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Bt玉米光合作用和生长性状的变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
聂呈荣  骆世明  王建武 《生态学报》2006,26(6):1957-1963
在华南地区种植美国先锋公司的Bt玉米34824与其非转基因近等基因系34823,比较它们的光合作用和部分重要的生理生长性状。结果表明,Bt玉米由于Bt基因的插入和表达使植株得到保护,受玉米螟危害的叶片显著减少;但Bt玉米植株的光合作用和部分生理生长性状也发生了一定的变化。与其非转基因近等基因系34823相比,虽然Bt玉米34824的胞问CO2浓度变化不大;并且在绝大多数生长时期,Bt玉米的蒸腾速率和气孔导度大于的非转基因玉米;但是从生长中期始,Bt玉米的净光合速率却一直小于非转基因玉米,在生长后期,这种差异甚至达到显著水平。在生长性状方面,各时期观察到的Bt玉米植株叶片数一直略少于非转基因玉米,表明Bt玉米的生长发育受到一定的延缓。同时,Bt玉米植株的株高变矮,单株叶面积变小,根系活力显著降低。在地下部,Bt玉米34824的植株根系总长度、根总表面积、根总体积和平均根直径均小于相对应的非转基因近等基因系34823。  相似文献   
Genetically modified (GM) cotton altered for insect and herbicide resistance released into commercial production in 1996 to 1997 now accounts for the lion's share of cotton acreage in the U.S. The rapid increase in transgenic cotton acreage in such a short period of time attests to the overall success of agricultural biotechnology. Grower satisfaction with transgenic cotton is largely due to several significant benefits, such as lower production costs, streamlined yet flexible management, and a reduced impact on the environment. This review article provides an overview of what has been accomplished thus far, as well as what improved germplasm may lurk on the horizon. A critical assessment of the gene delivery systems in cotton and possible targets for improvement is presented. The performance of the first generation of transgenic cotton plants engineered for insect, disease, or herbicide resistance is evaluated from the perspective of the benefits, the limitations that impact field performance, and management strategies. A few traits that hold future promise for increasing fiber productivity, enhancing and/or increasing the novelty of cotton-based products for the consumer, and improving human health and well-being are presented. Above all, cotton biotechnology offers to greatly enhance breeding programs by introducing novel traits that have eluded more traditional plant improvement methods and therefore will likely play an increasingly important role in the genetic improvement of cotton.  相似文献   
双酶法制备玉米皮膳食纤维的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用蛋白酶和淀粉酶结合水解制备玉米皮膳食纤维,通过正交试验确立了玉米皮膳食纤维的双酶法制备工艺。双酶法制备的玉米皮膳食纤维的产率为59.4%,膳食纤维的蛋白质量分数为0.82%,淀粉质量分数为1.42%,灰分为0.4%,水分质量分数为8.6%,持水力为5.9±0.4 g.g-1。  相似文献   
竹笋深加工及其功能活性研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
竹笋是一种高蛋白、低脂肪、富纤维的食品.本文综述了竹笋膳食纤维、活性多糖、含氮化合物等深加工产品的制备方法,比较了不同方法对竹笋深加工产品纯度、得率、功能活性等方面的影响;对竹笋改善肠功能、抗氧化、调节血脂血糖、消炎抗肿等方面的功能活性进行了论述;分析了目前竹笋深加工过程中存在的问题,对今后研究的方向、重点和趋势进行了展望.  相似文献   
以玉米秸秆为原料,以麸皮和异Vc钠生产废液(WEP)为辅料进行生物蛋白饲料固态发酵研究.通过菌种配伍试验,确定了混菌发酵菌种为白地霉、产朊假丝酵母和枯草芽孢杆菌.在此基础上通过单因素优化试验确定了秸秆蛋白饲料的最优发酵条件:以玉米秸秆(5 g)和麸皮(1 g)为基料,4%WEP营养液,固液比1:4(g/mL),初始pH值4.5;以麸皮浸汁作种子培养液,种龄24 h,各菌接种比例为产朊假丝酵母∶白地霉∶枯草芽孢杆菌=3:1:1,接种量2 mL;28℃、静置发酵2 d,在此条件下,秸秆饲料中真蛋白含量为6.21%,比对照提高了23.95%.该研究为秸秆和异Vc钠生产废液的高质化利用提供了新的思路和途径.  相似文献   
