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Man's interference with the environment encourages colonization by species that are often undesirable, hence a technique by which potential colonizers can be identified is urgently required. It can be developed when general prerequisites for successful colonization are identified. These prerequisites can then serve as criteria to distinguish potential colonizers from non-colonizers. The proposed relevant prerequisites are associated with two problems encountered by all colonists: small founding populations and a difference in the environmental conditions between the source area and the target, making the target rather unpredictable. Both these features increase the risk of random extinction, which can be overcome by possessing a potential for rapid population growth (high r) and for rapid adaptation to environmental conditions (high genetic variability). The parameters associated with meeting these prerequisites can serve for the identification of potential colonizers and for ranking species as to their colonization ability. The proposed technique may best be tested by comparing the intrinsic growth rate and the electrophoretic variability of species that have recently colonized with closely related species that have not done so under similar circumstances. The colonization of the eastern Mediterranean by Red Sea species immigrating via the Suez Canal created an appropriate system for such a test.  相似文献   
The technique of heat denaturation was used in addition to electrophoresis for the detection of thermostability variants of hemoglobin and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase in an attempt to measure the amount of genetic variability present in villages in the United Republic of Cameroon, Equatorial Africa. A minimum of three to a maximum of 13 thermostability variants were estimated for HbA and HbS, and a minimum of two to a maximum of ten thermostability variants were estimated for GdA, GdB, and GdA —. It is suggested that hemoglobin and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase thermostability variants are genetically determined and that the sites of these variants are at the hemoglobin and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase structural loci. The evidence for the existence of these hidden variants and their importance in the neutralist v. selectionist controversy are discussed.This work was supported in part by National Institutes of Health Grant HL 16005. S. C. B. was an International Telephone and Telegraph International Fellow to Cameroon, was supported by Training Grant NIH-GM 07197, and is currently an Insurance Medical Scientist Scholar. This work is in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Genetics by S. C. B.  相似文献   
NAD-linked lactate, malate, glycerophosphate, alcohol and nonspecific dehydrogenases, aspartate aminotransferases, and soluble esterases from extracts of tissues of individuals from a wild population of Calomys musculinus (Rodentia, Cricetidae) have been analyzed by means of starch gel electrophoresis and specific staining. Allelic frequencies and heterozygosity have been determined. Mendelian inheritance of some of the variants detected was confirmed by breeding experiments. Ten out of fifteen (66.6%) of the genetic loci investigated presented polymorphism. Mean heterozygosity per locus was very high (H=0.2014, se 0.046).This work has been supported, in part, by grants from the Secretaria de Ciencia y Tecnología de la Nación (National Program for Endemic Diseases) and from the Fundación Emilio Ocampo. C. N. G. is a Fellow and A. B. a Career Investigator of the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas of Argentina.  相似文献   
Quantitative characters of the flowering head of a garden population ofMicroseris laciniata were scored during the second, third, and fourth season of growth. Number of achenes per head, number of phyllaries per head and the average number of pappus parts per achene in single heads show significant plant to plant variation. Achenes per head and pappus parts per achene were scored in identical plants in two subsequent seasons. The number of pappus parts per achene varies freely between five and ten. This contrasts with annual species ofMicroseris in which either five or ten pappus parts are found, depending on the species. In spite of a clear plant-specific average of pappus parts, both high and low pappus part determination can be demonstrated in all specimens. The number of pappus parts depends on the position of an achene on the receptacle, marginal achenes usually having fewer pappus parts than central ones. This gradient is not closely correlated with the position of an achene on the genetic spiral.  相似文献   
