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Effects on water chemistry after drainage of a bog for forestry   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Drainage for forestry has received increasing interest during recent decades. Generally, drainage concerns wet mineral soils while the utilization of peatlands is a matter of controversy. The peatlands mainly involved are fens, while forestry on bogs is an insignificant activity. Consequently, hydrology of bogs and effects of drainage on their hydrochemistry are little known.The investigation performed aimed at elucidating the parent conditions and the drainage impact on the hydrology and hydrochemistry of an ombrotrophic bog. Two bogs were first compared during a calibration period of two years and then, after drainage of one of them, during a period of three years. The second bog was kept virgin as a control.Considerable influences on runoff and stream water quality were found from the surrounding mineral soil uplands of the bog. Significant differences occurred between the chemical composition of the groundwater in the mineral soil and in the bog peat.Effects on runoff water from drainage of the bog deviate from drainage of minerotrophic peatlands with respect to decreased concentrations and losses of organic carbon and nitrogen. From two small bog catchments within the drained bog, there generally were greater losses of nutrients than from the catchment as a whole. Furthermore, the runoff from the drained bog decreased in comparison with the undrained condition. However, there were also similarities to drainage of other peatlands as regards increased pH, alkalinity and concentrations of sulphate. Also, concentrations of total-phosphorus increased in spite of a decreased phosphate (MRP) concentration.  相似文献   
Wetlands are the largest source of methane (CH4) globally, yet our understanding of how process‐level controls scale to ecosystem fluxes remains limited. It is particularly uncertain how variable soil properties influence ecosystem CH4 emissions on annual time scales. We measured ecosystem carbon dioxide (CO2) and CH4 fluxes by eddy covariance from two wetlands recently restored on peat and alluvium soils within the Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta of California. Annual CH4 fluxes from the alluvium wetland were significantly lower than the peat site for multiple years following restoration, but these differences were not explained by variation in dominant climate drivers or productivity across wetlands. Soil iron (Fe) concentrations were significantly higher in alluvium soils, and alluvium CH4 fluxes were decoupled from plant processes compared with the peat site, as expected when Fe reduction inhibits CH4 production in the rhizosphere. Soil carbon content and CO2 uptake rates did not vary across wetlands and, thus, could also be ruled out as drivers of initial CH4 flux differences. Differences in wetland CH4 fluxes across soil types were transient; alluvium wetland fluxes were similar to peat wetland fluxes 3 years after restoration. Changing alluvium CH4 emissions with time could not be explained by an empirical model based on dominant CH4 flux biophysical drivers, suggesting that other factors, not measured by our eddy covariance towers, were responsible for these changes. Recently accreted alluvium soils were less acidic and contained more reduced Fe compared with the pre‐restoration parent soils, suggesting that CH4 emissions increased as conditions became more favorable to methanogenesis within wetland sediments. This study suggests that alluvium soil properties, likely Fe content, are capable of inhibiting ecosystem‐scale wetland CH4 flux, but these effects appear to be transient without continued input of alluvium to wetland sediments.  相似文献   
In a survey employing epifluorescence microscopy with the DNA fluorochrome DAPI, associations between bacteria and filamentous desmids were found to be commonplace in acidic, Sphagnum-dominated Wisconsin peat-lands. Bacteria were associated with all genera of filamentous desmids encountered including Desmidium, Hyalotheca, Onychonema, Spondylosium, and Teilingia. Although only associations involving filamentous desmids having mucilaginous sheaths are illustrated here, bacteria were also noted on taxa lacking sheaths as well as some unicellular forms. Bacteria on Desmidium majus Lagerheim, D. grevillii (Kütz.) De Bary, and Hyalotheca dissiliens (Smith) Bréb. ex Ralfs tended to be concentrated in small pockets in the sheath material located near the isthmus and in the region between adjacent cells in the filament, whereas those associated with Spondylosium pulchrum (Bail.) Archer were more evenly distributed throughout the sheath. Most bacteria were rodshaped. Those associated with S. pulchrum, D. grevillii, and D. majus ranged from 1.1 to 11.2 μm in length. Bacteria within the sheaths of H. dissiliens and D. grevillii were Gram-negative. A second morphologically distinct population of bacteria was found at the sheath margin in D. majus and D. grevillii. Field collections containing filamentous desmids were examined with scanning electron microscopy and bacteria associated with Desmidium majus were investigated with transmission electron microscopy.  相似文献   
