thickness and carcass efficiency were reduced in pigs fed ALG, which also showed increased physical activity. Pigs fed RS changed feeding patterns, but did not increase their feed intake. Despite a lower DE intake, pigs fed RS achieved similar ADG as control pigs by increasing efficiency in DE use. This indicates that the energy utilization of RS in pigs with ad libitum access to feed is close to that of enzymatically digestible starch.  相似文献   
Understanding drivers of biodiversity patterns is of prime importance in this era of severe environmental crisis. More diverse plant communities have been postulated to represent a larger functional trait‐space, more likely to sustain a diverse assembly of herbivore species. Here, we expand this hypothesis to integrate environmental, functional and phylogenetic variation of plant communities as factors explaining the diversity of lepidopteran assemblages along elevation gradients in the Swiss Western Alps. According to expectations, we found that the association between butterflies and their host plants is highly phylogenetically structured. Multiple regression analyses showed the combined effect of climate, functional traits and phylogenetic diversity in structuring butterfly communities. Furthermore, we provide the first evidence that plant phylogenetic beta diversity is the major driver explaining butterfly phylogenetic beta diversity. Along ecological gradients, the bottom up control of herbivore diversity is thus driven by phylogenetically structured turnover of plant traits as well as environmental variables.  相似文献   
Herring (Clupea harengus) migrationstend to remain constant over periods of severalyears or even decades, despite environmentalvariation. When a migration pattern is changed,apparently in response to an environmentalstimulus, the change in migratory behaviorsometimes lasts longer than the environmentalstimulus itself. This paper reviews evidencethat the response of herring to environmentalchange is restrained by conservatism. Herringapparently develop certain migratory habitsduring the early stage of adult life and tendto adhere to these habits for life, even whenthe environment changes. Two elements ofconservatism are distinguished: the formationof habits within one generation, and thetransfer of habits between generations. Anumber of case studies on North Sea herring andNorwegian spring spawning herring are reviewedin order to find evidence for habit formationand tradition in the migrations of thesepopulations. By eliminating the possibilitythat homing to spawning, wintering and feedinggrounds is due to innate behavior orenvironmental constraints, it is shown that thereturn of these fish to the same areas eachyear is most likely a form of learned behavior.In many cases, new year-classes adopt the samemigration pattern as their predecessors, whichis explained by the social transfer of habitsfrom old herring to young ones. A change ofmigration pattern is usually initiated by arecruiting year-class that lacks the ``guidance'of older herring at the time it has to startits first migration. This may be the effect ofa special environmental condition that affectsthe distribution of the recruiting age groupmore than that of the adult stock component, andthereby results in a separation of the twostock components. After the recruitingyear-class has adopted the new migration route,it tends to repeat it in subsequent years. Thenew migration thus becomes habitual. Subsequentgenerations may copy the migration and continuethis behavior even after the originalenvironmental cause has disappeared.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. The detailed behavioural mechanisms underlying an instance of compensation for changes in dietary nutrients are described for the first time in an insect. Nymphs of Locusta migratoria L. were given one of four artificial diets on the third day of the fifth instar, and their feeding patterns recorded in detail for 12 h. The diets represented combinations of two protein and two digestible carbohydrate levels (28% and 14% dry weight) presented in an otherwise complete nutrient mix. At the nutrient levels used, locusts regulated their intake of food with respect to protein but not digestible carbohydrate in the diet. They ate more of the lower protein diets by eating the same sized meals more frequently than insects fed on the higher protein diets. Compensation was not complete over the 12 h observation period: insects on the lower-protein diets ingested and absorbed 72% as much nitrogen as those insects fed on the higher-protein diets. Possible physiological mechanisms underlying the behavioural mechanisms are discussed.  相似文献   
Primary cultures of rat pancreatic acinar cells in serum-free medium   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Summary Rat pancreatic acinar cells were isolated and cultured in Ham's F12 medium with 15% bovine calf serum. Caerulein, insulin, somatostatin, and dexamethasone (DEX) had no effect on intracellular or secreted amylase in these cultured cells. A serum-free medium, using Waymouth's MB 752/1 supplemented with albumin, epidermal growth factor (EGF), DEX, and HEPES, was then developed to avoid serum factors that might mask hormonal effects. In this SF medium, pancreatic acinar, cells maintained the morphological and ultrastructural characteristics of freshly isolated cells and secreted amylase in response to the secretagogue, carbamyl choline. Insulin, at a concentration of 1 μg/ml, significantly increased intracellular and secreted amylase activity after 3 d. This model cell system can be used to study the regulation of the synthesis of amylase and other pancreatic enzymes in vitro.  相似文献   
