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Seamounts are considered hot spots of biodiversity and can aggregate pelagic predators and their prey. Passive acoustic monitoring was conducted over 3 mo in 2012 to document the occurrence of odontocetes near a seamount chain in the central equatorial Pacific in relation to oceanographic changes over time. Beaked whale echolocation signals were most frequently encountered. The main beaked whale signal was an unknown type, BW38, which resembled signals produced by Blainville's beaked whales. It had high occurrence during high sea surface temperature and low sea surface salinity. Cuvier's beaked whales were the second most detected. They had an opposite pattern and were encountered more often when sea surface temperature was low and net primary productivity was high. Risso's dolphins and short‐finned pilot whales had high acoustic densities, and echolocated predominantly at night. Risso's dolphins occurred more often during low sea surface height deviation. False killer whales were less frequently detected and mostly occurred during the day. Sperm whale detections were fewer than expected and associated with high chlorophyll a. Short duration Kogiidae encounters occurred on average every third day. These types of long‐term site studies are an informative tool to comparatively assess species composition, relative abundance, and relationship to oceanographic changes.  相似文献   
Starting in 1991, the advance of Tyr-recombinases Flp and Cre enabled superior strategies for the predictable insertion of transgenes into compatible target sites of mammalian cells. Early approaches suffered from the reversibility of integration routes and the fact that co-introduction of prokaryotic vector parts triggered uncontrolled heterochromatization. Shortcomings of this kind were overcome when Flp-Recombinase Mediated Cassette Exchange entered the field in 1994. RMCE enables enhanced tag-and-exchange strategies by precisely replacing a genomic target cassette by a compatible donor construct. After “gene swapping” the donor cassette is safely locked in, but can nevertheless be re-mobilized in case other compatible donor cassettes are provided (“serial RMCE”). These features considerably expand the options for systematic, stepwise genome modifications. The first decade was dominated by the systematic generation of cell lines for biotechnological purposes. Based on the reproducible expression capacity of the resulting strains, a comprehensive toolbox emerged to serve a multitude of purposes, which constitute the first part of this review. The concept per se did not, however, provide access to high-producer strains able to outcompete industrial multiple-copy cell lines. This fact gave rise to systematic improvements, among these certain accumulative site-specific integration pathways. The exceptional value of RMCE emerged after its entry into the stem cell field, where it started to contribute to the generation of induced pluripotent stem (iPS-) cells and their subsequent differentiation yielding a variety of cell types for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. This topic firmly relies on the strategies developed in the first decade and can be seen as the major ambition of the present article. In this context an unanticipated, potent property of serial Flp-RMCE setups concerns the potential to re-open loci that have served to establish the iPS status before the site underwent the obligatory silencing process. Other relevant options relate to the introduction of composite Flp-recognition target sites (“heterospecific FRT-doublets”), into the LTRs of lentiviral vectors. These “twin sites” enhance the safety of iPS re-programming and -differentiation as they enable the subsequent quantitative excision of a transgene, leaving behind a single “FRT-twin”. Such a strategy combines the established expression potential of the common retro- and lentiviral systems with options to terminate the process at will. The remaining genomic tag serves to identify and characterize the insertion site with the goal to identify genomic “safe harbors” (GOIs) for re-use. This is enabled by the capacity of “FRT-twins” to accommodate any incoming RMCE-donor cassette with a compatible design.  相似文献   
