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Morpho-anatomical leaf traits and photosynthetic activity of two alpine herbs, Podophyllum hexandrum (shade-tolerant) and Rheum emodi (light-requiring), were studied under field (PAR>2 000 μmol m−2 s−1) and greenhouse (PAR 500 μmol m−2 s−1) conditions. Mesophyll thickness, surface area of mesophyll cells facing intercellular spaces (Smes), surface area of chloroplasts facing intercellular spaces (Sc), intercellular spaces of mesophyll cells (porosity), photon-saturated rate of photosynthesis per unit leaf area (P Nmax), and ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase activity decreased in the greenhouse with respect to the field and the decreases were significantly higher in R. emodi than in P. hexandrum. P. hexandrum had lower intercellular CO2 concentration than R. emodi under both irradiances. The differences in acclimation of the two alpine herbs to low irradiance were due to their highly unlikely changes in leaf morphology, anatomy, and P Nmax which indicated that the difference in radiant energy requirement related to leaf acclimation had greater impact under low than high irradiance.  相似文献   
烟粉虱对不同寄主植物定向行为研究(英文)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用Y形嗅觉仪测定法和干燥器测定法研究了烟粉虱对一品红、地瓜、菜心、番茄和包菜 5种植物的定向行为 ,结果表明 :(1) 5种植物对烟粉虱均有引诱作用 ;(2 )不同种植物对烟粉虱有不同的引诱作用 ,其引诱力的顺序为 :一品红 >菜心 >地瓜 >包菜 >蕃茄 ,方差分析表明 :烟粉虱对 5种植物的定向行为差异极显著 ,LSD法测定进一步表明 :一品红与其余 4种植物差异极显著 ;菜心与包菜和番茄的差异达到显著水平 ,而与地瓜无显著差异 ;地瓜与包菜、番茄之间以及包菜与番茄之间均无差异显著性。  相似文献   
The effects of blue light (B) on stem extension-growth were compared in light-grown seedlings, of tobacco overexpressing Avena phytochrome A and its isogenic wild type (WT). Under natural radiation, lowering the levels of B reaching the whole shoot promoted stem extension growth in WT but not in transgenic seedlings. Under controlled conditions, the seedlings were exposed to white light (WL) or WL minus B, each one provided at two different irradiances. In WT seedlings stem extension growth was promoted by lowering B at both irradiance levels. In transgenic seedlings a reduction of B was promotive only at low irradiance levels. The seedlings were also grown under WL, WL minus B, WL minus red light (R) and far-red light (FR) or WL minus R, FR and B. In the WT, lowering B promoted stem extension growth irrespective of R+FR levels. In the transgenics, B was effective only at very low levels of R+FR (i.e. at low phytochrome cycling rates). Lowering the Pfr levels at the end of the day promoted extension growth in wild type and transgenic seedlings. Responses to B were not observed in transgenic seedlings having low Pfr levels at the end of the day. The results suggest that the overexpressed phytochrome A acts mainly via irradiance-dependent reactions. When these reactions are highly expressed, B responses are not observed.  相似文献   
Aims Invasive species often have higher relative growth rates (RGR) than their native counterparts. Nutrient use efficiency, total leaf area and specific leaf area (SLA) are traits that may confer RGR differences between natives and invasives, but trait differences are less prominent when the invasive species belongs to the same plant functional type as the dominant native species. Here, we test if traits displayed soon after germination confer an early size advantage. Specifically, we predicted that invasive species seedlings grow faster than the natives because they lack trade-offs that more strongly constrain the growth of native species.Methods We quantified plant morphological and physiological traits and RGR during early seedling growth at high and low nutrient levels in three dominant perennial native C4 grasses: Panicum virgatum L. (switchgrass), Schizachyrium scoparium (Michx.) Nash (little bluestem) and Andropogon gerardii Vitman (big bluestem); and a perennial C4 exotic invasive grass, Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers. (Johnsongrass).Important findings After 2 weeks of growth, Johnsongrass seedlings had greater biomass, SLA and photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency, but lower leaf N concentrations (% leaf N) and root:shoot ratio than natives. As growth continued, Johnsongrass more quickly produced larger and thicker leaves than the natives, which dampened the growth advantage past the first 2 to 3 weeks of growth. Investment in carbon gain appears to be the best explanation for the early growth advantage of Johnsongrass. In natives, growth was constrained by an apparent trade-off between allocation to root biomass, which reduced SLA, and production of leaves with high N content, which increased carbon gain. In Johnsongrass, root:shoot ratio did not interact with other traits, and % leaf N was decoupled from RGR as a result of a trade-off between the positive indirect association of % leaf N with RGR and the negative direct association of % leaf N with RGR.  相似文献   
Populations of two rhizomatous species, Asarum europaeum (asarabacca) and Maianthemum bifolium (May lily), were examined in two, and four forest habitats respectively, in the Roztocze National Park (south-eastern Poland). May lily populations were studied in habitats: the Carpathian beechwood, upland mixed fir forest, subboreal moist mixed coniferous forest and bog-alder forest. Asarabacca was studied in two habitats: beechwood and Scots pine community (an 80-year-old plantation). In both the species studied intra- and inter-populational differences of the size of genets in terms of above- and below-ground parts of individuals as well as the biomass and area occupied were observed. In May lily populations the greatest mean number of shoots per genet was found in the fir forest (11.62±3.29), a value almost twice as great as that in the moist coniferous forest and nearly three times greater than in the bog-alder forest. Total rhizome length was also the greatest in the fir forest (351.9±98.7 cm) followed by moist coniferous forest, beechwood and alder forest habitats. In all populations of May lily a greater part of total dry weight biomass is in below-ground organs. The greatest biomass value of a genet was found in the fir forest (4.275 g), the smallest in the bog-alder forest (0.110 g). All populations differed significantly in terms of leaf area, leaf length (with the exception of fir forest and beechwood habitats where the values were the greatest), and leaf width (excluding moist coniferous and bog-alder forests which had the smallest values). In the case of asarabacca, both the mean number of ramets per genet (3.36±0.45 vs. 2.49±0.20) and total rhizome length (40.3±6.4 cm vs. 21.1±1.8 cm) were greater in the beechwood habitat than in the pine community. In the first population genets had 3–5 times greater the total biomass of those from the pine community. Only genets of the latter had proportionately more dry weight biomass in above-ground parts. It seems to be correlated with greater rhizome dieback and disintegration of genets into smaller units. Both populations were significantly different in terms of all examined parameters of leaves. Genets of both the species studied were found to have their own structure of developmental phases that often differed for shoots and rhizomes.  相似文献   
石丹  倪九派  倪呈圣  刘锦春 《生态学报》2019,39(15):5584-5593
以典型高山移民迁出区耕地(A1)、弃耕1a(A2)、弃耕5a(A3)、弃耕8a(A4)、弃耕5a生长大量白花银背藤(R1)为研究对象,采用空间序列代替时间序列的方法,比较不同弃耕年限植物重要值(P)、Margalef丰富度指数(R)、Shannon多样性指数(H′)、Pielou均匀度指数(J_w)、Simpson优势度指数(D)、Jaccard相似性指数(C_j)、Sorenson相似性指数(C_s)及多样性阈值(D_v),旨在探究不同退耕年限对植物物种多样性和群落结构的影响。结果显示,随弃耕年限增加,群落结构从草本+灌木转变为草本+灌木+乔木,群落优势物种由喜阳的一年生或多年生草本转变为耐阴的多年生草本;草本层和灌木层植物物种多样性随着演替年限的延长而增长,在演替的中后期达到最大值;A2与A3间群落的相似性指数最大;对不同弃耕年限样地植被群落多样性进行评定,都未达到"较好Ⅲ"级别,还需长期的恢复。恢复过程中注意对白花银背藤的监测,防止植物入侵。  相似文献   
针对闽西北海拔300-500m的单、双季水稻混栽区稻瘿蚊危害重、单季稻三代稻瘿蚊危害突出的情况,通过研究提出“晚改中”的依据和技术,在正常年份下,把以往5月份播种的单季稻的播种期提早到4月5日前,就可以有效地避开三代稻瘿蚊的危害,而不必提早到3月20日前,与农民农时操作习惯更吻合,农民更易接受采用。  相似文献   
江西三清山被子植物调查研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
三清山有被子植物1602种(包括变种、变型),隶属691属148科,其中双子叶植物1300种544属122科,单子叶植物302种147属26科。本文主要分析三清山被子植物区系特征及珍稀濒危物种保护。  相似文献   
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