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Mosquito collections with CDC light traps using dry ice and pigeon‐baited traps were carried out in south Moravia (Czech Republic) from April to October in 2007 and 2008 at two study sites. In 2007, 11 two‐day captures were carried out in two‐week intervals, and 1,490 female mosquitoes of nine species were caught. In 2008, 15 two‐day trappings of mosquitoes were carried out: 6,778 females of 22 species of mosquitoes were trapped. The results showed marked differences in abundance and species composition of mosquitoes between both study sites and between the trapping methods. In the floodplain forest ecosystem of the Soutok study area, Aedes vexans predominated. The species composition in the Nesyt study site was more varied and the most common species was Culex pipiens. At the latter study site, Anopheles hyrcanus (var. pseudopictus) and Uranotaenia unguiculata, mosquito species with largely southern Eurasian distribution, were repeatedly demonstrated. The largest capture of mosquitoes was in traps with CO2 placed at a height 1 m above the ground. The capture of mosquitoes in the pigeon‐baited traps as well as in the traps with CO2 placed in the canopy of trees was markedly lower in both study sites, with the predominant species being Culex pipiens.  相似文献   
The catastrophic 2010 earthquake in Port‐au‐Prince, Haiti, led to the large‐scale displacement of over 2.3 million people, resulting in rapid and unplanned urbanization in northern Haiti. This study evaluated the impact of this unplanned urbanization on mosquito ecology and vector‐borne diseases by assessing land use and change patterns. Land‐use classification and change detection were carried out on remotely sensed images of the area for 2010 and 2013. Change detection identified areas that went from agricultural, forest, or bare‐land pre‐earthquake to newly developed and urbanized areas post‐earthquake. Areas to be sampled for mosquito larvae were subsequently identified. Mosquito collections comprised five genera and ten species, with the most abundant species being Culex quinquefasciatus 35% (304/876), Aedes albopictus 27% (238/876), and Aedes aegypti 20% (174/876). All three species were more prevalent in urbanized and newly urbanized areas. Anopheles albimanus, the predominate malaria vector, accounted for less than 1% (8/876) of the collection. A set of spectral indices derived from the recently launched Landsat 8 satellite was used as covariates in a species distribution model. The indices were used to produce probability surfaces maps depicting the likelihood of presence of the three most abundant species within 30 m pixels. Our findings suggest that the rapid urbanization following the 2010 earthquake has increased the amount of area with suitable habitats for urban mosquitoes, likely influencing mosquito ecology and posing a major risk of introducing and establishing emerging vector‐borne diseases.  相似文献   
为了充分发挥中性昆虫蚊虫作为天敌的食饵替代物作用,科学地保护和利用自然天敌,2015年和2016年开展了合肥地区白毫早茶园和乌牛早茶园害虫匮乏时期(3—5月)的天敌与蚊虫之间的空间关系研究,运用地学统计学方法求得天敌和蚊虫各自的变程,用灰色关联度方法分析蚊虫与天敌变程的关联度,关联度值越大的天敌在空间上对蚊虫的跟随关系越密切。并分析茶树品种间及年度间天敌位次的变化。8种天敌中,白毫早茶园2015年与蚊虫空间跟随关系密切的前四位天敌是粽管巢蛛、八斑球腹蛛、三突花蟹蛛和茶色新圆蛛;2016年的是粽管巢蛛、茶色新圆蛛、锥腹肖蛸和三突花蟹蛛;两年间前四位天敌有3种相同,但位次不全相同。乌牛早茶园2015年与蚊虫空间跟随关系密切的前四位天敌是八斑球腹蛛、茶色新圆蛛、锥腹肖蛸和三突花蟹蛛;2016年的是三突花蟹蛛、粽管巢蛛、草间小黑蛛和茶色新圆蛛;两年间前四位天敌中有茶色新圆蛛和三突花蟹蛛2种相同。年度间天敌位次相异率为87.5%,茶树品种间天敌位次相异率为93.75%。按照天敌位次总和及按照天敌与蚊虫空间关系密切指数总和评判,两种茶园2015年和2016年3—5月份与蚊虫空间关系密切的前四位天敌均依次是粽管巢蛛、三突花蟹蛛、茶色新圆蛛和八斑球腹蛛。本文的结果为人为地促进优势种天敌建群,合理保护和利用自然天敌提供科学依据。  相似文献   
Following an outbreak of Rift Valley fever (RVF) in south-eastern Mauritania during 1998, entomological investigations were conducted for 2 years in the affected parts of Senegal and Mauritania, spanning the Sénégal River basin. A total of 92 787 mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae), belonging to 10 genera and 41 species, were captured in light traps. In Senegal, Culex poicilipes (41%) and Mansonia uniformis (39%) were the most abundant species caught, whereas Aedes vexans (77%) and Cx. poicilipes (15%) predominated in Mauritania. RVF virus was isolated from 63 pools of Cx. poicilipes: 36 from Senegal in 1998 and 27 from Mauritania in 1999. These results are the first field evidence of Cx. poicilipes naturally infected with RVFV, and the first isolations of this virus from mosquitoes in Mauritania - the main West African epidemic and epizootic area. Additional arbovirus isolates comprised 25 strains of Bagaza (BAG) from Aedes fowleri, Culex neavei and Cx. poicilipes; 67 Sanar (ArD 66707) from Cx. poicilipes; 51 Wesselsbron (WSL) from Ae. vexans and 30 strains of West Nile (WN) from Ma. uniformis, showing differential specific virus-vector associations in the circulation activity of these five arboviruses.  相似文献   
