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A gentle method for the isolation of nuclei from developing silk glands ofBombyx mori has been standardized. The nuclei, whether isolated or directly visualizedin situ within the silk glands, exhibit complex morphology. The nuclei occupy almost the entire volume of the gigantic silk gland cells. Although the isolated nuclei still retain their ramified morphology, being polyploid they are fragile and often become fragmented. The histone and low-salt-extractable proteins from nuclei isolated from the middle and posterior silk glands on different days of the fourth and fifth instars of larval development have been analysed. The histones did not show any stage- or tissue-specific variations whereas the low-salt-extractable proteins showed some developmental stage specific variation. Using the antibody raised against one such protein, its absence in the early stage of development has been confirmed by Western blotting techniques. This developmental stage specific protein may be functionally linked to some activities responsible for boosting up the production of silk or silk-related proteins during the fifth instar of larval development.  相似文献   
Estimating the rate of photorespiration in leaves   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:19  
The influence of Li+ on the circumnutations of hypocotyls of Helianthus annuus L . cv. Californicus was investigated. LiCl at concentration levels from 0 to 40 m M (lethal) was added to intact hypocotyls grown in liquid nutrient medium. The Li+ concentration in the hypocotyls was measured by flame photometry. The growth of the hypocotyls was not affected by the LiCl.
Amplitude and frequency of the circumnutations were determined by correlation analysis. The oscillatory pattern of the movements became less regular at concentrations above 10 m M LiCl. The amplitude of the movements was reduced for concentrations above 7 m M LiCl. The frequency of the movements was reduced when LiCl was increased from 0 to 10 m M . Above 10 m M LiCl the frequency of the circumnutations was higher than for control plants. The results showed that circumnutations of sunflower hypocotyls can be added to the group of oscillators in biological organisms that are affected by Li+.  相似文献   
Summary We describe a circadian rhythm in the surface density of receptors that play a dominant role in the mating process of the unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas eugametos.These receptors — called agglutinins — are large glycoproteins extrinsically bound to the membrane of gamete flagella. We found circadian fluctuations in their density. Since inhibition of protein synthesis affected the agglutinin density without a lag period at any time,we conclude that the density was dependent on de novo synthesis and that the fluctuations in density are caused by circadian oscillations in the rate of agglutinin synthesis. This phenomenon evidently underlies the pronounced endogenous rhythm in mating competence that we described previously (Demets et al. 1987). Finally, we speculate on the nature of the time keeping mechanism that is generating these rhythmic events.  相似文献   
Summary The ability of social stimuli to act as entraining agents of circadian rhythms was investigated in golden hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus). In a first experiment, pairs of male hamsters (one of them enucleated and the other intact) were maintained under a light-dark (LD) cycle with a period of 23.3 h. Running-wheel activity was recorded to determine the effect of social interaction on the free-running circadian rhythm of activity. In several pairs, general activity and body temperature were also recorded. In all pairs the intact animals entrained to the LD cycle, whereas the activity rhythms of the enucleated animals free-ran with periods of approximately 24 h and showed no apparent sign of synchronization or relative coordination with the other member of the pair. In a second experiment, male hamsters maintained in constant darkness received pulses of social interaction, which have been reported to induce phase shifts of the activity rhythm. Consistent phase shifts in the running-wheel activity rhythm were not induced by the social pulses in our experiment. These results suggest strongly that social stimuli are not effective entraining agents of circadian rhythms in the golden hamster.Abbreviations CT circadian time - LD light-dark  相似文献   
Regulation of ecdysteroid production in lepidopteran prepupae was studied using a parasitic wasp (C. near curvimaculatus) which specifically suppresses host prepupal ecdysteroid production after the induction of precocious host metamorphosis. At the developmental stage at which the hemolymph of the unparasitized metamorphosing host has its maximum titer of prepupal ecdysteroids, the hemolymph of 4th instar "truly parasitized" hosts (hosts with a surviving endoparasite) had a strongly reduced ecdysteroid titer. However, during the photophase about 12 h later, just prior to emergence of the parasite larva, an ecdysteroid peak was observed in the host hemolymph. Fourth instar pseudoparasitized prepupal hosts (in which the endoparasite was not present or died early in development) exhibited a sustained suppression in the hemolymph ecdysteroid titer. Small 5th instar pseudoparasitized hosts, which normally would molt to a 6th instar prior to metamorphosis, but which precociously attained the prepupal stage, also had a strongly reduced ecdysteroid titer. The late increase observed in truly parasitized hosts could be completely prevented by surgical removal of the parasite 24 h earlier, resulting in a titer similar to that in pseudoparasitized hosts. HPLC analysis of ecdysteroids in normal, truly parasitized, and 4th or 5th instar pseudoparasitized prepupae showed that both ecdysone and 20-OH ecdysone* were suppressed in truly and pseudoparasitized prepupae, with ecdysteroid levels being lowest in pseudoparasitized hosts. These data, and those of Brown and Reed-Larsen (Biol Contr 1, 136 [1992]), showing endoparasite secretion of ecdysteroids just prior to its emergence from the host, strongly indicate that: (1) the prepupal peak in truly parasitized hosts originates from the endoparasite, and (2) the low level of ecdysteroids in pseudoparasitized hosts results from the host's intrinsic inability to express a normal level of prepupal ecdysteroid titer. While precocious 4th or 5th instar prepupae of similar size had similarly suppressed ecdysteroid titers, smaller 4th instar prepupae had a lower ecdysteroid titer than larger, precocious 5th instar prepupae. Rare 5th instar pseudoparasitized prepupae that were of nearly normal size showed a prepupal ecdysteroid titer distinctly greater than those of the usual smaller, precocious 5th instar prepupae. The data suggest that the competence of the host to express a normal hemolymph titer of prepupal ecdysteroids is more closely correlated with the size of the prepupae than with the instar attained.  相似文献   