Mikael Ohlson 《Plant and Soil》1995,172(2):235-245
Nutrient content in peat and growth rate, rate of nutrient accumulation and allocation patterns in Scots pine Pinus sylvestris L. from eleven natural Swedish peatlands were examined. The peatlands studied represented a wide range of climatic conditions and mire types. Whole and even-sized pines with intact root-systems were excavated to give the whole-pine budget for growth and nutrient accumulation. All samples originated from hummock communities.Pine growth and nutrient characteristics were much more variable in the minerogenous sites than in the ombrogenous sites, which indicates a larger environmental heterogeneity within the minerogenous sites. In the ombrogenous sites, rate of pine growth was constant, approximately 1 mg day-1, and independent of latitudinal variation. There was either no relationship between latitudinal location and growth rate in the minerogenous sites, which suggests that pine growth is largely controlled by site-specific, very local conditions. The growth rate of pines was not correlated with any peat nutrient. The pines allocated a large proportion of their nutrient-pool to the metabolically active current year's growth. This is likely a trait that enables Scots pine to occupy a wide range of peatland types in which it experience a marked imbalance and shortage of nutrients.  相似文献   
The quantitative impact of intense drought and rewetting on gas exchange in ombrotrophic bogs is still uncertain. In particular, we lack studies investigating multitudes of sites with different soil properties and nitrogen (N) and sulfur (S) deposition under consistent environmental conditions. We explored the timing and magnitude of change in CO2 (Respiration, Gross Primary Production – GPP, and Net Exchange – NE) and CH4 fluxes during an initial wet, a prolonged dry (~100 days), and a subsequent wet period (~230 days) at 12 °C in 14 Sphagnum peat mesocosms collected in hollows from bogs in the UK, Ireland, Poland, and Slovakia. The relationship of N and S deposition with GPP, respiration, and CH4 exchange was investigated. Nitrogen deposition increased CO2 fluxes and GPP more than respiration, at least up to about 15 kg N ha?1 yr?1. All mesocosms became CO2 sources during drying and most of them when the entire annual period was considered. Response of GPP to drying was faster than that of respiration and contributed more to the change in NE; the effect was persistent and few sites recovered “predry” GPP by the end of the wet phase. Respiration was higher during the dry phase, but did not keep increasing as WT kept falling and peaked within the initial 33 days of drying; the change was larger when differences in humification with depth were small. CH4 fluxes strongly peaked during early drought and water table decline. After rewetting, methanogenesis recovered faster in dense peats, but CH4 fluxes remained low for several months, especially in peats with higher inorganic reduced sulfur content, where sulfate was generated and methanogenesis remained suppressed. Based on a range of European sites, the results support the idea that N and S deposition and intense drought can substantially affect greenhouse gas exchange on the annual scale.  相似文献   
The rapid melting of glacier cover is one of the most obvious impacts of climate change on alpine ecosystems and biodiversity. Our understanding of the impact of a decrease in glacier runoff on aquatic biodiversity is currently based on the ‘glacier‐heterogeneity‐diversity’ paradigm, according to which there is high α‐diversity at intermediate levels of glacial influence due to the high degree of environmental heterogeneity caused by glacier water. This α‐diversity pattern generates high levels of between‐site aquatic community variation (high β diversity) and increases regional diversity (γ‐diversity). There is a rich conceptual background in favor of this paradigm, but empirical data supporting it are scarce. We investigated this paradigm by analyzing the different diversity patterns (α, β and γ‐diversity) of four aquatic groups (zooplankton, macroinvertebrates, algae and macrophytes) living in high‐elevation peatlands (>4500 m above sea level). We sampled 200 pools from 20 peatlands along a glacier gradient in the Cordillera Real of Bolivia. We performed structural equation modeling (SEM) to analyze the potential mechanisms underlying the observed diversity patterns. Intermediate levels of glacial influence (15–20% cover) resulted in high heterogeneity, but α‐diversity responded to glacial influence only for the zooplankton group (Cladocera). Our SEM analysis did not identify environmental heterogeneity as a significant variable explaining the relationship between glacier and α‐diversity. Peatland area had a strong positive effect on heterogeneity and diversity. β‐diversity was significantly associated with glacier gradient, and 12.9% of the total regional diversity (γ‐diversity) was restricted to peatlands with a high degree of glacial influence. These species might be lost in a context of glacial retreat. These findings provide new insight into the potential effects of glacial retreat on the aquatic environment and biodiversity in the peatlands of the tropical Andes.  相似文献   
