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首先建立相关变量取值随时序变化的数学模型,而后,利用模型中能够反映变量几何形状的适宜参数,提出了参数关联度的概念.从而解决了观测值非一一对应、且不齐的相关变量关联分析问题.同时给出一种较高拟合精度的非等间隔序列的灰色建模方法.  相似文献   
DNA ligases are essential guardians of genome integrity by virtue of their ability to recognize and seal 3′-OH/5′-phosphate nicks in duplex DNA. The substrate binding and three chemical steps of the ligation pathway are coupled to global and local changes in ligase structure, involving both massive protein domain movements and subtle remodeling of atomic contacts in the active site. Here we applied solution NMR spectroscopy to study the conformational dynamics of the Chlorella virus DNA ligase (ChVLig), a minimized eukaryal ATP-dependent ligase consisting of nucleotidyltransferase, OB, and latch domains. Our analysis of backbone 15N spin relaxation and 15N,1H residual dipolar couplings of the covalent ChVLig-AMP intermediate revealed conformational sampling on fast (picosecond to nanosecond) and slow timescales (microsecond to millisecond), indicative of interdomain and intradomain flexibility. We identified local and global changes in ChVLig-AMP structure and dynamics induced by phosphate. In particular, the chemical shift perturbations elicited by phosphate were clustered in the peptide motifs that comprise the active site. We hypothesize that phosphate anion mimics some of the conformational transitions that occur when ligase-adenylate interacts with the nick 5′-phosphate.  相似文献   
区域生态风险评价——以呼和浩特市区为例   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
曾勇 《生态学报》2010,30(3):668-673
区域生态风险具有大尺度、多因素、多风险受体的特点,难以直接定量;从生态风险的定义出发,构建景观破碎度和面积加权生态价值指数评价区域生态风险,并以ArcGIS和Fragstats软件为研究平台,通过空间采样和插值方法得到区域生态风险的空间分布规律。以2006年Spot卫星遥感数据解译的呼和浩特市区土地利用图为例,研究结果表明生态风险值范围在0.04-0.26之间,空间梯度差异明显,风险较高区域为东北部的大青山山区以及西南角的平原农业区,北部风险驱动力主要来自土壤侵蚀、地下水源地水位下降、水质恶化以及林地的退化;南部则是快速工业化导致林地、草地、特别是耕地景观转换为居民与工矿用地景观。案例研究结果表明所建方法直观、简便,可定量描述区域景观生态风险的相对大小和空间分布规律。  相似文献   
Cell-wall (CW) pectin content and its degree of methylation in root apices of selected maize cultivars were studied in relation to genotypic Al resistance. Maize cultivars differing in Al resistance were grown in nutrient solution treated with or without Al, and pectin content of the root tips was determined. Control plants did not differ in pectin content in the 5 mm root apex. Al treatment increased the pectin content of the root apex in all cultivars but more prominently in the Al-sensitive cultivars. Pectin and Al contents in 1 mm root sections decreased from the apex to the 3–4 mm zone. Pectin contents of the apical root sections were consistently higher although significantly different only in the 1–2 mm zone in the Al-sensitive cv Lixis. Al contents in most root sections were significantly higher in cv Lixis than in Al-resistant cv ATP-Y. Localization of pectins by immunofluorescence revealed that Al-sensitive cv. Lixis has a higher proportion of low-methylated pectin and thus a higher negativity of the cell wall than Al-resistant cv ATP-Y. This is in agreement with the higher Al content and Al sensitivity of cv Lixis. It is concluded that differences in CW pectin and its degree of methylation contribute to genotypic differences in Al resistance in maize in addition to the release of organic acid anions previously reported.  相似文献   
人为水土流失是一种人类干扰下的典型景观退化现象.将人为侵蚀在空间上的表现称之为人为侵蚀景观.在遥感和GIS技术支持下,结合大量的实地调查资料,对珠海最主要的人为侵蚀景观类型——土石场开展空间分布分析和景观生态影响评价.调查范围内珠海土石场有235个,其中三灶、井岸两镇(区)分布最为集中,分别为28、29个.缓冲区分析表明,土石场的分布与距交通道路的远近呈对数线性相关,其中在距交通道路100~200m距离范围内分布最为集中.设计景观生态影响度评价指数,对面积大于5000m^2的152个土石场进行景观生态影响度评价结果表明,对周边景观生态环境影响极强的土石场有9个,属于强一级的有17个,应首先对这些土石场开展景观生态恢复.  相似文献   
土壤水分胁迫对夏玉米植株性状整齐度的影响   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
利用大型防雨设施池栽,严格调控水量,研究夏玉米全程及阶段性土壤水分胁迫对植株性状整齐度的影响。结果表明,夏玉米生育全程水分胁迫,植株性状整齐度全面劣化,产量极低;苗期阶段水分胁迫导致大、小苗,壮、弱苗两极分化明显,株高整齐度显著下降,其负效应持续至生育后期,生育进程推迟,千粒重显著降低,对产量造成一定影响;穗期阶段水分胁迫对穗长、穗料数整齐度影响明显,产量降幅度较大;花粒期阶段水平胁迫对千粒重及穗  相似文献   
本文根据一元方差分析的单一自由度比较原理提出了多元方差分析中的单一自由度比较方法,以用于各种平衡试验设计中具多个变量的处理间多重比较.  相似文献   
深入了解青藏高原草地生产力与草畜平衡状态的变化,是青藏高原生态屏障建设和生态环境保护的基础.利用遥感植被指数和叶面积指数产品,基于VIP生态水文过程模型,模拟分析了青藏高原2000-2018年间草地生产力的时空格局,并结合同期农牧业统计资料,分析了青藏高原县域尺度草畜平衡状态的变化.结果表明:青藏高原草地多年平均净初级...  相似文献   
红豆杉抗苯丙氨酸细胞系的筛选及悬浮培养特性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过胁迫筛选法筛选红豆杉抗-苯丙氨酸细胞变异系,并比较了该细胞系与同步培养的原型细胞系悬浮培养的几项生理指标,结果表明,抗苯丙氨酸细胞系的紫杉醇含量显著高于原型细胞系的3-5倍,并且抗性细胞系的生长速率,细胞活性,pH值,胞内可溶性糖含量及褐变强度均与原型细胞系存在显著差别。  相似文献   
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