The two-oscillator model of human circadian rhythmicity was analyzed when a zeitgeber relative intensity of 1, 0.5, or 0.1 was introduced into the equations. Fourier analysis was compared with dynamic analysis such as attractor reconstruction or Liapunov exponent calculation. After a 50 or 90% reduction in zeitgeber intensity, the dynamics of the system became equivalent and differed significantly from those of a system with maximal zeitgeber intensity. When 10% aleatory noise was added to the data, the analysis was still applicable, and the results obtained were essentially the same as in the absence of noise. Dynamic analysis could thus provide a distinct classification for periodic data, based on the type of analysis.  相似文献   
Chalcone-synthase (CHS) activity was followed during the development of primary leaves of oat (Avena sativa L.) seedlings grown under different illumination conditions. Continuous darkness and continuous light resulted in similar time courses of enzyme activity. The maximum of CHS activity in etiolated leaves was delayed by 1 d and reached about half the level of that of light-grown leaves. In seedlings grown under defined light-dark cycles a diurnal rhythm of CHS activity and its protein level was observed which followed the rhythm of CHS-mRNA translational activity (Knogge et al. 1986). This rhythm persisted in continuous light after a short-term pre-exposure to the light-dark cycle but not in continuous darkness.Abbreviations CHS chalcone synthase - PAL phenylalanine ammonio lyase Financial support by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft is gratefully acknowledged (G.W., We 630/9-7; We 630/10-1). Thanks are given to Dr. St. Kellam (Department of Plant Microbiological Sciences, University of Canterbury, New Zealand) for correcting the English.  相似文献   
Epithelial proliferation in the ventral surface of mouse tongue follows a pronounced circadian rhythm with a peak in mitotic activity at 10.00 a.m., preceded by a wave of DNA synthesis 8 h earlier. Nearly all cells (85%) pass through G2 and mitosis immediately after the S-phase; they subsequently divide again, usually after 2 or 3 days, indicating cohorts of cells with different G1-duration. The fraction of all nucleated cells comprised in one daily proliferation wave is about 20%, indicating a turnover time of the nucleated cell compartment of about 5 days. Cytotoxic injury by a single radiation dose of 20 Gy causes a steep decrease in cell counts, leading to complete denudation after 9–13 days. The difference between the latent period before ulceration and the tissue turnover time is explained by a marked proliferative activity of the doomed cells. The mitotic index increases steeply after day 1 to three times the control level, but most mitotic figures display gross abnormalities such as multipolar spindles or chromosome clumping. As a consequence cells with abnormal or multiple nuclei appear in the basal layers 3 days post irradiation and subsequently migrate to the upper layers. After denudation the epithelium rapidly becomes restored, with a phase of transient hyperplasia on days 13–14. Normal architecture is regained by day 15. Over the whole healing period the mitotic index remains at a high level, with most of the mitoses appearing histologically normal.  相似文献   
Summary Djungarian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus), were exposed to constant light with increasing intensities (20, 60, 350 lux), and wheel running activity was recorded. With increasing light intensity the percentage of hamsters showing a split in their daily activity pattern increased and the free running period was lengthened for both the unsplit and the split state. The fact that the free running period of both states depended on the light intensity together with the observation that the highest incidence of acircadian activity occurred under 350 lux, provoked the idea that the emergence of splitting or acircadian rhythmicity is a direct consequence of the light induced lengthening of the free running period. However, analysis of the data failed to support the idea that emergence of a split or acircadian activity is a threshold phenomenon with respect to the free running period.Due to differences in circadian function some Djungarian hamsters do not exhibit photoinduction following short day exposure. In these individuals splitting also occurred but required exposure to a higher light intensity than in photo-responsive hamsters. This observation is in accordance with the idea that the two phenotypes differ in the interaction of the two component oscillators underlying circadian rhythmicity.Abbreviations LD long day photoperiod - LL constant light - SD short day photoperiod - free running period  相似文献   
The coupling mechanism between the bilaterally paired optic lobe circadian pacemakers in the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus was investigated by recording locomotor activity, under constant light or constant red light, after the optic nerve was unilaterally severed.
1.  The majority (about 70%) of the animals showed a locomotor rhythm with 2 rhythmic components; one freerunning with a period of 25.33 ± 0.41 (SD) h and the other with 24.36 ± 0.37 (SD) h under constant light (Fig. 3A).
2.  Removal of the intact side optic lobe abolished the longer period component (Fig. 4A), while the operation on the operated side caused a reverse effect (Fig. 4B), indicating that the longer and the shorter period components are driven by the pacemaker on the intact and the operated side, respectively.
3.  The activity driven by a pacemaker was inhibited during the subjective day of the contralateral pacemaker (circadian time 0–10, Fig. 5).
4.  The freerunning periods of the two components were not constant but varied as a function of the mutual phase angle relationship (Figs. 3A, 7, 8).
These results suggest that the 2 optic lobe pacemakers weakly couple to one another and that the cricket maintains a stable temporal structure in its behavior through the phase-dependent mututal inhibition of activity and the phase-dependent freerunning period modulation.  相似文献   
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