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Augmentation of plankton production in Indian fishponds by application of manure and inorganic fertilisers was studied in laboratory experiments. The effects of the salinity of the medium were also examined.Laboratory trials were made with mustard oil cake and urea on equivalent nutrient bases in media with varying degrees of salinity (0–30 ppt at 2 ppt. intervals). It was observed that Closterium, Fragilaria, Pinnularia and Gyrosigma grew well in the higher salinity range between 24 to 30 ppt. whereas lower salinities ranging from a trace to 8 ppt. are suitable for improved production of Anabaena, Synedra, Navicula, Amphipleura, Amphora and Nitzschia. Comparatively better production of plankton was recorded with urea than with mustard oil cake.  相似文献   
Abstract. The ratio of the concentration of honeydew total amino acids to total sugars in the honeydew of eight species of aphids, all feeding on tansy, Tanacetum vulgare (L.), was determined and correlated with honeydew production and ant‐attendance. The honeydew of the five ant‐attended aphid species [Metopeurum fuscoviride (Stroyan), Trama troglodytes (v. Hayd), Aphis vandergooti (Börner), Brachycardus cardui (L.), Aphis fabae (Scopoli)] was rich in total amino acids, ranging from 12.9 to 20.8 nmol µL?1 compared with the unattended aphid Macrosiphoniella tanacetaria (Kalt.) with only 3 nmol µL?1. Asparagine, glutamine, glutamic acid and serine (all nonessential amino acids) were the predominant amino acids in the honeydew of all species. The total concentration of amino acids in the phloem sap of tansy was much higher (78.7 nmol µL?1) then in the honeydew samples, and the predominant amino acids were glutamate (34.3%) and threonine (17.7%). A somewhat unexpected result was the finding that those aphid species with the highest total amino acid concentration in the honeydew always had the highest concentration of sugars. The lowest amino acid–sugar combined value was 104–28.8 nmol µL?1 in the non ant‐attended species M. tanacetaria, and the highest value was an average of 270–89.9 nmol µL?1 for the three most intensely attended aphid species M. fuscoviride, A. vandergooti and T. troglodytes. There is no evidence that any single amino acid or group of amino acids in the honeydew acted as an attractant for ant‐attendance in these eight aphid species. The richness of the honeydew (rate of secretion × total concentration of sugars), along with the presence of the attractant sugar melezitose, comprised the critical factors determining the extent of ant‐attendance of the aphids feeding on T. vulgare. The high total amino acid concentration in sugar‐rich honeydews can be explained by the high flow‐through of nutrients in aphids that are particularly well attended by ants.  相似文献   
Abstract Saxifraga cernua, a perennial herb distributed throughout the arctic and subarctic regions, shows high levels of dark respiration. The amount of respiration exhibited by leaves and whole plants at any temperature is influenced by the pretreatment temperature. Plants grown at 10°C typically show higher dark respiration rates than plants grown at 20°C. The levels of alternative-pathway respiration (or cyanide-insensitive respiration) in leaves of S. cernua grown at high and low temperatures were assessed by treating leaf discs with 0.25 mol m?3 salicylhydroxamic acid during measurements of oxygen consumption. Alternative pathway respiration accounted for up to 75% of the total respiration. Tissues from 20°C-grown plants yielded a Q10 of 3.37 for normal respiration, and of 0.97 for alternative-pathway respiration. Tissues from 10°C-grown plants yielded a Q10 of 2.55 for normal respiration, and of 0.79 for alternative-pathway respiration. The alternative pathway does not appear to be as temperature sensitive as the normal cytochrome pathway. A simple energy model was used to predict the temperature gain expected from these high rates of alternative-pathway respiration. The model shows that less than 0.02°C can be gained by leaves experiencing these high respiration rates.  相似文献   
Summary Periwinkle (Catharanthus roseus) cells cultured in 1-B 5 medium display the ultrastructure of parenchyma cells. The parenchyma character remained unchanged when cells were exposed to any one of three different conditions effecting alkaloid accumulation. Transfer of cells to alkaloid production medium for 2 weeks (condition 1) accorded two special features,i.e., unusually big lipid droplets in the cytoplasm and, upon fixation, one or several electron-dense droplets of spongy precipitate in vacuoles. Among hormone-autotrophic cultures (condition 2) some cells showed a fine electron-dense vacuolar precipitate. Addition ofPhythium homogenate (fungal elicitor) to cells cultured in 1-B 5-medium for 10 days (condition 3), cells showed a frequent appearance of singular big lipid droplets in the cytoplasm, whereas vacuoles remained devoid of precipitate. The appearance of big lipid droplets and of vacuolar precipitate is interpreted as progressing cytodifferentiation, but is coincidental with alkaloid accumulation.NRCC no. 24524.  相似文献   
