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Qualitative analyses were made from whole-body cuticular extracts of Scapteriscus abbreviatus, Scapteriscus acletus, Scapteriscus vicinus, and Neocurtilla hexadactyla by isothermal and temperature-programmed gas chromatography. Adults of both sexes and nymphs of each species were collected in Florida. The chromatographic profiles of peaks were distinct and easily recognizable for each species, regardless of sex or developmental stage. Distinct sexual differences were found in S. acletus and S. abbreviatus. Specimens of S. abbreviatus from Puerto Rico and S. vicinus from Bolivia produced gas chromatography (GC) traces very similar to those of conspecifics collected in Florida. Evidence is presented to illustrate the potential importance of volatile cuticular lipid analysis as a tool for mole cricket identification. Cuticular extracts of an undescribed short-winged species of Scapteriscus from Bolivia were also examined and produced GC traces unlike those of any other species analyzed to date.  相似文献   
M. Riederer  J. Schönherr 《Planta》1986,169(1):69-80
The sorption of 4-nitrophenol (4-NP) in enzymatically isolated cuticles ofLycopersicon esculentum fruits andFicus elastica leaves was studied as a function of temperature and solute concentration. Plots of the concentrations of 4-NP sorbed in the cuticle versus the equilibrium concentrations in the aqueous phase gave linear isotherms at low concentrations that tended to approach plateaus at higher sorbate concentrations ( 10 mmol·kg-1). At low concentrations of sorbed 4-NP, cuticles have sorptive properties similar to those of organic solvents which are able to form intermolecular hydrogen bonds, while at higher concentrations their solid nature becomes apparent. During sorption of 4-NP the cutin matrix swells and new sorption sites are successively formed. The partition coefficients of 4-NP in the system cuticle/buffer are functions of temperature and concentration. At high sorbate concentrations (approx. 1 mol·kg-1) they approach a value of 1. Different sorptive properties were observed for the cutin regions normally encrusted with soluble cuticular lipids (SCL) and those without SCL. Increasing temperature augmented the number of sorption sites in the cutin ofLycopersicon while no effect was observed withFicus. The changes of partial molar free energy (G o tr), enthalpy (H o tr), and entropy (S o tr) for the phase transfer of 4-NP also depended on sorbate concentration: H o tr and S o tr were negative and steeply decreased at high sorbate concentrations. This is due to solute-solute interactions replacing solute-cutin interactions at high concentrations resulting in solid precipitates of solute within the cutin matrix. This formation of ordered solid domaines starting from a small number of nonelectrolyte molecules interacting with the cutin is proposed as a model for the intracuticular deposition of SCL.Abbreviations CM cuticular membrane - MX polymer matrix membrane - 4-NP 4-nitrophenol - SCL soluble cuticular lipids  相似文献   
Adult grass shrimp were exposed to four concentrations (0.5, 1.0, 2.0 and 4.0 ppm) of hexavalent chromium for 28 days. At the end of the exposure period, over 50% of the surviving shrimp possessed cuticular lesions that had many of the gross characteristics of “shell disease.” These lesions were usually associated with articulations of the appendages and abdomen. Furthermore, it was found that at increasing levels of chromium exposure, there was a proportionate increase in the loss of limbs such that nearly 50% of the limbs were lost in grass shrimp exposed to the highest test concentration of chromium. Histological and ultrastructural examination of numerous lesions demonstrated a range of degenerative features within the subcuticular epithelium that included cytoplasmic vacuolization, mitochondrial swelling, chromatin emargination, and the presence of unusual nuclear inclusions that appear to indicate direct chromium toxicity. Additionally, a marked retardation in new epicuticle and exocuticle formation was observed in viable tissues associated with lesions in late premolt shrimp. It is proposed that chromium interferes with the normal functions of subcuticular epithelium, particularly cuticle formation, and subsequently causes structural weaknesses or perforations to develop in the cuticle of newly moted shrimp. Because of these chromium-induced exoskeletal deficiencies, a viaduct for pathogenic organisms (e.g., bacteria) and direct chromium influx is formed that perpetuates lesion development.  相似文献   
