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Summary We have identified and localized two incompatibility determinants (IncA and IncB) within a 1.3 kb segment of ColE2 sufficient for autonomous replication. The IncA determinant is localized in a region shorter than 250 bp and expresses incompatibility against both ColE2 and ColE3. The region which determines sensitivity to the IncA determinant seems to overlap with the region specifying the IncA determinant. The expression of the trans-acting factor(s) specifically required for replication of ColE2 interferes with expression of the IncA determinant against ColE2 but not against ColE3. The IncA determinant might be at least partly responsible for the copy number control of the plasmid. The IncB determinant is localized in a 50 bp region (origin) which is sufficient for initiation of replication in the presence of the trans-acting factor(s). The IncB determinant is specific for ColE2 and seems to be due to titration of the trans-acting essential replication factor(s) by binding.  相似文献   
Summary This work describes an approach towards analyzing the regulatory effects of variation of guanosine 3,5-bispyrophosphate (ppGpp) basal levels in Escherichia coli during steady state growth. A series of strains was derived by mutating the spoT gene (which encodes the major cellular ppGppase) so as to obtain systematic increments in ppGpp basal levels. These strains differ genetically at the spoT locus and, in some cases, also at the relA locus because of the severity of spoT mutant alleles. Measurements of ppGpp revealed a ten-fold range of basal levels during growth on minimal medium. The empirical relationship between ppGpp concentration and growth rate is a simple linear inverse correlation. Tandem rrnA ribosomal RNA promoters, present on a multicopy plasmid, are shown to be differentially regulated over this range of basal levels. The upstream P 1 promoter activity shows an inverse exponential relation to ppGpp concentration whereas the downstream P 2 promoter is only weakly affected. We conclude that there are systematic regulatory consequences associated with small changes in ppGpp basal levels during steady state growth that probably are part of a continuum with more dramatic effects observed during the stringent response to amino acid deprivation.  相似文献   
Summary The European starling Sturnus vulgaris preferentially incorporates fresh sprigs of particular plant species for use as nesting material. Chemicals found in these plants may act to reduce pathogen and ectoparasite populations normally found in nest environments. The present experiments were performed to test this Nest Protection Hypothesis. In the fild, we experimentally determined that wild carrot Daucus carota, a plant species preferred as nest material, effectively reduced the number of hematophagous mites found within nests relative to control nests without green vegetation. Chicks from nests containing wild carrot had higher levels of blood hemoglobin than chicks from control nests. However, there were no differences in weight or feather development. In the laboratory, we found that wild carrot and fleabane, Erigeron philadelphicus, (also preferred by starlings as nest material) substantially reduced the emergence of feeding instars of mites, while garlic mustard, Alliaria officinalis, (commonly available but not preferred) had little effect on the emergence of mites. We infer that preferred plant material may act to inhibit feeding or otherwise delay reproduction of mites, thereby reducing risk of anemia to developing nestlings.  相似文献   
Cell surface heparan sulfate proteoglycan and the neoplastic phenotype   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Cell surface proteoglycans are strategically positioned to regulate interactions between cells and their surrounding environment. Such interactions play key roles in several biological processes, such as cell recognition, adhesion, migration, and growth. These biological functions are in turn necessary for the maintenance of differentiated phenotype and for normal and neoplastic development. There is ample evidence that a special type of proteoglycan bearing heparan sulfate side chains is localized at the cell surface in a variety of epithelial and mesenchymal cells. This molecule exhibits selective patterns of reactivity with various constituents of the extracellular matrix and plasma membrane, and can act as growth modulator or as a receptor. Certainly, during cell division, membrane constituents undergo profound rearrangement, and proteoglycans may be intimately involved in such processes. The present work will focus on recent advances in our understanding of these complex macromolecules and will attempt to elucidate the biosynthesis, the structural diversity, the modes of cell surface association, and the turnover of heparan sulfate proteoglycans in various cell systems. It will then review the multiple proposed roles of this molecule, with particular emphasis on the binding properties and the interactions with various intracellular and extracellular elements. Finally, it will focus on the alterations associated with the neoplastic phenotype and will discuss the possible consequences that heparan sulfate may have on the growth of normal and transformed cells.  相似文献   
Asymmetric reduction of 2,6,6,-trimethyl-2-cyclohexene-l,4-dione (4-oxoisophrone) to (6R)-2,2,6-trimethyl-1,4-cyclohexane-dione((3R)-dihydro-4-oxoisophorone) was catalysed by immobilized thermophilic bacteria, Thermomonospora curvata JTS 321. Because of leakage of entrapped cells from gel beads during reactions using culture medium, we optimized the medium to allow the microbial conversion under conditions of controlled cell growth. Of the media screened, liver infusion medium was found to be the most suitable and microbial conversion was achieved without cell leakage from the immobilized gels. Immobilized T. curvata cells were repeatedly used for the asymmetric reduction of 4-oxoisophorone, more than 15 times, with an extent of conversion of 50%.  相似文献   