不同海拔地区种植的水稻地上部干物质的生产和分配   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
根据1983—1985年“高原水稻高产栽培的生理生态规律研究”中低热的元江(海拔400米左右)、温凉的昆明(约1900米)和冷凉的丽江(约2400米)的资料,以六个处理、十八个小区、三年总平均值,比较了不同海拔地区种植的水稻中地上部干物质生产和分配的总趋势。主要结果如下: 1.全生育期总的干物质生产量以温凉地区最高,低热地区居中,冷凉地区最低。 2.抽穗前干物质生产速率和齐穗期干物重占黄熟期干物重的比例随海拔降低而增加;抽穗期至黄熟期干物质生产速率,以温凉地区最高,低热地区居中,冷凉地区最低,但低热地区低于前期,高海拔地区高于前期,不过冷凉的丽江增加的更多。 3.抽穗前(旗叶完全展开后)叶干重占当时植株总干重的比例,随海拔升高而降低。 4.抽穗期至黄熟期的次库(茎 叶鞘)干重的改变,不同海拔地区种植的水稻表现不同:低热地区减重,温凉地区稍增,冷凉地区明显增加。 5.与高海拔地区种植的水稻相比,在黄熟期低海拔地区的有较高的穗重/总重和穗增重/总增重的比例。另外低海拔地区的穗增重超过总增重。结实率和谷/草比例均随海拔增高而减低。  相似文献   
Pedersen  A. 《Hydrobiologia》1987,155(1):267-275
Studies were undertaken with the aim of developing a standardized method for assessing environmental pollution in sediments by utilization of life-history data of freshwater tubificids. Similar bioassay methods have long been used for Daphnia magna, species of Ceriodaphnia and Nitocra, etc. in accordance with guidelines from the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). Tubifex tubifex was found to be the most likely candidate for such bioassays, since the species is readily kept in culture and reproduces more or less consistantly.The culturing method is slightly modified from Kosiorek (1974). This paper provides an example of the particular sensitivity of this kind of bioassay method in the detection of heavy metal contamination of lake sediments. Sediments from the oligotrophic Lake Runn were considered suitable for the purpose, since the lake receives waste water from a major mining industry in Sweden. Metal analyses of the sediments had revealed the agents likely to be causing the decreased biological activity measured in the lake; rough amplitudes for mercury: 800–3600 ng · g-1 dw, copper: 800–1800 g · g-1 dw, zinc: 3.3 – 8.1 mg · g g-1 dw have been estimated for surficial sediments.Young tubificids exposed to Lake Runn sediments did not grow much and died off within a short period of time. No reproduction occurred. Sediments from Lake Runn, when mixed with sediments from the eutrophic Lake Hjälmaren, made reproduction of T. tubifex occur only in mixtures containing less than 50% L. Runn sediments. The growth rate, reproductive success and the very timing of consecutive reproductive events of cohort individuals were found to be highly indicative of toxic effects. When additional food sources were available, however, these effects were largely masked. Therefore, extra food rations were excluded from the original method.  相似文献   
Artificial diets were reviewed and two tested. The highest level of survival to the adult stage (72%) was obtained on a modified diet of Odell & Rollinson (1966). Rearing required 61 days for males and 70 days for females. Wing deformation occurred in 16% of the adults. The sex ratio ( : ) was 0.80. Average pupal weight was 281 mg for males and 368 mg for females. Females averaged 102 eggs (range 80–125 eggs). Neonates from field-collected egg masses started hatching on 6 December; frost was not necessary for hatching. Hatching could be postponed until at least 10 November of the following year by storing egg masses at-2°C. L. monacha can be maintained continuously in the laboratory.
Zusammenfassung Eine Massenvermehrung der Nonne, Lymantria monacha (L.), trat in 1984 auf 500 ha Pinus sylvestris bei Budelerbergen (S.O. der Niederlande) auf und betraf 1985 eine Fläche von 2800 ha. Obwohl die Vermehrung durch eine Luftapplikation mit Dimilin 25 bekämpft werden konnte, wurden Untersuchungen begonnen zur Entwicklung von für die Umwelt sicheren Bekämpfungsmethoden, besonders die Anwendung von Virosen. Das Ziel bestand in der Virusproduktion in künstlichen Raupenzuchten. Die Nonne wurde bisher mit verschiedenen für andere Insektenarten oder speziell für diesen Zweck entwickelten künstlichen Nährböden gezüchtet. Da die Zusammensetzung dieser Nährböden und die Zuchtmethoden nicht veröffentlicht waren und da wenige Details über die Raupenentwicklung vorlagen, wurden modifizierten Nährböden von McMorran sowie von Odell & Rollinson für die Massenzucht der Nonne geprüft.
Mass spectrometric determinations of O2 affinities by the rumen fungus Neocallimastix patriciarum indicated a stable respiration under liquid phase O2 concentrations up to 10 M, the apparent K m for O2 under these conditions was 4.0 M. Exposure to O2 concentrations in excess of 10 M resulted in rapid inactivation of the observed respiration. Calculated H2 evolution rates for the organism are 8.1 nmol min-1 per mg of protein. Exposure to liquid-phase O2 concentrations in excess of 1.4 M caused 50% inhibition of H2 production. That superoxide and peroxide are amongst the products of respiration was shown by the use of ESR spectroscopy with the spin trapping agent 5,5-dimethyl-l-pyrroline-N-oxide. An active superoxide dismutase was present, but catalase could not be detected.Abbreviations ESR electron spin resonance - DMPO 5,5-dimethyl-l-pyrroline-N-oxide - DETAPAC diethylene-triamine pentaacetic acid  相似文献   
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