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Residual feed intake (RFI) is the difference between actual and predicted dry matter intake (DMI) of individual animals. Recent studies with Holstein-Friesian calves have identified an ~20% difference in RFI during growth (calf RFI) and these groups remained divergent in RFI during lactation. The objective of the experiment described here was to determine if cows selected for divergent RFI as calves differed in milk production, reproduction or in the profiles of BW and body condition score (BCS) change during lactation, when grazing pasture. The cows used in the experiment (n=126) had an RFI of −0.88 and +0.75 kg DM intake/day for growth as calves (efficient and inefficient calf RFI groups, respectively) and were intensively grazed at four stocking rates (SR) of 2.2, 2.6, 3.1 and 3.6 cows/ha on self-contained farmlets, over 3 years. Each SR treatment had equal number of cows identified as low and high calf RFI, with 24, 28, 34 and 40/11 ha farmlet. The cows divergent for calf RFI were randomly allocated to each SR. Although SR affected production, calf RFI group (low or high) did not affect milk production, reproduction, BW, BCS or changes in these parameters throughout lactation. The most efficient animals (low calf RFI) lost similar BW and BCS as the least efficient (high calf RFI) immediately post-calving, and regained similar BW and BCS before their next calving. These results indicate that selection for RFI as calves to increase efficiency of feed utilisation did not negatively affect farm productivity variables (milk production, BCS, BW and reproduction) as adults when managed under an intensive pastoral grazing system.  相似文献   
Melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH) is a hypothalamic peptide that plays a critical role in the regulation of food intake and energy metabolism. In this study, we investigated the potential role of dense hippocampal MCH innervation in the spatially oriented food-seeking component of feeding behavior. Rats were trained for eight sessions to seek food buried in an arena using the working memory version of the food-seeking behavior (FSB) task. The testing day involved a bilateral anti-MCH injection into the hippocampal formation followed by two trials. The anti-MCH injection did not interfere with the performance during the first trial on the testing day, which was similar to the training trials. However, during the second testing trial, when no food was presented in the arena, the control subjects exhibited a dramatic increase in the latency to initiate digging. Treatment with an anti-MCH antibody did not interfere with either the food-seeking behavior or the spatial orientation of the subjects, but the increase in the latency to start digging observed in the control subjects was prevented. These results are discussed in terms of a potential MCH-mediated hippocampal role in the integration of the sensory information necessary for decision-making in the pre-ingestive component of feeding behavior.  相似文献   
This study evaluates the pattern of plasma melatonin during the trough and the peak of its daily rhythm. Blood samples from 8 ewes were collected every 3 h for a 48-h period. On the third day, blood samples were collected from 10:00 to 13:00 (trough) and from 20:00 to 23:00 (peak) every 20 min. Our results showed a robust daily rhythm of melatonin in both days of monitoring, with nocturnal acrophase. During the trough, a significant decrease was observed starting from the 10:40 with a progressive decrease about every 40 min. During the peak of the plasma melatonin daily rhythm, an increase was observed starting from the 20:40 with a progressive increase about every 40 min. These data could be taken in consideration to monitor the plasma melatonin variations during the 24 h, and for the administration of melatonin for breeding in ewes.  相似文献   
We investigated whether a climatic change in temperature affected daily food intake in migrating male redheaded buntings. Groups of adult male birds (n = 18) were photoinduced into migratory phenotype under increasing spring daylengths (NDL); as the birds began to exhibit night restlessness, Zugunruhe, these were allocated into groups, either with ambient (NDL, variable daily temperature: maximum – 29–44 °C and minimum – 16–33 °C; for food intake (six birds) and activity recording, six birds) until 2 weeks after they concluded migration or with constant temperature (NDT, 22 ± 1 °C; for food intake (six birds)) conditions. As day length increased March onwards, daily food intake increased (hyperphagia) in NDL and NDT groups. However, hyperphagia was slower in NDT birds as compared to NDL birds, suggesting that altered ambient temperature affects daily food intake in migrating buntings. Another group of 12 birds were held under constant daylengths (12L:12D; EDT and constant temperature 22 ± 1 °C). Although the onset of Zugunruhe was delayed under EDT, the day of onset of Zugunruhe was taken as day 0. Daily food intake and body weight before and during migration of EDT birds were compared with that of NDT and NDL groups. Daily food intake and body weight increased in all migrating birds, but hyperphagia continued post-migration in NDT birds. The study suggests that constantly suboptimal temperature despite increasing daylength, NDT, appeared to affect feeding and body weight of migratory buntings as evident from continued hyperphagia and body weight gain, even after concluding migrating activity.  相似文献   