Geist J  Kuehn R 《Molecular ecology》2008,17(4):997-1008
Biodiversity in fluvial ecosystems is under pressure as a consequence of their degradation. Conservation strategies for endangered freshwater molluscs and for salmonid fishes have been proposed but they are typically poorly integrated. Here, we examined for the first time the genetic structure of a critically endangered obligate mollusc invertebrate parasite, the freshwater pearl mussel ( Margaritifera margaritifera ), and its vertebrate host fish, the brown trout ( Salmo trutta m. fario ), in European headwater streams. We compared genetic differentiation and diversity with productivity and ecological habitat features of both species in nine different European streams from the drainage systems of the Danube, Elbe, Weser, Tuuloma, Kemijoki and Aulne. Genetic differentiation was more pronounced in pearl mussel than in brown trout, although the drainage-specific patterns were generally similar. Genetic diversity of host and parasite was negatively correlated. The most oligotrophic, postglacially colonized areas represented genetic diversity hotspots with high conservation priority for pearl mussels, whereas their host fish displayed low diversity in these areas. This pattern can be explained by differences in the ecological niches and in the life-history strategies of both species. These results question the effectiveness of single-species approaches in the conservation of genetic aquatic resources and suggest that genetic information from species with different life-history strategies, such as invertebrates and fish, should be considered simultaneously for geographical conservation prioritization in stream ecosystems.  相似文献   
《中国濒危动物红皮书》依据我国动物所面临的濒危,对我国濒危动物的濒危等级划分,种群现状,致危因素和保护措施等进行了描述说明,首批收录了535种濒危动物。本文以《中国濒危动物红皮书》中所收录的352种濒危脊椎动物(不含鸟类(以下简记为“濒危植物”)为研究对象,整理统计了现有濒危物种的分布资料,在GIS支持下,对中国濒危动物的地理分布进行了研究。结果表明,中国濒危动物物种呈明显的集聚分布,最密集的地区是横断山区,海南岛,西双版纳和云贵高原;而在华北平原,内蒙古东部,黄土高原和东北平原等地区出现大片空白区。影响濒危动物分布的主要因素有热量和水分条件,地形条件等自然条件以及历史开发,人为破坏等人文条件。山地因地形屏障作用而保留了较多的古老物种,其较为复杂的环境因子也有益物种的生存,因而物种丰富度较高。大多数动物对于水分和热量的依赖性较强,因此水热条件对其分布的限制作用十分明显。人为破坏较为严重的地区,濒危物种稀少;污染,开荒等引起的环境问题对于现存动物的威胁很。运用Dobson排除算法得到云南勐腊县等9个县分布有168种濒危动物,占全国总数(海生种类及仅分布于台湾和香港的特有种除外)的51.5%,而其土地面积之和仅为全国陆地总面积的0.9%。而云南勐腊县等94个县市就分布有中国所有的濒危动物。这些地区是我国生物多样性保护应该优先考虑的地方。  相似文献   
1980—2018年祁连山南坡土地利用变化及其驱动力   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
祁连山是我国第一阶梯和第二阶梯的分界线,生态环境脆弱,对过渡地带土地利用变化及其驱动力研究具有重要的生态意义。本研究以祁连山南坡为研究区,基于1980—2018年遥感影像数据,运用空间自相关分析法、ArcGIS空间分析方法和主成分分析法分析了土地利用的时空变化特征及其驱动力。结果表明: 1980—2018年,草地是研究区土地利用类型的主体,建设用地所占比重最小,水域、草地表现为下降趋势,未利用土地、建设用地和耕地均呈现出增长态势,林地变化较小。不同地类单一土地利用动态度从大到小依次为:建设用地>水域>耕地>未利用土地>林地>草地,综合土地利用动态度为0.9%。不同土地利用类型空间分布表现出空间集聚性特征。耕地增加的区域和林地、草地减少的区域主要分布在门源县城所处大通河谷地西北侧,天峻县东北部大通河上游地区存在工矿建设用地占用草地的现象。土地利用变化驱动力主要为人口数量、科技、城市化、经济发展水平和政策。本研究结果可为政府合理规划和利用土地资源提供依据,对祁连山南坡生态环境保护和社会经济可持续发展具有重大意义。  相似文献   
A ten-year multidisciplinary, multi-national and multi-institutional biodiversity inventory project in the Gaoligong Shan region of western Yunnan Province, China generated more than 35,000 specimens of the beetle (Coleoptera) family Carabidae. In this report, first of a planned series, we focus on diversity in tribe Zabrini. Our study of just over 1300 specimens of zabrine carabids from the project, all in genus Amara Bonelli, found a total of 13 species, all previously described, to occur in the study area, with none of them strictly endemic. We present a key for identification of adults of these species, as well as nomenclatural data, diagnoses, illustrations of dorsal habitus and male genitalia, and information about geographical, altitudinal and habitat distributions within the study area and overall geographical distribution for each species. Distributions of the species within the study area are compared, and broader geographical range patterns are characterized. We also discuss a possible role of the Gaoligong Shan region as one source area for the present-day fauna of the Himalaya and southern edge of the Qinghai-Xizang (Tibetan) Plateau.  相似文献   
