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The Madagascar Jacana Actophilornis albinucha (Jacanidae) is an endemic shorebird found in the threatened wetlands of western Madagascar. This species is presumed to exhibit classical polyandry; however, few data are available to support that assumption. More generally, a lack of basic understanding of this species hinders conservation efforts. We conducted the most extensive study of the Madagascar Jacana to date, and report on its: 1) distribution, population size and density; 2) degree of sexual size dimorphism; and 3) phylogenetic position. The surveys were conducted at 54 lakes, between January and October in 2016. Madagascar Jacana were found at 22 lakes, and within these were distributed at a mean density of 3.5 ± 0.74 [SE] individuals per hectare of surveyed habitat. We estimate the global population size to be between 975 and 2 064 individuals, and habitat destruction appears to be the main threat to the species. Females were significantly larger than males, consistent with reports for other Jacanidae species. Using a mitochondrial DNA fragment, we expanded the Jacanidae genetic phylogeny, and confirmed that Madagascar Jacana is the sister species to the African Jacana Actophilornis africanus. Further studies are urgently needed to thoroughly re-assess the threat status and population trend of the Madagascar Jacana.  相似文献   
The Bering‐Chukchi‐Beaufort Seas (BCBS) bowhead whale (Balaena mysticetus) has been considered at low‐risk for entanglement injuries and ship strikes because their range is mainly north of commercial fisheries; nevertheless, changes to their arctic habitat, including a longer open water period and declining sea ice, have resulted in increasing commercial activity and concern about fisheries interactions. We examined interyear matches (between 1985 and 2011) from a photo identification project and identified whales that had acquired entanglement injuries. We estimated the probability of a bowhead acquiring an entanglement injury using two statistical methods: interval censored survival analysis and a simple binomial model. Both methods give similar results, suggesting a 2.2% (95% CI: 1.1%–3.3%) annual probability of acquiring a scar. We also include an entanglement scar frequency analysis of aerial photographs from the 2011 spring and fall surveys near Point Barrow, Alaska, which suggest 12.4% of live bowheads show evidence of entanglement scarring. Entanglement rates for the BCBS bowhead stock are lower than many other large whale stocks, and abundance has increased over the past 35 yr; however, our findings indicate that fishing gear entanglement is a more serious concern for the BCBS bowhead whale population than previously thought.  相似文献   
Insufficient sleep and irregular sleep/wake rhythm are common problems among university students. We investigated the effect of sleep/wake rhythm and excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) on the cortical oxygenation as measured by near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) and cognitive performance in university students. Peak- and integral values by a word fluency task were measured with NIRS. EDS was evaluated by the Epworth sleepiness scale (ESS), and performance function was evaluated using N-back task. Peak cerebral oxygenation was significantly correlated with ESS, bedtime, wake-up time, and median time of sleep. Accuracy on 2-back task was significantly correlated with integral value. Peak- and integral values were significantly lower, and bedtime and median time of sleep were significantly delayed in the EDS group than in the non-EDS group. EDS accompanied by delayed sleep/wake rhythm and short sleep duration may play an important role in decreasing daytime brain activity and cognitive performance.  相似文献   
金龟子绿僵菌在森林土壤中的分布及对松墨天牛致病性测定   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
松墨天牛是重大森林植物检疫性病害——松材线虫病的主要媒介昆虫。本研究于2005年8月~2006年8月从福建、江西两省共110个林分样区(其中松林88个样区)采集土壤样品330份,采用选择性培养基分离土壤中的金龟子绿僵菌。从21个样区的26份土样中分离出的金龟子绿僵菌占采集样区的19.1%和样品的7.9%,成菌落数(CFU)500~72500CFU/g,表明金龟子绿僵菌在森林土壤中有较为广泛的分布。对分离到的9个产孢量高的菌株,采用浸渍法(1×10~7孢子/mL)接种3~4龄健康松墨天牛幼虫,采用跗节接种法接种2~15日龄健康成虫,测定其致病力。结果表明,MaYTTR-03、MaYTTR-04菌株对松墨天牛幼虫和成虫均有较高致病力,表现出良好的生防潜力。  相似文献   
ABSTRACT The use of aural surveys to estimate population parameters is widespread in avian studies. Despite efforts to increase the efficacy of this method, the potential for ecological context to bias population estimates remains largely unexplored. For example, food availability and nest predation risk can influence singing activity independent of density and, therefore, may bias aural estimates where these ecological factors vary systematically among habitats or other categories of ecological interest. We used a natural fire event in a mixed‐conifer forest that experienced variation in fire severity (low, intermediate, and high) to determine if aural surveys produce accurate density estimates of Dark‐eyed Juncos ( Junco hyemalis) independent of ecological context. During the first 2‐yr postfire, we censused junco populations in each burn type with intensive spot‐mapping and nest searching, locating 168 nests. Simultaneously, we conducted fixed‐radius point‐count surveys and estimated food availability and nest predation risk in each burn type to test whether ecological context may influence aural detection probability independent of actual density. We found no difference