Dengue virus (DV) is one of the most important vector-borne diseases in the world. It causes a disease that manifests as a spectrum of clinical symptoms, including dengue hemorrhagic fever. DV is proficient at diverting the immune system to facilitate transmission through its vector host, Aedes spp. mosquito. Similar to other vector-borne parasites, dengue may also require a second structural form, a virus of alternative morphology (VAM), to complete its life cycle. DV can replicate to high copy numbers in patient plasma, but no classical viral particles can be detected by ultra-structural microscopy analysis. A VAM appearing as a microparticle has been recapitulated with in vitro cell lines Meg01 and K562, close relatives to the cells harboring dengue virus in vivo. VAMs are likely to contribute to the high viremia levels observed in dengue patients. This review discusses the possible existence of a VAM in the DV life cycle.  相似文献   
Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) is a technique routinely used by many laboratories to determine the chromosomal position of DNA and RNA probes. One important application of this method is the development of high-quality physical maps useful for improving the genome assemblies for various organisms. The natural banding pattern of polytene and mitotic chromosomes provides guidance for the precise ordering and orientation of the genomic supercontigs. Among the three mosquito genera, namely Anopheles, Aedes, and Culex, a well-established chromosome-based mapping technique has been developed only for Anopheles, whose members possess readable polytene chromosomes 1. As a result of genome mapping efforts, 88% of the An. gambiae genome has been placed to precise chromosome positions 2,3 . Two other mosquito genera, Aedes and Culex, have poorly polytenized chromosomes because of significant overrepresentation of transposable elements in their genomes 4, 5, 6. Only 31 and 9% of the genomic supercontings have been assigned without order or orientation to chromosomes of Ae. aegypti 7 and Cx. quinquefasciatus 8, respectively. Mitotic chromosome preparation for these two species had previously been limited to brain ganglia and cell lines. However, chromosome slides prepared from the brain ganglia of mosquitoes usually contain low numbers of metaphase plates 9. Also, although a FISH technique has been developed for mitotic chromosomes from a cell line of Ae. aegypti 10, the accumulation of multiple chromosomal rearrangements in cell line chromosomes 11 makes them useless for genome mapping. Here we describe a simple, robust technique for obtaining high-quality mitotic chromosome preparations from imaginal discs (IDs) of 4th instar larvae which can be used for all three genera of mosquitoes. A standard FISH protocol 12 is optimized for using BAC clones of genomic DNA as a probe on mitotic chromosomes of Ae. aegypti and Cx. quinquefasciatus, and for utilizing an intergenic spacer (IGS) region of ribosomal DNA (rDNA) as a probe on An. gambiae chromosomes. In addition to physical mapping, the developed technique can be applied to population cytogenetics and chromosome taxonomy/systematics of mosquitoes and other insect groups.  相似文献   