A conventional balance study with 48 male weanling rats was conducted to determine true absorption and endogenous fecal excretion of manganese (Mn) in relation to dietary Mn supply, following the procedures of a previously adapted isotope dilution technique. After 10 d on a diet with 1.5 ppm Mn, eight animals each were assigned to diets containing 1.5, 4.5, 11.2, 35, 65, or 100 ppm Mn on a dry-matter basis. Three days later, each rat was given an intramuscular54Mn injection and kept on treatment for a balance period of 16 d. Apparent Mn absorption assessed for the final 8 d, averaged 8.6 μg/d without significant treatment effects, although Mn intake ranged from 18.6 to 1200 μg/d, in direct relation to dietary Mn concentrations. Mean fecal excretion of endogenous Mn for the six treatments was 0.9, 2.7, 7.4, 11.0, 16.3, and 17.7 μg/d, respectively. These values delineate the rates to which true absorption exceeded apparent rates. True absorption, as percent of Mn intake, averaged 28.7, 15.9, 11.7, 6.1, 3.4, and 2.0, respectively, as compared with mean values of 23.9, 10.9, 6.2, 3.4, 1.2, and 0.5 for percent apparent absorption. It was concluded that both true absorption and endogenous fecal excretion markedly responded to Mn nutrition and that the reduction in the efficiency of true absorption was quantitatively the most significant homeostatic response for maintaining stable Mn concentrations in body tissues.  相似文献   
Summary Facultative paedomorphosis in salamanders occurs when larvae respond to varying environmental conditions by either metamorphosing into terrestrial metamorphic adults or retaining their larval morphology to become sexually mature paedomorphic adults. Several hypotheses have been proposed for the evolutionary maintenance of this environmentally induced dimorphism, but few data are available to assess them adequately. We studied a montane population of the tiger salamander,Ambystoma tigrinum nebulosum, and measured the adult growth rate and body condition across three growing seasons to assess the relative costs and benefits of each morph. Metamorphic adults grew more than paedomorphic adults in terms of snout—vent length across years and in weight within years. Dietary analyses and foraging experiments revealed some of the proximate factors that may underlie these differential growth patterns. Across all prey, metamorphs had significantly higher biomass and calories per stomach sample than paedomorphs. Metamorphic diets primarily consisted of the fairy shrimpBranchinecta coloradensis, whereas paedomorphic diets contained a variety of benthic and terrestrial invertebrates. Foraging experiments revealed that both morphs are more successful at capturing fairy shrimp relative to other prey types and both show high electivity toward this prey. However, fairy shrimp occurred only in non-permanent ponds and thus are inaccessible to paedomorphs, which can survive only in permanent ponds. Paedomorphs also experience higher levels of intraspecific competition with large larvae in permanent ponds than metamorphs do in non-permanent ponds. Thus, metamorphs obtain a growth advantage over paedomorphs by foraging in non-permanent ponds that contain fairy shrimp and have reduced intraspecific competition. These results suggest that paedomorphs should have decreased fitness relative to metamorphs, primarily because metamorphs can move into the best habitats for growth. The net fitness effect of morph-specific differences in dispersal depend on whether there are trade-offs with other life history traits. Nonetheless, because the relative benefit of metamorph dispersal will change with environmental conditions in permanent ponds and the surrounding habitat, the relative fitness payoff to each morph should track changes in the environment. Thus, facultative paedomorphosis may be maintained in part by variable, environmentally-specific fitness payoffs to each morph.  相似文献   
The amino acid composition of the diet ingested by reference and cafeteria diet-fed lean and obese Zucker rats has been analyzed from day 30 to 60 after birth. Their body protein amino acid composition was measured, as well as the urinary and faecal losses incurred during the period studied. The protein actually selected by the rats fed the cafeteria diet had essentially the same amino acid composition as the reference diet. The mean protein amino acid composition of the rat showed only small changes with breed, age or diet.Cafeteria-fed rats had a higher dietary protein digestion/absorption efficiency than reference diet-fed rats. Obese rats wasted a high proportion of dietary amino acids when given the reference diet, but not on the cafeteria diet. In all cases, the amino acids lost as such in the urine were a minimal portion of available amino acids.In addition to breed, the rates of protein accretion are deeply influenced by diet, but even more by the age — or size — of the animals: cafeteria-fed rats grew faster, to higher body protein settings, but later protein accrual decreased considerably; this is probably due to a limitation in the blueprint for growth which restricts net protein deposition when a certain body size is attained. Obese rats, however, kept accuring protein with high rates throughout.Diet composition — and not protein availability or quality-induced deep changes in amino acid metabolism. Since the differences in the absolute levels of dietary protein or carbohydrate energy ingested by rats fed the reference or cafeteria diets were small, it can be assumed that high (lipid) energy elicits the changes observed in amino acid metabolism by the cafeteria diet. The effects induced in the fate of the nitrogen ingested were more related to the fractional protein energy proportion than to its absolute values. Cafeteria-fed rats tended to absorb more amino acids and preserve them more efficiently; these effects were shown even under conditions of genetic obesity.There were deep differences in handling of dietary amino acids by dietary or genetically obese rats. The former manage to extract and accrue larger proportions of their dietary amino acids than the latter. The effects of both models of amino acid management were largely additive, suggesting that the mechanisms underlying the development of obesity did not run in parallel to those affecting the control of amino acid utilization. Obesity may be developed in both cases despite a completely different strategy of amino acid assimilation, accrual and utilization. (Mol Cell Biochem121: 45–58, 1993)  相似文献   


