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Like other secondary soft‐bottom dwellers, serpulid and sabellid tube worms used particular strategies in order to cope with their earlier loss of mobility. This is expressed by the transition from irregular to genomically programmed morphologies of their calcareous shells that guarantee a stable horizontal resting position. In contrast to permanent recliners, however, this attitude was probably only the starting position for active resurrection after the muddy tail of storm sediments had settled on top of the displaced animal.  相似文献   
Brood reduction, the death of one or more chicks through siblicide or starvation, can occur through density‐dependence in fecundity. Brood reduction may arise in territorial breeding systems either as a response to a high level of territorial interference in a situation of high density or as a result of habitat heterogeneity. To test the predictions of the two main hypotheses that attempt to explain how density‐dependent fecundity is generated, the Habitat Heterogeneity Hypothesis (HHH) and the Individual Adjustment Hypothesis (IAH), we analysed the relationship between density and fecundity in an expanding population of Booted Eagles in Doñana National Park, Spain, using an 18‐year data series. We also studied the occurrence and frequency of brood reduction in the same Booted Eagle population to appreciate further its effects and the factors that influence its occurrence and frequency. Our results support the HHH in the present situation of high density, as fecundity in the better territories (older and more frequently occupied) was higher than in low quality territories and was not affected by population density in high density periods. Nevertheless, the fecundity of high quality territories was affected (although not significantly) by population density in periods of low density, suggesting that the IAH was supported when only high quality territories were occupied. Older territories were used more frequently and chicks in these areas hatched earlier and suffered lower mortality than in new territories. We found a significant negative relationship between mean fecundity and its skewness, a finding that also supports HHH. During years of food shortage, less frequently occupied territories suffered higher rates of brood reduction. Brood reduction in this Booted Eagle population was a consequence of the heterogeneous structure of the habitat, with some territories having a higher probability of brood reduction than others. Parental nutritional condition did not affect brood reduction. The effect of brood reduction on nestling quality and population dynamics is also discussed.  相似文献   
We used data on loud duetted and solo songs collected from one habituated polygynous group of black‐crested gibbons (Nomascus concolor jingdongensis) on Mt. Wuliang, Yunnan, to test several hypotheses about the functions of these songs. The major functions proposed for loud gibbon songs include resource defense, mate defense, pairbonding, group cohesion and mate attraction. Duet bouts are generally initiated by adult males, who select the highest trees near to ridges or on steep slopes as singing trees. Such trees facilitate voice transmission and inter‐group communication. Singing trees tended to be located near important food patches and sleeping sites, which supports the resource defense hypothesis. The adult male and two adult females always sang interactively, alternating male phrases with the females' stereotyped great calls, to produce the duets, and females rarely produced great calls if they were more than 30 m from the male. The two females usually produced great calls synchronously during the duet, especially when they were close together. These features support both the mate defense and pairbonding hypotheses. The number of great calls and their degree of synchrony transmit information about spatial relationships and possibly pairbond strength to members to neighboring groups and floating animals. During or after the duet bouts, the adult females and juvenile moved toward to the adult male; and group members maintained a close spatial relationship, which supports the group cohesion hypothesis. Other incidents observed suggest a mate competition role for duets. The adult male always sang when the females started duetting with the subadult male. The subadult male sang solo bouts, but they were not more frequent or longer than bouts initiated by the adult male. Although mate attraction is the likely function of subadult solos, it was not convincingly demonstrated. In conclusion, all hypotheses concerning the function of singing are supported by at least some of the data, and none can be excluded. Am. J. Primatol. 71:539–547, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Aim  To identify the factors that contribute to variation in abundance (population density), and to investigate whether habitat breadth and diet breadth predict macroecological patterns in a suborder of passerine birds (Meliphagoidea).
Location  Australia (including Tasmania).
Methods  Mean abundance data were collated from site surveys of bird abundance (the Australian Bird Count); range size and latitudinal position data from published distribution maps; and body mass and diet breadth information from published accounts. A diversity index of habitats used (habitat breadth) was calculated from the bird census data. We used bivariate correlation and multiple regression techniques, employing two phylogenetic comparative methods: phylogenetic generalized least squares and independent contrasts.
Results  Body mass and latitude were the only strong predictors of abundance, with larger-bodied and lower-latitude species existing at lower densities. Together, however, body mass and latitude explained only 11.1% of the variation in mean abundance. Range size and habitat breadth were positively correlated, as were diet breadth and body mass. However, neither range size, nor habitat breadth and diet breadth, explained patterns in abundance either directly or indirectly.
