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Evolution of oxygen and turnover of cytochromes b-563 and ? were measured upon illumination of isolated intact spinach chloroplasts with a series of flashes. The flash yield of cytochrome ? oxidation approximated the sum of the yields of cytochrome b-563 reduction and electron transfer through Photosystem II, regardless of whether HCO?3, 3-phosphoglycerate or O2 served as the terminal electron acceptor. No absorbance contribution from cytochrome b-559 was discerned within the time range studied. Some pseudocyclic electron flow occurred when both HCO?3 and 3-phosphoglycerate were omitted, and possibly also during induction of photosynthesis; however, the flash yield data suggest that O2 is not reduced at a significant rate during steady state photosynthesis. The maximum rate of cytochrome ? turnover (1000 μequiv./mg chlorophyll per h) was adequate to support the highest rates of photosynthesis observed in isolated chloroplasts.These results agree with the concept that cytochrome ? is a component both of the linear and cyclic pathways whereas cytochrome b-563 functions only in the cyclic pathway. NH4Cl decreased the half time of cytochrome b-563 oxidation from 11.6 to 8.2 ms and decreased the half time of cytochrome ? reduction from 7.2 to 2.8 ms. The cyclic and linear pathways thus seem to be jointly regulated by a transthylakoid H+ gradient through a common control point on the reducing side of cytochrome ?. Cyclic turnover also increased during the induction phase of photosynthesis, when linear throughput is limited by the rate of utilization of NADPH. The slow rise in the P-518 transient correlated with increased cyclic activity under the above conditions.It is proposed that flexibility in the utilization of linear and cyclic pathways allows the chloroplast to generate ATP and NADPH in ratios appropriate to varying needs.  相似文献   
Delayed fluorescence from Rhodopseudomonas viridis membrane fragments has been studied using a phosphoroscope employing single, short actinic flashes, under conditions of controlled redox potential and temperature. The emission spectrum shows that delayed fluorescence is emitted by the bulk, antenna bacteriochlorophyll. The energy for delayed fluorescence, however, must be stored in a reaction-center complex including the photooxidized form (P+) of the primary electron-donor (P) and the photoreduced form (X?) of the primary electron-acceptor. This is shown by the following observations: (1) Delayed luminescence is quenched (a) at low redox potentials which allow cytochromes to reduce P+ rapidly after the flash, (b) at higher redox potentials which, by oxidizing P chemically, prevent the photochemical formation of P+X?, and (c) upon transfer of an electron from X? to a secondary acceptor, Y. (2) Under conditions that prevent the reduction of P+ by cytochromes and the oxidation of X? by Y, the decay kinetics of delayed fluorescence are identical with those of P+X?, as measured from optical absorbance changes.The main decay route for P+X? under these conditions has a rate-constant of approximately 103 s?1. In contrast, a comparison of the intensities of delayed and prompt fluorescence indicates that the process in which P+X? returns energy to the bulk bacteriochlorophyll has a rate-constant of 3.7 s?1, at 295 °K and pH 7.8. The decay kinetics of P+X? and delayed fluorescence change little with temperature, whereas the intensity of delayed fluorescence increases with increasing temperature, having an activation energy of 12.5 kcal · mol?1. We conclude that the main decay route involves tunneling of an electron from X? to P+, without the promotion of P to an excited state. Delayed fluorescence requires such a promotion, followed by transfer of energy to the bulk bacteriochlorophyll, and this combination of events is rare. The activation energy, taken with potentiometric data, indicates that the photochemical conversion of PX to P+X? results in increases of both the energy and the entropy of the system, by 16.6 kcal · mol?1 and 8.8 cal · mol?1 · deg?1. The intensity of delayed fluorescence depends strongly on the pH; the origin of this effect remains unclear.  相似文献   
