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Soil samples from forest and agricultural sites in three areas of southwest France were collected to determine the effect of forest conversion to continuous intensive corn cropping with no organic matter management on soil organic carbon (C) content. Soils were humic loamy soils and site characteristics that may affect soil C were as uniform as possible (slope, elevation, texture, soil type, vegetation). Three areas were selected, with adjacent sites of various ages of cultivation (3 to 35 yr), and paired control forest sites. The ploughed horizon (0-Dt cm) and the Dt-50 cm layer were collected at each agricultural site. In forest sites, each 10 cm layer was collected systematically down to 1 meter depth. Carbon concentrations were converted to total content to a given depth as the product of concentration, depth of sample and bulk density, and expressed in units of kg m-2. For each site and each sampled layer, the mineral mass of soil was calculated, in order to base comparisons on the same soil mass rather than the same depth. The pattern of C accumulation in forest soils showed an exponential decrease with depth. Results suggested that soil organic carbon declined rapidly during the first years of cultivation, and at a slower rate thereafter. This pattern of decrease can be fitted by a bi-exponential model assuming that initial soil organic carbon can be separated into two parts, a very labile pool reduced during the first rapid decline and more refractory fractions oxidizing at a slower rate. Sampling to shallow depths (0-Dt cm) resulted in over-estimation of the rate of carbon release in proportion to the initial amount of C, and in under-estimation of the total loss of C with age. The results for the 0–50 cm horizon indicated that losses of total carbon average about 50% in these soils, ranging in initial carbon content from 19 to 32.5 kg m-2. Carbon release to the atmosphere averaged 0.8 kg m-2 yr-1 to 50 cm depth during the first 10 years of cultivation. The results demonstrate that temperate soils may also be an important source of atmospheric carbon, when they are initially high in carbon content and then cultivated intensively with no organic matter management.  相似文献   
The responses to water stress of the bulk modulus of elasticity () and the apoplastic water fraction were examined using six sunflower cultivars of differing capacity for osmotic adjustment (OA). Water stress did not affect the partitioning of water between apoplastic (ca. 20%) and symplastic fractions in leaves which expanded during the exposure to stress in any genotype. Hence, no genotype-linked effects on either the buffering of cell water status during stress or on the estimates of bulk leaf osmotic potential could be expected. Genotypes differed in the degree of change in (estimated from pressure/volume [P/V] curves) and OA (estimated using both ln RWC/ ln o plots and P/V curves) induced by exposure to stress. In three genotypes increased significantly (p=0.05) as a consequence of stress, in another three change were small. OA was the only attribute of the three examined that could have contributed to turgor maintenance under stress. There was a strong negative association between leaf expansion and degree of OA across genotypes (r=–0.91) and a strong positive one between OA and (r=0.94). However all genotypes evidenced some degree of OA. These results are consistent with part of the genotype differences in OA being attributable to variations in leaf expansion during exposure to stress.  相似文献   
Amino acid release from roots of sterile and non-sterile, solution-grown, 7-, 21- and 60-days-old forage rape plants (Brassica napus L.), was measured over periods of up to 6 hours. With sterile plants, release of amino acids into a fixed volume of collection medium (6, 12, 70 mL) was concentration-limited, giving rise to similar convex accumulation profiles for individual acids. In contrast, amino acid accumulation in continuously circulating collection medium was not concentration limited, giving a linear accumulation pattern. The compositions of accumulating amino acids, which were similar to those measured in root extracts, did not change significantly. However, the proportions of ALA, GABA, GLU and ILE in both root extracts and root-derived amino acids increased as plants aged. Older plants released more amino acids per plant, while younger plants released more amino acids g-1 root DW. Using non-sterile plants, the patterns of change in amino acid concentration and composition in the collection medium were completely different from those determined with sterile plants. In general, with 7-days-old plants, and 60-days-old plants that had recently become non-sterile, an initial rise in the concentration of all acids was followed by a fall to low levels. The loss of amino acids was apparently due to microbial consumption. Individual amino acids attained maximum concentration at different times during the collection process. This is attributed mainly to concentration-dependent differential assimilation of amino acids, since those with the highest initial concentrations, the major components of the mixtures released from roots, declined the earliest. When calculated rates of amino acid release from roots (Rr) and microbial consumption of amino acids (Rc) were compared (for 7-days-old plants), the highest ratios of Rc/Rr were found for ASN, ARG, GLU, GLN, and LYS. This suggests a degree of selectivity for glutamate and nitrogen-rich acids on the part of the consuming micro-organisms. With 21-days old plants and 60-days old plants grown entirely under non-sterile conditions, fluctuations in amino acid concentration were similar for all acids.  相似文献   