Chymotrypsin inhibitor-2, a lysine-rich protein in the barley endosperm, has been localized at the ultrastructural level by immunocytochemistry in developing barley endosperm cells 14 days post anthesis. The protein is deposited in the protein bodies. Two morphologically distinct types of protein bodies, small spherical and large irregularly shaped, are present. Golgi-apparatus-derived vesicles whose content is labelled by chymotrypsin inhibitor-2 antibody-gold particles are observed at the Golgi complex and around the vacuoles. These observations indicate that the transport of the protein to the site of deposition is mediated by the Golgi apparatus.Abbreviations CI chymotrypsin inhibitor - DPA days post anthesis - ER endoplasmic reticulum The authors wish to thank Dr. V.R. Franceschi (Department of Botany, Washington State University, Pullman, USA) for many helpful discussions and advice during the work, and the staff at the Electron Microscope Center at Washington State University for technical assistance.  相似文献   
We studied the effects of atmospheric CO2 enrichment (280, 420 and 560 l CO2 l–1) and increased N deposition (0,30 and 90 kg ha–1 year–1) on the spruce-forest understory species Oxalis acetosella, Homogyne alpina and Rubus hirtus. Clones of these species formed the ground cover in nine 0.7 m2 model ecosystems with 5-year-old Picea abies trees (leaf area index of approx 2.2). Communities grew on natural forest soil in a simulated montane climate. Independently of N deposition, the rate of light-saturated net photosynthesis of leaves grown and measured at 420 l CO2 l–1 was higher in Oxalis and in Homogyne, but was not significantly different in Rubus compared to leaves grown and measured at the pre-industrial CO2 concentration of 280 l l–1. Remarkably, further CO2 enrichment to 560 l l–1 caused no additional increase of CO2 uptake. With increasing CO2 supply concentrations of non-structural carbohydrates in leaves increased and N concentrations decreased in all species, whereas N deposition had no significant effect on these traits. Above-ground biomass and leaf area production were not significantly affected by elevated CO2 in the more vigorously growing species O. acetosella and R. hirtus, but the slow growing H. alpina produced almost twice as much biomass and 50% more leaf area per plant under 420 l CO2 l–1 compared to 280 l l–1 (again no further stimulation at 560 l l–1). In contrast, increased N addition stimulated growth in Oxalis and Rubus but had no effect on Homogyne. In Oxalis (only) biomass per plant was positively correlated with microhabitat quantum flux density at low CO2, but not at high CO2 indicating carbon saturation. On the other hand, the less shade-tolerant Homogyne profited from CO2 enrichment at all understory light levels facilitating its spread into more shady micro-habitats under elevated CO2. These species-specific responses to CO2 and N deposition will affect community structure. The non-linear responses to elevated CO2 of several of the traits studied here suggest that the largest responses to rising atmospheric CO2 are under way now or have already occurred and possible future responses to further increases in CO2 concentration are likely to be much smaller in these understory species.  相似文献   
Cuticles of several plant species are covered by tubular wax aggregates that are known to consist mainly of (S)-nonacosan-10-ol. The present work addresses the question whether minor wax components may additionally contribute to these tubules. Thin layer chromatography was used to prepare secondary alkanediol fractions from leaf cuticular waxes of Nelumbo nucifera and Thalictrum flavum, containing nonacosane-3,10-diol, nonacosane-4,10-diol, nonacosane-5,10-diol, nonacosane-7,10-diol, nonacosane-9,10-diol and nonacosane-10,13-diol. From organic solutions all these compounds crystallized in tubular shapes. Possible crystal structures of relevant alkanediol isomers are proposed, in analogy to the lattice geometries of comparable aliphatic compounds. The resulting structural model shows that nonacosan-10-ol and various secondary alkanediols may join in metastable mixed crystals. According to the structural model proposed the admixture of alkanediols to nonacosan-10-ol aggregates should enhance the stability of their tubular habit.  相似文献   
System-level adjustments to elevated CO2 in model spruce ecosystems   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Atmospheric carbon dioxide enrichment and increasing nitrogen deposition are often predicted to increase forest productivity based on currently available data for isolated forest tree seedlings or their leaves. However, it is highly uncertain whether such seedling responses will scale to the stand level. Therefore, we studied the effects of increasing CO2 (280, 420 and 560 μL L-1) and increasing rates of wet N deposition (0, 30 and 90 kg ha-1 y-1) on whole stands of 4-year-old spruce trees (Picea abies). One tree from each of six clones, together with two herbaceous understory species, were established in each of nine 0.7 m2 model ecosystems in