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《Current biology : CB》2023,33(7):1220-1236.e4
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We construct a mathematical model of the parotid acinar cell with the aim of investigating how the distribution of K+ and Cl channels affects saliva production. Secretion of fluid is initiated by Ca2+ signals acting on Ca2+ dependent K+ and Cl channels. The opening of these channels facilitates the movement of Cl ions into the lumen which water follows by osmosis. We use recent results into both the release of Ca2+ from internal stores via the inositol (1,4,5)-trisphosphate receptor (IP3R) and IP3 dynamics to create a physiologically realistic Ca2+ model which is able to recreate important experimentally observed behaviours seen in parotid acinar cells. We formulate an equivalent electrical circuit diagram for the movement of ions responsible for water flow which enables us to calculate and include distinct apical and basal membrane potentials to the model. We show that maximum saliva production occurs when a small amount of K+ conductance is located at the apical membrane, with the majority in the basal membrane. The maximum fluid output is found to coincide with a minimum in the apical membrane potential. The traditional model whereby all Cl channels are located in the apical membrane is shown to be the most efficient Cl channel distribution.  相似文献   
Actin filament (F-actin) assembly kinetics determines the locomotion and shape of crawling eukaryotic cells, but the nature of these kinetics and their determining reactions are unclear. Live BHK21 fibroblasts, mouse melanoma cells, and Dictyostelium amoebae, locomoting on glass and expressing Green Fluorescent Protein-actin fusion proteins, were examined by confocal microscopy. The cells demonstrated three-dimensional bands of F-actin, which propagated throughout the cytoplasm at rates usually ranging between 2 and 5 microm/min in each cell type and produced lamellipodia or pseudopodia at the cell boundary. F-actin's dynamic behavior and supramolecular spatial patterns resembled in detail self-organized chemical waves in dissipative, physico-chemical systems. On this basis, the present observations provide the first evidence of self-organized, and probably autocatalytic, chemical reaction-diffusion waves of reversible actin filament assembly in vertebrate cells and a comprehensive record of wave and locomotory dynamics in vegetative-stage Dictyostelium cells. The intensity and frequency of F-actin wavefronts determine locomotory cell projections and the rotating oscillatory waves, which structure the cell surface. F-actin assembly waves thus provide a fundamental, deterministic, and nonlinear mechanism of cell locomotion and shape, which complements mechanisms based exclusively on stochastic molecular reaction kinetics.  相似文献   
Past climatic oscillations and complex geodynamic processes had tremendous effects on the current distributions of species in East Asia. Previous studies have revealed that spermatophytes experienced different demographic histories and survived in multiple refuges. However, very few studies involving ferns have been conducted over a large geographical area like East Asia. The monophyletic epiphytic fern genus Lemmaphyllum, which is composed of four species, is widespread in East Asia and offers a good model for exploring how geoclimatic oscillations influence the diversification and demographic history of fern species. We studied the phylogeography of Lemmaphyllum based on 115 populations using plastid sequences and ecological niche modeling. A total of 91 haplotypes were found in Lemmaphyllum. Molecular clock estimation revealed that speciation coincided with the three phases of the Qingzang Movement at beginning of the third uplift of Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. The “Tanaka-Kaiyong Line” demarcated lineages within L. carnosum. The split of the mainland and island lineages of L. rostratum and L. carnosum var. microphyllum may have resulted from ancestral isolation whereby land-bridges acted as a “barrier” rather than as a “corridor” between mainland and island lineages. Multiple glacial refuges such as Sichuan Basin, Jinggangshan region, YGG region, HDM region, and the islands of the China East Sea during the LGM were revealed. The entities of Lemmaphyllum experienced species-specific demographic histories in response to the Pleistocene climate change. The case study of epiphytic ferns may provide evidences for understanding the migration of evergreen broad-leaf forest under climate oscillation.  相似文献   
高原人体左心室舒张功能和顺应性的改变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用同步描记心电图、心音图、颈动脉搏动图和心尖搏动图以测定高原人体的左心室舒张功能和顺应性。在4个不同海拔高度进行实验,即76m(海平对照)、2161m、3270m和4179m,每一高度40名健康男性青年,高原3组世居、移居各20名。结果显示:随着海拔增高,主动舒张时间指数(TRTI)有减小趋势,RF波相对振幅(F/H)逐渐降低,A波相对振幅(A/D)则渐趋增大,3270m以上增大明显(p<0.05),舒张振幅时间指数(DATI)逐渐降低,3270m以上差异极显著(p<0.001)。高原世居与移居者相比,在海拔4179m出现明显差别,移居组TRTI、DATI、F/H较低而A/D较高(D<0.05)。测定射血前期与左室射血时间比值(PEP/LVET)、射血分数(EF)及左室周径纤维平均缩短速度(mVcf)3项指标作对照,显示在此高度左室收缩功能仍能保持。高原慢性心肌缺氧可能是导致左室舒张功能和顺应性轻度降低的原因。  相似文献   
Summary The mechanisms underlying the pacemaker current in cardiac tissues is not agreed upon. The pacemaker potential in Purkinje fibers has been attributed to the decay of the potassium current I Kdd. An alternative proposal is that the hyperpolarization-activated current I f underlies the pacemaker potential in all cardiac pacemakers. The aim of this review is to retrace the experimental development related to the pacemaker mechanism in Purkinje fibers with reference to findings about the pacemaker mechanism in the SAN as warranted. Experimental data and their interpretation are critically reviewed. Major findings were attributed to K+ depletion in narrow extracellular spaces which would result in a time dependent decay of the inward rectifier current I K1. In turn, this decay would be responsible for a “fake” reversal of the pacemaker current. In order to avoid such a postulated depletion, Ba2+ was used to block the decay of I K1. In the presence of Ba2+ the time-dependent current no longer reversed and instead increased with time and more so at potentials as negative as −120 mV. In this regard, the distinct possibility needs to be considered that Ba2+ had blocked I Kdd (and not only I K1). That indeed this was the case was demonstrated by studying single Purkinje cells in the absence and in the presence of Ba2+. In the absence of Ba2+, I Kdd was present in the pacemaker potential range and reversed at E K. In the presence of Ba2+, I Kdd was blocked and I f appeared at potentials negative to the pacemaker range. The pacemaker potential behaves in a manner consistent with the underlying I Kdd but not with I f. The fact that I f is activated on hyperpolarization at potential negative to the pacemaker range makes it suitable as a safety factor to prevent the inhibitory action of more negative potentials on pacemaker discharge. It is concluded that the large body of evidence reviewed proves the pacemaker role of I Kdd (but not of I f) in Purkinje fibers.  相似文献   