To understand its unprecedented resurgence, we examined the epidemiological, virological, and entomological features of dengue in Guangzhou during 1978-2009. Cases reported to the Guangzhou Centre for Disease Control and Prevention and data from virological and entomological surveillance were analyzed from three periods: 1978-1988, 1989-1999, and 2000-2009. Although cases decreased over time: 6,649 (1978-1988) to 6,479 (1989-1999) to 2,526 (2000-2009), geographical expansion resulted in districts with an average incidence >2.5/100,000, increasing from five (1978-1988, 1989-1999) to seven (2000-2009). Age distribution (mean age: 34.9 years) provided a trend of increasing dengue incidence among adults, and there was a significantly higher incidence among men with a sex ratio of 1.15:1 (P<0.001). Cases occurred from May through November with a peak between August and October, and a long-term trend was characterized by a three to five-year cyclical pattern. The most frequently isolated serotypes were DENV-2 (1978-1988) and DENV-1 (1989-1999 and 2000-2009). Seasonal fluctuations in immature densities of Aedes albopictus (sole transmission vector in Guangzhou) were consistent with the dengue seasonality. After a 30-year apparent absence, DENV-3 had reemerged in 2009. The current epidemiological situation is highly conducive to periodic dengue resurgences. Thus, a high degree of surveillance and strict control measures in source reduction should be maintained.  相似文献   
We describe the effect that the passage of a cold front, with a subsequent heavy rainstorm ten days later, had on a population of Anopheles funestus mosquitoes collected exiting houses or in light-traps from a village in southern Mozambique. Temperature effects explained 40% (r=0.634; p <0.001) of the variation in numbers of males collected and 19% of the variation in gravid females collected (r=0.437; p=0.033). The age structure of mosquitoes varied according to distance from the breeding site (χ(2) = 64.1, df 6, p <0.001). The proportion of parous insects that were caught in the light-traps with sacs (χ(2) = 6.33, d.f. 2, p=0.042) and young insects that had mated before being collected (χ(2) = 13,3, d.f. 2, p=0.001) were reduced on the night of the rain but this effect was short lived. It is concluded that the effect of rain on mosquito populations depends on the kind of water body used for larval development.  相似文献   
Abstract.  Primer pairs were designed and protocols developed to selectively amplify segments of vertebrate mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 (COI) and cytochrome b (Cyt b ) mtDNA from the bloodmeals of mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae). The protocols use two pairs of nested COI primers and one pair of Cyt b primers to amplify short segments of DNA. Resultant sequences are then compared with sequences in GenBank, using the BLAST function, for putative host identification. Vertebrate DNA was amplified from 88% of our sample of 162 wild-caught, blood-fed mosquitoes from Oregon, U.S.A. and GenBank BLAST searches putatively identified 98% of the amplified sequences, including one amphibian, seven mammalian and 14 avian species. Criteria and caveats for putative identification of bloodmeals are discussed.  相似文献   
Higher‐level relationships within Aedini, the largest tribe of Culicidae, are explored using morphological characters of eggs, fourth‐instar larvae, pupae, and adult females and males. In total, 172 characters were examined for 119 exemplar species representing the existing 12 genera and 56 subgenera recognized within the tribe. The data for immature and adult stages were analysed separately and in combination using equal (EW) and implied weighting (IW). Since the classification of Aedini is based mainly on adult morphology, we first tested whether adult data alone would support the existing classification. Overall, the results of these analyses did not reflect the generic classification of the tribe. The tribe as a whole was portrayed as a polyphyletic assemblage of Aedes and Ochlerotatus within which eight (EW) or seven (IW) other genera were embedded. Strict consensus trees (SCTs) derived from analyses of the immature stages data were almost completely unresolved. Combining the adult and immature stages data resulted in fewer most parsimonious cladograms (MPCs) and a more resolved SCT than was found when either of the two data subsets was analysed separately. However, the recovered relationships were still unsatisfactory. Except for the additional