In EuropeAthyrium filix-femina has a constant chromosome number (2n = 80) and is sexual. The normal type of reproduction is intergametophytic crossing. In the gametophyte phase there is a hormone system which induces dark germination of spores and antheridium formation. Sporophytes originating from single prothalli show that a genetic load is present in all population examined. It appears not to be a simple allelic load but a complicated balanced system. Morphological variability can be interpreted as the expression of the genetic heterogeneity of populations. There are no crossing barriers, not even between insular populations hundreds of kilometers apart.  相似文献   
An attempt is made to argue for a more dynamic view of huntergatherer population behavior in place of the largely static one that has been widely accepted. Following a review of how the concept of carrying capacity has been used in both huntergatherer and ecological studies, attention is drawn to the role of stochastic factors in producing fluctuations over time among populations that are small in size. Some of the implications of this alternative view are briefly discussed.Research supported in part by NIH Grant GM 20467-03.This is a revised version of a paper presented at the symposium, Systems and Their Environments, at the Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, 1973, New Orleans.  相似文献   
藏东南色季拉山沟壑区土壤氮素空间分布特征   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
以西藏东南部色季拉山海拔3950—4350 m为研究区,采用30×50 m网格采样法,以地统计学半变异函数为工具,研究了色季拉山森林生态系统沟谷与坡面上土壤氮素空间变异特征及模型。结果表明:土壤全氮、硝态氮和铵态氮含量均表现为0—10 cm10—20 cm,两个层次上空间变异性表现为全氮和铵态氮0—10 cm10—20 cm,而硝态氮表现为10—20 cm0—10cm;不同海拔高度土壤氮含量表现为随着海拔高度的升高而增加,但这种海拔梯度效应并未达显著水平(P0.05);沟谷区土壤氮含量高于坡面,这可能与植被残体在沟谷区的堆积分解促进氮循环有关;土壤全氮、铵态氮和硝态氮均具有中等程度的空间依赖性,其中土壤全氮空间变异符合指数模型,块金值/基台值为50%;土壤铵态氮和硝态氮含量空间变异分布均符合高斯模型,块金值/基台值分别为70.91%和37.45%;该区域土壤全氮、铵态氮和硝态氮含量空间依赖性表现为:硝态氮全氮铵态氮,即土壤硝态氮更易受到空间结构因素的影响,而铵态氮含量空间变化则主要受随机因素的影响。  相似文献   
罗群英  林而达 《生态学报》1999,19(4):557-559
利用中国随机天气模型将中国区域气候模式RCM与作物模式CERES-Rice相连接,模拟了3种气候变率(0%,10%,20%)水平下未来气候(2050年,假定此时CO2浓度为550mg/L)对我国水稻主产区(广州,长沙,南京)灌溉水稻和雨养水稻在考虑CO2肥效与否条件下的产量,模拟结果表明;(1)气候变率对水稻产量的影响因经营方式和研究地区的不同而有差异,对灌溉水稻来说,气候变率对其产量有负面影响,  相似文献   
流域季节性径流变化反映了年内水资源的动态特征。在以森林为主的流域中,森林变化和气候变异被普遍认为是影响流域水文过程的两大驱动因素。因此在全球气候变化背景下,研究流域森林恢复和气候变异对流域季节性径流的影响,可为协调区域碳-水关系和制订可持续的森林经营管理策略提供参考。选择鄱阳湖流域上游的平江流域为研究对象,根据流域历史森林覆盖率变化情况,将研究期划分为参考期(1961-1985)和森林恢复期(1986-2006),采用Mann-Kendall趋势分析研究流域长时期水文气象数据是否存在显著变化趋势。同时引入月干旱指数(潜在蒸散发和有效降雨的比率),将一年定义为能量限制季(1-6月)和水分限制季(7-12月),结合扩展的Budyko模型定量分析平江流域森林恢复和气候变异对季节性径流的相对贡献。在本研究流域整个研究期内(1961-2006),通过Mann-Kendall趋势分析发现,研究流域水分限制季径流呈现显著增加趋势,而能量限制季水文和气候变量变化趋势均不显著。其次,相较于参考期,流域森林恢复使能量限制季径流降低了11.71 mm/a (24.40%),使水分限制季径流增加了12.27 mm/a (17.23%)。同时,气候变异导致能量限制季径流减少了36.28 mm/a (75.60%),而使水分限制季径流增加了58.94 mm/a (82.77%)。上述研究结果表明,森林恢复对径流影响具有累积效应。森林恢复对季节性径流具有积极的调节作用,同时季节性径流对森林恢复的响应存在时间差,而且森林恢复对径流的影响在能量限制季和水分限制季具有相互抵消的作用,气候变异与森林恢复的影响效应类似。此外,本研究也证实,平江流域季节性径流变化主要是受气候变化主导,但森林恢复对季节性径流的贡献也不容忽视。  相似文献   
基于GIS的滨海盐渍化农田土壤空间变异及其分区管理   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
针对滨海盐渍化农田盐碱瘠薄、土壤属性空间变异大、粗放管理效益低的现实,研究管理分区精准划分方法,采取差异化措施,提升盐渍化土地利用水平。该文以无棣县农田为研究区,采用网格法结合土地利用现状定点野外采样、室内化验分析获取土壤属性数据,运用ArcGIS 10.2地统计方法分析土壤属性的空间变异特征;在MATLAB R2016a中采用模糊c-均值聚类法(FCM)计算各样点的模糊隶属度,通过插值预测模糊隶属度的空间分布,基于最大隶属度原则进行分区;通过变异性分析和最小极差法(LSR)差异显著性检验,对分区结果进行精度验证。结果表明:无棣县农田土壤总体呈轻中度盐渍化,有效氮含量偏低,有机质、有效磷含量中等,速效钾含量较高;有机质、有效氮、有效磷、速效钾和含盐量呈中等变异性(变异系数25.0%-52.3%),空间变异性较大,应分区调控;速效钾、含盐量和pH的块金效应值小于25%,主要受土壤质地、地下水矿化度等结构因素影响,有机质、有效氮和有效磷的块金效应值在50%-75%之间,受耕作方式、施肥等人为因素影响较大。将全县农田划分为3类管理区,估算面积分别为2.56万hm2、1.76万hm2、3.24万hm2;各分区土壤养分变异系数分别为23.9%-51.5%、15.9%-50.3%、14.7%-33.0%,检验结果表明各分区间差异显著,而各分区内部变异性明显低于未分区。管理分区与土壤属性空间分布特征具有较高的拟合度,分区结果可以作为差异化管理的作业单元。研究结果为各分区内部统一、不同分区间差异化管理提供了依据,研究有助于推进滨海盐渍化农田精准化管理水平的提高。  相似文献   
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