Cyanobacterial blooms occur when algal densities exceed baseline population concentrations. Cyanobacteria can produce a large number of secondary metabolites. Odorous metabolites affect the smell and flavor of aquatic animals, whereas bioactive metabolites cause a range of lethal and sub-lethal effects in plants, invertebrates, and vertebrates, including humans. Herein, the bioactivity, chemistry, origin, and biosynthesis of these cyanobacterial secondary metabolites were reviewed. With recent revision of cyanobacterial taxonomy by Anagnostidis and Komárek as part of the Süβwasserflora von Mitteleuropa volumes 19(1–3), names of many cyanobacteria that produce bioactive compounds have changed, thereby confusing readers. The original and new nomenclature are included in this review to clarify the origins of cyanobacterial bioactive compounds.Due to structural similarity, the 157 known bioactive classes produced by cyanobacteria have been condensed to 55 classes. This review will provide a basis for more formal procedures to adopt a logical naming system. This review is needed for efficient management of water resources to understand, identify, and manage cyanobacterial harmful algal bloom impacts.  相似文献   
In many cases health and welfare problems are observed in organic egg production systems, as are high environmental risks related to nutrient leaching. These disadvantages might be reduced if the layers are allowed to utilise their ability to forage to a higher degree thereby reducing the import of nutrients into the system and stimulating the hens to perform a natural behaviour. However, very little is known about the ability of modern high-producing layers to take advantage of foraging to cover their nutritional needs, and the aim of the present work was to clarify this subject. Six flocks, each of 26 hens and one cock, were moved regularly in a rotation between different forage crops for a period of 130 days. Half of the flocks were fed typical layer feed for organic layers and half were fed whole wheat. The forage crops consisted of grass/clover, pea/vetch/oats, lupin and quinoa. At the beginning of the experiment, wheat-fed hens had a lower intake of supplementary feed (wheat) and a lower laying rate, egg weight and body weight. However, after a period of 6 to 7 weeks, the intake of wheat increased to approximately 100 g per hen per day and the laying rate increased to the same level as for the hens fed layer feed. For both groups of hens egg weight and body weight increased during the remaining part of the experiment. Crop analysis revealed different food preferences for hens fed layer feed and wheat-fed hens. Wheat-fed hens ate less of the cultivated seeds, whereas the amounts of plant material, oyster shells, insoluble grit stone and soil were larger in the crops from wheat-fed hens. Floor eggs were significantly more frequent in the hens fed layer feed, whereas wheat-fed hens only rarely laid floor eggs. Irrespective of treatment, hens were found to have excellent health and welfare. We conclude that nutrient-restricted, high-producing organic layers are capable of finding and utilising considerable amounts of different feed items from a cultivated foraging area without negative effects on their health and welfare.  相似文献   
An evaluation of the factors affecting silage dry-matter intake (SDMI) of dairy cows was conducted based on dietary treatment means. The data were divided into six subsets based on the silage treatments used in the experiments: concentration of digestible organic matter in dry matter (D-value) influenced by the maturity of grass ensiled (n = 81), fermentation quality influenced by silage additives (n = 240), dry matter (DM) concentration influenced by wilting of grass prior to ensiling (W; n = 85), comparison of silages made from primary growth or regrowth of grass (n = 46), and replacement of grass silage with legume (L; n = 53) or fermented whole-crop cereal (WC; n = 37) silages. The data were subjected to the mixed model regression analysis. Both silage D-value and fermentation quality significantly affected SDMI. The average effects of D-value and total acid (TA) concentration were 17.0 g and − 12.8 per 1 g/kg DM, respectively. At a given D-value, silage neutral-detergent fibre (NDF) concentration tended to decrease SDMI. Silage TA concentration was the best fermentation parameter predicting SDMI. Adding other parameters into the multivariate models did not improve the fit and the slopes of the other parameters remained insignificant. Total NDF intake was curvilinearly related to silage D-value the maximum intake being reached at a D-value of 640 g/kg DM. Results imply that physical fill is not limiting SDMI of highly digestible grass silages and that both physical and metabolic factors constrain total DM intake in an interactive manner. Silage DM concentration had an independent curvilinear effect on SDMI. Replacing primary growth silage with regrowth, L or WC silages affected SDMI significantly, the response to regrowth silage being linearly decreasing and to L and WC quadratically increasing. The outcome of factors affecting SDMI was used to update the relative SDMI index as follows: SDMI index = 100+10 × [(D-value − 680) × 0.0170 − (TA − 80) × 0.0128+(0.0198 ×  (DM − 250) − 0.00002364 × (DM2 − 250 2)) − 0.44 × a+4.13 × b − 2.58 × b2+5.90 × c − 6.14 × c2 − 0.0023 × (550 − NDF)], where a, b and c represent the proportions (0–1) of regrowth, L or WC silages from total silage DM. For the whole data set, one index unit corresponded to the default value of 0.10 kg in SDMI. The SDMI index explained proportionally 0.852 of the variation in SDMI with 0.34 kg DM per day residual. The updated SDMI index provides improved basis for the practical dairy cow ration formulation and economic evaluation.  相似文献   
