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Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are Gram positive bacteria, widely distributed in nature, and industrially important as they are used in a variety of industrial food fermentations. The use of genetic engineering techniques is an effective means of enhancing the industrial applicability of LAB. However, when using genetic engineering technology, safety becomes an essential factor for the application of improved LAB to the food industry. Cloning and expression systems should be derived preferably from LAB cryptic plasmids that generally encode genes for which functions can be proposed, but no phenotypes can be observed. However, some plasmid-encoded functions have been discovered in cryptic plasmids originating from Lactobacillus, Streptococcus thermophilus, and Pediococcus spp. and can be used as selective marker systems in vector construction. This article presents information concerning LAB cryptic plasmids, and their structures, functions, and applications. A total of 134 cryptic plasmids collated are discussed.  相似文献   
Fungal mitospores may function as dispersal units and/ or spermatia and thus play a role in distribution and/or mating of species that produce them. Mitospore production in ectomycorrhizal (EcM) Pezizales is rarely reported, but here we document mitospore production by a high diversity of EcM Pezizales on three continents, in both hemispheres. We sequenced the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and partial large subunit (LSU) nuclear rDNA from 292 spore mats (visible mitospore clumps) collected in Argentina, Chile, China, Mexico and the USA between 2009 and 2012. We collated spore mat ITS sequences with 105 fruit body and 47 EcM root sequences to generate operational taxonomic units (OTUs). Phylogenetic inferences were made through analyses of both molecular data sets. A total of 48 OTUs from spore mats represented six independent EcM Pezizales lineages and included truffles and cup fungi. Three clades of seven OTUs have no known meiospore stage. Mitospores failed to germinate on sterile media, or form ectomycorrhizas on Quercus, Pinus and Populus seedlings, consistent with a hypothesized role of spermatia. The broad geographic range, high frequency and phylogenetic diversity of spore mats produced by EcM Pezizales suggests that a mitospore stage is important for many species in this group in terms of mating, reproduction and/or dispersal.  相似文献   
Although the ecological importance of rhodolith (maerl, free-living coralline algae) beds is well-known, rhodolith-forming species have been neglected in molecular phylogenetic studies. This is the first molecular systematic study aimed at understanding whether the rhodolith habit is a fixed feature in lineages and determining the relationship (phylogenetic vs. environmental) between rhodolith and crustose habits. Phylogenetic relationships of rhodolith-forming species and encrusting coralline algae at generic and species levels were analysed using SSU rDNA and psbA sequences. Extensive sampling in the European North Atlantic, Pacific and Caribbean Mexico of Phymatolithon, Lithothamnion, Lithophyllum and Neogoniolithon taxa forming rhodoliths and crusts was accompanied by examination of type or topotype material. Phylogenetic reconstruction showed that Neogoniolithon contained a monophyletic group of rhodolith-forming species whereas other rhodolith-formers were closely related to encrusting forms in the genera Phymatolithon, Lithothamnion, Mesophyllum, Hydrolithon, Spongites and Sporolithon. DNA analysis showed that the crust-forming Lithophyllum cf. incrustans/dentatum also forms rhodoliths with a stone nucleus that occur on rocky shores. In contrast, species that form beds of non-nucleate rhodoliths (e.g. Neogoniolithon spectabile, N. strictum, Lithophyllum cf. incrustans/dentatum or sp. 1 and Phymatolithon calcareum) rarely form crusts. The rhodolith habit cannot be used to delimit species for taxonomic or identification purposes. Extensive taxonomic revision will be required to deal with problems such as the position of specimens identified as Lithophyllum margaritae in two unrelated lineages.  相似文献   
Morphology and molecular phylogeny constitute the structural elements of diatom taxonomy. These approaches do not, however, give information on the functioning of taxa. Additional methods to serve a more integrated and wide-ranging taxonomy have therefore been called for. Metabolic fingerprinting is one approach used within the field of metabolomics, often applied in classification of samples. Here we apply metabolic fingerprinting in a taxonomic study of a cryptic diatom species. Strains of the cosmopolitan diatom Chaetoceros socialis from two geographical areas; the north-east Atlantic and Arctic and the Gulf of Naples, were cultivated at three different temperatures; 2.5, 8 and 13°C. The strains from the two different geographical areas exhibited different growth rates as well as different photosynthetic efficiencies. Algal extracts, collected at the end of the growth experiments, were analysed by Ultra-Performance Liquid Chromatography High Resolution Mass Spectrometry. The two groups of strains were separated by principal component analysis of their metabolic fingerprints. Analysis of the data revealed both qualitative and quantitative differences in metabolite markers. These phenotypic differences reinforce differences also found for morphology, phylogenetic markers and growth rates, and point at different adaptive characteristics in organisms living under different temperature regimes.  相似文献   
New holococcolith-heterococcolith life-cycle associations are documented based on observations of combination coccospheres. Daktylethra pirus is shown to be a life-cycle phase of Syracosphaera pulchra and Syracolithus quadriperforatus a life-cycle phase of Calcidiscus leptoporus. In addition, new observations from cultures confirm the life-cycle associations of Crystallolithus braarudii with Coccolithus pelagicus and of Zygosphaera hellenica with Coronosphaera mediterranea. In all four cases previous work has shown that the heterococcolithophorid species is associated with another holococcolithophorid. Two other examples of a heterococcolithophorid being associated with two holococcolithophorids have previously been identified, so this seems to be a common phenomenon. The six examples are reviewed to determine whether a single underlying mechanism is likely to be responsible for all cases. It is concluded that there is no single mechanism but rather that the six examples fall into three categories: (a) in two cases the holococcolith types are probably simply ecophenotypic morphotypes; (b) in two other cases the holococcolith types are discrete and are paralleled by morphometric differences in the heterococcolith types; (c) in the final two cases the holococcolith types are discrete but are not paralleled by any obvious morphological variation in the heterococcolith morphology. We infer that cryptic speciation may be widespread in heterococcolithophorid phases and that study of holococcolithophorid phases can provide key data to elucidate this phenomenon.  相似文献   
We studied 1140 bp cytochrome b sequences of social voles from three localities in Lebanon. The results were compared with published sequences representing seven species of social voles. New sequences from Lebanon clustered with reference samples of two species: M. guentheri and M. irani. While M. guentheri was already reported for Lebanon, M. irani is a new addition to the fauna of Lebanon, and the third known record for the species. Animals were collected in two localities above Tripolis at 855 m and 1430 m a.s.l., respectively.  相似文献   
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