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黑水虻作为近年来广受关注的资源昆虫,其规模化应用的基础理论研究成为热点。本文对其胚胎发育过程进行研究,利用显微镜对资源昆虫黑水虻卵孵化发育过程进行观察并拍照,对胚胎各个时期的发育时间和形态进行记录。试验发现,在32℃下,黑水虻卵的发育历期为51 h。黑水虻的胚胎发育经过卵裂期、胚盘胚带形成期、原肠形成期、胚体分节期、体壁形成期、器官形成期6个典型时期。试验对孵化过程中的15个具体发育时期的特征和发育时间进行记录,形成了一套虫卵镜检技术应用于实际生产。在生产上,通过镜检技术对每一批次待孵化虫卵进行镜检观察,可初步判定该批次待孵化虫卵所处的发育阶段和死亡率,预估虫卵孵化时间和孵化率,为规模化稳定培育黑水虻苗种提供理论依据。  相似文献   
为了观察Cdc25B蛋白及PKA/Cdc25B 信号途径在小鼠受精卵发育中的作用,将突变型和野生型Cdc25b转录成 mRNA,显微注射到小鼠受精卵中,放入含有或不含有dbcAMP的M16中,相差显微镜下观察受精卵卵裂情况;用蛋白激酶活性测定方法检测MPF的活性;利用Western 印迹检测Cdc2-Tyr15的磷酸化状态.结果显示,未加dbcAMP的Cdc25b- S321A mRNA注射组与Cdc25b-WT组相比,能够提前使受精卵发生G 2/M期转变,导致卵裂,并明显提高卵裂率;MPF的活性测定和Cdc2-Tyr15磷酸化状态的检测结果也显示,Cdc25b-S321A组先于Cdc25b-WT组提前激活MPF.此外, Cdc25b-S321A mRNA注射组可以有效恢复由PKA引起的受精卵G 2期阻滞,显著增加卵裂率;MPF的活性测定和Cdc2-Tyr15磷酸化状态的检测结果也显示,在PKA持续激活的情况下,对比于Cdc25b-WT组,Cdc25b-S321A组提前激活MPF.因此,在小鼠受精卵发育过程中PKA主要通过磷酸化Cdc25B的321位丝氨酸,从而调控MPF的激活与失活来控制有丝分裂进程.  相似文献   
水淹对钉螺卵影响的透射电镜观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
春汛期钉螺繁殖期在洞庭湖现场进行水淹螺卵试验,观察螺卵结构的动态变化。结果显示,对照组螺卵胶膜由胶原纤维层和基底膜组成,卵细胞核大,呈圆形或椭圆形,染色质丰富,细胞内含丰富线粒体、内质网和分泌颗粒等。水淹10d时,结构尚未见明显变化;至20d时,胶膜胶原纤维横纹不清,断裂有空洞,线粒体肿胀,嵴结构不清,核内染色质减少;30d时,出现核固缩或崩解,线粒体消失。说明在螺卵发育期水淹能很快使其发生病理损  相似文献   
湖北安陆新的恐龙蛋类型的发现及其意义   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
本文记述的恐龙蛋化石标本,采自湖北省江汉盆地公安寨组下部.蛋化石保存完好.在普通光学显微镜和扫描电镜下观察,蛋壳的显微结构完整,清晰可见.根据钙质蛋壳基本结构单位的形态及排列特征,笔者建立了—新属,新种——Dendroolithus wangdianensis gen. et sp. nov.,代表恐龙蛋类一个新科——Dendroolithidae fam. nov.此外,残存的卵壳膜纤维化石的发现,将为进一步研究恐龙蛋卵壳膜的结构和氨基酸组成提供宝贵材料.  相似文献   
柑橘大实蝇是柑橘类果树的一种重要害虫,近几年在我国柑橘种植区的危害呈上升趋势,给柑橘产业造成了巨大损失。本文概述了环境因素包括温度、光周期、营养状况(饥渴)以及水淹对柑橘大实蝇生物学特性和成虫行为的影响,柑橘大实蝇成虫和幼虫人工饲养技术参数,柑橘大实蝇蛹滞育机制,辐照不育关键技术包括最佳辐照剂量和辐照时期,及其在湖北柑橘园柑橘大实蝇防控中的应用与示范情况等,并指出了尚需进一步开展的研究内容。  相似文献   
The frequent use of neutral markers to quantify genetic variation in natural populations emphasizes the role of stochastic events in explaining genetic differentiation between populations. Complementary studies on ecologically relevant traits are needed to assess the role of natural selection acting on adaptive variation in the development of local genetic differentiation. To test the hypothesis of local adaptation in the cyclical parthenogenetic species Daphnia magna, the phototactic behavior in the absence and presence of fish kairomone was assayed for 30 clones derived from resting eggs isolated from three habitats characterized by a different predation pressure by fish. Clones derived from populations in which fish are present were, on average, more negatively phototactic in and more responsive to the presence of fish kairomone than clones derived from a fishless habitat. In addition, the results show a high genetic diversity for the traits studied in all three gene pools investigated, indicating a high potential for microevolutionary changes in behavior of these Daphnia populations in the face of changes in predation pressure. The results of the present study indicate that working with large samples at the expense of having less precise estimates of genotypic values for specific genotypes may result in a loss of information with regard to the evolutionary potential of local populations.  相似文献   
Males of the giant water bug Lethocerus medius(Guerin) typify their monobasic subfamily, the Lethocerinae, in that they do not brood eggs attached to their backs as do males of all members of the subfamily Belostomatinae. Exclusive male parental investment as expressed in the Belostomatinae is extremely rare behavior among animals, and evolution of the trait is obscure. Lethocerus mediusmales apparently remain with their mates through oviposition and are consistently found in attendance of eggs after the female has departed. This behavior may enhance paternity assurance at no cost in opportunity for polygyny. Two double clutches of eggs were found, from which we infer the potential for polygynous matings and shared parental investment. Male L. mediusbrood attended egg clutches above the surface of the water, where they may moisten them, shade them, and defend them against predation. Egg attendance/brooding by L. mediusand other Lethocerusspecies may represent a plesiomorphic state from which paternal back- brooding evolved in the Belostomatinae.  相似文献   
