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木荷种源间光合作用参数分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于直角双曲线修正模型估算3个不同纬度的木荷种源(开平、太平和永丰种源)光补偿点、饱和点、最大净光合速率等参数,以便为评价不同木荷种源对环境的适应能力和优良种源选择等提供科学依据。结果表明:在3个不同纬度种源中,开平种源具有最高的净光合速率、最大净光合速率和较高的表观量子效率,且其生长速率最快;太平种源光饱和点最高,但其净光合速率、表观量子效率和最大净光合速率最低,其生长速率也最低;永丰种源具有较高的净光合速率、最大净光合速率和表观量子效率,其生长速率略高于太平种源。3个不同纬度木荷种源中,南部开平种源对当地环境具有较强的适应能力和生长潜力,具有较高的推广应用价值。  相似文献   
川西亚高山暗针叶林恢复过程中不同恢复阶段的定量分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以空间代替时间的方法,运用种间联结测定、主成分分析和最优分割法对川西亚高山箭竹-暗针叶林和藓类-暗针叶林经采伐后自然恢复形成的不同恢复系列(20、30、40和50年),以及未被采伐而保留下来的160~200年生暗针叶老龄林进行恢复阶段的定量分析.结果表明:藓类和箭竹暗针叶次生林向暗针叶老龄林恢复过程中,红桦、卧龙柳、五角槭、疏花槭、康定野樱桃、挂苦绣球、椴树和川滇柳归并为衰退种组;湖北花楸、陕甘花楸和微毛野樱桃归并为过渡种组;岷江冷杉、紫果云杉、铁杉和青扦归并为进展种组.20~40年生的次生林进入以红桦为主的阔叶林阶段,其森林类型分别为藓类-红桦林和箭竹-红桦林;恢复到50年,则开始进入红桦和岷江冷杉组成的针阔混交林阶段,其森林类型分别为藓类-红桦-岷江冷杉林和箭竹-红桦-岷江冷杉林;未被采伐而保留下来的160~200年生暗针叶林是以岷江冷杉为主的暗针叶老龄林阶段,其森林类型分别为藓类-岷江冷杉林和箭竹-岷江冷杉林.  相似文献   
白蜡窄吉丁Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire是近年来发生和危害严重的国际性检疫害虫。为了了解不同饲养条件和种内个体间相互感知对成虫生物学的影响, 本研究采用群体饲养、 单对饲养、 无隔离单雌饲养、 视觉隔离单雌饲养和嗅觉隔离单雌饲养等5种处理, 在室内测定了白蜡窄吉丁成虫的寿命、 取食量、 产卵量和产卵历期等参数的变化。结果显示: 隔离饲养降低了白蜡窄吉丁成虫的寿命和繁殖力, 且不同处理下白蜡窄吉丁成虫的寿命和取食量均存在显著差异(P<0.05), 但产卵量的差异不明显(P>0.05)。其中无隔离单雌饲养时成虫的平均寿命最长, 为32.40 d, 群体饲养的寿命最短, 为20.77 d, 且单雌饲养的寿命均比单对饲养和群体饲养的长。单雌饲养的3种情况下, 视觉隔离条件下的日均取食量最大, 为156.16 mm2, 嗅觉隔离的最小, 为107.35 mm2; 无隔离饲养条件下雌虫的产卵量最大, 产卵历期也最长, 分别为98.33 d和21.33 d。这些研究结果表明, 白蜡窄吉丁种内个体间相互感知的阻断对成虫的取食、 发育和繁殖活动存在明显影响, 且嗅觉在其种群内的交流活动中作用最重要, 其次是视觉。此外, 个体之间的相互干扰或竞争对白蜡窄吉丁成虫的寿命和繁殖力也可能存在一定的影响。这为生产上采用隔离措施如营造混交林带防治该虫提供了理论基础。  相似文献   
The tachinid Exorista larvarum (L.), a polyphagous gregarious larval endoparasitoid of Lepidoptera, was reared from egg to fecund adult on media containing commercial meat homogenates for babies as the main ingredient. Four media, each containing a diverse homogenate supplemented with extract of Galleria mellonella L. pupae, were tested first. Despite the difference in nutrient content, the kind of homogenate did not significantly affect the adult yields (30.2 to 40.7%) or puparial weights. Two other diets free of host materials (I and II) were then tested. Both were based on Gerber veal homogenate combined with different amounts of yeast extract and chicken egg yolk and were supplemented with wheat germ (I) or saccharose (II). Adult yields (28.7 to 32.7%) and puparial weights did not differ significantly between the two diets. Fly longevity and fecundity of the females obtained on diet I were comparable to those of the females emerged from puparia formed in G. mellonella larvae. Male and female puparial weights were, however, higher and development times longer on the diet than in the host.  相似文献   
本文选取人工饲养的东亚飞蝗虫砂作为白星花金龟Potosia brevitarsis Lewis幼虫饲料、成虫产卵基质进行人为条件下的生物学研究。测定了其在不同温度条件下各虫态发育历期、不同食物下成虫单雌产卵量、不同酵化周期条件下东亚飞蝗虫砂2龄、3龄幼虫的转化力;分析了幼虫虫体和虫砂的主要营养成分;实施了虫砂盆栽小白菜试验。结果显示,白星花金龟适宜的繁育温度为22~28℃,25℃全世代发育历期为126.62(±1.05)d;以11种水果为食料,成虫单雌产卵量顺序为:芒果>菠萝>葡萄>苹果>桃>梨>西瓜>甜瓜>李子>杏>西红柿,最高207粒,最低68粒;东亚飞蝗虫砂酵化周期与取食龄期的最佳对应组合分别为2龄30 d和3龄25 d,折合每转化100 g可增长2龄虫体3.04 g、产生虫砂81.90 g或3龄虫体4.37 g、虫砂74.48 g;3龄幼虫含蛋白质(53.8%)、脂肪(6.6%)、18种氨基酸(44.68%),是昆虫源高蛋白原料;虫砂含有机质(18.72%)和氮磷钾(5.95%)。盆栽小白菜试验表明,1 cm^2施用0.13 g,效果最佳。水果残余物作为白星花金龟成虫食物,东亚飞蝗虫砂作为成虫产卵基质和幼虫繁育饲料,保持适宜温光条件,可以实现白星花金龟周年繁育。白星花金龟虫体和虫砂在生态循环农业、医药等领域具有应用潜力。  相似文献   