nutrient poor forest soil and grown in a simulated montane climate for two years. Shoot level light-saturated net photosynthesis measured at growth CO2 concentrations increased with increasing CO2, as well as with increasing N deposition. However, predawn shoot respiration was unaffected by treatments. When measured at a common CO2 concentration of 420 μL L-1 37% down-regulation of photosynthesis was observed in plants grown at 560 μL CO2 L-1. Length growth of shoots and stem diameter were not affected by CO2 or N deposition. Bud burst was delayed, leaf area index (LAI) was lower, needle litter fall increased and soil CO2 efflux increased with increasing CO2. N deposition had no effect on these traits. At the ecosystem level the rate of net CO2 exchange was not significantly different between CO2 and N treatments. Most of the responses to CO2 studied here were nonlinear with the most significant differences between 280 and 420 μL CO2 L-1 and relatively small changes between 420 and 560 μL CO2 L-1. Our results suggest that the lack of above-ground growth responses to elevated CO2 is due to the combined effects of physiological down-regulation of photosynthesis at the leaf level, allometric adjustment at the canopy level (reduced LAI), and increasing strength of below-ground carbon sinks. The non-linearity of treatment effects further suggests that major responses of coniferous forests to atmospheric CO2 enrichment might already be under way and that future responses may be comparatively smaller.  相似文献   
We investigated the effect of increased N-supply on productivity and potential litter decay rates of Carex species, which are the dominant vascular plant species in peatlands in the Netherlands. We hypothesized that: (1) under conditions of N-limited plant growth, increased N-supply will lead to increased productivity but will not affect C:N ratios of plant litter and potential decay rates of that litter; and (2) under conditions of P-limited plant growth, increased N-supply will not affect productivity but it will lead to lower C:N ratios in plant litter and thereby to a higher potential decay rate of that litter. These hypotheses were tested by fertilization experiments (addition of 10 g N m-2 year-1) in peatlands in which plant growth was N-limited and P-limited, respectively. We investigated the effects of fertilization on net C-fixation by plant biomass, N uptake, leaf litter chemistry and potential leaf litter decay. In a P-limited peatland, dominated by Carex lasiocarpa, there was no significant increase of net C-fixation by plant biomass upon enhanced N-supply, although N-uptake had increased significantly compared with the unfertilized control. Due to the N-fertilization the C:N ratio in the plant biomass decreased significantly. Similarly, the C:N ratio of leaf litter produced at the end of the experiment showed a significant decrease upon enhanced N-supply. The potential decay rate of that litter, measured as CO2-evolution from the litter under aerobic conditions, was significantly increase upon enhanced N-supply. In a N-limited peatland, dominated by C. acutiformis, the net C-fixation by plant biomass increased with increasing N-supply, whereas the increase in N-uptake was not significant. The C:N ratio of both living plant material and of dead leaves did not change in response to N-fertilization. The potential decay rate of the leaf litter was not affected by N-supply. The results agree with our hypotheses. This implies that atmospheric N-deposition may affect the CO2-sink function of peatlands, but the effect is dependent on the nature of nutrient limitation. In peatlands where plant growth is N-limited, increased N-supply leads to an increase in the net accumulation of C. Under conditions of P-limited plant growth, however, the net C-accumulation will decrease, because productivity is not further increased, whereas the amount of C lost through decomposition of dead organic matter is increased. As plant growth in most terrestrial ecosystems is N-limited, increased N-supply will in most peatlands lead to an increase of net C-accumulation.  相似文献   
An automatic system was installed for continuous analyses of ozone, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen monoxide and nitrogen dioxide in an experimental orchard with a canopy ofPrunus cerasifera plants in summer 1993. Air samples from three elevations (0.8 m, 1.6 m and 3 m above ground) were sequentially analyzed. Ozone concentrations above the canopy were usually higher than within the canopy; their relationships with stomatal resistance have been investigated. Sulphur dioxide levels were negligible. Nitrogen oxides showed a complex profile, with no particular trend, likely due to a reciprocal exchange between the atmosphere and the ground surface.  相似文献   
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