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Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) were treated with 17- estradiol to induce vitellogenin synthesis in liver. This led to an increase in liver wet weight and total DNA. After incubation with micrococcal nuclease (EC less soluble chromatin was obtained from nuclei of the estradiol treated than the control fish, but active gene regions were solubilized by the nuclease. Thus, in the estradiol treated fish soluble mononucleosomes contained hybridizable vitellogenin gene sequences. As a result of estradiol treatment the content in total liver of putrescine rose 3-fold, that of spermidine 2-fold, while spermine was unchanged. In muscle no significant changes were observed. The regulatory functions of polyamines during gene expression were investigated by binding (14C)spermine to isolated liver nuclei depleted of endogenous polyamines. The number of binding sites was higher in nuclei of estradiol treated than control fish. (14C)spermine associated preferentially with micrococcal nuclease insensitive chromatin. Thus, the high content of putrescine and spermidine in liver supported the view of polyamine accumulation in proliferating tissues. The preferential binding to condensed chromatin indicated a stabilizing effect of polyamines on the organization of inactive chromatin structures.Abbreviations MNase micrococcal nuclease - PMSF phenylmethylsulfonylfluoride  相似文献   
To assess exercise energy metabolism of forearm flexor muscles in rowers, six male student rowers and six control subjects matched for age and sex were studied using phosphorus-31 magnetic resonance spectroscopy (31P-MRS). Firstly, to adjust for the effect of differences in cross-sectional muscle area, the maximal cross-sectional area (CSAmax) of the forearm flexor muscles was estimated in each individual using magnetic resonance imaging. Multistage exercise was then carried out with an initial energy production of 1 J.cm-2 CSAmax for 1 min and an increment of 1 J.cm-2 CSAmax every minute to the point of muscle exhaustion. A series of measurements of 31P-MRS were performed every minute. The CSAmax was significantly greater in the student rowers than in the control subjects [19.8 (SD 2.2) vs 17.1 (SD 1.2) cm2, P less than 0.05]. The absolute maximal exercise intensity (J.min-1) was greater in the rowers than in the control subjects. However, the maximal exercise intensity per unit of muscle cross sectional area (J.min-1.cm-2) was not significantly different between the two groups. During mild to moderate exercise intensities, a decrease in phosphocreatine and an increase in inorganic phosphate before the onset of acidosis were significantly less in the rowers, indicating a requirement of less adenosine 5'-diphosphate to drive adenosine 5'-triphosphate production. The onset of acidosis was also significantly delayed in the rowers. No difference was observed in forearm blood flow between the two groups at the same exercise intensity (J.min-1.cm-2).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Recently, we have shown that an untrained respiratory system does limit the endurance of submaximal exercise (64% peak oxygen consumption) in normal sedentary subjects. These subjects were able to increase breathing endurance by almost 300% and cycle endurance by 50% after isolated respiratory training. The aim of the present study was to find out if normal, endurance trained subjects would also benefit from respiratory training. Breathing and cycle endurance as well as maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max) and anaerobic threshold were measured in eight subjects. Subsequently, the subjects trained their respiratory muscles for 4 weeks by breathing 85-160 l.min-1 for 30 min daily. Otherwise they continued their habitual endurance training. After respiratory training, the performance tests made at the beginning of the study were repeated. Respiratory training increased breathing endurance from 6.1 (SD 1.8) min to about 40 min. Cycle endurance at the anaerobic threshold [77 (SD 6) %VO2max] was improved from 22.8 (SD 8.3) min to 31.5 (SD 12.6) min while VO2max and the anaerobic threshold remained essentially the same. Therefore, the endurance of respiratory muscles can be improved remarkably even in trained subjects. Respiratory muscle fatigue induced hyperventilation which limited cycle performance at the anaerobic threshold. After respiratory training, minute ventilation for a given exercise intensity was reduced and cycle performance at the anaerobic threshold was prolonged. These results would indicate the respiratory system to be an exercise limiting factor in normal, endurance trained subjects.  相似文献   