The codling moth Cydia pomonella (L.) (Lepidoptera Tortricidae) is a key pest of pome fruit (apple, pear and quince) and walnut orchards in most temperate regions of the world. Efforts to control the codling moth in the past mostly relied on the use of broad spectrum insecticide sprays, which has resulted in the development of insecticide resistance, and the disruption of the control of secondary pests. In addition, the frequent reliance and use of these insecticides are a constant threat to the environment and human health. Consequently, there have been increased demands from the growers for the development of codling moth control tactics that are not only effective but also friendly to the environment. In that respect, the sterile insect technique (SIT) and its derivative, inherited sterility (IS), are, together with mating disruption and granulosis virus, among the options that offer great potential as cost‐effective additions to available control tactics for integration in area‐wide integrated pest‐management approaches. In support of the further development of the SIT/IS for codling moth control, the Joint FAO/IAEA Programme of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture implemented a 5‐year Coordinated Research Project (CRP) entitled ‘Improvement of codling moth SIT to facilitate expansion of field application’. Research focussed on sterile codling moth quality and management (e.g. mobility and life‐history traits in relation to rearing strategy, dispersal, flight ability, radiosensitivity and mating compatibility) and a better understanding of the basic genetics of codling moth to assist the development of genetic sexing strains (e.g. cytogenetics, the development of dominant conditional lethal mutations, molecular characterization of the sex chromosomes, sex identification in embryos and cytogenetic markers). The results of the CRP are presented in this special issue.  相似文献   
Dark carbon fixation (DCF), through which chemoautotrophs convert inorganic carbon to organic carbon, is recognized as a vital process of global carbon biogeochemical cycle. However, little is known about the response of DCF processes in estuarine and coastal waters to global warming. Using radiocarbon labelling method, the effects of temperature on the activity of chemoautotrophs were investigated in benthic water of the Yangtze estuarine and coastal areas. A dome-shaped thermal response pattern was observed for DCF rates (i.e., reduced rates at lower or higher temperatures), with the optimum temperature (Topt) varying from about 21.9 to 32.0°C. Offshore sites showed lower Topt values and were more vulnerable to global warming compared with nearshore sites. Based on temperature seasonality of the study area, it was estimated that warming would accelerate DCF rate in winter and spring but inhibit DCF activity in summer and fall. However, at an annual scale, warming showed an overall promoting effect on DCF rates. Metagenomic analysis revealed that the dominant chemoautotrophic carbon fixation pathways in the nearshore area were Calvin-Benson-Bassham (CBB) cycle, while the offshore sites were co-dominated by CBB and 3-hydroxypropionate/4-hydroxybutyrate cycles, which may explain the differential temperature response of DCF along the estuarine and coastal gradients. Our findings highlight the importance of incorporating DCF thermal response into biogeochemical models to accurately estimate the carbon sink potential of estuarine and coastal ecosystems in the context of global warming.  相似文献   