Zooplanktonic organisms that disperse passively as diapausing eggs often exhibit surprisingly strong population subdivision given their high colonization ability. Here we attempt to disentangle the impacts of colonization history and gene flow on these organisms by studying the population genetic structure of the rotifer Brachionus plicatilis. The resting egg banks of B. plicatilis in fourteen salt lake populations in the Iberian Peninsula were examined using seven microsatellite loci. A remarkably high degree of geographical structuring was found (Fst=0.43), with a significant pattern of isolation by distance. Microsatellite loci were in genetic equilibrium, ruling out inbreeding as an important force in population structuring. Comparisons are drawn with previously published phylogeographical data. Surprisingly, introgression of nuclear genes was detected in neighbouring populations with divergent mtDNA haplotypes. These results stress the long lasting impact of colonization history and the modulating effect of gene flow at local scales in these organisms.  相似文献   
研究了NaCl盐度(0、1、3、5、7、9)和NaHCO3碱度(1.00 mmol/L、10.00 mmol/L、15.85 mmol/L、25.12 mmol/L、39.81 mmol/L、63.10 mmol/L)对松浦镜鲤(Cynipus carpio)与方正鲫(Carassius auratus gibelio)的孵化率、畸形率以及仔鱼24 h和48 h存活率的影响。1盐度实验结果,松浦镜鲤在盐度为0、1时,受精卵的孵化率较高,平均为72.40%±6.09%;在盐度0~3时,孵出仔鱼畸形率较低,平均为6.02%±1.87%,48 h存活率较高,平均为94.99%±6.44%。方正鲫在盐度0~3时,受精卵的孵化率较高,平均为68.03%±15.44%;在盐度0~5时,孵出仔鱼畸形率较低,平均为7.95%±3.24%,48 h存活率较高,平均为88.52%±9.19%。2碱度实验结果,这两种鱼的孵化率在碱度1.00~25.12 mmol/L时较高,松浦镜鲤平均为47.96%±8.43%,方正鲫平均为66.23%±18.11%。畸形率在碱度1.00~15.85 mmol/L范围内较低,松浦镜鲤平均为12.47%±3.77%,方正鲫平均为12.46%±8.44%。48 h存活率在碱度1.00~15.85 mmol/L时较高,松浦镜鲤平均为96.16%±5.04%,方正鲫平均为85.62%±3.73%。综合各项指标,松浦镜鲤和方正鲫人工孵化用水建议盐度控制在3以内,碱度控制在15 mmol/L以内。  相似文献   
A combination of founder effects and local adaptation – the Monopolization hypothesis – has been proposed to reconcile the strong population differentiation of zooplankton dwelling in ponds and lakes and their high dispersal abilities. The role genetic drift plays in genetic differentiation of zooplankton is well documented, but the impact of natural selection has received less attention. Here, we compare differentiation in neutral genetic markers (FST) and in quantitative traits (QST) in six natural populations of the rotifer Brachionus plicatilis to assess the importance of natural selection in explaining genetic differentiation of life‐history traits. Five life‐history traits were measured in four temperature × salinity combinations in common‐garden experiments. Population differentiation for neutral genetic markers – 11 microsatellite loci – was very high (FST = 0.482). Differentiation in life‐history traits was higher in traits related to sexual reproduction than in those related to asexual reproduction. QST values for diapausing egg production (a trait related to sexual reproduction) were higher than their corresponding FST in some pairs of populations. Our results indicate the importance of divergent natural selection in these populations and suggest local adaptation to the unpredictability of B. plicatilis habitats.  相似文献   
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