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Abstract: Iron is a universal cofactor for mitochondrial energy generation and supports the growth and differentiation of all cell types. In the CNS, iron is a key component of systems responsible for myelination and the synthesis of several neurotransmitters. In this study the spatial and temporal pattern of iron and its regulatory proteins transferrin and ferritin are quantitatively examined in the rat CNS during the first 3 weeks of postnatal life and in adults and aged animals. The midbrain, the cerebral cortex, and the cerebellum-pons are examined independently. Iron, transferrin, and ferritin concentrations are highest in all three brain regions at birth and decrease in each region to minimum levels during the third postnatal week. The decrease in levels of iron, transferrin, and ferritin is most pronounced in the cerebellum-pons and cortex and least in the midbrain. From postnatal day 17, iron (total iron content) and ferritin levels increase throughout the lifetime of the rat. In contrast, transferrin levels remain fairly constant in each brain region after postnatal day 24. The midbrain region, which includes the iron-rich regions such as the globus pallidus, substantia nigra, and red nucleus, has the least change in iron with development, has the highest level of ferritin during development, and consistently has the highest level of transferrin at all ages. These observations are consistent with reports that iron is important for normal motor function. Transferrin did not increase after postnatal day 24 in the three brain regions examined despite increasing amounts of iron, which implies a decrease in iron mobility in the aged rats, a finding that is consistent with observations of human brain tissue. The data reported in this study demonstrate that iron acquisition and mobilization systems in the CNS are established early in development and that the overall pattern of acquisition among brain regions is similar. These data offer support and insight into established concepts that a sufficient iron supply is critical for normal neurological development.  相似文献   
Quantitation of UV-induced DNA damages in nanogram quantities of non-radiactive DNA from irradiated plants by gel electrophoresis requires a prompt, efficient, high-yield method of isolating DNA yielding high-molecular-weight, enzymatically digestible DNA. To meet these criteria we devised a high-yield method for isolating from plant tissue, DNA whose single-strand molecular length is greater than about 170 kb. Leaf tissue is embedded in agarose plugs, digested with Proteinase K in the presence of detergent, and treated with phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride (PMSF). The agarose plugs are then soaked with buffer appropriate to the desired enzyme treatment. Evaluation of the DNA on neutral and alkaline gels indicates its high molecular length and low frequency of single-strand breaks. The DNA can be digested with damage-specific and other endonucleases. The method is especially suitable for DNA damage quantitation, as tissue processing is carried out immediately after harvesting (allowing DNA lesion measurement at precisely known times after irradiation), and many samples can be easily handled at once. It should also be useful for molecular analysis of large numbers of plant samples available only in small quantities. We here use this method to quantitate DNA damage induced by 297 and 365 nm radiation, and calculate the relative damaging effects of these wavebands in today's solar spectrum.  相似文献   
λ-Escherichia coli complexes exhibited remarkable sensitivity to the treatment with test steroidal derivatives in the presence of Cu(II). The decline in plaque-forming units after steroid treatment was more pronounced in complexes with some of the irradiation repair-defective mutants of E. coli K-12, i.e., recA, lexA and polA, as compared to uvrA and wild-type strains. The red gene of λ phage and recA gene of E. coli seem to have a complementary effect on the steroid-induced lesions. An enhanced level of mutagenesis was observed when steroid-treated E. coli cells were transformed with steroid-treated pBR322 plasmid DNA. A remarkable degree of c mutation was also observed when steroid I-treated phage particles were allowed to adsorb on steroid-treated wild-type bacteria. Moreover, the oxathione steroid treatment of λcI857-E. coli lysogen resulted in prophage induction in nutrient broth even at 32°C. Thus on the basis of these results, the role of SOS repair system in steroid-induced mutagenesis and repair of DNA lesions in E. coli and bacteriophage λ has been suggested.  相似文献   
An experiment is described in which the magnitude of N transferred from damaged white clover roots to perennial ryegrass was determined, using 15N labelling of the grass plant. There was no effect on the growth and N-fixation of the clover plants after removing part of the root system. The 15N data suggested that N had been acquired by all grass plants, even in plants grown alone with no further N supplied after labelling. However, after quantifying the mobile and stored N pools of the grass plants it was evident that significant transfer of N from clover to grass only took place from damaged clover roots. Dilution of the atom% 15N in the roots of the grass plants grown alone, and in association with undamaged clover roots, was explained by remobilisation of N within the plant.  相似文献   