Main conclusions  Levels of abundance (population density) in meliphagoid birds are most closely linked to body mass and latitudinal position, but not range size. As with many other macroecological analyses, we find little evidence for aspects of niche breadth having an effect on patterns of abundance. We hypothesize that evolutionary age may also have a determining effect on why species tend to be rarer (less abundant) in the tropics.  相似文献   
Abstract.  1. Non-Mendelian maternal effects, the effects of maternal phenotype or environment on offspring phenotype, have been documented in numerous taxa. By affecting offspring vital rates (birth, death, and movement), maternal effects have the potential to influence population dynamics. However, relatively few studies have directly linked maternal phenotype or environment to offspring vital rates. Additionally, even fewer studies have compared the magnitude of across-generation effects (i.e. maternal effects) to within-generation effects.
2. Because of their telescoping generations, aphids can be strongly influenced by maternal effects. The effects of maternal density and maternal host-plant species on offspring survival, fecundity, and alate formation were investigated experimentally in Aphis nerii , the milkweed–oleander aphid.
3. Additionally, the relative strength of maternal effects were compared with those operating within a generation. Therefore, in another set of experiments, the effects of current density and host-plant species (within-generation effects) on aphid vital rates were examined.
4. While maternal effects were present, within-generation effects were much stronger and more strongly influenced aphid vital rates. Within a generation, aphids exhibited density-dependent survival, fecundity, and alate formation and these effects varied among host-plant species.
5. These results indicate that while maternal effects have the potential to affect population dynamics, this potential is not always met. Additionally, the current environment, not the environment of previous generations, more strongly impacts population dynamics.  相似文献   
Abstract 1. The flexibility of hymenopteran sex ratios is well documented, particularly in structured populations featuring sib mating. 2. Using game theoretic models, the present study examines species producing single‐sex broods in which sib mating is unlikely, and focuses on the role of population density in determining evolutionarily stable oviposition strategies. 3. Since only mated females can produce offspring of both sexes while unmated females produce only male offspring, mated females are under selection to produce more females overall to balance the primary sex ratio. 4. As the proportion of all females that are mated should increase with density, offspring sex ratio of mated females is strongly linked to density at low to moderate densities. The present study shows that when density becomes low enough for fewer than half of all females to have mated, then female offspring generate higher fitness. 5. In this low density situation, females may gain a fitness benefit from waiting at their emergence site or from using other costly means to find and mate with males before ovipositing. 6. The predicted correspondence between females waiting at the emergence site and fewer than half of females in the population containing sperm, can be tested empirically, as can the somewhat counter‐intuitive prediction that greater access to males should yield a more male‐biased sex ratio in the offspring of mated females. 7. The present study also indicates how measuring the variance in giving up times by females waiting for males at low density, can provide insight into mechanisms determining waiting times.  相似文献   
The Grassland Biome is currently one of the most threatened biomes in South Africa and is in dire need of a biomonitoring protocol. The components of ecological integrity in these ecosystems are, however, too diverse and time-consuming to measure scrupulously. It is therefore necessary to develop a set of grassland indicators that are efficient and rapid in their assessment of grassland ecosystem integrity. The South African Grassland Scoring System (SAGraSS), based on the grassland insect community, is such a suggested indicator. The present study is the first to investigate the applicability and rapidity of this proposed method. Although SAGraSS scores correlated significantly with Ecological Index values (the most commonly used index by which veld condition is evaluated in central South Africa), the method proved to be tedious and the identification of insects taxing. We offer a number of changes to make the SAGraSS method a more rapid method of assessment.  相似文献   
This paper presents a method to address two wildlife management problems in central African rainforests: the need for local communities to take responsibility for wildlife management, and the lack of simple and appropriate wildlife monitoring techniques. The method uses encounters of game species during net hunts to calculate abundance indices as well as to estimate population densities for the four principal game species in the Dzanga–Sangha region: the duikers Cephalophus monticola (10.7–20.4 km?2), C. dorsalis (1.2–2.0 km?2), and C. callipygus (0.9–1.2 km?2), and the brush-tailed porcupine Atherurus africanus (2.7–5.3 km?2). Game species behaviour, the hunting practice, and comparisons with results from other research across central Africa suggest that the method can provide valid density estimates for C. monticola and C. dorsalis, but only abundance indices for C. callipygus and A. africanus. Nevertheless, the method can be applied by hunters in the course of their normal activities, and is adapted to the local habitat types and game species. As such, it can be an important tool for local communities in developing sustainable wildlife management programmes.  相似文献   
Breeding male hornyhead chub Nocomis biguttatus constructed nests in areas with relatively high but less than maximum flow rate and greater than average water depth. Nests comprised c. 3000 pebbles for a total mass of 11 kg. Males selected pebbles of smaller diameter but higher density than pebbles in the immediate vicinity. Thus, nests balanced the risk of mound erosion and energetic cost of nest construction with the benefits of protection from egg predators and a stable internal flow rate for oxygenation. These data help establish environmental management goals for the conservation of N. biguttatus and the lotic ecosystems dependent upon them.  相似文献   
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