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The rate and extent of hydrogen/deuterium (H/D) exchange into purine nucleoside phosphorylase (PNP) was monitored by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) to probe protein conformational and dynamic changes induced by a substrate analogue, products, and a transition state analogue. The genetic deficiency of PNP in humans is associated with severe T-cell immunodeficiency, while B-cell immunity remains functional. Inhibitors of PNP have been proposed for treatment of T-cell leukemia, to suppress the graft-vs.-host response, or to counter type IV autoimmune diseases without destroying humoral immunity. Calf spleen PNP is a homotrimer of polypeptide chains with 284 amino residues, molecular weight 31,541. Immucillin-H inhibits PNP with a Kd of 23 pM when only one of the three catalytic sites is occupied. Deuterium exchange occurs at 167 slow-exchange sites in 2 h when no catalytic site ligands are present. The substrate analogue and product prevented H/D exchange at 10 of the sites. Immucillin-H protected 32 protons from exchange at full saturation. When one of the three subunits of the homotrimer is filled with immucillin-H, and 27 protons are protected from exchange in all three subunits. Deuterium incorporation in peptides from residues 132-152 decreased in all complexes of PNP. The rate and/or extent of deuterium incorporation in peptides from residues 29-49, 50-70, 81-98, and 112-124 decreased only in the complex with the transition state analogue. The peptide-specific H/D exchange demonstrates that (1) the enzyme is most compact in the complex with immucillin-H, and (2) filling a single catalytic site of the trimer reduces H/D exchange in the same peptides in adjacent subunits. The peptides most highly influenced by the inhibitor surround the catalytic site, providing evidence for reduced protein dynamic motion caused by the transition state analogue.  相似文献   
Kinetic regularities of the enzymatic acyl group transfer reactions have been studied using ampicillin synthesis catalyzed by E. coli penicillin acylase as an example. It was shown that ampicillin synthesis proceeds through the formation of an acylenzyme–nucleophile complex capable of undergoing hydrolysis. The relative nucleophile reactivity of 6-aminopenicillanic acid (6-APA) is a complex parameter dependent on the nucleophile concentration. The kinetic analysis showed that the maximum yield of antibiotic being synthesized depended only on the nucleophile reactivity of 6-APA, the ratio between the enzyme reactivities with respect to the target product and acyl donor, and the initial concentrations of reagents. The parameters characterizing the nucleophile reactivity of 6-APA have been determined. The algorithm of modeling the enzymatic synthesis has been elaborated. The proposed algorithm allows the kinetics of the process not only in homogeneous, but also in heterogeneous (aqueous solution–precipitate) systems to be quantitatively predicted and described based on experimental values of parameters of the reaction. It was shown that in heterogeneous aqueous solution–precipitate systems PA-catalyzed ampicillin synthesis proceeds much more efficiently compared to the homogeneous solution.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT An improved method has been developed for the induction of selfing conjugation in Paramecium. Methyl cellulose induces selfing conjugation simply and efficiently in all species examined. Induction of conjugation by methyl cellulose was characterized in P. caudatum , where it occurred only in sexually mature, mating reactive cells. Conjugation produced sexual offspring and the time course of nuclear processes was substantially the same as that in natural conjugation between cells of complementary mating types. The method is useful for genetic studies in a wide variety of Paramecium species including P. caudatum, P. tetraurelia, P. multimicronucleatum and P. bursaria.  相似文献   
Hybridization can occur naturally among diverging lineages as part of the evolutionary process leading to complete reproductive isolation, or it can result from range shifts and habitat alteration through global warming and/or other anthropogenic influences. Here we report a molecular cytogenetic investigation of hybridization between taxonomically distinct species of the Alcelaphini (Alcelaphus buselaphus 2n = 40 × Damaliscus lunatus 2n = 36) and the Tragelaphini (Tragelaphus strepsiceros 2n = 31/32 × Tragelaphus angasii 2n = 55/56). Cross-species fluorescence in situ hybridization provides unequivocal evidence of the scale of karyotypic difference distinguishing parental species. The findings suggest that although hybrid meiosis of the former cross would necessitate the formation of a chain of seven, a ring of four and one trivalent, the progeny follow Haldane''s rule showing F1 male sterility and female fertility. The tragelaphine F1 hybrid, a male, was similarly sterile and, given the 11 trivalents and chain of five anticipated in its meiosis, not unexpectedly so. We discuss these findings within the context of the broader evolutionary significance of hybridization in African antelope, and reflect on what these hold for our views of antelope species and their conservation.  相似文献   
The Australian dugong (Dugong dugon) and Florida manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris) are threatened species of aquatic mammals in the order Sirenia. Sirenian conservation and management actions would benefit from a more complete understanding of genetic diversity and population structure. Generally, species-specific microsatellite markers are employed in conservation genetic studies; however, robust markers can be difficult and costly to isolate. To increase the number of available markers, dugong and manatee microsatellite primers were evaluated for cross-species amplification. Furthermore, one manatee and four dugong novel primers are reported. After polymerase chain reaction optimization, 23 (92%) manatee primers successfully amplified dugong DNA, of which 11 (48%) were polymorphic. Of the 32 dugong primers tested, 27 (84%) yielded product in the manatee, of which 17 (63%) were polymorphic. Dugong and manatee primers were compared and the most informative markers were selected to create robust and informative marker-panels for each species. These cross-species microsatellite marker-panels can be employed to assess other sirenian populations and can provide beneficial information for the protection and management of these unique mammals.  相似文献   
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are a family of 209 isomers (congeners) with a wide range of toxic effects. In structural terms, they are of two types: those with and those without chlorines at the ortho positions (2, 2', 6 and 6'). Only 20 congeners have no ortho chlorines. Three of these are bound by the aryl hydrocarbon receptor and are one to four orders of magnitude more toxic than all others. A monoclonal antibody, S2B1, and its recombinant Fab have high selectivity and nanomolar binding affinities for two of the most toxic non-ortho-chlorinated PCBs, 3,4,3',4'-tetrachlorobiphenyl and 3,4,3',4',5'-pentachlorobiphenyl. To investigate the basis for these properties, we built a three-dimensional structure model of the S2B1 variable fragment (Fv) based on the high-resolution crystallographic structures of antibodies 48G7 and N1G9. Two plausible conformations for the complementarity-determining region (CDR) H3 loop led to two putative PCB-binding pockets with very different shapes (models A and B). Docking studies using molecular mechanics and potentials of mean force (PMF) indicated that model B was most consistent with the selectivity observed for S2B1 in competition ELISAs. The binding site in model B had a deep, narrow pocket between V(L) and V(H), with a slight constriction at the top that opened into a wider pocket between CDRs H1 and H3 on the antibody surface. This binding site resembles those of esterolytic antibodies that bind haptens with phenyl rings. One phenyl ring of the PCB fits into the deep pocket, and the other ring is bound in the shallower one. The bound PCB is surrounded by the side chains of TyrL91, TyrL96 and TrpH98, and it has a pi-cation interaction with ArgL46. The tight fit of the binding pocket around the ortho positions of the bound PCBs indicates that steric hindrance of ortho chlorines in the binding site, rather than induced conformational change of the PCBs, is responsible for the selectivity of S2B1.  相似文献   
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