White grubs (larval scarabaeids) are now recognized as being important pests of groundnut (peanut) in many parts of the world because of their ability to damage roots. A method of simulating white grub damage to groundnut plants was developed to obtain an indication of how the feeding activity of these insects influences plant growth. The effect of root cutting and drought stress on water uptake and biomass production was evaluated, with roots being cut at three depths in the late vegetative and early podfilling stages. As groundnut plants are often grown under conditions of drought stress, the effects of which would be accentuated by root damage, this factor was introduced into the experiment. Plant water-use measurements indicated that the root systems of plants cut 30 days after emergence (DAE) and watered twice a week became fully functional again after 40 days. Pod and total biomass production were however significantly less than those of the uncut control plants, with drought stress reducing yields below the well-watered controls, particularly when cut at 10 cm below the soil surface. The root systems of plants cut 51 DAE did not regrow to any appreciable extent, and rates of plant water-use remained less than half of the uncut control plants. Over all treatments, there was a strong positive correlation between total (and pod) biomass and plant water-use. It was concluded that the phenological stage of the plant at which root damage occurred had a profound influence on the subsequent recovery in root growth and function, and ultimately on pod yield.  相似文献   
I examine the branch of evolutionary epistemology which tries to account for the character of cognitive mechanisms in animals and humans by extending the biological theory of evolution to the neurophysiological substrates of cognition. Like Plotkin, I construe this branch as a struggling science, and attempt to characterize the sort of theory one might expect to find this truly interdisciplinary endeavor, an endeavor which encompasses not only evolutionary biology, cognitive psychology, and developmental neuroscience, but also and especially, the computational modeling of artificial life programming; I suggest that extending Schaffner's notion of interlevel theories to include both horizontal and vertical levels of abstraction best fits the theories currently being developed in cognitive science. Finally, I support this claim with examples drawn from computational modeling data using the genetic algorithm.  相似文献   
Summary The interaction ofActinia equina equinatoxin II (EqT-II) with human red blood cells (HRBC) and with model lipid membranes was studied. It was found that HRBC hemolysis by EqT-II is the result of a colloid-osmotic shock caused by the opening of toxin-induced ionic pores. In fact, hemolysis can be prevented by osmotic protectants of adequate size. The functional radius of the lesion was estimated to be about 1.1 nm. EqT-II increased also the permeability of calcein-loaded lipid vesicles comprised of different phospholipids. The rate of permeabilization rised when sphingomyelin was introduced into the vesicles, but it was also a function of the pH of the medium, optimum activity being between pH 8 and 9; at pH 10 the toxin became markedly less potent. From the dose-dependence of the permeabilization it was inferred that EqT-II increases membrane permeability by forming oligomeric channels comprising several copies of the cytolysin monomer. The existence of such oligomers was directly demonstrated by chemical cross-linking. Addition of EqT-II to one side of a planar lipid membrane (PLM) increases the conductivity of the film in discrete steps of defined amplitude indicating the formation of cation-selective channels. The conductance of the channel is consistent with the estimated size of the lesion formed in HRBC. High pH and sphingomyelin promoted the interaction even in this system. Chemical modification of lysine residues or carboxyl groups of this protein changed the conductance, the ion selectivity and the current-voltage characteristic of the pore, suggesting that both these groups were present in its lumen.  相似文献   
Accurate estimates of forest biomass stocks and fluxes are needed to quantify global carbon budgets and assess the response of forests to climate change. However, most forest inventories consider tree mortality as the only aboveground biomass (AGB) loss without accounting for losses via damage to living trees: branchfall, trunk breakage, and wood decay. Here, we use ~151,000 annual records of tree survival and structural completeness to compare AGB loss via damage to living trees to total AGB loss (mortality + damage) in seven tropical forests widely distributed across environmental conditions. We find that 42% (3.62 Mg ha−1 year−1; 95% confidence interval [CI] 2.36–5.25) of total AGB loss (8.72 Mg ha−1 year−1; CI 5.57–12.86) is due to damage to living trees. Total AGB loss was highly variable among forests, but these differences were mainly caused by site variability in damage-related AGB losses rather than by mortality-related AGB losses. We show that conventional forest inventories overestimate stand-level AGB stocks by 4% (1%–17% range across forests) because assume structurally complete trees, underestimate total AGB loss by 29% (6%–57% range across forests) due to overlooked damage-related AGB losses, and overestimate AGB loss via mortality by 22% (7%–80% range across forests) because of the assumption that trees are undamaged before dying. Our results indicate that forest carbon fluxes are higher than previously thought. Damage on living trees is an underappreciated component of the forest carbon cycle that is likely to become even more important as the frequency and severity of forest disturbances increase.  相似文献   
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