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高海拔山区气候条件恶劣, 资源匮乏, 探究同域分布的近缘物种如何利用有限的资源以实现稳定共存, 对于了解高山生态系统生物多样性格局的形成和维持机制具有重要意义。鸡形目鸟类飞行能力弱, 属于典型的地栖物种, 生态位空间相对狭窄, 可能面临更高的种间竞争压力。本研究旨在比较几种同域分布的鸡形目鸟类的时空生态位, 为了解高山生态系统同域物种的共存机制提供新的研究案例。2020年4-9月, 研究人员在四川卧龙国家级自然保护区海拔3,300-4,200 m的高山区域进行了野外调查, 通过样线法和样方法对鸡形目鸟类群落优势物种绿尾虹雉(Lophophorus lhuysii)、雉鹑(Tetraophasis obscurus)和雪鹑(Lerwa lerwa)繁殖期的微生境进行调查, 使用红外相机对其活动节律进行监测, 并运用核密度估计法从微生境利用和日活动节律两个生态维度进行了种间生态位比较。结果显示, 雪鹑在微生境利用和日活动节律上均与其他两个物种存在显著差异。绿尾虹雉与雉鹑在微生境的利用上具有相似偏好; 但绿尾虹雉的早活动高峰晚于雉鹑, 晚活动高峰早于雉鹑, 表现出显著的种间日活动节律差异; 然而, 整合两个维度后, 绿尾虹雉和雉鹑的整体生态位仍然高度重叠, 没有显著分化。本研究表明高山鸡形目物种间的生态位分化体现于多个不同的生态维度, 并且不同物种之间的分化方式有所差异。在空间和时间生态位上的显著分化使雪鹑与同域物种间的竞争压力相对较小, 有利于其实现稳定共存。而绿尾虹雉与雉鹑的整体生态位高度重叠, 建议进一步对其食性开展研究, 探讨营养生态位上的潜在种间分化。  相似文献   
The aim of this work was to develop an index describing the relative intake of the total diet by dairy cows, and hence the ability to predict intake responses to changes in both forage and concentrate variables. An evaluation of concentrate factors affecting silage dry matter (DM) intake of dairy cows was conducted based on dietary treatment means from milk production experiments. The data were divided into four subsets according to concentrate treatments used within the experiments: the amount of concentrate supplementation (n = 217), protein supplementation (n = 336), carbohydrate composition (n = 114) and fat concentration of the concentrate (n = 29). The data were subjected to mixed-model regression analysis. Increased concentrate DM intake (CDMI) decreased silage DM intake (SDMI) quadratically. The substitution rate (substitution of silage DM for concentrate DM) increased with improved silage intake potential. SDMI increased quadratically with concentrate protein intake, the response being negatively related to the effective protein degradability (EPD) of concentrates. Replacement of starchy concentrate ingredients with fibrous supplements had a small positive effect on silage intake, whereas increased concentrate fat concentration slightly decreased SDMI. The outcome of concentrate factors influencing total DM intake (TDMI) was used to create a relative CDMI index as follows: CDMI index = 100 + 10 × [(CDMI - 0.1629 × CDMI - 0.01882 × CDMI2 - 5.49) + ((0.9474 × CCPI - 0.4965 × CCPI2) - 2.017 × (CEPD - 0.74)) + 0.00225 × (CNDF - 250) - 0.0103 × (40 - Cfat) - 0.00058 × (CDMI - 8.0) × (SDMI index - 100)], where CDMI = concentrate DM intake (kg/day), CCPI = supplementary concentrate CP intake (kg/day; CP>170 g/kg DM), CEPD = concentrate EPD (g/g), CNDF = concentrate NDF concentration (g/kg DM), Cfat = concentrate fat concentration (g/kg DM) and SDMI index is the relative intake potential of silage (Huhtanen, Rinne and Nousiainen 2007. Animal 1, 758-770). TDMI index was calculated as SDMI index + CDMI index - 100 to describe the relative intake potential of the total diet. For the whole data set (n = 943), one TDMI index unit was equivalent to 0.095 kg/day DM intake, i.e. close to the default value of 0.100 kg. The CDMI index explained proportionally 0.88 of the variation in TDMI within a study with a 0.27 kg/day residual mean-square error (n = 616). The corresponding values for the TDMI index were 0.81 and 0.37 kg/day (n = 943), respectively. The residual mean-square errors in cross-validation were marginally higher. The developed TDMI index can be used to estimate the intake responses to diet changes. It provides an improved basis for practical dairy cow ration formulation and economic evaluation.  相似文献   
Previous studies have shown nicotine (NIC) administration leads to decreased food intake, while other investigations have reported that NIC stimulates c-Fos expression in the brainstem. Whether there is a causal relationship between NIC effects on ingestion and its effect on brainstem neurons is uncertain, however we hypothesized that blocking NIC action in the brainstem would prevent, to some extent, the hypophagic effects of NIC. In the present study, cannulas were placed in the fourth ventricle of rats. A dose of NIC or saline was injected i.p. in four equal injections during the dark phase for four days. At the start of the second day of injections the NIC receptor antagonist mecamylamine (MEC) or artificial cerebrospinal fluid (a-CSF) was infused intracerebroventricularly (i.c.v.). Thus, four experimental groups were examined: a-CSF + SAL; a-CSF + NIC; MEC + SAL; MEC + NIC. Meal patterns were recorded using a computerized system and water intake and body weight were measured daily. Peripheral NIC injections suppressed food intake by decreasing meal size, whereas infusion of the NIC receptor antagonist MEC (4 microg) into the fourth ventricle blocked the NIC suppression of food intake. Moreover, the MEC effect was due primarily to an increase in dark phase meal size, which suggests neurons localized to the brainstem transmit NIC signals that regulate feeding behavior by affecting meal size.  相似文献   
Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between number of remaining teeth and health‐related quality of life in community‐dwelling elderly. Subjects: A total of 207 participants who were community‐dwelling, 85 years of age. Data were from a population‐based study of age‐related general and oral health in Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan. Measurements: The Japanese version of the Short Form 36 Health Survey (SF‐36). Results: The mental component score for the participants, from the SF‐36, was higher than the Japanese national norm for those aged ≥70 years. There were no significant differences in the mean of any scores on the SF‐36 by having spouse, living with family, or education level. The mean of the SF‐36 scores of physical functioning (PF) and of the physical component scores were significantly higher in the 85‐year‐old participants with ≥20 teeth than in those with ≤19 teeth (p < 0.05 and p < 0.01 respectively). In addition, a significant difference (p < 0.05) was observed between the mean of participants with ≥20 teeth and those with ≤19 teeth after adjustment for region where the participant lived, activities of daily living (ADL), and sex. The PF (p < 0.001), role‐physical (p < 0.005), bodily pain (p < 0.001), vitality (p < 0.001), social functioning (p < 0.05), and physical component (p < 0.001) scores were significantly higher in participants with a good activities of daily living (ADL) assessment. However, ADL was not associated with the number of teeth. Conclusions: The findings of the present study indicated that 85‐year‐old participants with ≥20 teeth had better subjective physical health than those with ≤19 teeth.  相似文献   
The marbled lungfish, Protopterus aethiopicus, a recent introduction into Lake Baringo, Kenya is now an important commercial species there. Because little is known about its behaviour, we used ultrasonic telemetry to investigate its movements and use of habitat as part of a broader biological study. Twelve marbled lungfish were implanted with ultrasonic tags and tracked for variable periods between September 2001 and 2002. Two individuals were tracked for most of the study period. Daily movement ranged from little or none to 5.2 km. Mean hourly rates of movement for three fish located twice a day (morning and late afternoon) over several days suggested that individuals were active throughout the diel period. Maximum lake depth was about 3 m and fish utilized all depths greater than 1 m. Six home ranges described for four lungfish varied in size from 5.8 to 19.8 km 2 and were occupied for between 2 and 4.5 months. Use of habitat and the movement of marbled lungfish in Lake Baringo appeared to be influenced more by biotic than abiotic factors.  相似文献   
Objective: We present an updated method for identifying physiologically implausible dietary reports by comparing reported energy intake (rEI) with predicted energy requirements (pER), and we examine the impact of excluding these reports. Research Methods and Procedures: Adult data from the Continuing Survey of Food Intakes by Individuals 1994 to 1996 were used. pER was calculated from the dietary reference intake equations. Within‐subject variations and errors in rEI [coefficient of variation (CV) ~ 23%] over 2 days (d), pER (CV ~ 11%), and measured total energy expenditure (mTEE; doubly labeled water, CV ~ 8.2%) were propagated, where ±1 SD = . Thus, a report was identified as implausible if rEI was not within 78% to 122% of pER. Multiple cut‐offs between ±1 and ±2 SD were tested. Results: %rEI/pER = 81% in the total sample (n = 6499) and progressively increased to 95% in the ±1 SD sample (n = 2685). The ±1 to 1.4 SD samples yielded rEI‐weight associations closest to the theoretical relationship (mTEE to weight). Weak or spurious diet—BMI associations were present in the total sample; ±1 to 1.4 SD samples showed the strongest set of associations and provided the maximum n while maintaining biological plausibility. Discussion: Our methodology can be applied to different data sets to evaluate the impact of implausible rEIs on health outcomes. Implausible rEIs reduce the overall validity of a sample, and not excluding them may lead to inappropriate conclusions about potential dietary causes of health outcomes such as obesity.  相似文献   