Paraoxonase-1 (PON1), an HDL-C associated enzyme, protects lipoproteins from oxidation. There is evidence that PON1 enzyme activity is reduced in the patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). North-West Indian Punjabis, a distinct ethnic group has high incidence of T2DM. However till date there is no information regarding PON1 enzyme activities and PON1 polymorphisms in T2DM patients of this ethnic group.


We identified polymorphisms in the coding Q192R, L55M and promoter − 909G/C, − 162A/G, − 108C/T of the PON1 gene by using PCR-RFLP, multiplex PCR and allele specific oligonucleotide PCR assays in 250 T2DM patients and 300 healthy controls. We also assessed paraoxonase (PONase) and arylesterase (AREase) activities of PON1 enzyme.


The serum PONase (114.2 vs. 178.0 nmol/min/ml) and AREase (62.7 vs. 82.5 μmol/min/ml) activities were significantly lower (p < 0.0001) in patients as compared to controls. PONase activity was affected by all the studied PON1 polymorphisms. However, AREase activity was not affected by any of these polymorphisms. Coding Q192R and promoter − 909G/C polymorphisms showed significant differences in genotypic distribution. QR, RR (Q192R) and GC, CC (− 909G/C) genotypes and L-C-A-R-G, L-T-A-R-G, L-T-G-Q-C haplotypes showed significant association with type 2 diabetes. No significant linkage disequilibrium was observed among the five polymorphisms.


Both PONase and AREase activities are lower in patients and this could lead to increased lipid peroxidation and accelerated atherosclerosis in them. PONase activity, but not AREase activity is influenced by PON1 polymorphisms. QR, RR, GC, CC genotypes and L-C-A-R-G, L-T-A-R-G, L-T-G-Q-C haplotypes are commoner in diabetics as compared to controls and may be related to genetic susceptibility to type 2 diabetes.  相似文献   
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