The proliferation and differentiation of antigen‐specific B cells, including the generation of germinal centers (GC), are prerequisites for long‐lasting, antibody‐mediated immune protection. Affinity for antigen determines B cell recruitment, proliferation, differentiation, and competitiveness in the response, largely through determining access to T cell help. However, how T cell‐derived signals contribute to these outcomes is incompletely understood. Here, we report how the signature cytokine of follicular helper T cells, IL‐21, acts as a key regulator of the initial B cell response by accelerating cell cycle progression and the rate of cycle entry, increasing their contribution to the ensuing GC. This effect occurs over a wide range of initial B cell receptor affinities and correlates with elevated AKT and S6 phosphorylation. Moreover, the resultant increased proliferation can explain the IL‐21‐mediated promotion of plasma cell differentiation. Collectively, our data establish that IL‐21 acts from the outset of a T cell‐dependent immune response to increase cell cycle progression and fuel cyclic re‐entry of B cells, thereby regulating the initial GC size and early plasma cell output.  相似文献   
程东亚  李旭东  杨江州 《生态学报》2020,40(4):1161-1174
归一化植被指数(Normalized Difference Vegetation Index,NDVI)是反映植被生长的重要指标,探究其时空变化特征,对生态保护、退耕还林和灾害防治具有重要意义。选取2000—2015年贵州沅江流域典型年份NDVI,采用重心分析、标准差椭圆、地理加权回归等方法,从干旱视角探究流域NDVI变化和降水敏感性。得出以下结论:(1)2000—2015年贵州沅江流域NDVI总体处于上升趋势,植被正在改善,期间西部植被改善最为明显,退耕还林还草取得较好成果。(2)2000—2015年贵州沅江流域干旱年与正常年NDVI空间变化趋势不一致,干旱程度对植被影响具有区域差异。(3)贵州沅江流域NDVI与降水呈负相关,空间敏感性自西向东递增,降水对流域西部喀斯特山区NDVI影响更明显。(4)2000—2015年贵州沅江流域NDVI时段变化与降水主要为负相关,降水越多NDVI时段变化敏感性越弱,退耕还林还草工程应重点放在负敏感区。研究结果可为退耕还林还草和干旱灾害防治提供科学参考。  相似文献   
R. A. Chylla  G. Garab  J. Whitmarsh 《BBA》1987,894(3):562-571
We used two different techniques to measure the recovery time of Photosystem II following the transfer of a single electron from P-680 to QA in thylakoid membranes isolated from spinach. Electron transfer in Photosystem II reaction centers was probed first by spectroscopic measurements of the electrochromic shift at 518 nm due to charge separation within the reaction centers. Using two short actinic flashes separated by a variable time interval we determined the time required after the first flash for the electrochromic shift at 518 nm to recover to the full extent on the second flash. In the second technique the redox state of QA at variable times after a saturating flash was monitored by measurement of the fluorescence induction in the absence of an inhibitor and in the presence of ferricyanide. The objective was to determine the time required after the actinic flash for the fluorescence induction to recover to the value observed after a 60 s dark period. Measurements were done under conditions in which (1) the electron donor for Photosystem II was water and the acceptor was the endogenous plastoquinone pool, and (2) Q400, the Fe2+ near QA, remained reduced and therefore was not a participant in the flash-induced electron-transfer reactions. The electrochromic shift at 518 nm and the fluorescence induction revealed a prominent biphasic recovery time for Photosystem II reaction centers. The majority of the Photosystem II reaction centers recovered in less than 50 ms. However, approx. one-third of the Photosystem II reaction centers required a half-time of 2–3 s to recover. Our interpretation of these data is that Photosystem II reaction centers consist of at least two distinct populations. One population, typically 68% of the total amount of Photosystem II as determined by the electrochromic shift, has a steady-state turnover rate for the electron-transfer reaction from water to the plastoquinone pool of approx. 250 e / s, sufficiently rapid to account for measured rates of steady-state electron transport. The other population, typically 32%, has a turnover rate of approx. 