in nesting densities among patches burned at different severity. Arthropod food availability was inversely related to fire severity during the first postfire breeding season, but increased to higher levels across all severities during the second. In both years, aural detections were significantly greater in intermediate severity patches that consistently represented the habitat with the lowest nest predation risk. These results suggest that nest predation risk may significantly bias aural estimates of avian populations. Although traditional aural survey methods such as the Breeding Bird Survey measure habitat attributes, our findings highlight the difficulty in assessing relevant covariates in estimates of avian population. Future research must consider the potential for nest predation and other ecological factors to drive interannual or interhabitat variation in avian population estimates independent of true changes in population size.  相似文献   
An increasing number of ethnic minorities are expected to enter the United States workforce based on projected demographic changes. This includes American Indian/Alaskan Native (AI/AN) nurses. Sociocultural influences on sleep disturbances, sleepiness, and other aspects related to shift-work tolerance are of unrecognized importance. More minority nurses are needed to provide culturally congruent care; however, AI/AN nurses represent less than 1% of nurses located throughout the American workforce. This article aims to verify the feasibility of Internet data collection (Web-based survey) methods and instrument stability as the first part of a two-phase study comparing individual differences and shift-work-related sleep disturbances between AI/AN and White non-Hispanic (WNH) nurses. In the first phase, an Internet survey was used to reach a cross-section of AI/AN and WNH nurses. The on-line survey was composed of accepted shift-work-related instruments. Items estimating sleep disturbances, sociocultural choices, time awareness, polychronicity, morningness/eveningness, ethnic identity, and demographic questions were asked. The survey was linked to a series of Web pages describing the study purpose, inclusion and exclusion criteria, consent form, Web survey, and the second phase of the study in which subjects were invited to participate in actigraphy measurements. The survey was pilot-tested for error codes, item confusion, length, and completion time. Forced-answer questions were added asking ethnicity, age group, license type, state where licensed, and legal name on nursing license before accessing the survey. Data were saved periodically, cued by the word “continue.” The database was located on a secure server and password protected. Nurses were recruited using published articles and printed advertisements, hospital e-mail systems, national nursing organization Web sites (minoritynurse.com; NANAINA.org), nursing Web site discussion groups, snow-balling, and word of mouth. The site was accessed 656 times with the Internet survey being completed by 138 WNH and 56 AI/AN nurses meeting the inclusion criteria. Except for the polychronicity measure (PAI3), instruments measuring time awareness, chronotype, and situational sleepiness achieved acceptable reliability coefficients with Internet data collection. Using pull-down menus would improve questions asking specific times. Internet data collection with different ethnic groups is possible; however, accessing the target population may be difficult. Despite extensive recruitment efforts, few AI/AN nurses participated. Computer literacy and failing to relate to the study's purpose may have limited the interest of the AI/AN nurses. It is possible to recruit nurse shift workers and collect individual difference and sleep disturbance data through the Internet; however, the researcher must remain vigilant throughout the process.  相似文献   
A new technique called the reef resource inventory (RRI) was developed to map the distribution and abundance of benthos and substratum on reefs. The rapid field sampling technique uses divers to visually estimate the percentage cover of categories of benthos and substratum along 2×20 m plotless strip-transects positioned randomly over the tops, and systematically along the edge of reefs. The purpose of this study was to compare the relative sampling accuracy of the RRI against the line intercept transect technique (LIT), an international standard for sampling reef benthos and substratum. Analysis of paired sampling with LIT and RRI at 51 sites indicated sampling accuracy was not different (P>0.05) for 8 of the 12 benthos and substratum categories used in the study. Significant differences were attributed to small-scale patchiness and cryptic coloration of some benthos; effects associated with sampling a sparsely distributed animal along a line versus an area; difficulties in discriminating some of the benthos and substratum categories; and differences due to visual acuity since LIT measurements were taken by divers close to the seabed whereas RRI measurements were taken by divers higher in the water column. The relative cost efficiency of the RRI technique was at least three times that of LIT for all benthos and substratum categories and as much as 10 times higher for two categories. These results suggest that the RRI can be used to obtain reliable and accurate estimates of relative abundance of broad categories of reef benthos and substratum.
