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In recent years, several genetic components of vegetative axillary bud development have been defined in both monocots and eudicots, but our understanding of environmental inputs on branching remains limited. Recent work in sorghum ( Sorghum bicolor ) has revealed a role for phytochrome B (phyB) in the control of axillary bud outgrowth through the regulation of Teosinte Branched1 ( TB1 ) gene. In maize ( Zea mays ), TB1 is a dosage-dependent inhibitor of axillary meristem progression, and the expression level of TB1 is a sensitive measure of axillary branch development. To further explore the mechanistic basis of branching, the expression of branching and cell cycle-related genes were examined in phyB-1 and wild-type sorghum axillary buds following treatment with low-red : far-red light and defoliation. Although defoliation inhibited bud outgrowth, it did not influence the expression of sorghum TB1 ( SbTB1 ), whereas changes in SbMAX2 expression, a homolog of the Arabidopsis ( Arabidopsis thaliana ) branching inhibitor MAX2 , were associated with the regulation of bud outgrowth by both light and defoliation. The expression of several cell cycle-related genes was also decreased dramatically in buds repressed by defoliation, but not by phyB deficiency. The data suggest that there are at least two distinct molecular pathways that respond to light and endogenous signals to regulate axillary bud outgrowth.  相似文献   
Frequency and severity of insect outbreaks in forest ecosystems are predicted to increase with climate change. How this will impact canopy leaf area in future climates is rarely tested. Here, we document function of insect outbreaks that fortuitously and rapidly occurred in an ecosystem under free‐air CO2 enrichment. Over the first 2 years of CO2 fumigation of a naturally established mature Eucalyptus woodland, we continuously assessed population responses of three sap‐feeding insect species of the psyllid genera Cardiaspina, Glycaspis and Spondyliaspis for up to ten consecutive generations. Concurrently, we quantified changes in the canopy leaf area index (LAI). Large and rapid shifts in psyllid community composition were recorded between species with either flush (Glycaspis) or senescence‐inducing (Cardiaspina, Spondyliaspis) feeding strategies. Within the second year, two psyllid species experienced significant and rapid population build‐up resulting in two consecutive outbreaks: first, rainfall stimulated Eucalyptus leaf production increasing LAI, which supported population growth of flush‐feeding Glycaspis without impacting LAI. Glycaspis numbers then crashed and were followed by the outbreak of senescence‐feeding Cardiaspina fiscella that led to significant defoliation and reduction in LAI. For all three psyllid species, the abundance of lerps, protective coverings excreted by the sessile nymphs, decreased at e[CO2]. Higher lerp weight at e[CO2] for Glycaspis but not the other psyllid species provided evidence for compensatory feeding by the flush feeder but not the two senescence feeders. Our study demonstrates that rainfall drives leaf phenology, facilitating the rapid boom‐and‐bust succession of psyllid species, eventually leading to significant defoliation due to the second but not the first outbreaking psyllid species. In contrast, e[CO2] may impact psyllid abundance and feeding behaviour, with psyllid species‐specific outcomes for defoliation severity, nutrient transfer and trophic cascades. Psyllid populations feeding on Eucalyptus experience rapid boom‐and‐bust cycles depending on availability of suitable foliage driven by rainfall patterns and leaf phenology.  相似文献   
Abstract. This study examines whether competition between the unpalatable grass Hilaria mutica and three co‐occurring, palatable grasses in a Texan mixed prairie is altered by non‐selective or selective defoliation. In this four‐year study, plants were grown in monoculture or in combination with the unpalatable Hilaria in a replacement design. Under no defoliation, the unpalatable Hilaria had a lower growth potential than Bouteloua curtipendula and Nassella leucotricha that were of equal stature, and produced only as much as the shorter grass, Buchloe dactyloides. Bouteloua had the highest growth potential under no‐defoliation and was defoliation tolerant, except when defoliated at ground level. Nassella was more productive than the unpalatable Hilaria, since the ability to grow earlier in the year enabled it to compete successfully with Hilaria. These results indicate that with adequate deferment Bouteloua and Nassella should compete successfully with Hilaria and Buchloe should be able to