细胞的有丝分裂与细胞的增殖、分化及胚胎发育、组织器官形成、损伤组织的修复和疾病的发生有关.各种物理因素、细胞所处的微环境(包括细胞外基质、细胞粘附)等,以及胞内的多种信号因子均能对细胞的有丝分裂方向产生影响.大量文献表明,应力纤维的排列为有丝分裂中心粒分离和定位提供轨道,最终影响纺锤体和有丝分裂的定向.本实验室的micro-pattern和静态单轴拉伸应变实验进一步提示了应力纤维的排布方式是影响有丝分裂方向的重要因素.本文围绕着应力纤维的排布对有丝分裂方向的影响这一研究观点,综述分析了整合素介导的细胞外粘附-黏着斑的组装-应力纤维的排布-有丝分裂纺锤体定向等一系列影响贴壁哺乳动物细胞有丝分裂定向的过程.并根据酵母模型,对哺乳动物细胞有丝分裂定向过程的分子机制进行了介绍;在该过程中肌球蛋白、动力蛋白和kar9等蛋白质起到重要作用.  相似文献   
Light gradients and spectral regime were measured in Lactuca sativa L. cv. Grand Rapids achenes using fiber optic microsensors. The distribution of scattered light across lettuce achenes was linear for 660 and 730 nm and non-linear for 450 nm light. Spectra for scattered light within intact achenes also showed a non-linear increase with wavelength. The preferential attenuation of blue light by the pericarp and seed explains in part the relative ineffectiveness of blue light with respect to red in triggering germination of lettuce. Calculated action spectra for phytochrome-stimulated germination agree closely in the red with experimentally derived action spectra; however, there is little agreement within the blue.  相似文献   
Summary The purified (H+ATPase from corn roots plasma membrane inserted spontaneously into preformed bilayer from soybean lipids. The yield of the protein insertion, as measured from its H+-pumping activity, increased as a function of lipids and protein concentrations. In optimum conditions, all the (H+)ATPase molecules were closely associated with liposomes, exhibiting a high H+-pumping activity (150,000% quenching· min–1·mg–1 protein of the probe 9-amino-6-chloro-2-methoxyacridine). The insertion was achieved within a few seconds. No latency of the (H+)ATPase hydrolytic activity was revealed when lysophosphatidylcholine was added to permeabilize the vesicles. This indicated that the (H+)ATPase molecules inserted unidirectionally, the catalytic sites being exposed outside the vesicles (inside-out orientation), and thus freely accessible to Mg-ATP. The nondelipidated (H+)ATPase could also functionally insert into bilayer from PCPEPG or PCPEPI, due to the presence of both hydrophobic defects promoted by PE, and negative phospholipids specifically required by the (H+)ATPase from corn roots. The detergent octylglucoside facilitated the delipidated (H+)ATPase reinsertion probably by promoting both a proper protein conformation and hydrophobic defects in the bilayer. Lysophosphatidylcholine facilitated the delipidated protein insertion only when hydrophobic defects were already present, and thus seemed only capable to ensure a proper protein conformation  相似文献   
二代玉米螟为害玉米产量损失研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】研究二代亚洲玉米螟Ostrinia furnacalis(Guenee)为害对玉米产量的影响。【方法】以"先玉335"为供试玉米品种,通过人工接虫模拟二代玉米螟不同发生量为害玉米对产量损失的影响。【结果】随着接卵量增加,虫孔数和蛀孔隧道长度增加,玉米单穗粒重降低。单株虫孔数每增加1个,玉米产量损失率增加4.52%;隧道长度每增加10 cm,产量损失率增加8.34%。接卵量与玉米产量损失率的关系符合方程z=-10.0297+4.034 ln(x)。【结论】根据害虫经济阈值的定义,推算出二代玉米螟的防治指标为百株累积卵量12.8块,对二代玉米螟的防治决策具有重要指导作用。  相似文献   
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