Summary Four experimental formulations ofBacillus sphaericus Neide (2362 isolate) were evaluated for larvicidal activity against culicine and anopheline larvae in several natural and artificial habitats. A granular formulation (5% primary powder) was tested against natural populations of mosquitoes in two simulated habitats in Florida and in maturing and reflooded rice fields in Louisiana. Larvae ofCulex quinquefasciatus Say were reduced by 97 and 99% after application of the granules at the rate of 10 kg/ha to polluted tanks and 2.5 kg/ha to sod-lined potholes, respectively. Anopheline andPsorophora columbiae (Dyar and Knab) larvae were reduced by 68 and 92–100%, respectively, after application of 5 kg granules/ha to rice fields. A flowable concentrate (12.8% primary powder) applied to unpolluted and organically enriched habitats in Florida at 0.25 kg/ha reduced populations ofCulex spp. by 93–100% and 99%, respectively. Sustained-release briquets (5% primary powder) applied at the rate of one half briquet/1.8 m2 sod-lined potholes reduced larval populations ofCx. quinquefasciatus by 88–95% for up to 2 weeks in open sunlight. Sustained-release pellets (30% primary powder) applied to small woodland pools in Memphis, TN at the rate of four pellets/pool virtually eliminated larval populations ofCx. restuans Theobald for over 8 days. Variable persistance of larvicidal activity was noted for the other treatments depending on the formulation, target species and habitat.  相似文献   
Differences in responsiveness to potential prey and pollen were tested in the facultative predator,Euseius tularensis Congdon. Following isolation without food for 16 h, adult female mites were observed with one of the following potential foods: pollen ofMalephora crocea (Jacquin) Schwantes,Scirtothrips citri (Moulton) 2nd instar larvae,Tetranychus pacificus McGregor nymphs and ♂,Panonychus citri (McGregor) nymphs and ♂,E. hibisci (Chant) larvae, andE. tularensis larvae. Responses were compared using the proportion of encounters that resulted in consumption. This proportion was highest when pollen was encountered, followed byS. citri andT. pacificus. Consumption was much lower in response toP. citri and congeneric larvae. WhenS. citri larvae were encountered a 2nd time, 1 to 2 h after the initial capture and consumption, responsiveness increased to a level equal to the response observed with pollen. These results suggest thatE. tularensis is a more effective biological control agent of citrus thrips (S. citri) than of citrus red mite (P. citri).  相似文献   
The phytoseiid miteAmblyseius barkeri (Hughes) (=Amblyseius mckenziei Sch. & Pr.) was used for biological control ofThrips tabaci Lind. in 7 commercial glasshouses with cucumber (a total of 5780 m2). Predatory mites were introduced 3–4 times in densities ranging from 40 to 300/m2 at each release. In 6 of the 7 glasshouses, control of thrips was satisfactory throughout the growing season. Thrips densities were kept below 15 individuals per leaf. In 1 glasshouse, thrips damage was seen on the fruits at densities of 25 thrips per leaf, but the thrips population was quickly reduced and remained at low densities for the next 3 months.   相似文献   
M. J. Gormally 《BioControl》1988,33(4):387-395
The effect of 5 constant temperatures (10, 14, 17, 20 and 23°C) on the oviposition and longevity ofIlione albiseta was investigated. Most eggs were laid at 14–17°C and mean oviposition period declined progressively above and below 14°C. There was no significant difference between oviposition rates or preoviposition periods at each constant temperature, but the mean number of days between egg laying for each female was significantly greater at 10 °C than at 17, 20 and 23 °C than at 20 °C. The percentage of infertile eggs laid ranged from 9.2% at 23 °C to 17.9 % at 20 °C and these eggs tended to be laid at the beginning and end of each oviposition period. A possible association between sex ratio of the emergent adult and temperature is also discussed.   相似文献   
J. C. Onillon 《BioControl》1988,33(4):481-494
Les problèmes posés par les ravageurs des Citrus ont pris une importance considérable au cours de ces 3 dernières décennies et cela pour plusieurs raisons:
–  - dans un 1er temps, l'on peut invoquer l'introduction accidentelle de ravageurs,Dialeurodes citri Ashm en 1945 (Pussard, 1953),Unaspis yanonensis Kuw. en 1963 (Commeau & Sola, 1964) etAleurothrix floccosus Mask. en 1967 (Onillon, 1969). Ces 3 espèces démunies de leur cortège d'ennemis naturels et trouvant dans leur nouvelle aire de répartition des conditions favorables de développement, ont très rapidement présenté d'importantes pullulations. Ces ravageurs nouveaux sont venus compléter une liste déjà longue d'une dizaine de phytophages majeurs au niveau des plantations d'agrumes du Bassin Méditerranéen;
–  - un 2ème facteur non négligeable est présenté par un vieillissement des plantations et l'importance du co?t des méthodes culturales d'entretien qui sont comme la taille souvent négligées notamment pour les Citrus d'ornement ou de jardins familiaux. Ces facteurs ont alors pour corollaire le maintien d'arbres à frondaison dense assurant un développement optimum du ravageur;
–  - enfin le développement d'une lutte chimique d'assurance, génératrice de déséquilibres fauniques particulièrement sensibles au niveau des acariens par élimination d'une partie de l'entomofaune prédatrice ou au niveau des cochenilles telles queAspidiotus nerii Bouché ouParlatoria pergandei Comst. par destruction de l'entomofaune parasitaire utile.
Le potentiel de ces ravageurs, pour la plupart plurivoltins, est souvent très important et les conditions climatiques favorables jointes à la persistance pendant toute l'année de la frondaison assurent des niveaux de populations très élevés.  相似文献   
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