maintain itself in the presence of Hilaria. Under non‐selective defoliation, Hilaria was able to compete successfully only with Buchloe. Hilaria was sensitive to defoliation, despite being rhizomatous, and competed less successfully with Buchloe after non‐selective defoliation than it did when not defoliated. This indicates that the management practice of burning and stocking heavily with livestock until Hilaria is avoided, resulting in non‐selective defoliation, will not cause Hilaria to be more competitive with the more palatable Bouteloua, Buchloe or Nassella. Hilaria was able to compete most successfully under selective defoliation when it was not defoliated. Under selective defoliation, by avoiding herbivory, Hilaria is able to compete strongly with at least Buchloe and Nassella. The reaction of Nassella and Buchloe to selective defoliation indicates that they may have been displaced by Hilaria in the past. In contrast, under the short‐term and non‐limiting growth conditions of this study, Bouteloua competed successfully with Hilaria even under selective defoliation. These results do not rule out the possibility that, through selective defoliation, Hilaria may have displaced other grasses including Bouteloua in the past.  相似文献   
1 The twolined chestnut borer, Agrilus bilineatus (Coleoptera: Buprestidae), is a major mortality agent of stressed oak trees. However, patterns of abundance and population change are not well understood. 2 We studied the spatial and temporal variation in abundance of twolined chestnut borer adults during a gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar (Lepidoptera: Lymnatriidae), outbreak and examined the influence of both defoliation and thinning on twolined chestnut borer abundance. 3 In stands that were defoliated by gypsy moth, extensive defoliation occurred in one year, and major overstory tree mortality followed in the next. Most mortality occurred in the year preceding the peak year of twolined chestnut borer abundance and abundance of twolined chestnut borer was positively associated with defoliation and mortality in the previous year. 4 Twolined chestnut borers were more frequently associated with poor or fair crown condition trees than trees with good crown condition and were more abundant on members of the red oak group than the white oak group.  相似文献   
Concurrent interactions and the availability of resources (e.g., light) affect the cost/benefit balance during mutualistic and antagonistic interactions, as well as plant resource allocation patterns. Mycorrhizal interactions and herbivory concur in most plants, where mycorrhizae can enhance the uptake of soil nutrients by plants as well as consuming a large fraction of the plant's carbon, and defoliation usually reduces light interception and photosynthesis, thereby causing direct losses to the hosts of mycorrhizal fungi. Both types of interactions affect the carbon budget of their host plants and thus we predict that the relative costs of herbivory and mycorrhizal colonization will increase when photosynthesis is reduced, for instance in light limited environments. We conducted a greenhouse experiment using Datura stramonium to investigate the effects of defoliation and mycorrhizal inoculation on the resource allocation patterns in two different light environments. Defoliated plants overcompensated in terms of leaf mass in both light environments, but total seed mass per fruit was negatively affected by defoliation in both light environments. Mycorrhizal inoculation had a positive effect on vegetative growth and the leaf nitrogen content, but defoliation negates the benefit of mycorrhizal interactions in terms of the leaf nitrogen content. In general, D. stramonium compensated for the relative costs of concurrent mycorrhizal interactions and defoliation; plants that lacked both interactions exhibited the same performance as plants with both types of interactions.  相似文献   
We conducted two experiments that investigated how the method and location of artificial defoliation influenced growth, reproduction, and allocation in canola, Brassica napus. In one experiment, 0%, 25%, or 50% of leaf area was removed by cutting circular holes at three possible locations: concentrated at either the base of leaves or at their tips, or dispersed throughout leaf blades. Plants fully compensated for such damage; reproduction and allocation were unaffected by either defoliation intensity or wound location. In a second experiment, we again initiated three intensities of defoliation: non-damaged plants served as controls, while others had 25% or 50% of their leaf areas removed. The method of removal in the second experiment consisted of cutting either multiple, similar-sized, circular holes or single, contiguous patches of a leaf blade. At the highest defoliation intensity reproductive output and allocation were significantly less in plants treated with the former method than the latter, even though an equivalent initial amount of leaf area was removed in both treatments. We conclude that simulated herbivory studies must account for not only how much of the plant is damaged, but also the pattern of leaf damage itself, since both factors contribute to a plant’s physiological and ecological responses to grazing.  相似文献   
