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棉蚜(Aphis gossypii)是棉花苗期至花铃前期的主要害虫之一。长期以来,由于大量使用化学药物,其抗药性不断增加。为了掌握棉蚜种群数量消长的一般规律,给寻找其他有效的防治方法提供依据,本文对棉蚜实验种群的数量动态与其宿主棉株的关系进行了初步探讨。现将结果报道如下。  相似文献   
E. coli WP2 and its repair-deficient derivatives were treated with the pyrrolizidine alkaloids, heliotrine and monocrotaline in the presence of a liver microsomal fraction. The doubly repair-deficient strains WP100 uvrA recA and CM611 uvrA exrA showed considerable killing. The singly repair-deficient strains WP2 uvrA, CM561 exrA and CM571 recA showed slight killing. In strains WP2 and WP2 uvrA induced reversion to Trp+ was not detected with either monocrotaline or mitomycin C. These results are entirely consistent with liver activation converting pyrrolizidine alkaloids into bifunctional alkylating agents.  相似文献   
The sesquiterpenoid aldehydes, hemigossypol (1a), 6-methoxyhemigossypol (1b), and 6-deoxyhemigossypol (1c), were isolated and identified from Verticillium-infected stele tissue of Gossypium barbadense. Structures were established by spectral (UV, IR, NMR, MS) evidence and chemical transformations. This is the first report of (1b) and (1c) in nature, and of NMR and m.p. data for crystalline pure (1a). Compound (1a) occurred in diseased stele tissues of all 21 Gossypium species examined and in the genera, Cienfuegosia, Gossypioides, Hampea, and Thespesia; it was absent in three Hibiscus spp. Compound (1b) occurred in the same taxa as (1a), except that it was absent in species of two cytogenetic groups (A and B genome) of Gossypium. Compound (1c) occurred in trace quantities, or was not detected, in most species; however, its distribution appeared to besimilar to that  相似文献   
From the fall of 1968 through the summer of 1973, a Georgia cotton field with a lengthy history of the Cotton Stunt Disease Complex was sampled for the presence of plant parasitic nematodes. Although Meloidogyne incognita was recovered on all sampling dates, concomitant populations of Hoplolaimus columbus were not recovered until the spring of 1970. During the succeeding four growing seasons, the population density and horizontal distribution of H. columbus increased, and H. columbus replaced M. incognita as the predominant phytopathogenie species. A second Georgia cotton field containing concomitant populations of H. columbus and M. incognita was observed from the fall of 1971 through the summer of 1973. In this case the horizontal distribution of both species remained relatively constant and the population density of H. columbus increased steadily. In both locations, the presence of either H. columbus or M. incognita significantly inhibited the presence of the concomitant species. In general, however, the initial spring or final fall population densities of H. columbus or M. incognita had no significant influence on the population density of the concomitant species, The data are also discussed in relation to the biological significance of H. columbus in the southeastern coastal plain.  相似文献   
Adults of the lady beetle Hippodamia convergens Guérin-Méneville requiring aphids for egg production, were fed suboptimal amounts of apteriform virginoparous larvae or alatiform gynoparous larvae of the green peach aphid, Myzus persicae (Sulz.), and artificial diet ad lib. The beetles initiated oviposition sooner and deposited significantly more eggs when supplied with the same weight of apterous virginoparous morph. The possible nutritional, hormonal, and ecological implications of the findings are discussed.
Zusammenfassung Die Eiproduktion des Marienkäfers Hippodamia convergens, welcher hierzu Blattläuse als Nahrung benötigt, wurde bei Fütterung mit zwei verschiedenen Morphen der Blattlaus Myzus persicae untersucht. Der Verzehr derselben Menge flügelloser Virginoparen führte im Vergleich zu geflügelten Gynoparen zu früherer und signifikant erhöhter Eiabgabe. Der hormonale und ernährungsphysiologische Hintergrund und die ökologische Bedeutung dieser Ergebnisse werden diskutiert.
Studies were carried out under controlled laboratory conditions to evaluate the seedling growth capacities of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) varieties Pusa 209 and H208 at constant temperatures of 15, 20, 25 and 28°C (±0.5°C) and of pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan L.) variety Prabhat at 20 and 28°C (±0.5°C). Seedling growth at any given time was found to depend on ‘a’, the growth at no impedance, and ‘b’, the impedance growth factori.e., decrease in growth with increase in impedance, and on temperature. The optimum temperature for chickpea was found to be in the range of 20 to 24°C for better seedling growth characteristics, whereas for pigeonpea, 28°C was found to be more congenial than 20°C. Chickpea varieties differed in their response to temperature. Part of the M. Sc. thesis of first author submitted to the Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi-110012, India.  相似文献   
Fungicide seed treatments increase growth of perennial ryegrass   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
R. E. Falloon 《Plant and Soil》1987,101(2):197-203
Field, laboratory and glasshouse experiments were carried out to measure effects of seed treatments with captan or thiram on growth of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.). Field-sown captan- or thiram-treated seed gave twice as many seedlings as untreated seed. Spaced plants growing from fungicide-treated seed produced almost 6 times more dry matter 16 weeks after sowing than those from untreated seed. This effect, though diminishing with time, was still apparent more than a year after sowing. Fungicides in sterile agar growth medium were phytotoxic to seedlings at concentrations of 10μg/ml and greater. Seedlings grown from treated seeds sown from 5 to 15 mm away from developing colonies of the virulent seedling pathogenFusarium oxysporum Schlecht. were more than 4 times larger than those grown from untreated seeds. Captan-treated seed sown into pots containing field soil produced more and larger seedlings than untreated seed. Methyl bromide fumigation of the same soil also increased both number and size of seedlings. Fungicidal, rather than direct chemical effects, at early stages of seedling growth, account for increased growth of plants from fungicide-treated seed.  相似文献   
Growth and N, P, K uptake of Acala SJ-2 cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) were investigated in an irrigated permanent-plot field (Typic chromoxerert) at Bet Dagan, Israel, under semi-arid conditions using different nitrogen levels: 0, 60, 120, 180 and 240 kg N ha−1. The total dry matter accumulation at these levels was 9.0, 10.7, 15.1, 17.1 and 15.6 ton ha−1, respectively. The uptake of N, P and K was 110, 144, 267, 322 and 301 kg N ha−1∶31, 34, 46, 44 and 38 kg P ha−1; and 120, 151, 208, 251 and 230 kg K ha−1, respectively. Dry matter production, as well as N, P, K uptake by the cotton plants were greatly increased by raising the N application levels to 120 or 180 kg N ha−1, but the pattern of accumulation and relative distribution of dry matter and NPK among plant organs were not considerably affected. Joint contribution from the Dept. of Soil Chemistry and Plant Nutrition, ARO, the Volcani Center, Bet Dagan, Israel (No. 1413-E, 1985 series)  相似文献   
Summary We have sequenced cDNA clones representing each of the three distinct groups of storage proteins of the cotton seed. Characteristics of their mRNAs and derived proteins are given. Dot matrix analysis of the nucleotide and amino acid sequences shows that 2 of these groups of proteins have a great deal of vestigial homology at low stringency and should be considered subfamilies of a single storage protein gene family. The remaining group is quite distinct and should be considered a separate multigene family. It also can be divived into 2 subfamilies based on the presence or absence of glycosyl residues and other sequence differences.These proteins are processed to smaller species during embryogenesis, and all of the mature storage proteins of cotton can be traced back to these 2 gene families.In view of these relationships we propose that these 2 families be called the and globulins of cotton storage proteins, each comprised of an A and B subfamily.  相似文献   
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