The exceptional turnover in biota with elevation and number of species coexisting at any elevation makes tropical mountains hotspots of biodiversity. However, understanding the historical processes through which species arising in geographical isolation (i.e. allopatry) assemble along the same mountain slope (i.e. sympatry) remains a major challenge. Multiple models have been proposed including (1) the sorting of already elevationally divergent species, (2) the displacement of elevation upon secondary contact, potentially followed by convergence, or (3) elevational conservatism, in which ancestral elevational ranges are retained. However, the relative contribution of these processes to generating patterns of elevational overlap and turnover is unknown.


Tropical mountains of Central- and South-America.

Time Period

The last 12 myr.

Major Taxa Studied



We collate a dataset of 165 avian sister pairs containing estimates of phylogenetic age, geographical and regional elevational range overlap. We develop a framework based on continuous-time Markov models to infer the relative frequency of different historical pathways in explaining present-day overlap and turnover of sympatric species along elevational gradients.


We show that turnover of closely related bird species across elevation can predominantly be explained by displacement of elevation ranges upon contact (81%) rather than elevational divergence in allopatry (19%). In contrast, overlap along elevation gradients is primarily (88%) explained by conservatism of elevational ranges rather than displacement followed by elevational expansion (12%).

Main Conclusions

Bird communities across elevation gradients are assembled through a mix of processes, including the sorting, displacement and conservatism of species elevation ranges. The dominant role of conservatism in explaining co-occurrence of species on mountain slopes rejects more complex scenarios requiring displacement followed by expansion. The ability of closely related species to coexist without elevational divergence provides a direct and faster pathway to sympatry and helps explain the exceptional species richness of tropical mountains.  相似文献   
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