Uptake,accumulation and metabolism of auxins in tobacco leaf protoplasts   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Uptake and metabolism of exogenous naphthalene-1-acetic acid (NAA) and indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) have been studied in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. Xanthi) mesophyll protoplasts. Both auxins entered protoplasts by diffusion under the action of the transmembrane pH gradient without any detectable participation of an influx carrier. Molecules were accumulated by an anion-trapping mechanism and most of them were metabolized within hours, essentially as glucose-ester and amino-acid conjugates. Protoplasts were equipped with a functional auxin-efflux carrier as evidenced by the inhibitory effect of naphthylphtalamic acid on IAA efflux. Basically, similar mechanisms of NAA and IAA uptake occurred in protoplasts. However, the two auxins differed in their levels of accumulation, due to different membrane-transport characteristics, and the nature of the metabolites produced. This shows the need to estimate the accumulation and the metabolism of auxins when analyzing their effects in a given cell system. The internal auxin concentration could be modulated by changing the transmembrane pH gradient, giving an interesting perspective for discriminating between the effects of intra- and extracellular auxin on physiological processes.Abbreviations BA benzoic acid - Ci/Ce accumulation ratio of auxin - IAAasp N-[3-indolylacetyl]-dl-aspartic acid - NAA naphthalene-1-acetic acid - NAAasp N-[1-naphthylacetyl]-l-aspartic acid - NPA N-1-naphthylphthalamic acid The authors thank Dr. M. Caboche (I.N.R.A, Versailles, France) for his generous gifts of some amide derivatives of 1-NAA, Mr. P. Varennes and Dr. B. Das (I.C.S.N., C.N.R.S., Gif-sur-Yvette, France) for recording and interpreting the mass spectra of NAA glucose ester, and Prof. P. Manigault (Institut des Sciences Végétales, Gif-sur-Yvette) for microscopy measurements of protoplast dimensions. This work was supported by funds from the C.N.R.S, I.N.R.A, and E.E.C.  相似文献   
We report differences in the thermal biology, elevational, temporal and geographic distributions of sympatric clones of the widespread asexual house gecko, Lepidodactylus lugubris. The two most common L. lugubris clones in Fiji, clones 2NA and 2NB, differ significantly in preferred temperature as measured in a laboratory heat gradient, but were similar in critical thermal maximum and minimum. Significant differences were found in the relative frequency of clones 2NA, 2NB, and a third Fijian clone, clone 3NB, at seven sites along an elevational gradient in Fiji. Clone 2NB was not collected at sites above 235 m, consistent with its higher preferred temperature, whereas clone 2NA was captured as high as 835 m. Clone 3NB was extremely rare at sealevel (1% of all individuals at three sites below 100 m), but predominated at the two highest-elevation sites (42% and 100%). Clones 2NA and 2NB did not differ significantly in their activity time or ambient activity temperature at low-elevation sites. Clone 3NB however, was active on significantly cooler nights at two of those sites. These significant inter-clonal differences in spatial and temporal distribution should allow a more complete utilization of resources by the assemblage of clones than by any single clonal genotype, and may promote coexistence of clones at a within-island and within-site scale. Clone 2NA, which is the most common clone in Fiji and has the broadest elevational distribution, also has the widest geographic distribution. It was the predominant clone at 27 of 34 sites surveyed in nine Pacific archipelagoes. This suggests that the ecological attributes that favor this clone in Fiji also favor it elsewhere in the Pacific despite differing environmental conditions and clonal composition in those areas.  相似文献   
Vaughan  D.  Cheshire  M. V.  Ord  B. G. 《Plant and Soil》1994,160(2):185-191
The duckweed Lemna gibba required light and a suitable energy source such as sucrose, glucose or fructose, for maximum growth in culture. The requirement for light was relatively unimportant and the plants grew well in a photon flux density of only 52 μmol m-2s-1 PAR. The uptake and incorporation of uniformly labelled 14C-glucose into fronds was related only to the concentration of the sugar. When incubated with soil, labelled L. gibba behaved in a manner similar to that of labelled ryegrass roots which had been produced by a more elaborate technique using a 14CO2 labelled atmosphere. During incubation with soil for 224 days the L. gibba material (specific activity 6133 Bq mg-1 d. wt) lost 64% of its radioactivity as 14CO2 and ryegrass (specific activity 6634 Bq mg-1 d. wt) lost 49%. Alkaline extracted humic and fulvic acids from soil had specific activities for the L. gibba incubation of 3409 and 407 Bq mg-1 solid and for ryegrass roots of 4609 and 546 Bq mg-1 solid respectively. The production of 13C or 14C-labelled L. gibba can be undertaken using only simple equipment producing material the specific radioactivity of which can be controlled by adjusting the activity of the sugar energy source.  相似文献   
