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Summary Mayfly larvae of Paraleptophlebia heteronea (McDunnough) had two antipredator responses to a nocturnal fish predator (Rhinichthys cataractae (Valenciennes)): flight into the drift and retreat into interstitial crevices. Drift rates of Paraleptophlebia abruptly increased by 30 fold when fish were actively foraging in the laboratory streams but, even before fish were removed, drift began returning to control levels because larvae settled to the substrate and moved to areas of low risk beneath stones. This drifting response was used as an immediate escape behavior which likely decreases risk of capture from predators which forage actively at night. Surprisingly, drift most often occurred before contact between predator and prey, and we suggest that in darkness this mayfly may use hydrodynamic pressure waves for predator detection, rather than chemical cues, since fish forage in an upstream direction. Although drifting may represent a cost to mayfly larvae in terms of relocation to a new foraging area with unknown food resources, the immediate mortality risk probably out-weighs the importance of staying within a profitable food patch because larvae can survive starvation for at least 2 d. In addition to drifting, mayflies retreated from upper, exposed substrate surfaces to concealed interstitial crevices immediately after a predator encounter, or subsequent to resettlement on the substrate after predator-induced drift. A latency period was associated with this response and mayflies remained in these concealed locations for at least 3 h after dace foraging ceased. Because this mayfly feeds at night and food levels are significantly lower in field refugia under stones, relative to exposed stone surfaces, predator avoidance activity may limit foraging time and, ultimately, reduce the food intake of this stream mayfly.  相似文献   
The infection of cucumber leaves by Colletotrichum lagenarium was studied using cytological methods. Its progress in untreated plants was compared with that in plants in which systemic resistance had been induced by pre-infecting the first true leaf with the same fungus. In induced plants, a reduction of fungal development was observed at the leaf surface, in the epidermis, and in the mesophyll. On the leaf surface, formation of appressoria was slightly reduced. In the epidermis, enhanced formation of papillae beneath appressoria, and possibly increased lignification of entire cells, correlated with reduced development of infection hyphae. Papillae contained callose, identified by staining with aniline-blue fluorochrome and digestion with -1,3-glucanase, as a main structural component. In the mesophyll, reduced fungal development provided evidence for the existence of an additional induced defence reaction. The results imply that preinfection elicited a systemic, multicomponent defence reaction of the host plant against the fungus.Dedicated to the memory of Professor H. Grisebach  相似文献   
Abstract. Gas exchange measurements were performed to test the hypothesis that failure of stomata to open in senescing leaves of Nicotiana glauca is caused by elevated concentrations of carbon dioxide in the intercellular spaces of leaf mesophyll tissue (ci). Senescing leaves selected for experiments were completely chlorotic and lacked positive rates of photosynthesis. When stomata in detached epidermis from senescing leaves were illuminated in CO2-free air, they opened to similar apertures as those in detached epidermis from nonsenescing leaves. To compare the effects of changes in ci on stomatal responses of the two leaf types, leaf 'flags' of either nonsenescing or senescing leaves were illuminated at a photosynthetic photon flux density of 500 μmol m−2 s−1 in a gas exchange cuvette. Leaf temperatures were maintained at 23.5 ± 0.5°C, and vapour pressure differences between leaves and the air were maintained between 0.70 and 0.75kPa. Ci was adjusted by changing external concentrations of carbon dioxide in air circulating through the cuvette. Conductances and photosynthetic rates of nonsenescing leaves changed in response to changes in ci, but neither the conductances nor the photosynthetic rates of senescing leaves were affected significantly by changes in q. We conclude that guard cells of senescing leaves of Nicotiana glauca do not lose the capacity to respond to changes in carbon dioxide concentration and that increases in ci resulting from declining rates of mesophyll photosynthesis are not the sole cause of maintenance of stomatal closure during leaf senescence. The data suggest that factors external to guard cells may prevent them from responding to changes in carbon dioxide concentrations in intact senescing leaves.  相似文献   
Callus cultures of 18 sugarbeet (Beta vulgaris) lines, two accessions of B. maritima and a B. macrocarpa accession were initiated from aseptically germinated seeds. Plant regeneration through organogenesis was obtained either on MS or B5 medium containing various concentrations and combinations of naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA), 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP), 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid (TIBA) and abscisic acid (ABA). Genotypes differed in their abilities of callus formation and regeneration: seven out of 18 sugarbeet lines, and an accession of B. maritima were capable of regenerating plantlets. Our data also indicated that 2 M TIBA promoted morphogenesis from callus culture in the presence of 5 M BAP.  相似文献   
