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Summary Studies on levels of lead and cadmium of Indian flue-cured tobacco indicated that the leaf contained very low amounts of these heavy metals as compared to tobacco from other countries. Indian tobacco can therefore be adjudged as ‘safe and clean’ and least hazardous to the smoker. Of the two heavy metals, lead content of soils is higher than cadmium. But in the leaf, cadmium content is more than lead indicating that soil cadmium may be more available to tobacco and hence more readily absorbed by the plant than lead.  相似文献   
Claus Grunwald 《Phytochemistry》1985,24(12):2915-2918
Six-day-old tobacco seedlings rapidly incorporated and metabolized exogenously supplied [4-14C]-sitosterol, but none of the radioactivity was recovered from stigmasterol. However, exogenously supplied [2-14C]-mevalonic acid was incorporated into both sitosterol and stigmasterol. Based on these results it is suggested that the biosynthetic pathway of stigmasterol is not via sitosterol but that both sterols have a common precursor.  相似文献   
During 1981 and 1982, bollworm,Heliothis zea (Boddie), and tobacco budworm,H. virescens (F.), larvae (n=3,666) were collected from 41 cotton fields near Portland, Arkansas (USA) to assess the occurrence of parasitism. Three strategies were employed to controlHeliothis spp. in these fields: (1) release ofTrichogramma pretiosum Riley; (2) insecticidal control; or (3) inaction (check). Insecticide use in nonchemical control fields was reduced, but not eliminated.Heliothis spp. larvae collected in cotton had higher parasitism rates in 1981 (30.9%) and 1982 (50.1%) than had been reported for cotton since the advent of organochlorine insecticide usage. Four species of larval parasites and 1 species of larval-pupal parasite were recorded. The larval parasiteMicroplitis croceipes (Cresson) comprised 90.6% and 94.5% of all parasitic insects reared from field collectedHeliothis spp. in 1981 and 1982, respectively. No difference (P>0.05) in level of parasitism existed betweenH. zea andH. virescens. Differences between treatments occurred only in 1982 whenH. zea larvae were parasitized at a greater (P<0.05) rate in check fields (68.3%) than in insecticidal control fields (44.3%). Higher levels of larval parasitism in cotton fields may be a consequence of reduced insecticide usage and changes in materials applied, particularly the pyrethroids. Mention of a trademark or proprietary product does not constitute a guarantee or warranty of the product by the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture and does not imply its approval to the exclusion of other products that may also be suitable.  相似文献   
乙醇酸、乙醛酸和草酸能明显促进烟草(Nicotiana rustica)叶片在黑暗中的硝酸还原,光呼吸抑制剂a-羟基吡啶甲烷磺酸能消除前二者的促进作用而不能完全消除草酸的作用。草酸+NAD~+能显著促进离体的硝酸还原。烟叶提取液加入草酸和NAD~+后生成NADH和CO_2认为活体内由乙醛酸氧化生成的草酸是经脱氢生成NADH供硝酸还原之用。未能证明在烟叶内存在乙醇酸脱氨酶,因此排除由乙醇酸直接脱氢以还原硝酸的可能。  相似文献   
The feasibility of alternating use of resistant vs. susceptible flue-cured tobacco cultivars to improve control of Globodera tabacum subsp, solanacearum (TCN) was investigated at two Virginia locations in 1984-86. Post-harvest TCN population densities were reduced in each year of the study when fenamiphos was used with a TCN-resistant cultivar (NC 567), relative to susceptible cultivars (K 326 or Mc 944). Using NC 567 with fenamipbos also reduced preplant TCN population densities in the next growing season. Egg population densities before planting in 1986 were significantly lower in plots planted with NC 567 in 1984, even when a susceptible cultivar had been planted in 1985. Use of fenamiphos with NC 567 in 1984 and 1985 further reduced preplant egg population densities in 1986. Economic returns were significantly greater in 1984 when NC 567 was used with fenamiphos, rather than a susceptible cultivar. Treatments involving fenamiphos and (or) NC 567 in 1984 and 1985 resulted in higher economic returns in 1986 than did treatments using a susceptible cultivar without fenamiphos in both previous years. Economic returns were highest in 1986 when fenamiphos and NC 567 were used in 1984 and 1985 and a susceptible cultivar was planted in 1986.  相似文献   
In this paper we describe the isolation and characterization of a genomic clone (Bp4) from Brassica napus which contains three members of a pollen-specific multigene family. This family is composed of 10 to 15 closely related genes which are expressed in early stages of microspore development. The complete nucleotide sequence of the clone Bp4 and of three homologous cDNA clones is reported. One of the genes (Bp4B) contained in the genomic clone is believed to be non-functional because of sequence rearrangements in its 5 region and intron splicing sites. The remaining genes (Bp4A and Bp4C), as well as the cDNA clones, appear to code for small proteins of unique structure. Three different types of proteins can be predicted as a result of the deletion of carboxy or amino terminal portions of a conserved core protein. These proteins all share a common alternation of hydrophobic and hydrophilic domains. A fragment of the genomic clone containing the gene Bp4A, as well as the non-functional gene Bp4B, was introduced into tobacco plants via Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. The functional gene Bp4A is expressed in transgenic tobacco plants and shows spatial and temporal regulation consistent with the expression patterns seen in Brassica napus.  相似文献   
trans-Cyclooctene, cis,trans-1,5-cyclooctadiene, and cis,trans-1,3-cyclooctadiene have been compared with the cis and cis,cis isomers and with 2,5-norbornadiene for competition with ethylene for binding in mung bean sprouts and tobacco and for action (induction of chlorophyll degradation) in banana. The compounds containing a trans double bond were much more effective in competition for binding and action than the cis and cis,cis compounds. trans-Cyclooctene and cis,trans-1,3-cyclooctadiene were in the general range of 50–90 times more effective than 2,5-norbornadiene.R.J. Reynolds Research Apprentice  相似文献   
Nicotiana tabacum protoplasts were transformed by polyethylene glycol (PEG)-mediated uptake and electroporation, with circular and linear DNA, and with or without X-ray irradiation. We investigated the influence on the transient expression by these parameters as well as on the frequencies for stable transformation. Plants were regenerated and selfed, and the progenies of the transformed plants were analysed and used to compare the pattern of gene integration by these different variations in transformation methods. The results from the transient expression as judged by glucuronidase (GUS) activity, showed electroporation to give higher and more reproducible results than PEG-mediated uptake. Using linear instead of circular DNA increased the rate of stable transformation about 3 times. Including a mild X-ray treatment gave an increase in the same range. When the inheritance of the transferred trait was investigated, it was found that protoplasts transformed with linear DNA resulted in the highest number of plants with single-copy insertions. Protoplasts transformed with circular DNA showed the highest incidence of losing the trait, while plants in which the transformation included an X-ray treatment, had the highest frequency of multicopy insertion events.  相似文献   
In the short day plant Chenopodium rubrum and the long day plant Nicotiana tabacum cv. Havana 425, adenylate kinase (EC occurs as a family of isoforms, with at least two members localized in the chloroplast representing the main isoforms. In this work, isoforms were separated by anion exchange chromatography and relative isoform activities were compared between vegetative plants and plants induced to flowering. In both species examined, a light regime leading to floral induction resulted in a significant decrease in the activity of one chloroplast isoform. This decrease modified considerably the relative distribution of isoform activities, especially that between the two chloroplast activities.  相似文献   
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