Food web studies from a range of ecosystems have demonstrated that the fauna contributes about 30% of total net nitrogen mineralization. This results mainly from the activities of microbial-feeding microfauna (nematodes and protozoa). Microbial and microfaunal activity is concentrated at spatially discrete and heterogeneously distributed organic substrates, including the rhizosphere. The dynamics of microfauna and their effect on nutrient cycling and microbial processes at these sites is reviewed. The potential manipulation of microfauna, either as an experimental tool to further understand soil microbial ecology or as a practical means of managing nutrient flows in agroecosystems, is discussed.  相似文献   
Nutrient distribution in a Swedish tree species experiment   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The influence of four tree species on the distribution of nutrients between different compartments of the ecosystem was examined. In a randomized block (n=3) experiment in south-western Sweden, Ca, Mg and K were determined as exchangeable amounts in the mineral soil and as total amounts in the O+A1 horizons (topsoil) and in the aboveground tree biomass. N contents were determined in all compartments as well as P contents of the aboveground tree biomass and the topsoil. The four tree species planted were: silver fir [Abies alba Mill.] (AA), grand fir [Abies grandis Lindl.] (AG), Norway spruce [Picea abies L. Karst.] (PA) and Japanese larch [Larix leptolepis (Sieb. och Zucc.) Endl.] (LL). At the age of 35–36 years, the total stemwood production of the most productive species, AG, was estimated at 471 m3 ha−1. In relation to AG, LL had produced 80%, PA 73% and AA 37%. The system totals [aboveground tree biomass total + topsoil total + exchangeable (Ca, Mg, K) or total (N) in the mineral soil] of Ca, K and N did not differ significantly at the 5% level between the investigated species. For Mg, the system total in LL was significantly higher than for the other species. There was an indication that LL and AA contained higher amounts of Ca, Mg, K and N in the topsoil but less in the biomass than did AG and PA (partly significant). In the mineral soil, there were no significant differences in the exchangeable pools of Ca and K, nor in the total amounts of N. The biomass nutrient concentrations generally decreased in the order: AA > PA > AG > LL. At stem or whole-tree harvest, the Ca export per biomass unit would more than double in the case of PA compared to LL. LL also contained less N in the biomass than the other species. However, the N content in the biomass did not differ between the most (AG) and the least (AA) productive species, although the production of dry weight biomass (standing + harvested) of AG had been twice that of AA. It is concluded that the nutrient budget of a managed forest may vary considerably depending on the choice of tree species.  相似文献   
Iron toxicity is suspected to be a major nutritional disorder in rice cropping systems established on flooded organic soils that contain reductible iron. A pot trial was carried out to assess Fe toxicity to rice in flooded Burundi highland swamp soils with a wide range of organic carbon contents. Soil and leaf analyses were performed and total grain weight was determined. Clear Fe toxicity was diagnosed, based on leaf Fe content at panicle differentiation. Leaf Fe contents higher than 250 g g–1 dry matter induced lower Mg (and probably Mn) uptake, and a 50% total grain weight reduction. These features were associated with exchangeable Fe equivalent fractions higher than 86%. Besides, several non-Fe toxic soils exhibited an Mg-Mn imbalance.  相似文献   
The Casparian strip, which is specific to roots, was studied in the epicotyls of dark-grown seedlings of pea (Pisum sativum L.) where it was found to have the same morphology and properties as the strip in roots. In dark-grown seedlings, the distance between the upper-most position of the Casparian strip and the bending point of the hook (about 37 mm) did not change during growth of the seedlings. In the uppermost 0.5-mm region of the region in which the Casparian strip could be detected by fluorescence microscopy, the plasma membrane was not firmly attached to the cell wall. The development of the Casparian strip continued for about 42 h after dark-grown seedlings were transferred to the light, indicating that (i) the cells that have been determined to form the Casparian strip in darkness form the strip in the light, and that (ii) it takes about 42 h for the cells to complete formation of the strip. Cells in the hook of dark-grown seedlings did not form a Casparian strip when such seedlings were transferred to the light. The Casparian strip was formed in rapidly elongating internodes of light-grown seedlings when the seedlings were transferred to darkness. Light did not control the formation of the Casparian strip in roots.Abbreviation PBS phosphate-buffered saline  相似文献   
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