Six trained male cyclists and six untrained but physically active men participated in this study to test the hypothesis that the use of percentage maximal oxygen consumption (%VO2max) as a normalising independent variable is valid despite significant differences in the absolute VO2max of trained and untrained subjects. The subjects underwent an exercise test to exhaustion on a cycle ergometer to determine VO2max and lactate threshold. The subjects were grouped as trained (T) if their VO2max exceeded 60 ml.kg-1.min-1, and untrained (UT) if their VO2max was less than 50 ml.kg-1.min-1. The subjects were required to exercise on the ergometer for up to 40 min at power outputs that corresponded to approximately 50% and 70% VO2max. The allocation of each exercise session (50% or 70% VO2max) was random and each session was separated by at least 5 days. During these tests venous blood was taken 10 min before exercise (- 10 min), just prior to the commencement of exercise (0 min), after 20 min of exercise (20 min), at the end of exercise and 10 min postexercise (+ 10 min) and analysed for concentrations of cortisol, [Na+], [K+], [Cl-], glucose, free fatty acid, lactate [la-], [NH3], haemoglobin [Hb] and for packed cell volume. The oxygen consumption (VO2) and related variables were measured at two time intervals (14-15 and 34-35 min) during the prolonged exercise tests. Rectal temperature was measured throughout both exercise sessions. There was a significant interaction effect between the level of training and exercise time at 50% VO2max for heart rate (fc) and venous [la-].(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Summary Flies (Musca domestica) avoid danger by initiating a rapid jump followed by flight. To identify the visual cues that trigger the escape response in the housefly, we measured the timing and probability of escapes when the fly was presented with a variety of visual stimuli created by moving targets toward it. Our results show that an escape response is triggered by an approaching dark disk, but not by a receding dark disk. On the other hand, a bright disk elicits escape only when it recedes. A disk with black and white rings is less effective at eliciting escape than is a dark solid disk of the same size. This indicates that the darkening contrast produced by an approaching stimulus is a more crucial parameter than expansion cues contained in the optical flow. Escape is also triggered by a horizontally moving dark edge, but not by a moving bright edge or by a grating. An examination of several visual parameters reveals that the darkening contrast, measured from the onset of stimulation to the start of escape is nearly constant for a variety of stimuli that trigger escape reliably. Thus darkening contrast, coupled with motion may be crucial in eliciting the visually evoked escape response. Other visual parameters such as time-to-contact or target angular velocity seem to be relatively unimportant to the timing of escapes.Abbreviations P s Probability of successful escape - r disk radius of disk target - r arena radius of shielding arena - v disk linear velocity of disk target - v edge linear velocity of edge - d disk angular velocity of disk target boundary - edge angular velocity of edge - escape target distance at escape - d start target distance before onset of target movement - h edge height of the edge above fly - x start distance from corner of triangle to start position of edge (0 or 50 mm) - x escape distance from corner of triangle to the position of the edge when the fly escapes - x center distance from corner of triangle to point above the center of the pad - x total distance from the corner of the triangle to the base (height of triangle = base of triangle)  相似文献   
Summary In tethered flying houseflies (Musca domestica), the yaw torque produced by the wings is accompanied by postural changes of the abdomen and hindlegs. In free flight, these body movements would jointly lead to turning manoeuvres of the animal. By recording the yaw torque together with the lateral deflections of either the abdomen or the hindlegs, it is shown that these motor output systems act in a highly synergistic way during two types of visual orientation behavior, compensatory optomotor turning reactions and orientation turns elicited by moving objects. This high degree of coordination is particularly conspicuous for the pathway activated by moving objects. Here, orientation responses either may be induced or may fail to be generated always simultaneously in all three motor output systems. This suggests that the pathway mediating orientation turns towards objects is gated before it segregates into the respective motor control systems of the wings, the abdomen and the hindlegs.  相似文献   
Mortality of the collembole species Orchesella cincta (L.), due to predation by the carabid Notiophilus biguttatus F., has been measured in the laboratory at three levels of prey density. Prey densities were chosen such that the predator's consumption at the lowest prey density was a little above the maintenance ration. Between the two lowest prey densities, mortality increased significantly with prey density. We presume that density-dependent search activity by the predator is responsible for the positive density-dependent mortality. A method is proposed to solve the problem of decreasing prey density during the observations.
Relation positive entre la densité de Orchesella cincta et la mortalité due à la prédation part Nothiophilus biguttarus
Résumé Cet article décrit l'importance de la prédation par le carabe N. biguttatus en fonction de la densité de la proie, O. cincta. Les résultats montrent que, sous l'effet de la prédation, la mortalité de la proie augmente avec sa densité. La quantité minimale de proies qui doit être consommée pour permettre la reproduction du carabe, a été déterminée. La relation entre la fécondité du carabe et l'effectif consommé, montre l'effet stabilisant de la prédation sur les populations de proies.La relation de dépendance de la densité observée avec la mortalité est due à une modification du comportement du carabe en fonction de la densité de sa proie. Nous proposons un modèle permettant de prévoir la régression de la population de proies sous les effets de la prédation.
The analysis of binomial data by a generalized linear mixed model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
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