Sulfur cycling in a forested Sphagnum bog in northern Minnesota   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
The mass balance and internal cycle of sulfur within a small forested,Sphagnum bog in northern Minnesota are presented here based on a 4-year record of hydrologic inputs and outputs (precipitation, throughfall, streamflow, upland runoff) and a 3-year measurement of plant growth and sulfur uptake. Concentrations and accumulation rates of inorganic and organic sulfur species were measured in porewater. The bog is a large sink for sulfur, retaining 37% of the total sulfur input. Because of the relatively large export of organic S (21% of inputs), retention efficiency for total-S (organic S + SO 4 = ; 37%) is less than that for SO 4 = (58%). There is a dynamic cycle of oxidation and reduction within the bog. Annual oxidation and recycling of S is equal to total inputs in the center of the bog. Plants receive 47% of their uptake requirement from atmospheric deposition, 5% from retranslocation from foliage, and the remainder from sulfur remineralized from peat. Mineralization is most intense in the aerobic zone above the water table. Inorganic sulfur species comprise <5% of the total sulfur burden within the peat.  相似文献   
Boreal peatland ecosystems occupy about 3.5 million km2 of the earth's land surface and store between 250 and 455 Pg of carbon (C) as peat. While northern hemisphere boreal peatlands have functioned as net sinks for atmospheric C since the most recent deglaciation, natural and anthropogenic disturbances, and most importantly wildfire, may compromise peatland C sinks. To examine the effects of fire on local and regional C sink strength, we focused on a 12 000 km2 region near Wabasca, AB, Canada, where ombrotrophic Sphagnum‐dominated bogs cover 2280 km2 that burn with a fire return interval of 123±26 years. We characterized annual C accumulation along a chronosequence of 10 bog sites, spanning 1–102 years‐since‐fire (in 2002). Immediately after fire, bogs represent a net C source of 8.9±8.4 mol m−2 yr−1. At about 13 years after fire, bogs switch from net C sources to net C sinks, mainly because of recovery of the moss and shrub layers. Subsequently, black spruce biomass accumulation contributes to the net C sink, with fine root biomass accumulation peaking at 34 years after fire and aboveground biomass and coarse root accumulation peaking at 74 years after fire. The overall C sink strength peaks at 18.4 mol C m−2 yr−1 at 75 years after fire. As the tree biomass accumulation rate declines, the net C sink decreases to about 10 mol C m−2 yr−1 at 100 years‐since‐fire. We estimate that across the Wabasca study region, bogs currently represent a C sink of 14.7±5.1 Gmol yr−1. A decrease in the fire return interval to 61 years with no change in air temperature would convert the region's bogs to a net C source. An increase in nonwinter air temperature of 2 °C would decrease the regional C sink to 6.8±2.3 Gmol yr−1. Under scenarios of predicted climate change, the current C sink status of Alberta bogs is likely to diminish to the point where these peatlands become net sources of atmospheric CO2‐C.  相似文献   
The possibility of carbon (C) being locked away from the atmosphere for millennia is given in hydromorphic soils. However, the water-table-dependent feedback from soil organic matter (SOM) decomposition to the climate system is less clear. At least three greenhouse gases are produced: carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O). These gases show emission peaks at different water table positions and have different global warming potentials (GWP), for example a factor of 23 for CH4 and 296 for N2O as compared with the equivalent mass of CO2 on a 100-year time horizon. This review of available annual data on all three gases revealed that the radiative forcing effect of SOM decomposition is principally dictated by CO2 despite its low GWP. Anaerobic SOM decomposition generally has a lower potential feedback to the climatic system than aerobic SOM decomposition. Concrete values are constrained by a lack of data from tropical and subarctic regions. Furthermore, data on N2O and on plant effects are generally rare. However, there is a clear latitudinal differentiation for the GWP of soils under anaerobic conditions compared with aerobic conditions when looking at CO2 and CH4: in the tropical and temperate regions, the anaerobic GWP showed a range of 25–60% of the aerobic value, but values varied between 80% and 110% in the boreal zone. Hence, particularly in the vulnerable boreal zone, the feedback from ecosystems to climate change will highly depend on plant responses to changing water tables at elevated temperatures.  相似文献   
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