0.2 e / s. Since this turnover rate is over 1000-times slower than normally active Photosystem II complexes, we conclude that the slowly turning over Photosystem II complexes are inconsequential in contributing to energy transduction. The slowly turning over Photosystem II complexes are able to transfer an electron from P-680 to QA rapidly, but the reoxidation of QA is slow (t1/2 = 2 s). The fluorescence induction measurements lead us to conclude that there is significant overlap between the slowly turning over fraction of Photosystem II complexes and PS IIβ reaction centers. One corollary of this conclusion is that electron transfer from P-680 to QA in PS IIβ reaction centers results in charge separation across the membrane and gives rise to an electrochromic shift.  相似文献   
大鼠的初级体感皮层(primary somatosensory cortex,SⅠ)虽然只接受来自对侧胡须的上行输入,但仍可以被同侧胡须刺激所激活.解剖学研究发现,在两侧SⅠ皮层之间有两条传递胡须信息胼胝体通路:一条是类颗粒区(perigranular zone,PGZ)通路;另一条是异颗粒区(dysgranular zone,DZ)通路.然而,哪一条通路在传递胡须刺激信息的过程中起主要作用还不清楚.本研究使用电压敏感染料(voltage-sensitive dye,VSD)成像技术来观察胡须刺激时整个SⅠ的神经元群体活动的空间分布和时间特性.实验发现,对侧胡须刺激首先激活barrel(颗粒区,granular zone,GZ),然后以兴奋波的形式传播到胡须感觉区(sub-barrel field cortex,BFC)外侧的DZ.而与首先激活BFC的对侧胡须刺激不同,同侧胡须刺激首先激活SⅠ的DZ.所激发的皮层兴奋以波的形式传播并扩散至BFC.失活另一侧皮层可以抑制这种同侧反应.电刺激另一侧半球皮层与刺激同侧胡须类似,也首先激活成像侧DZ.我们的实验结果显示,胡须刺激激活对侧SⅠ,在经过胼胝体传导后,另一侧半球的DZ(同侧于被刺激的胡须)被激活.连接双侧皮层DZ区的胼胝体连接在SⅠ对同侧胡须刺激的反应中起了主导作用.  相似文献   
山东植物区系中的特有现象   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
对山东植物区系中的特有现象进行了初步研究。全省共有53个特有种,可分为4种分布式样即全省布型、鲁中南-山东半岛间断分布型、鲁中南山地分布和山东半岛分布型;提出了山东植物区的两个特有现象中心,即崂山昆嵛山中心和泰山蒙山中心,并初步探讨了其形成原因。  相似文献   
Under free-field stimulation conditions, corticofugal regulation of auditory sensitivity of neurons in the central nucleus of the inferior colliculus of the big brown bat, Eptesicus fuscus, was studied by blocking activities of auditory cortical neurons with Lidocaine or by electrical stimulation in auditory cortical neuron recording sites. The corticocollicular pathway regulated the number of impulses, the auditory spatial response areas and the frequency-tuning curves of inferior colliculus neurons through facilitation or inhibition. Corticofugal regulation was most effective at low sound intensity and was dependent upon the time interval between acoustic and electrical stimuli. At optimal interstimulus intervals, inferior colliculus neurons had the smallest number of impulses and the longest response latency during corticofugal inhibition. The opposite effects were observed during corticofugal facilitation. Corticofugal inhibitory latency was longer than corticofugal facilitatory latency. Iontophoretic application of γ-aminobutyric acid and bicuculline to inferior colliculus recording sites produced effects similar to what were observed during corticofugal inhibition and facilitation. We suggest that corticofugal regulation of central auditory sensitivity can provide an animal with a mechanism to regulate acoustic signal processing in the ascending auditory pathway. Accepted: 15 July 1998  相似文献   
肌酸酶(Creatinase,EC水解肌酸生成尿素和肌氨酸,是肌酐多酶级联检测中的关键酶.为进一步解析产碱杆菌来源肌酸酶的催化机理,利用蛋白质同源建模、分子对接、丙氨酸扫描技术分析了酶与底物的相互作用,并聚焦于酶活性中心4个功能未知的保守位点Phe64、Asp102、Phe252、Phe321,通过将...  相似文献   
Neural cortical cells, isolated from prenatal rat cerebra, were grown on surface-modified poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid, 65:35) (PLGA) films coated with poly-D-lysine (PDL) with either laminin (LN), fibronectin (FN) or collagen (CN). Immunocytochemistry showed that the isolated cells were highly immunopositive for both neurofilament and MAP-2 with well-organized neurites and somatodendritic localization. The presence of PDL with LN or FN on the PLGA films was essential for increased neural cell growth. Also, PLGA films coated with either PDL/LN or PDL/FN mixtures had higher neurite outgrowth and regular differentiation.Revisions requested 30 September 2004; Revisions received 10 November 2004  相似文献   
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