Photosynthetic responses of Populus przewalski subjected to drought stress   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Cuttings of P. przewalski were exposed to two different watering regimes which were watered to 100 and 25 % of field capacity (WW and WS, respectively). Drought stress not only significantly decreased net photosynthetic rate (P N), transpiration rate (E), stomatal conductance (g s), efficiency of photosystem 2 (PS2) (Fv/Fm and yield), and increased intrinsic water use efficiency (WUEi) under controlled optimal conditions, but also altered the diurnal changes of gas exchange, chlorophyll fluorescence, and WUEi. On the other hand, WS also affected the P N-photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) response curve. Under drought stress, P N peak appeared earlier (at about 10:30 of local time) than under WW condition (at about 12:30). At midday, there was a depression in P N for WS plants, but not for WW plants, and it could be caused by the whole microclimate, especially high temperature, low relative humidity, and high PAR. There were stomatal and non-stomatal limitations to photosynthesis. Stomatal limitation dominated in the morning, and low P N at midday was caused by both stomatal and non-stomatal limitations, whereas non-stomatal limitation dominated in the afternoon. In addition, drought stress also increased compensation irradiance and dark respiration rate, and decreased saturation irradiance and maximum net photosynthetic rate. Thus drought stress decreased plant assimilation and increased dissimilation through affected gas exchange, the diurnal pattern of gas exchange, and photosynthesis-PAR response curve, thereby reducing plant growth and productivity.  相似文献   
Abstract. The type of endogenous osmotic solute accumulated by Chlorella emersonii grown at high external osmotic pressure (πext) depended on the light/dark conditions: proline accumulated to high concentrations in cells in the light, while sucrose accumulated to high concentrations in the dark. These findings were made during the alternating light dark cycles used to obtain synchronized cultures, i.e. cultures containing cells at only one stage of development at any one time. Similar decreases in proline and increases in sucrose in the dark were found for cells previously grown in continuous light to obtain non-synchronized cultures, i.e. cultures containing cells at all stages of development.
In cultures synchronized at 200 mol m −3 NaCl (πext= 1.01 MPa), recently divided 'daughter cells' at the beginning of the light periods contained 60 mol m−3 proline and 100mol m−3 sucrose, while mature cells towards the end of light periods contained 130 mol m proline and 20 mol m−3 sucrose. The changes in proline and sucrose which occurred in synchronized cultures were due mainly to light/dark conditions and to a much lesser extent to different stages of cell development. The proportion of proline to sucrose in daughter cells collected from non-synchronized cultures in continuous light was not different from the proportion in heterogeneous populations of cells.
Results are discussed in relation to the accumulations of two, rather than one, endogenous osmotic solute and to growth reductions of C. emersonii exposed to high external osmotic pressures.  相似文献   
【背景】深色有隔内生真菌(dark septate endophyte,DSE)广泛定殖于镉(Cd)污染生境的植物根系,具有增强植物镉耐性的重要生态功能,但人们关于DSE对镉胁迫的生理响应的了解有限。【目的】研究一株DSE嗜鱼外瓶霉(Exophiala pisciphila)对镉胁迫的矿质营养与低分子量有机酸分泌的响应。【方法】采用液体培养法,研究不同浓度(0、25、50、100、200、400 mg/L)镉胁迫对DSE菌丝生长、矿质元素(氮、磷、钾、硫、镁、铁、钙)与镉含量、草酸分泌的影响。【结果】随着镉胁迫浓度增加,菌丝生物量显著下降,降幅为22.8%−90.6%,菌丝的氮、钾和铁含量分别减少26.0%−52.8%、53.8%−92.9%和12.8%−34.3%,而磷、镁和钙含量分别增加15.4%−111.4%、20.4%−31.4%和35.1%−62.5%,硫含量在100 mg/L镉胁迫时增加25.1%。镉胁迫还导致培养液pH值下降,草酸浓度及单位菌丝草酸分泌量显著增加。相关分析发现,菌丝镉含量与硫呈显著负相关(P<0.05),与菌丝钾含量呈极显著负相关(P<0.01),与草酸分泌量呈极显著正相关(P<0.01)。【结论】镉胁迫显著抑制DSE的生长,改变矿质元素的吸收,促进草酸分泌。  相似文献   
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