This paper, which addresses the issue of the extinction of mite species at the global scale for the first time, highlights mite diversity, assesses the evidence for an extinction process, discusses contributing factors and estimates losses. The ~1 250 000 mite species occupy an enormous variety of terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems from the equator to the polar regions and to high altitudes. Some groups provide essential ecosystem services, including the incorporation of organic matter into the soil. The maintenance of mite diversity is inextricably linked to the continuance of floristic diversity, habitat complexity and insect diversity. The majority of mite species are assumed to be in the tropical rainforests, of which >50% has been destroyed or severely degraded. Most biodiversity hotspots are in tropical forests; endemic phytoseiid mite species are at least 17 times more concentrated in the hotspots than outside. Habitat destruction and degradation continue on an enormous scale, with increasing human population growth and resource consumption the overarching drivers of extinction. Moreover, climate change is likely to be worsening the effects of the other drivers at an increasing rate. The small body of direct evidence and a considerable body of indirect evidence strongly suggest the continuing, widespread extinction of mite species. Based on estimates of overall biodiversity loss, ~15% of mite species were likely to have become extinct by 2000, with losses currently expected to increase by between 0.6% and 6.0% by 2060. More detailed information on both spatial differences in mite assemblages and anthropogenic threats worldwide is crucial because they underpin the total number of species and their vulnerability to extinction, respectively. The rapid expansion of the protected area estate to capture the maximum possible area of ecosystem heterogeneity, especially in the biodiversity hotspots, is essential, as is best practice management of these areas.  相似文献   
Wenjun Zheng  Frederick Sachs 《Proteins》2017,85(12):2198-2208
The PIEZO channels, a family of mechanosensitive channels in vertebrates, feature a fast activation by mechanical stimuli (eg, membrane tension) followed by a slower inactivation. Although a medium‐resolution structure of the trimeric form of PIEZO1 was solved by cryo‐electron microscopy (cryo‐EM), key structural changes responsible for the channel activation and inactivation are still unknown. Toward decrypting the structural mechanism of the PIEZO1 activation and inactivation, we performed systematic coarse‐grained modeling using an elastic network model and related modeling/analysis tools (ie, normal mode analysis, flexibility and hotspot analysis, correlation analysis, and cryo‐EM‐based hybrid modeling and flexible fitting). We identified four key motional modes that may drive the tension‐induced activation and inactivation, with fast and slow relaxation time, respectively. These modes allosterically couple the lateral and vertical motions of the peripheral domains to the opening and closing of the intra‐cellular vestibule, enabling external mechanical forces to trigger, and regulate the activation/inactivation transitions. We also calculated domain‐specific flexibility profiles, and predicted hotspot residues at key domain‐domain interfaces and hinges. Our results offer unprecedented structural and dynamic information, which is consistent with the literature on mutational and functional studies of the PIEZO channels, and will guide future studies of this important family of mechanosensitive channels.  相似文献   
苏飞  应蓉蓉  杨欣  郭文 《生态学报》2016,36(12):3824-3833
旅游发展对当地居民的生计具有重要影响,旅游与生计研究业已成为学术界关注的热点领域。以Web of science核心库中1994—2016年间收录相关主题的文献为基础,利用可视化软件Cite Space和Carrot2对旅游与生计研究的前沿热点、知识基础和合作网络进行分析。研究发现,旅游与生计研究涉及多个学科,主要集中在生态、环境、管理和地理等学科领域;"乡村旅游"、"保护区旅游"、"文化旅游"、"海洋旅游"等是旅游与生计研究的热点议题;旅游与生计研究的知识基础主要包括"保护区管治"、"成本效益分析"、"乡村旅游"、"乡村发展"等研究领域。  相似文献   
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