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蔓茎堇菜总黄酮提取工艺初探   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
分别采用热水浸提法、甲醇浸提法和乙醇浸提法来提取蔓茎堇菜样品的总黄酮,并以芦丁为标准品,用紫外分光光度法在265nm处测定各提取液的总黄酮含量。结果表明,甲醇浸提法和乙醇浸提法显著优于热水浸提法,而用70%乙醇为提取溶剂时效果最佳。研究结果可为利用蔓茎堇菜工业化生产黄酮类药用成分提供科学依据。  相似文献   
通过对中国西南部3种菖蒲属(Acorus L.)植物(菖蒲A.calamus L.、石菖蒲A.tatarinowii Schott和金钱蒲A.gramineus Soland.)的细胞学研究,发现分布在运动及四川的9个菖蒲居群中,有5个居群为四倍体(2n=4x=44),4个居群为六倍体(2n=6x=66)。其中四倍体见于滇南及川西南;六倍体见于滇中及滇西北,并为首次报道。在云南及贵州分布的石菖蒲及金钱蒲5个居群均为二倍体。讨论了菖蒲分布区从二倍本、三倍体、四倍体和六倍体4种不同倍性居群的分布规律和可能的演化关系,六倍体居群的产生很可能喜马拉雅造山运动有关。  相似文献   
The nature and persistence of seed quality effects produced by a range of seed production treatments was investigated in the autumn-sown onion crop. Genotypically equivalent seed lots raised in different glasshouses within the same year were found to germinate at significantly different rates. The seed lot which emerged earlier produced larger seedlings and this difference in size persisted throughout the growing period. In a comparison between the effects of hand crossing and self-pollination techniques the hand crossing method produced a much lower total seed yield but heavier seeds and larger plants. The induced effects persisted throughout the year but were not significant in the mature bulb characters. The implications of these results upon the control of seed production for plant breeding and genetical experiments is discussed.  相似文献   
Advances in salivary bioscience enable the widespread integration of biological measures into the behavioral and social sciences. While theoretical integration has progressed, much less attention has focused on analytical strategies and tactics. The statistical literature warns that common methods for comparing groups and studying associations can have relatively poor power compared to more modern robust techniques. Here we illustrate, in secondary data analyses using the USC Well Elderly II study (n = 460, age 60–95, 66% female), that modern robust methods make a substantial difference when analyzing relations between salivary analyte and behavioral data. Analyses that deal with the diurnal pattern of cortisol and the association of the cortisol awakening response with depressive symptoms and physical well-being are reported. Non-significant results become significant when using improved methods for dealing with skewed distributions and outliers. Analytical strategies and tactics that employ modern robust methods have the potential to reduce the probability of both Type I and Type II errors in studies that compare salivary analytes between groups, across time, or examine associations with salivary analyte levels.  相似文献   
Cryoballoon ablation (CBA) is an established therapy for atrial fibrillation (AF). Pulmonary vein (PV) occlusion is essential for achieving antral contact and PV isolation and is typically assessed by contrast injection. We present a novel method of direct pressure monitoring for assessment of PV occlusion.Transcatheter pressure is monitored during balloon advancement to the PV antrum. Pressure is recorded via a single pressure transducer connected to the inner lumen of the cryoballoon. Pressure curve characteristics are used to assess occlusion in conjunction with fluoroscopic or intracardiac echocardiography (ICE) guidance. PV occlusion is confirmed when loss of typical left atrial (LA) pressure waveform is observed with recordings of PA pressure characteristics (no A wave and rapid V wave upstroke). Complete pulmonary vein occlusion as assessed with this technique has been confirmed with concurrent contrast utilization during the initial testing of the technique and has been shown to be highly accurate and readily reproducible.We evaluated the efficacy of this novel technique in 35 patients. A total of 128 veins were assessed for occlusion with the cryoballoon utilizing the pressure monitoring technique; occlusive pressure was demonstrated in 113 veins with resultant successful pulmonary vein isolation in 111 veins (98.2%). Occlusion was confirmed with subsequent contrast injection during the initial ten procedures, after which contrast utilization was rapidly reduced or eliminated given the highly accurate identification of occlusive pressure waveform with limited initial training.Verification of PV occlusive pressure during CBA is a novel approach to assessing effective PV occlusion and it accurately predicts electrical isolation. Utilization of this method results in significant decrease in fluoroscopy time and volume of contrast.  相似文献   
Musculoskeletal modeling allows for analysis of individual muscles in various situations. However, current techniques to realistically simulate muscle response when significant amounts of intentional coactivation is required are inadequate. This would include stiffening the neck or spine through muscle coactivation in preparation for perturbations or impacts. Muscle coactivation has been modeled previously in the neck and spine using optimization techniques that seek to maximize the joint stiffness by maximizing total muscle activation or muscle force. These approaches have not sought to replicate human response, but rather to explore the possible effects of active muscle. Coactivation remains a challenging feature to include in musculoskeletal models, and may be improved by extracting optimization objective functions from experimental data. However, the components of such an objective function must be known before fitting to experimental data. This study explores the effect of components in several objective functions, in order to recommend components to be used for fitting to experimental data. Four novel approaches to modeling coactivation through optimization techniques are presented, two of which produce greater levels of stiffness than previous techniques. Simulations were performed using OpenSim and MATLAB cooperatively. Results show that maximizing the moment generated by a particular muscle appears analogous to maximizing joint stiffness. The approach of optimizing for maximum moment generated by individual muscles may be a good candidate for developing objective functions that accurately simulate muscle coactivation in complex joints. This new approach will be the focus of future studies with human subjects.  相似文献   
目的:探讨血流阻断的缺血预处理技术在肝癌切除术中的临床应用价值。方法:选取2010年4月至2013年7月我院收治的96名原发性肝癌并采用肝脏部分切除术进行治疗的患者,将患者随机分为观察组和对照组,每组各48例,观察组在肝脏部分切除术阻断肝门血流前先分别给予1个5 min缺血和再灌注的处理。对照组不采取任何干预措施。术前、术后1天、3天、7天时分别进行生化检查,并于术前及术后1h对Fas-mRNA表达、Caspasc-3活性及AI进行测定,观察记录患者术后的并发症情况、手术时间、术中出血量以及住院时间。结果:术后1天、3天、7天时两组间的AST、ALT、TBIL等生化指标的含量情况相比,观察组均显著优于对照组(P0.05);术后l d,两组患者ALB均有不同程度的降低,对照组低于观察组(P0.05);术后住院时间观察组为13.28±3.85天,对照组为19.48±4.92天,观察组明显低于对照组(P0.05);术后1h,两组患者的Fas-mRNA表达、Caspasc-3活性相比于阻断前均显著提高,但观察组提高幅度明显低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P0.05);两组阻断前均未见肝细胞凋亡,术后l h时,两组组均可见肝细胞凋亡,且对照组明显高于观察组组(P0.05)。结论:血流阻断的缺血预处理技术具有操作简便、副作用小的重要特点,应用于肝癌切除术中在保护肝功能方面具有显著的优势。  相似文献   
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