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Duplicated loci, for example those associated with major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes, often have similar DNA sequences that can be coamplified with a pair of primers. This results in genotyping difficulties and inaccurate analyses. Here, we present a method to assign alleles to different loci in amplifications of duplicated loci. This method simultaneously considers several factors that may each affect correct allele assignment. These are the sharing of identical alleles among loci, null alleles, copy number variation, negative amplification, heterozygote excess or heterozygote deficiency, and linkage disequilibrium. The possible multilocus genotypes are extracted from the alleles for each individual and weighted to estimate the allele frequencies. The likelihood of an allele configuration is calculated and is optimized with a heuristic algorithm. Monte‐Carlo simulations and three empirical MHC data sets are used as examples to evaluate the efficacy of our method under different conditions. Our new software, mhc‐typer V1.1, is freely available at https://github.com/huangkang1987/mhc-typer .  相似文献   
Here we report the NMR resonance assignments for the reduced form of human IgG1 CH3 domain, a 26 kDa dimer in solution (residues 341–447). The assignments have been deposited in the BioMagResBank with a BMRB accession number of 15204.  相似文献   
We used the four redfish taxa (genus Sebastes) from the North Atlantic to evaluate the potential of multilocus genotype information obtained from microsatellites in assigning individuals at two different levels of group divergence. We first tested the hypothesis that microsatellites can diagnostically discriminate individual redfish from different groups. Second, we compared two different methods to quantify the effect of number of loci and likelihood stringency levels on the power of microsatellites for redfish group membership. The potential of microsatellites to discriminate individuals from different taxa was illustrated by a shared allele distance tree in which four major clusters corresponding to each taxa were defined. Concomitant with this strong discrimination, microsatellites also proved to be powerful in reclassifying specimens to the taxon of origin, using either an empirical or simulated method of estimating assignment success. By testing for the effect of both the number of loci and the level of stringency on the assignment success, we found that 95% of all specimens were still correctly reclassified with only four loci at the most commonly used criterion of log0. In contrast, the results obtained at the population level within taxa highlighted several problems of assignment that may occur at low levels of divergence. Namely, a drastic decrease of success with increasing stringency illustrated the lack of power of our set of loci. Strong discrepancy was observed between results obtained from the empirical and simulated methods. Finally, the highest assignment success was obtained when reducing the number of loci used, an observation previously reported in studies of human populations.  相似文献   
A 4D TROSY-based triple resonance experiment, 4D-HNCOi–1CAi, is presented which correlates intra-residue 1HN, 15N, 13 C chemical shifts with the carbonyl (13C) shift of the preceding residue. The experiment is best used in concert with recently described 4D TROSY-HNCOCA and -HNCACO experiments [Yang, D. and Kay, L.E. (1999) J. Am. Chem. Soc., 121, 2571–2575]. In cases where degeneracy of (1HN,15N) spin pairs precludes assignment using the HNCOCA and HNCACO, the HNCOi–1CAi often allows resolution of the ambiguity by linking the 13C and 13C spins surrounding the (1HN,15N) pair. The experiment is demonstrated on a sample of 15N, 13C, 2 H labeled maltose binding protein in complex with -cyclodextrin that tumbles with a correlation time of 46 ns.  相似文献   
There is currently great interest in the study of peptide aggregation by -sheet formation because of its relevance in pathological states or in the design of self-assembling systems of technological interest. NMR studies of -sheet aggregates are difficult because of their long correlation times and spectral degeneracy. In this communication we demonstrate the combination of a semiselective TOCSY-NOESY experiment with partial deuterium exchange of labile protons to assign inter-molecular NOE cross peaks and prove the presence of a soluble parallel -sheet in fast exchange with monomeric Ac-ASTTTNYT-NH2 (Ac-T-NH2) in solution.  相似文献   
A multiple-quantum 3D HCN-CCH-TOCSY experiment is presented for the assignment of RNA ribose resonances. The experiment makes use of the chemical shift dispersion of N1 of pyrimidine and N9 of purine to distinguish the ribose spin systems. It provides an alternative approach for the assignment of ribose resonances to the currently used COSY- and TOCSY-type experiments in which either 13C or 1H is utilized to distinguish the different spin systems. Compared to the single-quantum version, the sensitivity of the multiple-quantum HCN-CCH-TOCSY experiment is enhanced on average by a factor of 2 for a 23-mer RNA aptamer complexed with neomycin.  相似文献   
The NMR structure of the peptide deformylase (PDF) (1–150) from Escherichia coli, which is an essential enzyme that removes the formyl group from nascent polypeptides and represents a potential target for drug discovery, was determined using 15N/13C doubly labeled protein. Nearly completely automated assignment routines were employed to assign three-dimensional triple resonance, 15N-resolved and 13C-resolved NOESY spectra using the program GARANT. This assignment strategy, demonstrated on a 17 kDa protein, is a significant advance in the automation of NMR data assignment and structure determination that will accelerate future work. A total of 2302 conformational constraints were collected as input for the distance geometry program DYANA. After restrained energy minimization with the program X-PLOR the 20 best conformers characterize a high quality structure with an average of 0.43 Å for the root-mean-square deviation calculated from the backbone atoms N, C and C, and 0.81 Å for all heavy atoms of the individual conformers relative to the mean coordinates for residues 1 to 150. The globular fold of PDF contains two -helices comprising residues 25–40, 125–138, six -strands 57–60, 70–77, 85–88, 98–101, 105–111, 117–123 and one 310 helix comprising residues 49–51. The C-terminal helix contains the HEXXH motif positioning a zinc ligand in a similar fashion to other metalloproteases, with the third ligand being cysteine and the fourth presumably a water. The three-dimensional structure of PDF affords insight into the substrate recognition and specificity for N-formylated over N-acetylated substrates and is compared to other PDF structures.  相似文献   
In determining the structure of large proteins by NMR, it would be desirable to obtain complete backbone, side-chain, and NOE assignments efficiently, with a minimum number of experiments and samples. Although new strategies have made backbone assignment highly efficient, side-chain assignment has remained more difficult. Faced with the task of assigning side-chains in a protein with poor relaxation properties, the Tetrahymena histone acetyltransferase tGCN5, we have developed an assignment strategy that would provide complete side-chain assignments in cases where fast 13C transverse relaxation causes HCCH-TOCSY experiments to fail. Using the strategy presented here, the majority of aliphatic side-chain proton and carbon resonances can be efficiently obtained using optimized H(CC-CO)NH-TOCSY and (H)C(C-CO)NH-TOCSY experiments on a partially deuterated protein sample. Assignments can be completed readily using additional information from a 13 C-dispersed NOESY-HSQC spectrum. Combination of these experiments with H(CC)NH-TOCSY and (H)C(C)NH-TOCSY may provide complete backbone and side-chain assignments for large proteins using only one or two samples.  相似文献   
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