Benign prostatic hypertrophy and posterior urethral valves present at both extremes of the age spectrum. Both disease processes can obstruct the urinary stream and ultimately have pathophysiological effects on detrusor structure and function. The mechanisms regulating the structural reorganization of the detrusor to a mechanical outflow obstruction are not known. In an attempt to identify maturational differences in myocyte ultrastructure and consequent effects these might have in modifying the response of the detrusor to mechanical stimulus, we studied differences in dynamic nuclear-cytoskeletal interactions in detrusor tissue in an animal model. Using a drug which specifically severs actin, cytochalasin D (CD), as an intracellular mechanical stimulus, we measured changes in nuclear area and the rate of DNA synthesis in detrusor myocytes from young (2-3 week) and old (8-12 mon) guinea pigs. We found that there were age specific differences to intracellular mechanical stimuli in detrusor muscle. Nuclei of myocytes from young animals showed elastic recoil on severing the cell actin matrix and the tissue from young animals increased replicative DNA synthesis with an intracellular stimulus. In contrast, nuclear shape changes in myocytes from old animals suggested less elasticity, and there was no increase in DNA synthesis with disruption of the cell actin matrix. Anti-alpha-smooth muscle actin antibody and rhodamine phalloidin staining of actin in cytochalasin D treated primary explants of detrusor myocytes showed dose dependent disruption of the actin component of the cytoskeleton. These results suggest that there are fundamental modifications in detrusor myocyte ultrastructure with age. These maturational changes might result in differences in the pathophysiological and structural reorganization of the detrusor in response to outflow obstruction in infancy and adulthood. Furthermore, they suggest that 1) a tensile equilibrium exists between the myocyte nucleus and cytoskeleton; 2) there appears to be a decrease in myocyte nuclear elasticity with ageing; 3) release of nuclear template restrictions increases activity of DNA polymerase alpha in young, but not old, detrusor myocytes; and 4) mechanico-chemical signal transduction in detrusor myocytes may be mediated via the cytoskeleton. In addition, based on previous reports of actin within the nucleus, the results suggest that 1) nuclear actin may have a homeostatic structural role, maintaining the tensile equilibrium between nucleus and cytoskeleton, and 2) integrity of nuclear actin may function to maintain the spatial template restriction on DNA polymerase alpha activity.  相似文献   
The role of proctolin has been further investigated in the locust (Locusta migratoria) mandibular closer muscles. Radioactive calcium uptake measurements were made using protease-dissociated muscle cells. Both the phorbol ester, phorbol-12,13-dibutyrate, and proctolin produce tonic contractions which are associated with the influx of extracellular calcium. The thresholds for proctolin and the phorbol ester to contract the muscle were 1-10 nM and 10-100nM, respectively, while their respective thresholds for evoking measurable calcium influx into the muscle cells were 0.1-1 nM for proctolin, and 0.1-1 pM for phorbol-12,13-dibutyrate. The effect of phorbol-12,13-dibutyrate is blocked by a number of protein kinase inhibitors (at a concentration of 0.1 mM), suggesting that an activation of a protein kinase can lead to calcium influx. These inhibitors, however, do not block the effect of proctolin, indicating that these two compounds work through different pathways, possibly converging on the same final target. In light of this finding, a number of other compounds have been tested to try to ascertain how proctolin mediates an increased calcium influx.  相似文献   
Four different nucleotide-gated ion channels are discussed in terms of their biophysical properties and their importance in cell physiology. Channels activated directly by cGMP are present in vertebrate and invertebrate photoreceptors. In both cases cGMP increases the fraction of time the channel remains in the open state. At least three cGMP molecules are involved in channel opening in vertebrate photoreceptors and the concentration of the cyclic nucleotide to obtain the half maximal effect is about 15 µM. The light-dependent channel of both vertebrates and invertebrates is poorly cation selective. The vertebrate channel allows divalent cations to pass through 10–15-fold more easily than monovalent ions. In agreement with their preference for divalent cations, this channel is blocked byl-cis Dialtazem, a molecule that blocks certain types of calcium channels. In olfactory neurons a channel activated by both cAMP and cGMP is found and, as in the light-dependent channel, several molecules of the nucleotide are needed to open the channel with a half maximal effect obtained in the range of 1–40 µM. The channel is poorly cationic selective. A K+ channel directly and specifically activated by cAMP is found inDrosophila larval muscle. At least three cAMP molecules are involved in the opening reaction. Half-maximal effect is obtained at about 50 µM. This channel is blocked by micromolar amount of tetraethylammonium applied internally. Interestingly, this channel has a probability of opening 10–20-fold larger in the mutantdunce, a mutant that possesses abnormally elevated intracellular cAMP level, than in the wild type.  相似文献   