Previous studies demonstrated that an adipose tissue-specific element(s) (ASE) of the murine GLUT4 gene is located between −551 and −506 in the 5′-flanking sequence and that a high-fat responsive element(s) for down-regulation of the GLUT4 gene is located between bases −701 and −552. A binding site for nuclear factor 1 (NF1), that mediates insulin and cAMP-induced repression of GLUT4 in 3T3-L1 adipocytes is located between bases −700 and −688. To examine the role of NF1 in the regulation of GLUT4 gene expression in white adipose tissues (WAT) in vivo, we created two types of transgenic mice harboring mutated either 5′ or 3′ half-site of NF1-binding sites in GLUT4 minigene constructs. In both cases, the GLUT4 minigene was not expressed in WAT, while expression was maintained in brown adipose tissue, skeletal muscle, and heart. This was an unexpected finding, since a −551 GLUT4 minigene that did not have the NF1-binding site was expressed in WAT. We propose a model that explains the requirement for both the ASE and the NF1-binding site for expression of GLUT4 in WAT.  相似文献   
Though obesity is common, some people remain resistant to weight gain even in an obesogenic environment. The propensity to remain lean may be partly associated with high endurance capacity along with high spontaneous physical activity and the energy expenditure of activity, called non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT). Previous studies have shown that high-capacity running rats (HCR) are lean compared to low-capacity runners (LCR), which are susceptible to cardiovascular disease and metabolic syndrome. Here, we examine the effect of diet on spontaneous activity and NEAT, as well as potential mechanisms underlying these traits, in rats selectively bred for high or low intrinsic aerobic endurance capacity. Compared to LCR, HCR were resistant to the sizeable increases in body mass and fat mass induced by a high-fat diet; HCR also had lower levels of circulating leptin. HCR were consistently more active than LCR, and had lower fuel economy of activity, regardless of diet. Nonetheless, both HCR and LCR showed a similar decrease in daily activity levels after high-fat feeding, as well as decreases in hypothalamic orexin-A content. The HCR were more sensitive to the NEAT-activating effects of intra-paraventricular orexin-A compared to LCR, especially after high-fat feeding. Lastly, levels of cytosolic phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK-C) in the skeletal muscle of HCR were consistently higher than LCR, and the high-fat diet decreased skeletal muscle PEPCK-C in both groups of rats. Differences in muscle PEPCK were not secondary to the differing amount of activity. This suggests the possibility that intrinsic differences in physical activity levels may originate at the level of the skeletal muscle, which could alter brain responsiveness to neuropeptides and other factors that regulate spontaneous daily activity and NEAT.  相似文献   
We partitioned the metabolizable energy intake (MEI) into energy for maintenance (MEm) and for growth (MEg) in sucking precocial and altricial rodent pups. Each of the two components includes energy loss due to the heat increment of feeding. MEm of precocial pups expressed as average daily energy costs or as a proportion of MEI was greater than in altricial pups of similar size and, therefore, less energy was available for growth. Consequently, the overall energy cost (via total MEI) per unit postnatal growth of precocial pups was greater than for altricial pups of similar size. We used the proportion of calculated MEm to that predicted by body mass as an index of precociality in rodent pups. The proportion of MEg to MEI in precocial pups was lower than in altricial pups and was inversely related to the index of precociality.  相似文献   
Central injection of Nociceptin/Orphanin FQ (N/OFQ), inhibits the anorectic effect of corticotropin-relasing factor (CRF) and stress in rats. Recently, Urocortin II (Ucn II) and Urocortin III (Ucn III), two selective CRF2 receptor agonists, have been identified. Here, we investigated the effect of intracerebroventricular (ICV) injection of 0.25, 0.75, 1.50 or 3 nmol/rat of Ucn II or Ucn III on food and water intake in food deprived rats. The effect of N/OFQ on Ucn II and UCNIII-induced anorexia was also studied. Results showed a greater inhibition of food consumption by Ucn II than Ucn III. Pretreatment with N/OFQ (0.25–2.0 nmol/rat) did not block the effects of Ucn II and UCNIII. Conversely, injection of N/OFQ (0.25–2.0 nmol/rat) blocked the anorectic effect of CRF (0.1 nmol/rat). These findings suggest that N/OFQ selectively prevent the anorectic effect mediated by activation of the CRF1 receptor system.  相似文献   
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