recovery of Armigeres as a monophyletic genus, the groups recovered in the EW analysis of the combined data were those found in the EW analysis of adult data. The IW analysis of the total data yielded eight MPCs consisting of three sets of two mutually exclusive topologies that occurred in all possible combinations. We carefully studied the different hypotheses of character transformation responsible for each of the alternative patterns of relationship but were unable to select one of the eight MPCs as a preferred cladogram. Overall, the relationships within the SCT of the eight MPCs were a significant improvement over those found by equal weighting. Aedini and all existing genera except Ochlerotatus and Aedes were recovered as monophyletic. Ochlerotatus formed a polyphyletic assemblage basal to Aedes. This group included Haemagogus and Psorophora, and also Opifex in a sister‐group relationship with Oc. (Not.) chathamicus. Aedes was polyphyletic relative to seven other genera, Armigeres, Ayurakitia, Eretmapodites, Heizmannia, Udaya, Verrallina and Zeugnomyia. With the exception of Ae. (Aedimorphus), Oc. (Finlaya), Oc. (Ochlerotatus) and Oc. (Protomacleaya), all subgenera with two or more species included in the analysis were recovered as monophyletic. Rather than leave the generic classification of Aedini in its current chaotic state, we decided a reasonable and conservative compromise classification would be to recognize as genera those groups that are ‘weighting independent’, i.e. those that are common to the results of both the EW and IW analyses of the total data. The SCT of these combined analyses resulted in a topology of 29 clades, each comprising between two and nine taxa, and 30 taxa (including Mansonia) in an unresolved basal polytomy. In addition to ten genera (Armigeres, Ayurakitia, Eretmapodites, Haemagogus, Heizmannia, Opifex, Psorophora, Udaya, Verrallina and Zeugnomyia), generic status is proposed for the following: (i) 32 existing subgenera of Aedes and Ochlerotatus, including nine monobasic subgenera within the basal polytomy, i.e. Ae. (Belkinius), Ae. (Fredwardsius), Ae. (Indusius), Ae. (Isoaedes), Ae. (Leptosomatomyia), Oc. (Abraedes), Oc. (Aztecaedes), Oc. (Gymnometopa) and Oc. (Kompia); (ii) three small subgenera within the basal polytomy that are undoubtedly monophyletic, i.e. Ae. (Huaedes), Ae. (Skusea) and Oc. (Levua), and (iii) another 20 subgenera that fall within the resolved part of the SCT, i.e. Ae. (Aedes), Ae. (Alanstonea), Ae. (Albuginosus), Ae. (Bothaella), Ae. (Christophersiomyia), Ae. (Diceromyia), Ae. (Edwardsaedes), Ae. (Lorrainea), Ae. (Neomelaniconion), Ae. (Paraedes), Ae. (Pseudarmigeres), Ae. (Scutomyia), Ae. (Stegomyia), Oc. (Geoskusea), Oc. (Halaedes), Oc. (Howardina), Oc. (Kenknightia), Oc. (Mucidus), Oc. (Rhinoskusea) and Oc. (Zavortinkius). A clade consisting of Oc. (Fin.) kochi, Oc. (Fin.) poicilius and relatives is raised to generic rank as Finlaya, and Downsiomyia Vargas is reinstated from synonymy with Finlaya as the generic name for the clade comprising Oc. (Fin.) leonis, Oc. (Fin.) niveus and their relatives. Three other species of Finlaya?Oc. (Fin.) chrysolineatus, Oc. (Fin.) geniculatus and Oc. (Fin.) macfarlanei? fall within the basal polytomy and are treated as Oc. (Finlaya) incertae sedis. Ochlerotatus (Ochlerotatus) is divided into three lineages, two of which, Oc. (Och.) atropalpus and Oc. (Och.) muelleri, are part of the basal polytomy. The remaining seven taxa of Oc. (Ochlerotatus) analysed, including the type species, form a reasonably well‐supported group that is regarded as Ochlerotatus s.s. Ochlerotatus (Rusticoidus) is retained as a subgenus within Ochlerotatus s.s. Ochlerotatus (Nothoskusea) is recognized as a subgenus of Opifex based on two unique features that support their sister‐group relationship. A new genus, Tanakaius gen. nov. , is proposed for Oc. (Fin.) togoi and the related species Oc. (Fin.) savoryi. The taxonomic status and generic placement of all currently valid species of Aedini are listed in an appendix. © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2004, 142 , 289?368.  相似文献   
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