The proposal that the active site vacuole of NAD(+)-S-lactate dehydrogenase is unable to accommodate any imbalance in electrostatic charge was tested by genetically manipulating the cDNA coding for human muscle lactate dehydrogenase to make a protein with an aspartic acid introduced at position 140 instead of the wild-type asparagine. The Asn 140-Asp mutant enzyme has the same kcat as the wild type (Asn 140) at low pH (4.5), and at higher pH the Km for pyruvate increases 10-fold for each unit increase in pH up to pH 9. We conclude that the anion of Asp 140 is completely inactive and that it binds pyruvate with a Km that is over 1,000 times that of the Km of the neutral, protonated aspartic-140. Experimental results and molecular modeling studies indicate the pKa of the active site histidine-195 in the enzyme-NADH complex is raised to greater than 10 by the presence of the anion at position 140. Energy minimization and molecular dynamics studies over 36 ps suggest that the anion at position 140 promotes the opening of and the entry of mobile solvent beneath the polypeptide loop (98-110), which normally seals off the internal active site vacuole from external bulk solvent.  相似文献   
垂体后叶素和加压素对离体心肌的直接作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本实验采用大鼠离体右心房和右心室肌条模型,观察了垂体后叶素和加压素对右心房和右心室肌的直接作用。结果表明:垂体后叶素对右心房的自主性收缩频率和幅度及右心室肌的收缩幅度均有剂量依赖性抑制作用;加压素对右心房和右心室肌收缩幅度也有剂量依赖性抑制作用,但对右心房自主节律无影响;催产素对右心房的收缩频率和幅度则均无影响。加压素V_1、V_2受体拮抗剂d(CH_2)_5Tyr(Me)AVP和d(CH_2)_5(D-Ile~2,Ile~4,Ala(NH_2)~9)AVP对垂体后叶素的负性变力作用具有不同程度的阻断作用,但对垂体后叶素的负性变时作用无阻断作用。以上结果提示,垂体后叶素的负性变力作用主要是由加压素产生的,加压素对心肌有直接的负性变力作用;垂体后叶素的负性变时作用可能是非加压素和催产素成分的作用结果。  相似文献   
The inside-out mode of the patch-clamp technique was used to study adenosine-5-triphosphate (ATP)-sensitive K+ channels in mammalian skeletal muscle. Vanadate, applied to the cytoplasmic face of excised patches, was a potent activator of ATP-sensitive K+ channels. Divalent cations (Mg2+, Ca2+) were a prerequisite for the activating process. The maximal effect was achieved using 1 mM vanadate dissolved in Ringer, increasing the open-state probability about ninefold. The active 5 + redox form of vanadate which stimulates ATP-sensitive K+ channels is likely to be decavanadate V10O inf28 sup6– . ATP concentration-response curves have Hill coefficients near three in internal Na+-rich Ringer and between one and two in internal KCl solutions. Half maximal channel blockage was observed at ATP concentrations of 4 and 8 M in Ringer and KCl solutions, respectively. Internal vanadate shifted the curves towards higher ATP concentrations without affecting their slopes. Thus 50% channel blockage occurred at 65 M ATP in internal Ringer containing 0.5 mM vanadate. The results indicate that the affinity and stoichiometry of ATP binding to ATP-sensitive K+ channels are strongly modulated by internal cations and that the ATP sensitivity is weakened by vanadate. Offprint requests to: B. Neumcke  相似文献   
Summary The presence of a SchistoFLRFamide-like peptide associated with the oviducts of Locusta migratoria has been shown using sequential reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography separation coupled with radioimmunoassay and bioassay. The peptide is present in areas of the oviduct which receive extensive innervation, with sixfold less peptide in areas that receive little innervation. Material with FMRFamide-like immunoreactivity (determined by radioimmunoassay) is also present in the oviducal nerve and VIIth abdominal ganglion.SchistoFLRFamide is a potent modulator of contraction of this visceral muscle, inhibiting or reducing the amplitude and frequency of spontaneous contractions, relaxing basal tonus, and reducing the amplitude of neurally-evoked, proctolin-induced, glutamate-induced and high potassium-induced contractions. The FMRFamide-like immunoreactivity within the oviducts which co-elutes with SchistoFLRFamide on two separations is also capable of reducing the amplitude of neurally-evoked and proctolin-induced contractions, and of inhibiting spontaneous contractions and relaxing basal tonus.The effects of SchistoFLRFamide upon this visceral muscle are not abolished by the -adrenergic receptor antagonist phentolamine and do not appear to be mediated by cyclic AMP. Thus the receptors for Schisto-FLRFamide are distinct from those of octopamine which mediate similar physiological effects but which are blocked by phentolamine and which are coupled to adenylate cyclase.The results indicate that SchistoFLRFamide, or a very similar peptide, which has previously been identified as a modulator of locust heart beat, is also associated with visceral muscle of the reproductive system, and may play a neural role in concert with octopamine, at modulating muscular activity.Abbreviations BPP Bovine pancreatic polypeptide - BSA Bovine serum albumin - EJP Excitatory junctional potential - FaRPs FMRFamide-related peptides - FLI FMRFamide-like immuno-reactivity - LMS Leucomyosuppressin - RIA Radioimmunoassay - RP-HPLC Reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography - TFA Trifluoroacetic acid  相似文献   
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