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Protein (d-aspartyl/l-isoaspartyl) carboxyl methyltransferase (PCM, E.C. was previously shown to be enzymatically methyl esterified in an autocatalytic manner at altered aspartyl residues; methyl esters are observed in a subpopulation of the enzyme termed thePCM fraction [Lindquist and McFadden (1994),J. Protein Chem. 13, 23–30]. The altered aspartyl sites serving as methyl acceptors inPCM have now been localized by using proteolytic enzymes and chemical cleavage techniques in combination with matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) mass spectrometry to identify fragments of the [3H]automethylated enzyme that contain a [3H]methyl ester. Methylation was positively identified at positions Asn188 and Asp217 in the enzyme sequence, a consequence of the spontaneous alteration of these sites tol-isoaspartyl ord-aspartyl sites and their methylation by active PCM molecules. The identification of more than one site of automethylation shows thatPCM is not a homogeneous population of damaged PCM molecules, but rather a complex population of molecules with a variety of age-altered damage sites.Abbreviations PCM protein (d-aspartyl/l-isoaspartyl) carboxyl methyltransferase - EDTA disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetate - PMSF phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride - TEA trifluoroacetic acid - HPLC high-pressure liquid chromatography  相似文献   
Complex alterations in the redundancy and methylation of repeated DNA sequences were shown to differentiate the nuclear genome of individuals belonging to single progenies of homozygous plants of the sunflower. DNA was extracted from seedlings obtained from seeds collected at the periphery of flowering heads (P DNA) or from seedlings obtained from seeds collected in their middle (M DNA). Three fractions of repeated sequences were isolated from genomic DNA: a highly repetitive fraction (HR), which reassociates within an equivalent Cot of about 2 × 10-1, and two medium repetitive fractions (MR1 and MR2) having Cot ranges of about 2 × 10-1-2 and 2-102, respectively. Denaturation kinetics allowed different sequence families to be recognized within each fraction of repetitive DNA, and showed significant differences in sequence redundancy to occur between P and M DNA, particularly as far as the MR2 fraction is concerned. Most DNA sequence families are more represented in P DNA than in M DNA. However, the redundancy of certain sequences is greater in the latter than in the former. Each repetitive DNA fraction was hybridized to Southern blots of genomic P or M DNA which was digested to completion by three pairs of isoschizomeric restriction endonucleases which are either insensitive or sensitive to the methylation of a cytosine in the recognition site. The results obtained showed that the repetitive DNA of H. annuus is highly methylated. Clear-cut differences in the degree of methylation of P and M DNA were found, and these differences were particularly apparent in the MR2 fraction. It is suggested that alterations in the redundancy of given DNA sequences and changes in their methylation patterns are complementary ways to produce continuous genotypic variability within the species which can be exploited in environmental adaptation.Research supported by National Research Council of Italy, Special Project RAISA, Sub-project No. 2  相似文献   
The in-gel competitive reassociation (IGCR) procedure was successfullyapplied to construct a comprehensive library enriched in DNAfragments containing C5mCGG sequences from mouse liver and braingenomic DNA. For IGCR, methylation-insensitive restriction enzyme(Msp I) digests were used as target DNA and methylation-sensitiverestriction enzyme (Hpa II) digests as competitor DNA. Southernblot analysis indicated that 60 to 70% of the clones in thelibrary were derived from the methylated sites and overall enrichmentwas 200- to 1000-fold. IGCR was further applied to constructa library for the sites differentially methylated between brainand liver DNA. In the library, approximately 20% of the HpaII sites exhibited different degrees of methylation betweenthese tissues.  相似文献   
The methyl group from S-adenosylmethionine (AdoMet) is transferred into hemoglobin without any evident involvement of an enzyme. There are multiple sites for incorporation of the methyl group into hemoglobin, since both and chains are methylated. The methyl linkages formed in hemoglobin are stable at both alkaline and acidicpH, and the reaction occurs optimally at slightly below neutralpH. Only a small fraction (2%) of hemoglobin tetramers are methylated under the conditions tested. Acid hydrolysis of [3H-methyl]-labeled hemoglobin and determination of phenylisothiocynate derivatives yields N-methyl lysine, which accounts for about one-half of the incorporated [3H-methyl] radioactivity. Other amino acids are methylated as well, with much of the remaining radioactivity being distributed among one or more of the side chains of histidine, cysteine, and arginine. Methyl group transfer to hemoglobin from AdoMet is slow and inefficient (k cat/K m5×10–2), but the reaction velocity tends toward a plateau with increasing AdoMet concentration in a manner suggesting that saturable binding of AdoMet onto hemoglobin is involved in methyl transfer. The velocity of hemoglobin methylation is inhibited by S-adenosylhomocysteine, the known end-product inhibitor of methyltransferases, a further indication that methyl group transfer involves binding and catalysis by a specific site (or sites) in the hemoglobin molecule. These observations may help to explain the known existence of methylated hemoglobins in erythrocyte.  相似文献   
The Lys residues in the 75-residue Ca2+-binding protein calbindin D9k were reductively methylated with13C-enriched formaldehyde. The possible structural effects resulting from the chemical modification were critically investigated by comparing two-dimensional NMR spectra and the exchange rates of some of the amide protons of the native and the modified protein. Our results show that the protein retains its structure even though 10 Lys out of a total of 75 amino acid residues were modified. In the Ca2+- and apo-forms of the protein, the13C-methylated Lys residues can be detected with high sensitivity and resolution using two-dimensional (1H,13C)-heteronuclear multiple quantum coherence (HMQC) NMR spectroscopy. ThepKa values of the individual Lys residues in Ca2+-calbindin D9k and apo-calbindin D9k were obtained by combiningpH titration experiments and (1H,13C)-HMQC NMR spectroscopy. Each Lys residue in the Ca2+- and apo-forms of calbindin D9k has a uniquepKa value. The LyspKa values in the calcium protein range from 9.3 to 10.9, while those in the apo-protein vary between 9.7 and 10.7. Although apo-calbindin D9k has a very similar structure compared to Ca2+-calbindin D9k, the removal of two Ca2+ ions from the protein leads to an increase of thepKa values of the Lys residues.  相似文献   