Little is known about the relationship between feed intake behaviour and cholesterol levels in humans. This can be attributed to the fact that feed intake behaviour in humans is difficult to assess. The relationships between feed intake, feed efficiency and feed intake behaviour, and cholesterol and triglyceride levels were investigated at an average age of 187 days, in a pig model consisting of 202 Duroc barrows. Feed intake and feed intake behaviour were recorded individually and daily by means of an electronic identification system. Animals with high levels of total cholesterol also had high levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL), low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and triglycerides. Animals with high levels of HDL also had high levels of LDL and triglycerides, and animals with high levels of LDL also had high levels of triglycerides. Animals with higher BW, higher backfat thickness, higher BW gain, higher gain of backfat deposition, higher feed intake, higher residual feed intake (RFI) and higher feed intake rate had higher levels of total, HDL and LDL plasma cholesterol. Results indicate that the relationship between feed intake and cholesterol levels is a long-term relationship, while the relationship between RFI and cholesterol levels is more of a short-term nature. The relationship between intake rate and cholesterol plasma levels disappeared after correction for the amount of feed consumed. Results indicate that feed intake independent of metabolic BW, growth and fatness, i.e. 'RFI', was positively correlated with cholesterol plasma levels. This suggests that eating food over and above the maintenance and growth requirements constitutes a health risk independent of the level of fatness.  相似文献   
Objective: The aims of this study were to investigate the therapeutic potential of intestinal electrical stimulation (IES) for obesity. Experiments were performed to investigate the effects of IES on food intake, gastric tone, gastric accommodation, and its possible pathway. Research Methods and Procedures: Ten normal dogs and six dogs with truncal vagotomy were used in this study. Each dog was equipped with a gastric cannula for the measurement of gastric tone and accommodation by barostat and one pair of duodenal serosal electrodes for IES. The experiment on food intake was composed of both control session without IES and IES session after a 28‐hour fast. The experiment on gastric tone and accommodation was performed in the fasting and fed states and composed of three sessions: control, IES, and IES with NG‐nitro‐l ‐arginine. Results: IES significantly reduced food intake in the normal dogs (459.0 vs. 312.6 grams, p < 0.001). The food intake was negatively correlated with the fasting gastric volume during IES. IES significantly decreased fasting gastric tone in the normal dogs reflected as a decrease in gastric volume (89.1 vs. 261.3 mL, p < 0.01), which was abolished by vagotomy and NG‐nitro‐l ‐arginine. Discussion: IES reduces food intake and inhibits gastric tone in the fasting state. The inhibitory effect of IES on gastric tone is mediated by both vagal and nitrergic pathway.  相似文献   
Objective: Whether developmental periods exist in which children become particularly sensitive to environmental influences on eating is unclear. This research evaluated the effects of age on intake of large and self‐selected portions among children 2 to 9 years of age. Research Methods and Procedures: Seventy‐five non‐Hispanic white children 2 to 3, 5 to 6, and 8 to 9 years of age were seen at a dinner meal in reference, large, and self‐selected portion size conditions in which the size of an entrée was age‐appropriate, doubled, and determined by the child, respectively. Weighed food intake data were collected. Entrée bite size and bite frequency were assessed. Height and weight measurements were obtained. Results: The effect of age on children's intake of the large portion was not significant. Entrée consumption was 29% greater (p < 0.001) and meal energy intake was 13% greater (p < 0.01) in the large portion condition than in the reference condition. Increases in entrée consumption were attributable to increases in average bite size (p < 0.001). Neither child weight nor maternal weight predicted children's intake of large portions. Self‐selection resulted in decreased entrée (p < 0.05) and meal energy (p < 0.01) only among those children who ate more when served the large portion. Discussion: The results of this research confirm that serving large entrée portions promotes increased intake at meals among 2‐ to 9‐year‐old children. These findings suggest that any age‐related differences in children's response to large portions are likely to be smaller than previously suspected.  相似文献   
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