Brian G. LongEmail: Phone: +62-21-56999104
Biological surveys are necessary to gather species distribution data for the identification of priority conservation areas. The rationale of the gradsect method is that sampling (transects) oriented along the steepest environmental gradient should detect the maximum number of species in an area. The efficiency of the gradsect survey method was evaluated by comparing it to random, systematic and habitat-specific survey methods, during faunal field surveys (target groups: birds and dung beetles). Three gradsects were positioned within the study area to follow the major physiographical characteristics, incorporate all environmental strata (land facets) and yet be as logistically convenient as possible. The efficiency of survey methods was expressed as the number of species recorded per sampling unit effort and illustrated using bootstrap estimations to plot species accumulation curves. The gradsect method proved to be as efficient as the habitat-specific survey method and consiste ntly more efficient than the systematic and random surveys for both taxa sampled. The present study therefore illustrates that the gradsect survey method provides a cost-effective and swift representative sample of regional fauna. Moreover, the results indicate that land-form sequences, specifically land facets, are useful surrogates when sampling environmental diversity where distinct environmental gradients such as altitude and rainfall are absent.  相似文献   
A literature review of howler parasites provides the basis for an overview of the ecological significance of parasite surveys in primates. Within this framework, we have added insights into the interactions between primate hosts and their parasites from a long-term study in Costa Rica. We collected fecal samples from mantled howlers (Alouatta palliata) over a 9-year period (1986–1994 inclusive) and analyzed them for parasite eggs, larvae, cysts, and oocysts. We found many misperceptions inherent in the typical methodology of primate parasite surveys and in the reporting of the findings. Our work in Costa Rica suggests that a snapshot effect occurs with most surveys. A static view does not reflect the dynamic and changing ecological interaction between host and parasite. We describe some problems with parasite data analyses that emphasize the need for long-term longitudinal surveys in wild primate groups.  相似文献   
Aim Questions related to abundances of organisms are central to ecological research. A priori, a scale independent estimation of abundances would be expected. However, we find estimates of numbers of bird individuals from all over the world to increase less than proportionately with increasing plot size. At the whole assemblage level, the pattern holds across biogeographical regions and habitats. The slope of the interspecific and, for the majority of species, the intraspecific individuals–area relationship is also significantly shallower than 1. The question arises as to which mechanisms cause these patterns. Location Global. Methods At the assemblage, interspecific and intraspecific levels, we tested three mechanisms that could be responsible for these patterns by comparing the slope of the individuals–plot area relationship for subsets of a database compiled from the literature. Spatial autocorrelation was controlled for. Results There was no evidence for an influence of plot area choice in order to sample a constant number of individuals. Evidence for higher survey efficiency was available only with increasing number of visits at the intraspecific level. Evidence for influences of habitat heterogeneity was present at the assemblage, interspecific and intraspecific levels. This mechanism can work only if small plots are delimited non‐randomly in homogeneous habitat. Main conclusions Avian population size estimates without indication of the area over which they were obtained are of substantially less value than those coupled with that information. Ecologists planning to compare avian abundances between plots varying in some other factor of interest should minimize variations in their areas and/or account for them in data analyses. Population viability analyses, regional and global population size estimates, site prioritization and the scaling of ecosystem and species energy utilization need to address the plot area effect on assemblage and individual species abundances.  相似文献   
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