The in vitro conservation of potato using tissue culture medium supplemented with the growth retardant mannitol causes morphological changes in the propagated material. These culture conditions seem to have an affect on the DNA extracted from the regenerated plants, when it is digested by the methylation sensitive restriction enzymes Hpa II/Msp I and Eco RII/Bst NI, compared to the control material. In most of these plants, there appears to be preferential methylation of nuclear domains that contain Eco RII/Bst NI recognition sites in contrast to those that contain Hpa II/Msp I sites. The refractory nature of the isolated DNA to these restriction enzymes was attributed to hypermethylation of genomic DNA and the ribosomal RNA genes. These findings indicate that methylation of DNA sequences may be an adaptive response to conditions of high osmotic stress. The importance of these results for the conservation of potato germplasm and international exchange is discussed.  相似文献   
Soybean is believed to be a diploidized tetraploid generated from an allotetraploid ancestor. In this study, we used hypomethylated genomic DNA as a source of probes to investigate the genomic structure and methylation patterns of duplicated sequences. Forty-five genomic clones from Phaseolus vulgaris and 664 genomic clones from Glycine max were used to examine the duplicated regions in the soybean genome. Southern analysis of genomic DNA using probes from both sources revealed that greater than 15% of the hypomethylated genomic regions were only present once in the soybean genome. The remaining ca. 85% of the hypomethylated regions comprise duplicated or middle repetitive DNA sequences. If only the ratio of single to duplicate probe patterns is considered, it appears that 25% of the single-copy sequences have been lost. By using a subset of probes that only detected duplicated sequences, we examined the methylation status of the homeologous genomes with the restriction enzymes MspI and HpaII. We found that in all cases both copies of these regions were hypomethylated, although there were examples of low-level methylation. It appears that duplicate sequences are being eliminated in the diploidization process. Our data reveal no evidence that duplicated sequences are being silenced by inactivation correlated with methylation patterns.  相似文献   
A T-DNA locus comprising nptII, uidA and nos genes — all under the control of the nos promoter (this locus was designated K because it encodes resistance to Kanamycin) - was found to be inherited erratically in a transgenic tobacco line. This anomalous behavior was partially explained following a karyotype analysis of plants representing several generations: these plants were aneuploids, presumably for the K-containing chromosome. During four generations of sexual propagation, transgenic plants that were either trisomic or tetrasomic for the K-containing chromosome (i.e. 2n=49 or 2n=50, respectively) were obtained. The trisomic plants (2n=48+1) were virtually indistinguishable phenotypically from normal euploids (2n=4x=48), whereas the tetrasomic plants (2n=48+2) were smaller, had somewhat misshapen leaves and exhibited reduced fertility. Although the amount of NPTH protein in different trisomic (K--, KK-, KKK) and tetrasomic (KK--, KKK-) plants was generally consistent with a K dosage effect, the genetic behavior of each trisomic — with respect to segregation of KanR and marker gene activity in progeny — was unique and not completely explicable by invoking aneuploidy. Specifically, unexpected gains or losses of K could occur, suggesting the formation of double reductional gametes and/or frequent gene conversion at this locus. The susceptibility of K locus marker genes to trans-inactivation in the trisomic and tetrasomic lines was tested by crossing in partially homologous silencing loci. In all transgenotypes tested, the three K marker genes were sensitive to trans-silencing, which was accompanied by methylation in all copies of the nos promoter. In addition to this directed inactivation/methylation, the K locus could also undergo infrequent, spontaneous partial methylation, which produced stable epialleles. In most plants, however, the multiple copies of the nos promoter at this locus remained unmethylated and active through four generations in all transgenotypes examined. The significance of these results for irregular inheritance patterns, aneuploid syndromes and homology-dependent gene silencing is discussed.  相似文献   
Reader domains that recognize methylated lysine and arginine residues on histones play a role in the recruitment, stabilization, and regulation of chromatin regulatory proteins. Targeting reader proteins with small molecule and peptidomimetic inhibitors has enabled the elucidation of the structure and function of specific domains and uncovered their role in diseases. Recent progress towards chemical probes that target readers of lysine methylation, including the Royal family and plant homeodomains (PHD), is discussed here. We highlight recently developed covalent cyclic peptide inhibitors of a plant homeodomain. Additionally, inhibitors targeting previously untargeted Tudor domains and chromodomains are discussed.  相似文献   
Inhibitors for epigenetic readers of histone modifications are useful chemical probes to interrogate the functional roles played by their cognate targets in epigenetic regulation and can even serve as drugs for the treatment of diseases associated with the dysregulated targets. However, many epigenetic readers are intractable to small molecules, as the recognition of modified histone peptides commonly involves flat and extended protein surfaces. In contrast, the relatively large sizes and structural complexity of peptides help them achieve tight and specific binding to the target proteins. Increasing efforts have been made to target epigenetic readers using peptide-based inhibitors that can complement small molecules. In this review, we discuss the recent advances in the development of peptide-based inhibitors of lysine acetylation and methylation readers.  相似文献   
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