Defoliation can reduce net fixation of atmospheric CO2 by the canopy, but increase the intensity and duration of photosynthetically active radiation on stems. Stem CO2 flux and leaf gas exchange in young Eucalyptus globulus seedlings were measured to assess the impact of defoliation on these processes and to determine the potential contribution of re-fixation by photosynthetic inner bark in offsetting the effects of defoliation in a woody species. Pot and field trials examined how artificial defoliation of the canopy affected the photosynthetic characteristics of main stems of young Eucalyptus globulus seedlings. Defoliated potted seedlings were characterized by transient increases in foliar photosynthetic rates and concomitant decreases in stem CO2 fluxes (both in the dark and light). Defoliated field-grown seedlings showed similar stem CO2 flux responses, but of reduced magnitude. Despite demonstrating increased re-fixation capability, defoliated potted-seedlings had slowed stem growth. The green stem of seedlings exhibited largely shade-adapted characteristics. Defoliation reduced stem chlorophyll a/b ratio and increased carotenoid concentration. An increased capacity to re-fix internally respired CO2 (up to 96%) suggested that stem re-fixation represents a previously unexplored mechanism to minimize the impact of foliar loss by maximizing the contribution of all photosynthetic tissues, particularly for young seedlings.  相似文献   
Among plants grown under enriched atmospheric CO2, root:shoot balance (RSB) theory predicts a proportionately greater allocation of assimilate to roots than among ambient‐grown plants. Conversely, defoliation, which decreases the plant's capacity to assimilate carbon, is predicted to increase allocation to shoot. We tested these RSB predictions, and whether responses to CO2 enrichment were modified by defoliation, using Heterotheca subaxillaris, an annual plant native to south‐eastern USA. Plants were grown under near‐ambient (400 μmol mol?1) and enriched (700 μmol mol?1) levels of atmospheric CO2. Defoliation consisted of the weekly removal of 25% of each new fully expanded, but not previously defoliated, leaf from either rosette or bolted plants. In addition to dry mass measurements of leaves, stems, and roots, Kjeldahl N, protein, starch and soluble sugars were analysed in these plant components to test the hypothesis that changes in C:N uptake ratio drive shifts in root:shoot ratio. Young, rapidly growing CO2‐enriched plants conformed to the predictions of RSB, with higher root:shoot ratio than ambient‐grown plants (P < 0.02), whereas older, slower growing plants did not show a CO2 effect on root:shoot ratio. Defoliation resulted in smaller plants, among which both root and shoot biomass were reduced, irrespective of CO2 treatment (P < 0.03). However, H. subaxillaris plants were able to compensate for leaf area removal through flexible shoot allocation to more leaves vs. stem (P < 0.01). Increased carbon availability through CO2 enrichment did not enhance the response to defoliation, apparently because of complete growth compensation for defoliation, even under ambient conditions. CO2‐enriched plants had higher rates of photosynthesis (P < 0.0001), but this did not translate into increased final biomass accumulation. On the other hand, earlier and more abundant yield of flower biomass was an important consequence of growth under CO2 enrichment.  相似文献   
外来植物往往可以入侵多种生境并受到多种昆虫的采食,而不同生境条件将可能会影响这些入侵植物对昆虫采食的防御策略。以入侵我国的克隆植物——空心莲子草为研究对象,分别选择生长在水生生境、水陆两栖生境和陆生生境中的无性个体(分株),通过50%去叶处理模拟昆虫采食,分析不同生境下空心莲子草对模拟昆虫采食处理的生长及化学防御响应的差异。模拟昆虫采食处理显著抑制了陆生生境、水陆两栖生境以及水生生境下空心莲子草的根、茎、叶和总生物量,但对3种生境下空心莲子草的生物量分配(根冠比、根生物量分配、茎生物量分配和叶生物量分配)均无显著影响。陆生生境下空心莲子草根、茎和总生物量显著高于水陆两栖生境和水生生境,根冠比显著低于水陆两栖生境和水生生境。模拟昆虫采食处理显著降低了空心莲子草的木质素含量,而对单宁和总酚含量影响不显著。生境对木质素含量无显著影响,但陆生生境下空心莲子草单宁含量显著高于水陆两栖生境和水生生境,且总酚含量显著高于水陆两栖生境,表明陆生生境中空心莲子草具有更强的防御能力。空心莲子草木质素含量与总生物量无显著相关性,但在模拟采食情况下,其总酚含量与总生物量呈显著负相关,而无论模拟昆虫采食处理存在与否,空心莲子草单宁含量与总生物量均呈显著正相关。因此,空心莲子草存在昆虫介导的生长和化学防御之间的权衡,在昆虫采食的情况下可通过减少生长来增加对化学防御物质的投入,但生境对空心莲子草这种生长-防御权衡的影响十分有限。  相似文献   
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